Four Loko Is the Devil

I'm looking to hear from the college monkeys today, and any Streeters that fall into the "bro" category who might have an opinion on the matter. For the past few weeks I've been hearing about Four Loko and all the ways it's hastening the decline of Western Civilization, and I need to know if this stuff is legit. The latest news is that it is being blamed in the alcohol poisoning of several CWU students earlier this month, prompting the Washington state Attorney General to call for a statewide ban on Four Loko (and others like it, to be fair).

Dubbed "Blackout in a Can" and "Liquid Co***ne", it has taken college campuses by storm since its 2009 introduction, and a few schools have already banned the heady brew. A potent mix of alcohol and caffeine, Four Loko drinkers are clocking BAC's up to .40 in hospital emergency rooms nationwide. A Facebook Fan Page has sprung up with lurid tales of Four Loko debauchery, the Yale Daily News has a hilarious piece on it, and Four Loko

are all over YouTube.

One fan of the beverage, who requested anonymity because he's afraid of Goldman, said of the Watermelon variety: "it smells like a jolly rancher, tastes like a butthole."

Indeed, many of those who have tasted the beverage describe it similarly. It's like some sort of rotten fruit mixed with battery acid, though some flavors taste better than others, according to Alison Greenberg.

"The cranberry lemonade tastes the least like a bodily function," she went on to say, adding that watermelon flavor is "deceivingly awful."

The appeal must not, then, be the taste.

Another fan, who also requested anonymity because she’s afraid of Goldman, said the beverage grants a different sort of drunk than drinking three light beers or taking three one-ounce shots of hard liquor.

“You get way drunker... an ‘I dont remember what the fuck happened kind of drunk,’” she said.

So is this stuff for real? It's approaching the level of bona fide cultural phenomenon, and all this bad press has to be fantastic for sales. How many of these have you put down at one time? Any good "stabbed my roommate in the neck and then blacked out" stories? In my younger and less prudent days, my crew and I would have probably referred to this stuff as "LPR". Anyone have anything to report on that front?

Is it just another fad, or does it really signal the End Times? Banning it seems kinda ridiculous to me, but what do you guys think? How badass would it be to order a Four Loko during happy hour with an MD?

And why isn't it available in France, dammit?!?!


This is relevant to my interests.

"After you work on Wall Street it’s a choice, would you rather work at McDonalds or on the sell-side? I would choose McDonalds over the sell-side.” - David Tepper

some quotes from another forum;

"3 and a half cans. I didnt get out of bed the next day other than to puke"

"visited my old school a last weekend, some kid drank 3 of these and a few beers and had to get his stomach pumped, fun times. "

"first time I had one, i thought i had been given roofies"

"i had a theory about this stuff. a lot of guys get drunk and want to rape someone, but most of the time, if they're that drunk, they don't have the energy or dexterity to do so. fourloko takes care of that problem! who might benefit from such a horrible thing? it was the rape industry. four loko is manufactured by the rape industry."

"After you work on Wall Street it’s a choice, would you rather work at McDonalds or on the sell-side? I would choose McDonalds over the sell-side.” - David Tepper
Edmundo Braverman:
who might benefit from such a horrible thing? it was the rape industry. four loko is manufactured by the rape industry."


I hate the rape industry. Those fuckers are worse than Big Tobacco.

Yeah, they are also the one pushing whistle sales. The funny thing about rape whistles is, they don't stop you from being over powered and raped unmercifully...they just keep you busy enough so you are unable to cry for help. Coincidence?? I think not. Nothing but vultures I tell you, and Main Streeters think Wall Streeters are the predators? Boy have they been fleeced.


"The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they're ignorant, it's just that they know so much that isn't so." - Ronald Reagan

My experiences with Four Loco:

We made an innovation during my junior year of college. It's called the beer mate…

I'm sure some of you may have heard/seen this on your campus. It works like a syringe, pushing the beer down your throat so far that you don't even know you just chugged a can of beer in 2 seconds. Revolutionized the process!

