rockstar energy drinks. and exercise. as crazy as it sounds, going to the gym for 30 mins in between these really helps. that's definitely how i got through finals every time.


What works for finals (1 week no sleep after 13 relaxed weeks) won't necessarily work for full time. ...during finals you completely sacrifice yourself, whereas full time you will have to do the same thing the very next week, or day.

Definitely agree with the exercise suggestion, though

Alexey Kirilov:
Red Bull, chew gum, and anything to get the blood pumping. Listen to music too, preferably something on the fast/loud/hard side.

A little Guns n Roses always works for me.

I've gotten into postrock stuff like Godspeed You Black Emperor. It has the hard edge, but without the distracting vocals (for the most part). That and classic rock from the 70s.


Armin's a state of trance episodes do it for me every Thursday night.

BBC Radio 1's Essential Mixes - sure to keep you're spirits somewhat elevated at 4am. Some uplifting DJ's: desyn masiello, eric prydz, eddie halliwell, gabriel & dresden, hernan cattaneo, and PVD. You can get their sets on many a torrent site or P2P progg.

Digweed is a better DJ than producer (avoid his cd's but get his sets). Tiesto's a horrible train-wrecking cunt.

Anyone have experience with Provigil/Modafinil?

Yes. Unfortunately, I'm one of the tiny percentage of the people it doesn't work well on. It gives me a killer headache and makes me feel feverish. It will keep you up though.

As far as staying up, i have a few tactics.

RxDrug free: Low to mid doses (50-100mg) of caffeine often to try to keep you from having a HUGE rush then crash. Sipping on a nice big cup of english breakfast tea every hour or so does nicely.

Avoid super heavy simple sugars/high fructose corn syrup. Redbull actually uses real sugar, so its not so bad.

Bananas are a huge help. eating one or two every few hours/when you're hungry will do the trick.

Yerba mate is a great way to stay up -- less harsh than coffee due to its large concentration of other stimulants like theobromine and theophylline. i buy mine from

As far as Rx is concerned, I go with methylphenidate (ritalin) because it is much less "harsh" feeling for me when compared to dextroamphetamine (Adderall) but either one will do the trick. Its not hard to get a prescription for these.

also, always stay hydrated no matter what.


get a prescription for dexedrine. chronic fatigue, you know.

also i've been hearing a lot about this relatively new drug called Provigil. I read that it keeps you alert with no euphoria and no crash, and best of all, it DOES substitute for sleep. There was a study where air force pilots performed at 90% efficiency on it after staying awake for 80 hours with just 8 hours of sleep, compared to the benchmark 30% or something atrociously low.

for now though, i'm fine with my "diet pills"


It's very hard to get a scrip for dexedrine as it has a much higher potential for abuse.

On the other hand, low doses of Adderall XR are easy and effective... and it doesn't feel harsh to me at all; just a nice smooth foundation. Of course, people tolerate different Rxs differently.


Yes, yes, it's awful. Simply awful. Immoral, counterintuitive, and just plain WRONG, right? I couldn't agree with you more.

And in the real world when the competition does it, when it's the norm in your group to work 36-hour shifts without a moment of sleep, when all the analysts in your compensation pool are outdoing each other in exhaustion and you come to understand that yes, this really is what the seniors want to see before they will take you seriously... what are you going to do? Pack up your expensive apartment and go back to your hometown with your tail 'twixt your legs? Rail and shout about the unfairness of it all? Refuse to show the seniors what they want to see?

... Right.

The bitter truth is that many of the top kids in my b-school used Adderall and if they managed it properly, it resulted in a competitive edge. The Navy hands it out to their pilots before long missions. People use it to gain a competitive edge in law school and med school. I know a chess champion who uses it to get through back-to-back tournament matches. Truck drivers use it to stay on the road all night and all day. Long-distance runners use it (illegitimately) to gain an edge that is against the rules of their sport. The guys who work on oil rigs for 20-hour shifts use it to stay awake. And as long as this happens, I'm sure bankers will use it too.


What a simplistic response to a well-thought-out post. Getting a prescription of stimulants in order to successfully compete in your career is hardly burning your furniture to warm your house.

And on that topic, I certainly would burn my furniture to warm my house, particularly if it was 20 below and my life was in danger if I didn't. Why not? I'll sit on the floor for a little while and then buy new furniture when things are better.

I would say that the bigger loser is the guy who willfully freezes to death because he's unwilling to admit that it's time to burn the furniture. Serious challenges call for serious measures.


Man, some of the stuff you guys are talking about ingesting is cracking me up, seriously, how hard is it to stay awake for 36 hours, all I do is drink Coffee or Mountain Dew and I'm good.

