Despite making up 50% of the college population, non-targets only receive 13% of the spots in investment banking. For centuries, structural discrimination in investment banking has contributed to stark and persistent disparities in wealth and financial well-being, especially between non-target and target school students. In fact, these differences are so entrenched that if current trends continue, it could take more than 200 years for the average non-target student to accumulate the same amount of wealth as its target school counterpart.

Instead of giving all the spots to blacks, Hispanics, pansexuals, womxn, and target-school identifying individuals, we should just set aside special spots at top bulge bracket and elite boutiques for straight white males from non-targets. If trans people can do their business in any bathroom they want, non-targets should be able to do their business at any elite boutique bank they want. I want to work for a bank where advancing non-target equity is about intentional, holistic change at the intersection of the bank's actions as a company, in its global and local communities and as an inclusive workplace that values non-target diversity. I just want to bring my authentic non-target self to the workplace, is that too much to ask?

I'm tired of legally changing my name to Juan Carlos Hernandez every time I apply to to a bank. I'm tired of posting about what Juneteenth means to me on Linkedin. I'm tired of having to put on my wig and raising my voice two octaves and taking HRT to have a chance of getting a job at KKR or Apollo. The estrogen pills are making my skin all oily and creating new breakouts. Now that I'm covered in backne, I'm starting to doubt whether transitioning to get a job in MF PE is even worth it. I just want to work in a safe space for non-target identifying individuals without the microaggressions from the oppressive target school majority. Is that too much to ask?



"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee
Most Helpful

I understand this is a troll but this post reeks of underlying insecurities.

Firstly, I get the black-people-and-crime meme, but non-targets make up like 99.5% of the college population, not 50%. The top 15 schools in the U.S. make up about .5%, which is a good approximation for the target schools.

Secondly, you weren't smart/accomplished/hard-working enough to get into a target school. That's a fact. And I'm not asking you to be smart enough to get into Harvard, I'm asking you to be qualified enough to get into Georgetown, Notre Dame, Vandy, or Cornell, all private schools which will give you full rides if you're anywhere near poor. 

And finally, your spot at BX isn't being taken from you by diversity kids. It's being taken by the harvard kid who got into harvard just because went to Exeter/Andover/Choate and got into BX because his C-Suite/MD dad pulled some strings. Have you ever googled the harvard analysts who went to BX/KKR? They are all prep-schooled kids with connections who literally have been born into privilege their entire fucking life. You're blaming the wrong group.

- nondiversity VP at BX/KKR

edit: This blew up so fuck it, I'll take the bait.

Before the prep-schooled kids going to nontargets argue more with me, I am still against race and gender based affirmative action (should be based on socioeconomic status). It's obviously wrong, it just isn't the main problem here. Also, for those of you thinking prep-schooled kids are not just like everyone else, (I went to school with a heck of a lot of them at HYPS) here's an AMA that a Princeton admissions officer did.


Q: Wait ... aren't kids from competitive schools held to a higher standard ????

A: About 10-15% of our class every year comes from maybe 30 or private boarding schools / target schools across the US, a lot of which are in New England. These applicants are held to a much lower standard and are predominantly very rich and very white. Many kids with mediocre scores will get into HYPSM every year. This is why the high school you go to is the easiest way to get into a top school. Imagine a high school that sends 20 kids to Harvard every year while entire states won't get that many in. Out of 100 random public schools in California you might get 5 kids who get into Harvard. Somehow nobody knows about this and everyone's running around shitting on affirmative action"


When someone challenged him arguing that Exeter/Andover possess the best students or w/e, this was his response.


I love when people make this snobby argument to me, heard it a lot from the private school kids I went to school with.

Unfortunately for you, due to my experience I see exactly what kind of kids come out of the private high schools in New England vs. the normal competitive high schools. So you're saying top HALF of Exeter/Andover (which I used to read for) is smarter than all those 1600 SAT, state/national award winning public high school kids that get rejected every year? We're talking about schools that let people in only PARTIALLY for test scores and the other part on family status / ability to shell out $45k/year. Really? You want to make this absurd argument? You can make the argument that maybe top 10-15% of Exeter is equivalent to the top 1% of a competitive public high school. Even then, the rich kids get the edge in admissions.