We'll, it was our bright idea to use Four Loko's instead of beer one night. Worked like a miracle, couldn't taste it, and it only took about 4 seconds to finish it off.

Worst mistake of my life...I ended up face down with no pants on in the back alley of a shopping center, my fried wound up in jail for breaking into someone's house thinking it was his, and we didn't find the other one for 2 days..were calling the cops/his parents/ friends, we thought he was kidnapped..

All in all...a wonderful experience that I will never do again


I've had the original Four, which apparently is the weaker version, but it's basically red bull and alcohol in a can. The main ingredients are caffeine, taurine, guarana, and alcohol. I didn't crush a bunch of Fours, but several of those could really ruin your night if poorly timed.

Some additional research has yielded that there is Four MaXed in the Neitherlands, that might be the closest you get Ed.


I do not drink this sugary bullshit. My friends do, however, and this drank will get you fucked out of your mind, especially if you don't binge regularly. More importantly, and the reason for my post, is the hangover that you will have from this shit. Don't say I didn't warn you.

One wretched morning, while waiting outside our house's ONLY bathroom to take my beer shit, I listened through the paper-thin bathroom door as my roommate helicopter-ed around our bathroom, covering everything but the inside of the toilet with diarrhea and vomit, which were actually indistinguishable from each other. This was after 3 four loko the night before. The worst part was that after he showered, cleaned the bathroom, and showered again, he said that he would rather go through all of that again than experience the throbbing pain in his stomach

I don't fuck with it.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I tend to think of myself as a one-man wolfpack Buyside strongside
Buster McGillicudy:
I feel obligated to try this stuff now...

Eddie you want to hop on a Leer and come rage in New Orleans at VoodooFest this Friday?

I love Halloween on Bourbon Street, but Voodoo just isn't my dance. A buddy of mine owns the meat pie company in Natchitoches, and he conned me into working the meat pie booth at Voodoo in 2002. Some decent music (Crystal Method, No Doubt, 311), but the crowd just sucked. I can't tell you how many high school kids came up to me baked out of their fucking minds asking me what they could buy for a dollar.

My buddy decided to sell nachos in addition to the pies, which was a great business decision but sucked ass for me, as I was forced to deal with stoned teenagers for the duration. Never again.


I never heard about it until I found it being sold at the liquor store around the corner from my apartment. I knew it had to be bad, so I called a few friends of mine that are still in college (They were freshmen in my Fraternity when I was a Senior) to get the scoop and they all said it was a blackout drunk experience. I opted to not buy it when I saw that it was 12% ABV, 24oz and chock full of Red Bull/Monster/Amp. I could never drink Jaegerbombs (or anything else with Caffeine and Liquor except for Sambucca and Coffee because it actually is a very mild and subdued dessert pairing) because I don't like the alcohol/caffeine mix.

I did try this stuff though, the Lemonade flavor, and after a sip, I wanted to call it a night. I saw some college buddies a few weeks ago and they were all about Pregaming with this crap. So, he gives everyone a can and I ask him where's the beer/liquor and he goes this is better. I tell him I don't want to waste a can on something I won't like or be able to finish at 24oz deep. He agrees, remembering how much of an asshole I was when he couldn't finish a bottle of good beer in College and lets me have a sip of his. I could not stand it. It tasted like malt liquor mixed with horrific food additives and reeked of saccharin. I was thankful that he had some real beer and liquor because I could see how bad this shit could get and opted to drink his cache of Amstel instead. So, my friends are all about 2 cans deep and I can tell this is going to be bad, like real bad. So, I kinda suggest we leave, and they all are in agreement. We get to the first bar and they are already sloshed because of this stuff. I give the Irish goodbye and get the hell out of dodge before I can be considered to be part of this potential disasterpiece theater. I ended up leaving them to meet up with a few of my buddies and watch College Football to salvage the night. So I call one of the guys I was drinking with and he was complaining how he didn't remember how he got that drunk or the wicked hangover and I just laughed, told him to get back to sleep and call it a lost night.

