WSO Testimonials

Filter and read 500+ verified reviews on WSO courses, services and the community platform.

Good forum and resource for aspiring…
Good forum and resource for aspiring finance kids in general. Would like for there to continue to be a focus on certified reviewers from a variety of countries and backgrounds.
Great training with helpful step by…
Great training with helpful step by step instructions to succeed in the IB world!
I just wrapped up my work with him, and he was so helpful
I just wrapped up my work with him, and he was so helpful. He was really responsive and really understood what I was trying to convey in my resume about my past work experiences. He did a good job synthesizing information and helping me package my…
1,257 Testimonials
Why IB
Invaluable lesson and advice from Tim regarding how to stand out in my TMAY and Why IB.
WSO Academy Student
Such an amazing resource
Such an amazing resource for college students looking to break into finance.
Course is good for those who has no or…
Course is good for those who has no or has prior knowledge

It's been quite a while since I took that course and I didn't quite finished it to the end simply because some of my career objective has changed a bit. The course was very good even for those who already studied similar materials at school. I learnt from uni and book the theory the calculations the definitions all that sort of thing, but the course takes a very practical approach and refines very important concepts. They are to the point, clear and what you could really use at work or if one wants to get prepped for some top case comp.
Pros of PE Interview Course
Overall, fantastic course and Cole is a great instructor. Pros include:
- Overview of PE and PE process
- Recruitment process overview
- Various types of models covered, each with their own nuances
- Ability to ask questions in a discreet but open forum
- Tips/tricks and experiences shared by the instructor that are invaluable
It was very helpful to hear his feedback
We discussed how I should approach certain questions specific to my situation. It was very helpful to hear his feedback on these.
WSO Academy Student
Am extremely thankful for your time and mentoring
Am extremely thankful for your time and mentoring. This was a highly helpful and impactful session. I really appreciate your perspective on what to highlight on IPO/M&A deals and how these should be arranged on my resume.

Thank you and hope to keep in touch in the future.
All Topics Covered
Learned a lot Alan was great! All of the topics covered are areas of importance in our field giving us a great base to move forward.
WSO Monkey
Fantastic community
Fantastic community, I am no longer in the CRE industry, full time in residential real estate.

WSO is a fantastic community that I am still a part of but not as active anymore. Would be great if there was a lending side to the platform where we could get some useful information from lenders within the industry such as shadow inventory impacting the residential markets from a corporate lending point of view. I had a client who part of strategic debt at Chase during the 2008 collapse, it would be interesting to expand the WSO platform to incorporate a bit of residential RE considering most realtors are absolute morons from my experience. As Tom Ferry put it, "78% of the people in our industry are low level players, the only way to differentiate your self from the amateur is through education" Fantastic community of Monkeys, Apes and Baboons !

Social media

Your Russian Realtor
Necessary Reading
A welcomed breath of honestly (and humor) when compared with the endless desert of people who either have never done IB or who have been out too long to be relevant. It's a welcome (enough) environment that prepares you for real day to day.
The Hogwarts of Excel Wizardy
This is a great course for those looking to level up their Excel game. It will take you through the mechanics of actually using Excel and make sure you never use the mouse ever again. Then you'll go through common (and not so common) functions, and how these functions can be used together to reach unexpected results - very much like you would in programming.

The course is well laid out, content is easy to find if you ever need to review, and the module "exam" files are a great reference. The downloadable reference at the beginning of the course is also a great source to keep around.
Great platform
Great platform. Very informative and helpful for anyone interesting or actively pursuing a career in banking. Great resources and study tips as well as the unique opportunity to interact with other like myself and share insights.
Through the service, you have guided my resume in the right direction - in terms...
Through the service, you have guided my resume in the right direction - in terms of which points to elaborate on and which ones to exclude. The resume looks more professional and structured now.

Initially, I was a bit underwhelmed as I expected a full butchering of my resume, but I guess my resume was not as bad as I thought.