Also, there are national, standardized tests everyone takes that prove you wrong. Guess which group always needs to score higher to get in. We will let white kids in who scored 1350-1400 every single year. How many public high school kids get that sort of treatment?

Thus, the REASON that you mentioned why top schools send the most kids is that schools have relationships with colleges. You think we're letting in low score rich kids in every year thinking that they are more deserving than the kids who scored higher / excelled more in EC's? You want an example, look at Palo Alto and Gunn High School, who have some of the highest scores in the country yet lose out to private boarding schools every year for placement. Tell me again how the "best schools" have the "best students"



I went to HYPS. Speaking from personal experience, but don't listen to me, there was a Princeton AO (and Princeton grad) who did an AMA:


Q: Wait ... aren't kids from competitive schools held to a higher standard ????

A: About 10-15% of our class every year comes from maybe 30 or private boarding schools / target schools across the US, a lot of which are in New England. These applicants are held to a much lower standard and are predominantly very rich and very white. Many kids with mediocre scores will get into HYPSM every year. This is why the high school you go to is the easiest way to get into a top school. Imagine a high school that sends 20 kids to Harvard every year while entire states won't get that many in. Out of 100 random public schools in California you might get 5 kids who get into Harvard. Somehow nobody knows about this and everyone's running around shitting on affirmative action"


When someone challenged him arguing that Exeter/Andover possess the best students or w/e, this was his response.


I love when people make this snobby argument to me, heard it a lot from the private school kids I went to school with.

Unfortunately for you, due to my experience I see exactly what kind of kids come out of the private high schools in New England vs. the normal competitive high schools. So you're saying top HALF of Exeter/Andover (which I used to read for) is smarter than all those 1600 SAT, state/national award winning public high school kids that get rejected every year? We're talking about schools that let people in only PARTIALLY for test scores and the other part on family status / ability to shell out $45k/year. Really? You want to make this absurd argument? You can make the argument that maybe top 10-15% of Exeter is equivalent to the top 1% of a competitive public high school. Even then, the rich kids get the edge in admissions.

Also, there are national, standardized tests everyone takes that prove you wrong. Guess which group always needs to score higher to get in. We will let white kids in who scored 1350-1400 every single year. How many public high school kids get that sort of treatment?

Thus, the REASON that you mentioned why top schools send the most kids is that schools have relationships with colleges. You think we're letting in low score rich kids in every year thinking that they are more deserving than the kids who scored higher / excelled more in EC's? You want an example, look at Palo Alto and Gunn High School, who have some of the highest scores in the country yet lose out to private boarding schools every year for placement. Tell me again how the "best schools" have the "best students"



your spot at BX isn't being taken from you by diversity kids. It's being taken by the harvard kid who got into harvard just because went to Exeter/Andover/Choate and got into BX because his C-Suite/MD dad pulled some strings.

Is it actually the case that the privileged prep school (read: mostly white) kids from Harvard got worse grades and lower standardized test scores, and are in general less capable, than the underrepresented minorities? Because that's what this implies. I don't think the academic stats back that up, though.


There was a Princeton AO who did an AMA: 


Q: Wait ... aren’t kids from competitive schools held to a higher standard ????

A: About 10-15% of our class every year comes from maybe 30 or private boarding schools / target schools across the US, a lot of which are in New England. These applicants are held to a much lower standard and are predominantly very rich and very white. Many kids with mediocre scores will get into HYPSM every year. This is why the high school you go to is the easiest way to get into a top school. Imagine a high school that sends 20 kids to Harvard every year while entire states won't get that many in. Out of 100 random public schools in California you might get 5 kids who get into Harvard. Somehow nobody knows about this and everyone's running around shitting on affirmative action"


When someone challenged him arguing that Exeter/Andover possess the best students or w/e, this was his response.


I love when people make this snobby argument to me, heard it a lot from the private school kids I went to school with.