When I related this story to my fraternity brother, he laughed and said that when the younger kids (the current generation of college freshmen and sophomores) drink, for them 2-3 of these things makes the entire night go round and told me about one of our younger brothers who, after a night of 3 4Lokos, beer and liquor ended up passed out in the bushes in front of a fraternity house 4 blocks away from ours since he decided he wanted to go to sleep right there instead of in his bed.

To echo Rooster's point, this is a wicked hangover. Sugar Content + Booze Content + Caffeine does not bode well. A High Sugar induced hangover is not something you want. I would rather take a Jack Daniels hangover than I would a hangover from this crap. Plus, a Sugar induced hangover produces some of the worst effects of a hangover ever. While I might be drinking something stronger with Jack Daniels, my body won't need to process the extra sugar found in 4Loko, making the hangover much more manageable. Factor in the fact that you are mixing a stimulant with a depressant and you will see bad results as well. This is just a recipe for disaster.

What bothers me most is that this is a 12% ABV drink in 24oz. Most other malt energy drinks are in the 7-9% range and are served in 16oz cans. So less volume and ABV, which is better than this. For any beer drinker, 12% beer is something that can knock you on your ass. IF anyone's ever had a few too many Blithering Idiots or Mad Elf, then you know what I mean. Disguise the taste, double the volume and and caffeine and you have something that will do more harm than good.


A friend of mine had 1 can of this shit on a friday night and didn't come out of his room until Monday. He proclaimed it needed to be banned.


So clearly this is the wrong forum to come to when it comes to drinking questions. Each can is around 5 beers worth of alcohol so the only people that are getting blackout are those that don't crush at least 15 drinks within a short period whenever they go out. Some of my fraternity brothers from school put down 3 of these and then go out. When we make RBV's we'll use roughly 3-4 shots worth of vodka and just top it off with Red Bull anyway so it's pretty comparable to this stuff. The problem with it is that people who don't have a tolerance will chug it in an attempt to blackout and, upon blacking out, go online and write about it.

So clearly this is the wrong forum to come to when it comes to drinking questions. Each can is around 5 beers worth of alcohol so the only people that are getting blackout are those that don't crush at least 15 drinks within a short period whenever they go out. Some of my fraternity brothers from school put down 3 of these and then go out. When we make RBV's we'll use roughly 3-4 shots worth of vodka and just top it off with Red Bull anyway so it's pretty comparable to this stuff. The problem with it is that people who don't have a tolerance will chug it in an attempt to blackout and, upon blacking out, go online and write about it.

Well if we're getting uber male and comping-off on drinking: a normal pre-lash for us would be 75cl (100cl if feeling frisky) of vodka then go out, 2 bottles of wine and some beer or 3liters of White Ace (cheap horrible cider). AND my personal record for pints of snakebite in 3 hours; 22 (and then go out after).

UK Rugby club drinking > US frat drinking

"After you work on Wall Street it’s a choice, would you rather work at McDonalds or on the sell-side? I would choose McDonalds over the sell-side.” - David Tepper

good if you need to get drunk very quickly and are extremely poor ($2) (at least im assuming that was their initial target demographic). the mix of alcohol and energy drink gives you a pretty energetic buzz, but as people above have mentioned....the hangover. absolutely awful. you can feel years of your life being swept away.

There are some competitors out there like Joose that do the same thing. Also saw something called MaxVibe a few years back. was only on the gas station shelves for about 2 weeks though. beware

european info, but yet to see it anywhere in the UK:

"I can calculate the motion of heavenly bodies but not the madness of people"

How does this stuff compare with Crunk Juice? I know Crunk Juice has 12%ABV, but is the size and rest of the ingredients similar?