Of course, you're gonna say that many analysts do this on a weekly basis and it can't compare to finals week in College..blah..blah..blah..doesn't matter, I refuse to believe that you can't pull out 3-4 hours of sleep in two days, that's just exaggeration. And those 3-4 hours should be enuff to recharge your batteries.

Man, some of the stuff you guys are talking about ingesting is cracking me up, seriously, how hard is it to stay awake for 36 hours, all I do is drink Coffee or Mountain Dew and I'm good.

Of course, you're gonna say that many analysts do this on a weekly basis and it can't compare to finals week in College..blah..blah..blah..doesn't matter, I refuse to believe that you can't pull out 3-4 hours of sleep in two days, that's just exaggeration. And those 3-4 hours should be enuff to recharge your batteries.

agree completely. some of the stuff you guys are doing is ridiculous. what keeps me up is fear.


I guess I should explain:

If you do just a little research, you will realize that adderall is an amphetamine. Overtime, amphetamines "burn out" nerve endings, effectively making you less intelligent. This is not a debatable point.

The point is, I would rather protect my brain, which any banker should know is the most valuable asset in the business (human capital), than stay up longer on amphetamines. The idea behind this is that the junior banker tenure is an ends to a means... when you make it to a higher level and are making "real" money, you will wish you had those "extra" brain cells.

I guess I should explain:

If you do just a little research, you will realize that adderall is an amphetamine. Overtime, amphetamines "burn out" nerve endings, effectively making you less intelligent. This is not a debatable point.

The point is, I would rather protect my brain, which any banker should know is the most valuable asset in the business (human capital), than stay up longer on amphetamines. The idea behind this is that the junior banker tenure is an ends to a means... when you make it to a higher level and are making "real" money, you will wish you had those "extra" brain cells.

You got to be fucking kidding me. First of all, I'm sure those articles you've read have to do with CHRONIC ABUSE of amphetamines (probably methamphetamines, anyway) and secondly, you must not have a lot of experience in the real world to think that Adderall use is some internecine persuit. A large minority of kids are being medicated with Adderall (moreso than Ritalin since the chance of keeling over with heart failure is slightly less) not to mention adults with ADD, narcolepsy, or fatigue. At the doses prescribed, Adderall is almost always effective--long term, short term, whatever. Paul Erdos, practically 3/4 (estimating from my friends) of ivy league kids, and almost everyone in the 50s and 60s (benzedrine anyone?) used it, so it's really idiotic for you to rebuke the use of something that both history and experience have already demonstrated to be effective.

In moderation, of course.


BTW I would burn my furniture, and I would burn my house, to stay warm, but you can't take that comment in a literal sense. It refers to the fact that in your process to make yourself temporarily mentally superior, you are actually having negative long term effects.

It refers to the fact that in your process to make yourself temporarily mentally superior, you are actually having negative long term effects.

I'd be interested in the sources you could cite that state low doses of amphetamine are harmful enough for it to be of any more concern than just staying up for too long. (The "studies" that "they" did do not count.)

Its not fricken methamphetamine.

Best Response

Geez, not this again. While I'm not debating that the use/abuse of any and all truly addictive substances can promote major changes in nerve endings and the chemistry of the synapse, I'd like to explain what I mean by using Adderall to maintain an edge.

I've got a prescription for 15 milligrams per day, and some children and adults are prescribed 30s. Nonetheless, I prefer 10s. This is one-third of what some children are prescribed normally.

Now, I clearly don't take them every day. Or every all-nighter. That would be foolish and would lead to diminishing returns and health risks. Instead, I take them at the very end, the rock-bottom when I know I'm not going to make it without sleep and yet must. This is approximately 3-4 times a month, and occasionally I may end up taking two doses in a row if the work extends more than ten hours beyond the first dose. (Sometimes there are back-to-back all-nighters. It's just not as easy as you guys seem to expect; caffeine only goes so far.)

Thus, when I'm prescribed (1530) 450 milligrams of Adderall per month, I actually use 30-50 milligrams. That's seven to eleven percent of what I'm prescribed (which is a low dose). When compared to a more normal adult dose of (3030) 900 milligrams per month, that falls towards three to six percent of the prescribed dose.

You don't maintain an edge by abusing drugs stupidly and willy-nilly, assuming that they'll make you into some sort of superman. You maintain an edge by going at least 95% of the distance under your own power, and making up the remainder up with medications used in a tiny fraction of their prescribed doses.