Unfortunately for you, due to my experience I see exactly what kind of kids come out of the private high schools in New England vs. the normal competitive high schools. So you're saying top HALF of Exeter/Andover (which I used to read for) is smarter than all those 1600 SAT, state/national award winning public high school kids that get rejected every year? We're talking about schools that let people in only PARTIALLY for test scores and the other part on family status / ability to shell out $45k/year. Really? You want to make this absurd argument? You can make the argument that maybe top 10-15% of Exeter is equivalent to the top 1% of a competitive public high school. Even then, the rich kids get the edge in admissions.

Also, there are national, standardized tests everyone takes that prove you wrong. Guess which group always needs to score higher to get in. We will let white kids in who scored 1350-1400 every single year. How many public high school kids get that sort of treatment?

Thus, the REASON that you mentioned why top schools send the most kids is that schools have relationships with colleges. You think we're letting in low score rich kids in every year thinking that they are more deserving than the kids who scored higher / excelled more in EC's? You want an example, look at Palo Alto and Gunn High School, who have some of the highest scores in the country yet lose out to private boarding schools every year for placement. Tell me again how the "best schools" have the "best students"



I understand this is a troll but this post reeks of underlying insecurities.

Firstly, I get the black-people-and-crime meme, but non-targets make up like 99.5% of the college population, not 50%. The top 15 schools in the U.S. make up about .5%, which is a good approximation for the target schools.

Secondly, you weren't smart/accomplished/hard-working enough to get into a target school. That's a fact. And I'm not asking you to be smart enough to get into Harvard, I'm asking you to be qualified enough to get into Georgetown, Notre Dame, Vandy, or Cornell, all private schools which will give you full rides if you're anywhere near poor. 

And finally, your spot at BX isn't being taken from you by diversity kids. It's being taken by the harvard kid who got into harvard just because went to Exeter/Andover/Choate and got into BX because his C-Suite/MD dad pulled some strings. Have you ever googled the harvard analysts who went to BX/KKR? They are all prep-schooled kids with connections who literally have been born into privilege their entire fucking life. You're blaming the wrong group.

- nondiversity VP at BX/KKR

Lol make it more obvious you’re a diversity hire who had to Google Choate when your co-worker mentioned it. And make it more obvious you didn’t burn in envy, resentment, and debilitating insecurity.  You weren’t smart enough to attend a target school without the leg up. 


I understand this is a troll but this post reeks of underlying insecurities.

Firstly, I get the black-people-and-crime meme, but non-targets make up like 99.5% of the college population, not 50%. The top 15 schools in the U.S. make up about .5%, which is a good approximation for the target schools.

Secondly, you weren't smart/accomplished/hard-working enough to get into a target school. That's a fact. And I'm not asking you to be smart enough to get into Harvard, I'm asking you to be qualified enough to get into Georgetown, Notre Dame, Vandy, or Cornell, all private schools which will give you full rides if you're anywhere near poor. 

And finally, your spot at BX isn't being taken from you by diversity kids. It's being taken by the harvard kid who got into harvard just because went to Exeter/Andover/Choate and got into BX because his C-Suite/MD dad pulled some strings. Have you ever googled the harvard analysts who went to BX/KKR? They are all prep-schooled kids with connections who literally have been born into privilege their entire fucking life. You're blaming the wrong group.

- nondiversity VP at BX/KKR

What a bunch of malarkey.  


While legacy and "source" school admissions are incredibly unfair, they are perfectly rational. The reason these schools can basically pay for half the undergrads to go to school for cheap or free is because for centuries these schools have built up their wealth through just this kind of behavior. You admit wealthy and/or legacy students, you acquire more financial support from them over their lifetimes and many generations and you build the school's wealth to subsidize everyone else.


Should be about life experiences of the opportunities that were given to you. Any ethnicity/gender/race could of had struggles growing up whether it was financially, etc. that should be the purpose of diversity as to hard work etc. Not about assuming people’s situation based on what my factors above stated.


I got a 35 on the ACT, go to a nontarget, BB offer secured, and I’m diversity. 


Is this a joke?  If it is, it is pretty funny.  If it is not a joke, it has to be one of the dumbest topics I have seen on WSO

They are having a march in DC in July. It is to kickoff the new "Straight White Guy Pride Month." They originally named it "White Pride Month," but it sounded too aryanist. White "dude" was also considered, but several groups reached out in anger saying that to use "dude" is to make fun of the other movements, so "guy" became the most PC way to describe this movement. 