I used to drink Sparks and had fun (not regularly, but they would sometime sponsor events I went to). I haven't tried 4Loko, but it sounds like a much more alcoholic version of Sparks. It will probably end the same way, with people getting heart attacks and suing the shit out of the company until it takes out the caffine.


Man, I am officially old. I have never heard of this shit and once I read the post I just shook my head in disgust. Since when did drinking like a homeless man become cool?

Give me PBR or some hard liquor. This shit is for high school kids.

Non Target Master:
is anything like this avail. in canada?

Lets go hunt this shit down.

Alternatively, JDs and Red Bull should get the job done.

I win here, I win there...

Personally, I'm a fan. Lately, I've been starting the night with 1 of 2 of these before heading to the bars. They taste like shit but are a cheap and fun pregame. The people that are blacking out on 2 of these are honestly not used to binge drinking.


shot glass = 1.5 oz four loko = 24 oz = 16 shots

At 12% ABV, 1 can is roughly equivalent to 5 shots of 80 proof alcohol.

I agree with everyone else, tastes like shit; they obviously aren't using top shelf ingredients for this, not that it matters for it's purpose.


I rather drink a gallon of paint than have another can of this shit. As the OP quoted, watermelon actually takes like vomit.

For a cheap drunk, filled with god knows what kind of carcinogens on the inside, I prefer MD 20/20 Mad Dog: Blue flavor at a staggering 3 bucks.

Might I also add that Loko results in god awful hangovers especially if you mix it up with everything else you drink that night.


I go to school in NC and this stuff is everywhere, it flies off the shelves of the gas station right next to campus. I don't think it will last though because its only a matter of time before it is illegal o at least toned considerably like Sparks were. (Sparks were forced to remove the caffeine from their drinks I'm almost certain) I think its inevitable because you have to think of how dangerous this stuff is when it comes to high school and middle school kids. It's much easier for a kid to get his hands on a couple $3 drinks that look like energy drinks and are filled with sugar than a case full of beer. A 15 year old drinking one four loko quick enough will most likely black out and after two, they are going to the hospital. As soon as parents of younger children become aware of these things there is going to be a public outcry.

In the meantime I'll continue to go loco for my lokos.

I go to school in NC and this stuff is everywhere, it flies off the shelves of the gas station right next to campus. I don't think it will last though because its only a matter of time before it is illegal o at least toned considerably like Sparks were. (Sparks were forced to remove the caffeine from their drinks I'm almost certain) I think its inevitable because you have to think of how dangerous this stuff is when it comes to high school and middle school kids. It's much easier for a kid to get his hands on a couple $3 drinks that look like energy drinks and are filled with sugar than a case full of beer. A 15 year old drinking one four loko quick enough will most likely black out and after two, they are going to the hospital. As soon as parents of younger children become aware of these things there is going to be a public outcry.

In the meantime I'll continue to go loco for my lokos.

The 15 year old kids drinking this stuff deserve whatever comes as a result of them breaking the law. I am so tired of every rule/law being rewritten because no one wants to be responsible for themselves. Are we going to have to implement a national color coding system so we all know what is good, kinda good, bad, kinda bad and really bad for us?


"The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they're ignorant, it's just that they know so much that isn't so." - Ronald Reagan

my roomate drinks this shit all the time. its terrible and the simple ingredients are a recipe for disaster. Its hittin up my campus pretty hard


Oh, for fuck's sake. Is it just me, or is the college-aged American consumer getting dumber by the year? A beverage like this shouldn't exist.

--- man made the money, money never made the man

I completely agree with CPH and mr1234. These kids are fucking retarded. Next thing you know paint thinner will be the drink of choice. I hope they find loco causes terminal cancer so we can eliminate a sub section of the population.

Anthony .:
I completely agree with CPH and mr1234. These kids are fucking retarded. Next thing you know paint thinner will be the drink of choice. I hope they find loco causes terminal cancer so we can eliminate a sub section of the population.

