Do's and Don'ts of WSO. part 2

If you haven't read the introduction this may read awkwardly. That said, like the best self-help books I'll throw you a money-back guarantee if the following tactics don't improve results.

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Proceed to DO The Following:

1) DO

Give me a reason...I often make analogies to the dating game as it is strikingly similar to your job hunt and career aspirations. You are trying to get someone to give you something. Just use your head. What do they want from you? Do they want to be your guidance counselor? Babysitter? GPA calculator? Top 10 chart maker? Salary info provider?

As you may have noticed...these are all things you want from the person you are contacting. Give guys a reason to like you....offer them something...
No, I do not need box seats to the Yankees

I like the Mets...

Give them the respect of not treating them like a magic 8-ball. Which means if you have never spoken to them before, do not approach them asking for a favor. Build rapport, establish a connection. Give this person a reason to like you, don't be a brat. Be humble. This is not achieved by ass-kissing, it is achieved by building a connection. This CANNOT be accomplished in one PM.

2) DO

Take off the mask. Easy for this guy to say , isn't it?

SPOILER ALERT: If you expect real help, expect to show up like a real person.

That means "Hi, my name is Bob, I go to XYZ and I want do get into 123, can you help?"

I can wear a mask and talk about foo-foo-flops. Your MD can take two cocktail waitresses and pull a Fredo mid-interview... you can't do any of these things

You will do yourself a HUGE FAVOR if you piggy back step #2 onto step #1 one. It shows that you are serious and respectful, the two prerequisites that professional people need in order to vouch for you or place their trust in you.

If you are having trouble securing a job or landing an interview, there is likely to be a huge correlation between your approach and your failure. The overwhelming majority of guys on WSO have solid resumes (if not strong ones).

The attitude you approach an interview or a cold call with, will determine more than your Jedi Knighthood in Excel or your ability to Pimp My DCF!!!

3) DO

Get a life dude! I get're the next Buffet Tudor Soro-Bertson. Well, news to ya, pal...
Nobody really cares

People are looking to bring aboard employees who they'll be able to stand on a daily basis. The main requirements in reality ...are simply: "don't burn the house down" and "don't make me bring a semi-automatic assault weapon to work in order to deal with you".

Nobody cares that you want to take over the world...They want to know you are human being who they will enrich their firm in a variety of ways. Have a hobby an interest or better yet... a personality.

Newsflash: The other guys who want that job are also smart and ambitious .

Show me that I can take you hunting with my drunk buddies and that you won't give them a reason to shoot you by accident .

Now that something you want on your resume.


Follow these rules and you'll have mad bread to break up, if not...back office...6 a.m...everyday...on the wakeup!

Best Response
Midas Mulligan Magoo:
3) DO
Get a life dude! Show me that I can take you hunting with my drunk buddies and that you won't give them a reason to shoot you by accident .

Now that something you want on your resume.

This is the #1 tactical error I see in candidates that apply for jobs. Be a goddamn human. I'm not looking forward to working until 2am with your resume - show me that you've got a bit of personality and that we can bond on a personal level. Being likable is requirement numero uno. If you're boring, an asshole, or I just don't like your face (smile), it really doesn't matter how great your resume is. There's probably another guy with similar credentials that I wouldn't mind having a beer with once in a while.
- Capt K - "Prestige is like a powerful magnet that warps even your beliefs about what you enjoy. If you want to make ambitious people waste their time on errands, bait the hook with prestige." - Paul Graham

3) DO ...Nobody cares that you want to take over the world...They want to know you are human being who they will enrich their firm in a variety of ways. Have a hobby an interest or better yet... a personality.

Newsflash: The other guys who want that job are also smart and ambitious .

Show me that I can take you hunting with my drunk buddies and that you won't give them a reason to shoot you by accident .

Continuing in the same vein, I feel that this is relatively easy to say, but sometimes hard to implement. The question becomes, especially for those that look young, or are in fact one of the few right out of school. I know that I wanted be taken seriously as someone starting their career. What level of professionalism is expected. Where do you draw that line?


I liked the post about "Don'ts" better. Can we keep rolling with the Don'ts??

CompBanker’s Career Guidance Services:
I liked the post about "Don'ts" better. Can we keep rolling with the Don'ts??
i believe he has a point. the don't's usually involve silliness that is very amusing. i like silliness. hence, i like the don't's. gimme don't's.
"... then, lobbest thou thy Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch towards thy foe, who, being naughty in My sight, shall snuff it."


As always well said.

For all you monkeys out there, you attract more flies with honey than you do with vinegar. While I'm not promoting being an ass kisser, a little humility will go a long way in helping you get ahead in life.


As always well said.

For all you monkeys out there, you attract more flies with honey than you do with vinegar. While I'm not promoting being an ass kisser, a little humility will go a long way in helping you get ahead in life.

Not to disagree with the main point you are making, but honey is better at attracting ants. Flies largely don't care about honey. Leave out an open jar of honey and an open garbage can full of rotting stuff , or better yet a steaming turd - that jar of honey would get about as much attention from flies as the vinegar.

More is good, all is better

I agree with the OP. Also, if you don't know these BASICS, I suggest you read such classics as : '' How to Win Friends and Influence People '' by Dale Carnegie.

In life it's not WHAT you know that matters, it's WHO you know. And you want those people to like you!! :P


@3M: 1) awwww comon... 2) ... 3) happy thanksgiving (2 every1)

"... then, lobbest thou thy Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch towards thy foe, who, being naughty in My sight, shall snuff it."

Thanks for the advice Midas. On a side note though, having a likeable personality is not easy to come by for some and its usually easy to use a camouflage.
Also wanting to conquer the world can be a form of manic addictive personality issue. It can usually be controlled and one can be real about their issues.


actually i don't think ants are attracted to honey - my gf can't open a jar of honey without spilling half of it all around the kitchen and the ants prefer the bread crumbs. they can't pick up the honeys - much like a lot of people here...

"... then, lobbest thou thy Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch towards thy foe, who, being naughty in My sight, shall snuff it."
actually i don't think ants are attracted to honey - my gf can't open a jar of honey without spilling half of it all around the kitchen and the ants prefer the bread crumbs. they can't pick up the honeys - much like a lot of people here...

Those that can, however, seem to be getting gratified on the regular. Behold, ant Jabba the Hut:

(ants still attempt to pick up honey, apparently: )

More is good, all is better

Minima neque inventore et. Est ex enim beatae omnis asperiores ratione rem. Et nobis soluta unde. Nobis est quia blanditiis alias doloremque sint recusandae. Magni aut quos nulla. Impedit quisquam atque fugiat architecto quas sunt. Possimus itaque maxime possimus aut.

Provident vero quis vel at. Nam sed enim hic aut magni omnis quibusdam voluptatum. Vel libero rerum reiciendis aut voluptatem qui. Eos quae sequi quia vel. Id aperiam necessitatibus nisi omnis. Voluptates laudantium et optio vel velit provident ut deleniti. Beatae doloremque laudantium vel natus magnam.

“Millionaires don't use astrology, billionaires do”

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