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

I love Blackcock... jk I actually meant to say Blackstone 


"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

Check out this thread where we can expose banks and firms shamelessly for the kind of fucked up shit they do during recruiting! Feel free to post all your stories and here — name and shame. Hopefully it goes viral and maybe even sparks some change.

You can complain all you want in here, but if you want change, you gotta get enough traction behind it.


"I didn't work hard enough nor networked in the right way to get a job so let me blame it on the minorities as I should get the opportunities they are getting for once after centuries of ruthless white dominance"


Lol as if every white person is richer/has more opportunity than every minority.

I didn't realize that every single white person took part in and is wholly responsible for enslaving, murdering, and raping black Americans, or that there was an equally large proportion of Hispanic slaves. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm fairly certain every race has committed atrocities as a result of racism. Why is it that only white people have to bear the brunt of this fact? Is it possible that affirmative action based on family income or material factors aside from identity could be more effective at aiding the underprivileged? 

Edit: Two kids who can't do 2+2=? with IB offers disliked my comment


It’s BC of Critical Race Theory. I don’t have a PHD in the topic- but according to Critical Race Theory, all white people suppress non-white people and are already privileged over them. I saw on the news that the wealth gap between white and non white people in the US is 13 trillion dollars. 

though I think we should take notice that although there is a higher proportion of blacks that are poorer than white people, there are more white poor people than black poor people. 

Ok my personal opinion; I think people should get into schools / jobs that they are qualified for. I don’t want to get into a school or get a job bc bc I’m latina. I want to get it bc I truly deserve it. I find that diversity programs simply perpetuate the idea that all white people are inherently smarter and privileged than minorities, which is not always true. I think the concept of race should be eliminated. 


I wrote this because I was bored during my WFH internship and wanted to troll people and see what vitriolic hatred and racist responses would show up because of my underlying insecurities as a person of color at a non-target school who is sick and tired of all the bullshit about diversity posts and shitting on affirmative action kids on this forum. I found it to be pretty funny and cathartic lmao 


That's just your racism showing. Diversity programs are for the general disparity in opportunities between certain races in america.


This platform is quickly turning into a RACIST white male hub.

What's truly funny is how bold you insecure, pathetic little incels are on the Internet however you're the most timid cucks in the real world.

Who broke your buck?  


Only someone extremely butthurt could write this, read it over, then post it lmao


Do Americans just not understand satire or

Americans on average can’t understand much these days (saying this as an American). Our science and math rankings are abysmal compared to other developed nations and our public education system is a joke. Having gone to a public school I can tell you that the bar to graduate is embarrassingly low. I got mostly As on the honors track and rarely had to study (although I did get a decent amount of HW). The HW though was basically busy work regurgitation compared to any semblance of critical thinking or open ended problems.



Do Americans just not understand satire or

Americans on average can't understand much these days (saying this as an American). Our science and math rankings are abysmal compared to other developed nations and our public education system is a joke. Having gone to a public school I can tell you that the bar to graduate is embarrassingly low. I got mostly As on the honors track and rarely had to study (although I did get a decent amount of HW). The HW though was basically busy work regurgitation compared to any semblance of critical thinking or open ended problems.

If Western Europe imported tens of millions of turd world helots, would their scores be better than ours? Somehow I don’t think Switzerland can process Guatemala into its math genius 


Multi National United hires just about everyone and anyone as long as they show competence. Their model for recruitment is highly effective and extremely fair. I would suggest you guys check them out to see how they do recruiting. Surprised more firms don't follow their model. 


White people are so insecure 

Yes. That is why we demand laws and programs to prevent anyone from insulting us, defund any research that implies a non-historical cause for differences in outcomes (Watson and Crick in da Haus, cuz we no #Science), scream for special non-meritocratic pipelines to prestigious school/corporate/gubmint positions (ah, the places you’ll go with a 1350 SAT), and lash out like the mess up in the family when any of this is pointed out. 