Chill out people. These kids are just having some fun. It seems like gettnig blackout drunk from this drink and having an adventure is something you do once so you have a good story. If a few people die or are nearly killed in the process, well that just adds to the fun. I personally think they should put this in high school vending machines.


People here in Ohio drink it all the time. the biggest problem is that people don't have any idea how much alcohol is in it. They will pick it up thinking its a large beer and pound two or three of them before it hits them. The energy drink ingredients all make the night more interesting but add to the hangover.

My room mates girlfriend was talking about how she had two at a bonfire and ended up puking the night away and couldn't understand why until we explained she downed 12 beers worth of alcohol in a matter of an hour.

People just need to look at the labels on these things, know what is in them and take caution accordingly.


I'm telling you if these kids are passing out from so little then they're definitely lightweights. I've seen one of my roommates put four of these away within a couple of hours and while he was pretty drunk, it wasn't anything he couldn't handle. He's a pretty heavy drinker though, I have to say.


Four Lokos are legit. I have to agree that the kids who are getting sick are lightweights. I mean people have been crushing vodka red-bulls for years with limited mishaps.

Think about it. you can go to your bro's place to pre game with a case of bud lights or a bottle of jack, orrrr you could save time/money by swinging to the gas station and getting a few four lokos....Genius.


A 4loko is = 4 beers. These stories are pathetic... the stories of all of these failures passing out or raping their frat brother are guys who would be puking after a couple beer bongs anyways. This stuff does not need to be banned it needs a disclaimer "Not intended for women or children".

For grownups it is a great cost efficient way to get your energy up and your thinking down, after a long hard week of dealing with people who would probably end up in a bush after drinking one of these.

Still not sure if I want to spend the next 30+ years grinding away in corporate finance and the WSO dream chase or look to have enough passive income to live simply and work minimally.

This stuff is awesome. It's the best way to get fucked up drunk under $5. 2 cans and you're good for the night-- not just buzzed but not too drunk.

People trying to recall it are ignorant and have no self control or insight into how much they can/should drink of this stuff.


People who are puking or passing out after drinking this either weigh 75 pounds or are completely retarded. If you look at the can you can read that it is much stronger than a beer. One of these things is a good way to get your buzz, but if you drink 4 of them you deserve whatever you get. No, these aren't magically going to have you black out after drinking one.


if you want to, dare yourself drink the shit...i dared myself after a round of golf and beers, thew and I decided that we needed to get loose before we hit the tit bar after the round. so we bought the shit. smelled fruity, so, we were like lets get shitty, and BOY did we get shitty, this shit had me shittin my shorts after my stomach shitted in my mouth. the shit is horrible and made us throw-up and yack...needless to say the strippers appreciated us, and the wife asked why i went back to drinking mad dog 20/20, did you go back to your delt days she asked?.....anywho the shit blows but can provide for good story telling.


So I am eating hummus at a place near me and I look down and what do I see?

Four Loco!!!

I started cracking up. Now I think I need to drink one of these suckers.


Four Loko, Joose, all that shit is fucking heinous when it comes to taste but I'll be the first to admit that I've tried them all....nothing that crazy about them really just like everyone else has already said, if you have a couple of these and blackout, piss yourself, whatever, you probably have a vagina

If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses - Henry Ford

The stuff is legit! I go to the #1 party school in the nation and I can testify that this drink alone propelled us to the top of the rankings. I tried to pregame with two and i ended up fucked up before I got downtown.

stole the words right out of my mouth, although i added some jack to the mix which made things interesting.


Damn you and your time zones Braverman!!! Again, after reading the article, I dug this thread up in the hopes of casting this new revelation but you beat me to it, lol.

Anyways, I can't say I blame the company, Four Loko is a lawsuit in a can and it's just a matter of time before someone dies and the "parents" walk away with a good chunk of change.