Mis Ind:
Geez, not this again. While I'm not debating that the use/abuse of any and all truly addictive substances can promote major changes in nerve endings and the chemistry of the synapse, I'd like to explain what I mean by using Adderall to maintain an edge.

I've got a prescription for 15 milligrams per day, and some children and adults are prescribed 30s. Nonetheless, I prefer 10s. This is one-third of what some children are prescribed normally.

Now, I clearly don't take them every day. Or every all-nighter. That would be foolish and would lead to diminishing returns and health risks. Instead, I take them at the very end, the rock-bottom when I know I'm not going to make it without sleep and yet must. This is approximately 3-4 times a month, and occasionally I may end up taking two doses in a row if the work extends more than ten hours beyond the first dose. (Sometimes there are back-to-back all-nighters. It's just not as easy as you guys seem to expect; caffeine only goes so far.)

Thus, when I'm prescribed (1530) 450 milligrams of Adderall per month, I actually use 30-50 milligrams. That's seven to eleven percent of what I'm prescribed (which is a low dose). When compared to a more normal adult dose of (3030) 900 milligrams per month, that falls towards three to six percent of the prescribed dose.

You don't maintain an edge by abusing drugs stupidly and willy-nilly, assuming that they'll make you into some sort of superman. You maintain an edge by going at least 95% of the distance under your own power, and making up the remainder up with medications used in a tiny fraction of their prescribed doses.

Have you considered No-Doz or caffeine pills?


Caffeine is very easy to acquire a tolerance for, much easier than amphetamines. It's also quite weak. I'm already on 300mg a day through tea and coffee; why would another 100-200 keep me awake? I like to drink an espresso (or even a doppio) after dinner sometimes and can go straight to sleep afterwards. Caffeine is a very minor part of the solution. Clearly, I'm also working it already.

Moreover, caffeine in pill form is far more likely to dehydrate you (because you don't ingest all that water that's in coffee) and is very rough on the stomach because it's so concentrated.


"I'd be interested in the sources you could cite that state low doses of amphetamine are harmful enough for it to be of any more concern than just staying up for too long. (The "studies" that "they" did do not count.)"

Ditto. Let's see sources, Asp. The last time I had this debate, it was with a guy who couldn't tell the difference between dextroamphetamine and methamphetamine.


Mis Ind, there’s no need to defend yourself. Truth is Adderall is a widely used drug in the business, I believe that it is more effective than taking 1000 milligrams of caffeine (8-10 cups of coffee) which totally screws up your central nervous system making you piss every 15 minutes.

Yes doing Adderall, Ritalin, or drinking copious amounts of coffee to stay awake is not good for you, but so is staying awake for 40 hours straight. In the end of day boys and girls, you got to pay to play.


Anacot, that's the point I was attempting to get at. Adderall is quite common in this business and many others. And if you're getting into banking to live a healthy life and maintain your balance and integrity and nurture your inner child, then you're sorely misguided. At least for the first few years.

I also agree with you about the caffeine. I start feeling physically ill at around 600 milligrams... and yet I can still fall asleep if I'm tired enough. It's not harmful at lower levels, but it's just not useful for maintaining a long-term sleep-deprived lifestyle. Additionally, it creates long-term constriction in the capillaries, particularly of the head and eyes... and when you stop drinking the coffee and those capillaries start to dilate, it'll make you want to drill a hole in your head to let the pressure out. You'll seriously start to do anything to make the pain stop.


Riiight. I'll just... go do that. I'm sure they'll be shocked at my using five percent of a normal adult dosage of a well-tolerated FDA-approved drug that I got by prescription from my family doctor.

Or is it my caffeine usage I should check into rehab for?


"I also agree with you about the caffeine. I start feeling physically ill at around 600 milligrams... and yet I can still fall asleep if I'm tired enough. It's not harmful at lower levels, but it's just not useful for maintaining a long-term sleep-deprived lifestyle. Additionally, it creates long-term constriction in the capillaries, particularly of the head and eyes... and when you stop drinking the coffee and those capillaries start to dilate, it'll make you want to drill a hole in your head to let the pressure out. You'll seriously start to do anything to make the pain stop."

That is why you need to check into Rehab.

Either that or come hang out with me for a couple of weeks, I make the Entourage boys look like a bunch of Dungeons N' Dragons playing nerds.


Where are all the wannabe bankers in this thread? Banking isn't about group prestige or culture, its being able to function after 2 days with no sleep.

does it get easier the more all-nighters you pull, or is sleep-deprivation something you never get used to?

I think after the first few times you're up for 24-36 hours you sort of just accept and get used to the way it makes you feel, but by and large it seems to be something some people can just do better than others.