Lol bro white people made the laws for white people. So of course the non-beneficiaries are going to be pissed and what shit changed. Bc ppl are finally 'waking up' to the bait and switch that is politics. My favorite example is how ppl laude the constitution and etc when those idiots were making rules to 'forever govern our nation' at a time when they straight up through black ppl weren't humans lmao. Not saying you at all but like come on haha.

To be frank I think wanting access to 'prestigious schools' is a lot of the issue bc they are only such after years of ppl saying they are. In reality, kids at HYP are not light years smarter than anyone else. We're just raised to think such. But sadly, as for now, that seems to be the most direct line to try and generate some type of real bread, so here we are. 

If I were white I too would be throwing snowflake temper tantrums over the people whose eyes we've pulled the wool over realizing we aren't shit and it's all a jig. White people are very insecure bc they know their security isn't built by anything over than being pricks and enslaving a group of people for hundreds of years. 


Quam commodi nesciunt commodi quia nihil. Voluptatum quasi ut consequatur. Distinctio voluptatibus fuga iste tempora. Quas dolor consectetur ab debitis repellendus ipsam consequatur. At quasi libero dolor blanditiis incidunt et. Non veritatis sint iure vero odit corporis.

Harum cupiditate saepe reprehenderit vel. Aliquam dolor voluptate vitae maiores voluptatum omnis. Fugiat ut nemo dignissimos ipsam fugiat sint ut.

Ex exercitationem recusandae et autem et nisi. Alias aut laudantium corporis at debitis rem cumque qui. Iusto rem numquam inventore fuga hic veniam. Maxime est officiis quos in praesentium eum animi. Quia natus ea non eius sunt quae ut quisquam.

Explicabo expedita blanditiis facilis fugiat. Dolorem dolores possimus odio ut. Cumque hic cum quia voluptatem. Consequuntur placeat non debitis unde. Placeat quia beatae rerum aut magnam.


Aut eius et iste et fugiat magni consequatur. Labore corporis excepturi consequatur commodi commodi excepturi hic. Omnis voluptatum quia dignissimos culpa quidem.

Atque rerum molestiae doloremque ut perferendis quo sint. Cupiditate eos praesentium hic. Sint veniam qui eum occaecati. Delectus rerum quidem in nihil quia possimus est. Debitis aspernatur libero minima sed sit officia laboriosam.

In ullam minus beatae autem. Rerum nam non doloremque et hic. Et ullam nemo non autem ut. Est magnam dolor et mollitia possimus sed odit. Mollitia voluptatem aut adipisci vero beatae id reiciendis.

Eos expedita similique perspiciatis nostrum esse voluptate labore. Quibusdam unde dolorem fugiat quis sunt vel debitis. Facere sed veniam qui. Fuga eligendi ullam amet ad atque autem eaque.


Voluptatem est illum qui quam labore rem est est. Quis laborum quia sit. Qui at commodi at dolores amet qui molestias asperiores. Non deleniti inventore velit. Minima adipisci quos perspiciatis eum.

Reiciendis eos qui quibusdam quo vitae. Non tenetur eum et ab. Quos cumque dolorem fugiat ipsum. Id et enim magni non est. Iure suscipit molestiae illo soluta.

Adipisci vel aut consectetur repudiandae consequatur eveniet aut. Iusto fugit non vel.

Ut molestiae harum quod dolor dolores enim. Et incidunt nesciunt id voluptas.

Career Advancement Opportunities

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Jefferies & Company 02 99.4%
  • Lazard Freres No 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners New 98.3%
  • Harris Williams & Co. 24 97.7%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.2%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Harris Williams & Co. 18 99.4%
  • JPMorgan Chase 10 98.9%
  • Morgan Stanley 05 98.3%
  • William Blair 03 97.7%
  • Lazard Freres 06 97.2%

Professional Growth Opportunities

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Lazard Freres 01 99.4%
  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners 18 98.3%
  • JPMorgan Chase 06 97.7%
  • Moelis & Company 06 97.2%

Total Avg Compensation

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (23) $378
  • Associates (95) $261
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • 2nd Year Analyst (69) $168
  • Intern/Summer Associate (34) $167
  • 1st Year Analyst (213) $160
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (155) $101
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