To answer your question though...the person(s) that fucked it up for everybody else are either little bitches that need a babysitter because they can't make their own adult decisions or are little bitches that feel we aren't capable of making our own adult decisions and therefore, we need a babysitter. Cliff notes: little bitches.

This explains why I slept so well last night. I must have subconsciously known the country is now much safer.


"The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they're ignorant, it's just that they know so much that isn't so." - Ronald Reagan

Ohh, I've also created a new drink, it's called a Crazy Bull and you mix Four Loko (new, improved, caffeine-less) with a Red Bull.

Back to square one before the FDA can even enact the ban!!


"The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they're ignorant, it's just that they know so much that isn't so." - Ronald Reagan

Well Eddie, now you see why so many people are railing against it... I refuse to drink it for many of the reasons you stated above. I've watched college kids drink and see their nights go from good to bad to ugly in the blink of a funnel of this. You're right, 3 shots of bourbon, a triple of espresso and a punch to the face would be better than a Four Loko. At least you'll remember why your buddy punched you in the first place.

Beantown, not all booze is created equally, and not all booze does the same thing. Say that after having a bottle of Tactical Nuclear Penguine, Sink the Bismark or a Utopia. Just for reference, a 12oz bottle of TNP put me on my ass and one bomber made me drunker than I had been in a very long time.

My take on Four Lokos - If some college kid wants to abuse 'em, let 'em, but I'm gonna pass on it.


It was, by far, the single most disgusting drink I've ever had in my life. If I had to imagine, I would think an abortion flowing into my mouth would actually taste better than this drink.

It was, by far, the single most disgusting drink I've ever had in my life. If I had to imagine, I would think an abortion flowing into my mouth would actually taste better than this drink.

Four Lokos are awesome and we used to have them at all of our parties until recently. The only flavor I didn't like was the Blue Raspberry with the Lemon Lime being my favorite.


You know what's even crazier than Four Loko? "The Candy Shop." Get a forty of malt liquor. Drink half. Pour a Four Loko into the half-empty forty. Enjoy!


Better you than me Eddie. Thanks for taking one for the team, lol.


"The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they're ignorant, it's just that they know so much that isn't so." - Ronald Reagan

Eddie, your getting old.

This is what us Frat-tastic college age kids pound when we are pregaming. Four lokos are what spring break trips are made of. But also I agree with your assessment that they taste horrendous and leave your digestive system in waste. But if you continuously drink them for three days straight, your hangover won't hit you for another 24 hrs, but when it does... Lets just say I compounded this error with the monstrous gaffe of trying to do the 100 mcnugget challenge that Lake Havasu Mcdonalds is so fond of putting up during spring break season.


It doesn't do anything that a combination of energy drinks and alcohol wouldn't make you do. At this point Four Loko is like a placebo that people and especially college kids use as an excuse to do reckless things. It tastes bad (except for maybe the Lemonade flavor, which is more tolerable) and gives you a nasty hangover, but how else can you reach this level of brolicness for so cheap?


FOUR LOKO is SO good. When you're a college student in a fraternity. 6 beers/shots in one can? yes please. The ones sold off the shelves are without caffeine, though. You probably got amped from the sugar.

Last time I drank the loks with some beers I woke up with a bunch of rug burns all over my body. I asked a guy in my fraternity what happened, and I guess after being put to bed by some people that had enough of my energy/drunkenness, I proceeded out into our hallway. Once there, I had a dance competition. With myself, but I thought I was dancing against other people, so I had to do a finishing move. A failed one-handed cartwheel later, and I was covered in rug burns.

I prefer the grape flavor. Takes me back to the days of dimetapp.

All-in-all, it does what its claimed to do. And all the sugar does give you one hell of a headache the next day.

Try Monster, tequila, and skittles together. So much better than Four Loko.

How does someone even come up with that...

If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses - Henry Ford
Try Monster, tequila, and skittles together. So much better than Four Loko.

