Company Database - Aggregated Statistics - As of July, 2024

The graphs below represent the aggregated statistics for to the WSO Company Database.
Total Number of Submissions
Compensation Submissions
Interview Submissions
Review Submissions
Submissions by Industry (1)

The table above represents the 16 most common industries from the 151,136 submissions to the WSO Company Database

Please note: the total submissions by industry count exceeds the 151,136 total submissions because we allow users to multiple industries when contributing a piece of content to the database. For example, someone working in equity research at an investment bank may select "Investment Banking" and "Equity Research" as industries for their submission and those will both be counted in the chart above.

Submissions by Division (1)

The table above represents the 20 most common divisions from the 151,136 submissions to the WSO Company Database

Submissions by Year (1)

This distribution is based on the year the compensation was granted, the year the interview occurred and the year of employment for reviews. As a result, we'd expect the most growth in the current year and several years past as the majority of submissions tend to be related to the last three years.

Submissions by Company (1)

The table above represents the 20 most common companies from the 151,136 submissions to the WSO Company Database

Submissions by City (1)

The table above represents the 20 most common cities from the 151,136 submissions to the WSO Company Database

Thousands of Interview Questions Available by Firm

WSO User Profiles - Aggregated Statistics - As of July, 2024

The graphs below represent the aggregated statistics for the members that have contributed to the WSO Company Database.
Unique Contributors
Users by GPA (1)

The table above represents the GPA distribuition across 454 unique contributors to the company database

Users by Undergrad Schools (1)

The table above represents the 20 most common undergraduate universities from the 454 unique contributors to the company database

Thousands of Interview Questions Available by Firm

Methodology FAQ

How often is this data updated?
The rankings are constantly changing and evolving based on additional data we collect every day. The graphs and tables use the data from YTD and the prior 2 years. See tabs located above on this page to access previous year rankings.
Why do the average compensation numbers look so low?
Remember that the compensation you are accustomed to hearing for top performers in the top groups in New York is well above the average for cities around the world. The compensation average graphs are a global average which includes regional cities and groups that bring the average down. If you would like company and group specific compensation data, please visit the WSO Company Database.
Where does this data come from?
The compensation, review and interview data comes from WSO member submissions to the WSO Company Database. With over 50,000 submissions to date across thousands of companies, the database is solely a representation of what our members were paid and how they rank companies on various metrics. Please see below for a detailed breakdown of the member statistics for those that have contributed to the database.
What are the percentile rankings based on?
The percentile rankings of companies listed here are based on the current YTD and the prior two years of data for companies that received at least one vote. The simple average scores are converted into an Adjusted Score before the companies are ranked to take into account companies with a smaller sample size. This method uses Bayesian Statistics.
Why do you use Bayesian Statistics to adjust scores?
This methodology is used in order to account for standard deviation in rankings. As a company gets more rankings and data, we have more confidence that the average ranking is a true reflection of reality, so this is reflected in the adjusted scores and Percentile rankings. Learn more about Bayesian Statistics here.
Why don't I see company XYZ?
Some great smaller firms may not be represented in the rankings for the simple reason that we have not collected enough data to represent them accurately or for us to have enough data to display them at all.
What is the geographical representation of the submissions?
The WSO user base is very US-centric with approximately 70% of all submissions coming within the United States of America. Please see the detailed breakdown of the member statistics for those that have contributed to the database. For more company and city specific compensation, please visit the WSO Company Database.