Banking is a stressful job, but look what happened to Lloyd's boss

In an unusual event, Lloyd's boss, Antonio Horta-Osorio, takes off 6 weeks to fight stress. Yes banking is stressful, but what does this say?…


It says, "it's not worth it to be stressed out all the time." After a few years in the industry, it's really not (obviously he has more time in that that, so he should have known that anyway). Work to make yourself indespensible at your firm, and then don't move your ass any faster than you have to no matter how high the heat. If they want you to move faster, they can pay you more.


Now hold on a sec, the Sun is a pretty dubious news source. But if this is true, than no wonder EU sucks at everything. If I asked my boss for even 2 weeks off because of stress issues (not related to family or other legitmate issues), he would politely tell me to pack my shit and never come back, then he would hire somebody who didnt complain about stress. Who the flying fuck does this clown think he is? He sounds like he couldnt handle the stress of an IB analyst, yet he is running LLoyds Bank. A better excuse would have been "rehab for gay sex addiction", rather than "non-specific stress related issues". Not being able to handle your shit must be a European thing.

Man made money, money never made the man
Best Response
RE Capital Markets:
Now hold on a sec, the Sun is a pretty dubious news source. But if this is true, than no wonder EU sucks at everything. If I asked my boss for even 2 weeks off because of stress issues (not related to family or other legitmate issues), he would politely tell me to pack my shit and never come back, then he would hire somebody who didnt complain about stress. Who the flying fuck does this clown think he is? He sounds like he couldnt handle the stress of an IB analyst, yet he is running LLoyds Bank. A better excuse would have been "rehab for gay sex addiction", rather than "non-specific stress related issues". Not being able to handle your shit must be a European thing.
Look who is talking after most US banks fucked up and panhandled for bailout money a few years ago.

It's not the stress that is his problem. It's the insomnia. You don't know how insomnia can't mess up your life and work performance. Staying late at night to work, going to the office at 3 is not the same as being insomniac. I would not wish insomnia to worst enemy.

No one would remember the Good Samaritan if he'd only had good intentions; he had money as well.

Consequatur aut quae vero provident possimus voluptatum. Et eaque quibusdam at non dolorem.

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