LOL! Dude, bartender is your calling.


haha Four loko is a top shelf college drink. In terms of its cost, and the energy and buzz it gives you, you can feel great all night and into the morning. I love it. Bought two cases before they stopped selling it to finish off my senior year of school.

Once I graduate though I will really have no interest in drinking it.

And it definitely does not taste great, try orange, best flavor in my opinion.


Man you are way behind though college kids have been drinking this for ages. I remember when Juice first came out we were like holy !@#$ we can get drunk for 3 dollars. Four loko is just the newest and cheapest one... You really should keep it under two each if you can though or you'll be really aggressive. Also really once they removed the caffeine they killed the whole thing... now we need to buy red bull again and that's expensive and doesnt come with alcohol.


My fingers are just now starting to work again after the Lokos-onset polio I'm recovering from. Eddie, thanks for the fun, but let's not do it again, ok? Four adult men, average weight over 200 pounds, should not get there asses handed to them by what would typically look like a chick drink. Thank goodness I'm not in college anymore...I couldn't handle the peer pressure!

A good friend will come and bail you out of jail...but a true friend will be sitting next to you saying, "Damn...that was fun!"

Oh god, Four Loko. I tried some several weeks back just to find out what all the hype is about. I put down a can of the orange flavor, and god the taste is awful. It tasted like someone had mixed a can of orange soda with some malt liquor, vodka, and carbonated urine. By the end of it, my neck muscles were twitching involuntarily as I forced it down my gullet. Very weird buzz too - made me super twitchy, and had a major sugar rush. Each can of the stuff is something like 600 calories of pure sugar. My pancreas and liver were in a race to see which would give out first.

Never again for me and Four Loko - I'll stick to Redbull Vodkas. I make enough bad decisions as it is.

- Capt K - "Prestige is like a powerful magnet that warps even your beliefs about what you enjoy. If you want to make ambitious people waste their time on errands, bait the hook with prestige." - Paul Graham

Haha, all the kids in school here in the city were so upset when they got outlawed or whatever. I don't drink so I have no interest in whether they're available or not, but one of my boys got real aggressive real quick one night. He ended up busting out of our suite into the hall and started messing with some douche boyfriend of a girl on the floor who was visiting that weekend. Turns out he'd downed 2 and was amped out of his gotdamn mind, took 3 of us to pull him back and the kid ended up with carpet burns all over his torso from flailing around on the floor while we held him.

I am permanently behind on PMs, it's not personal.

A friend of mine just introduced me to a really shady place, that sells alcohol to minors, and somehow just got a massive shipment of Four Loko, despite the fact that it has been outlawed in NY last December. He proposed the idea of drinking one of each flavor, and I told him about WSO and Uncle Eddie's opinion on the subject, to which he replied "PUSSY DRINKER!" Tonight we will each be drinking one Four Loko of each flavor, and I entirely expect the consensus you have reached to be 100% accurate.

Men are so simple and so much inclined to obey immediate needs that a deceiver will never lack victims for his deceptions. -Niccolo Machiavelli
A friend of mine just introduced me to a really shady place, that sells alcohol to minors, and somehow just got a massive shipment of Four Loko, despite the fact that it has been outlawed in NY last December. He proposed the idea of drinking one of each flavor, and I told him about WSO and Uncle Eddie's opinion on the subject, to which he replied "PUSSY DRINKER!" Tonight we will each be drinking one Four Loko of each flavor, and I entirely expect the consensus you have reached to be 100% accurate.
May god be wtih you. I fully expect we'll never hear from you again.
- Capt K - "Prestige is like a powerful magnet that warps even your beliefs about what you enjoy. If you want to make ambitious people waste their time on errands, bait the hook with prestige." - Paul Graham

I found out that there is actually more than 4 flavors now, so I wasn't able to try them all out in the same night, I don't think I could have taken any more than four.

The result of four: My brain kind of feels like it got hit by a train, but other than that, I'm alive and well. Sorry Happy, I'll try harder next time.

Edmundo Braverman:
Video tape it. You'll be glad you did.
I already know I'm an asshole when shitfaced. Videotaping it could only be used against me. What if someone tries to blackmail me one day? The last thing I need is concrete evidence of my drunken debaucheries floating around on youtube.
Men are so simple and so much inclined to obey immediate needs that a deceiver will never lack victims for his deceptions. -Niccolo Machiavelli

Well, the non-caffeinated kind isn't illegal in NYC. Everyone seems to think it's banned, but kids at school still have it. You just can't get amped off it anymore like you used to.

I am permanently behind on PMs, it's not personal.
A Posse Ad Esse:
Well, the non-caffeinated kind isn't illegal in NYC. Everyone seems to think it's banned, but kids at school still have it. You just can't get amped off it anymore like you used to.
Go to Long Island and drive out to exit 64. I will show you a place where the caffeinated kind still is legal. The NYS ban on caffeinated Four Loko apparently doesn't apply to gas stations that have connections within the Suffolk Country Police Department.
Men are so simple and so much inclined to obey immediate needs that a deceiver will never lack victims for his deceptions. -Niccolo Machiavelli

Grain alcohol can power a car also. I see no issue outside of the government banning something because the news made a stink about it. Four loko is banned, but redbull and vodka is kosher? Get real. So glad our politicians are protecting us from imaginary boogymen instead of reducing spending or ending a war. Gotta have priorities right.

Grain alcohol can power a car also. I see no issue outside of the government banning something because the news made a stink about it. Four loko is banned, but redbull and vodka is kosher? Get real. So glad our politicians are protecting us from imaginary boogymen instead of reducing spending or ending a war. Gotta have priorities right.

Politicians are the worse, but at least it was banned on the state level ( which is asinine but still legitimate) and not on the federal level.

I am not cocky, I am confident, and when you tell me I am the best it is a compliment. -Styles P

To second what Ant said, you can use Everclear/Grain Alcohol as a half decent emergency substitute for gasoline because it's a fairly good combustable source of energy. I wouldn't use it for significant driving, but it's definitely a good substitute if you need help in a pinch. I do find it kind of amsuing that these companies are distilling the banned version and recycling it. I guess it's good that we can use booze for things other than drinking, provided we up the concentration and purity. Plus, we're recycling everything we've used in the creation of the original drink, so that's gotta count for something.

As to the point you made Ant, regarding one being banned but the other being kosher, I think it's less to do with banning one over the other and more to do with the fact that it's about how things are ingested in the eyes of the Government. Four Loko is a combination of everything in one handy dandy little can to be drank with the intended use of drinking heavily. Vodka + Red Bull doesn't quite have that stigma attached to it. While I agree that there are other, more important issues to resolve, people are stupid and make a big deal over more of the bullshit instead of worrying themselves with the big picture.


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Maxime aut nostrum praesentium occaecati doloremque iusto. Et iure deleniti deserunt porro porro. Possimus quod repellendus quaerat sint delectus similique esse.

At sint saepe sit laudantium. Nulla vel quo aut sed. Dicta earum veniam eius nihil. Itaque commodi explicabo harum consequatur qui et. Voluptatem cum delectus ut itaque aut sed quo dignissimos. Dolores minus et iure voluptates.


Ducimus quasi corrupti enim blanditiis ut. Vero ut occaecati rem optio ut quam.

Vitae officia nobis consequatur quia. Optio veniam ut dolor autem possimus alias molestiae. Deserunt sunt illum eius debitis et. Placeat rerum occaecati corrupti veritatis rerum laborum.

Id et harum rerum dolor repellat quis. Culpa hic sed tempore harum.

Pariatur repellendus explicabo nihil modi natus dignissimos id. Iure ut qui dolore. Atque dolorum minima natus dolor neque ducimus quibusdam.

"You stop being an asshole when it sucks to be you." -IlliniProgrammer "Your grammar made me wish I'd been aborted." -happypantsmcgee

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