Ah, so it's the caffeine you think I need help for. I see. Well, I'll just go ask my staffer for medical leave so that I can kick my coffee and tea addiction. I'm sure she'll understand the seriousness of my problem.

I'm not sure what Entourage boys you're talking about, but I enjoy D&D now that they've fixed all that second-ed bullshit. I enjoy D&D and I particularly love D&D-playing nerds... or gamers, polyamorists, postgoths, thrash-metalheads, convention junkies, industrial noise geeks, punks, swingers, lifestylers, and freaks in general. My people, after all. Why don't you stick to your... uh... "Entourage boys," whatever they are... and I'll stick to my freakhood. I don't want to hang with you, especially not for a couple of weeks. I'd rather suspend myself from iron spikes through my pectorals, thanks.

Mis Ind:
I'm not sure what Entourage boys you're talking about, but I enjoy D&D now that they've fixed all that second-ed bullshit. I enjoy D&D and I particularly love D&D-playing nerds... or gamers, polyamorists, postgoths, thrash-metalheads, convention junkies, industrial noise geeks, punks, swingers, lifestylers, and freaks in general.

Ah, so let me gather what we have in common. We're both first-year analysts, we're both older than 99.9% of the other first-year analysts, we're both on Adderall now and again, we both love classic gentlemanly culture, we share modest beginnings with no trust fund in sight, and we've both played role-playing games in the past and might even be inclined to still do so if we ever had the time.

Am I missing anything? It's hilarious to me that we completely disagreed in our first discussion here.

Mis Ind:
Ah, so it's the caffeine you think I need help for. I see. Well, I'll just go ask my staffer for medical leave so that I can kick my coffee and tea addiction. I'm sure she'll understand the seriousness of my problem.

I'm not sure what Entourage boys you're talking about, but I enjoy D&D now that they've fixed all that second-ed bullshit. I enjoy D&D and I particularly love D&D-playing nerds... or gamers, polyamorists, postgoths, thrash-metalheads, convention junkies, industrial noise geeks, punks, swingers, lifestylers, and freaks in general. My people, after all. Why don't you stick to your... uh... "Entourage boys," whatever they are... and I'll stick to my freakhood. I don't want to hang with you, especially not for a couple of weeks. I'd rather suspend myself from iron spikes through my pectorals, thanks.

Jesus Christ, thrash metal, D&D, Gaming, you must've been a real loser in high school huh. Heck, It was a personal goal of mine to make the lives of your kind a living hell.

You're right though, we could never hang together, I listen to gangsta rap, drive around in a RR and make trouble wherever I go. I can't imagine you feeding me grapes and bringing me beers while I watch Mortal Kombat for the millionth time.

Jesus Christ, thrash metal, D&D, Gaming, you must've been a real loser in high school huh. Heck, It was a personal goal of mine to make the lives of your kind a living hell.

I listen to gangsta rap, drive around in a RR and make trouble wherever I go.

Save the Jesus Christ part, I was into some of those things in high school, particularly early on. We all ended up ruling school. And I turned out just fine... SGA and Senior Class Presidencies, varsity sport, etc. By then though I was into the less-than-thrashy indie rock but even into college, and after, I was still playing online roleplaying games and it was fucking awesome. Haha. :) (:


I just want to say that I also take Adderall XR, in an even smaller dose (5 mg) and if anyone seriously believes this statement...

If you do just a little research, you will realize that adderall is an amphetamine. Overtime, amphetamines "burn out" nerve endings, effectively making you less intelligent. This is not a debatable point.

... then they seriously need their head examined. The FDA is letting America "burn out" its children's nerve endings, making them all less intelligent? I smell a trillion dollars in lawsuits. Maybe you just know more than the FDA does about it, with what is surely a hardcore science background behind you on the way to becoming an i-banker. :)


It was quite easy for me, Fraser. I told him straight up I had ADD. He asked me a few questions, about which I'd read enough to answer correctly. Then he prescribed me 10mg/day for starters.

Unfortunately, it's been a real struggle to keep him from upping the dosage. He first started asking about upping the dosage after six months, and after I'd been on it for a year he told me he had to up the dosage in order to overcome the tolerance. (I didn't have any tolerance since I was only using one out of every ten pills he prescribed, but if I'd told him that he might have stopped prescribing them.) In the end he won that fight... but I have stockpiles of 10s now, so it's no real problem.

Once you're on this road, it's far harder to make the doctors let you have a low safe dosage than to demand a higher one. Hell, if I asked for 30s, he'd probably write them with no questions asked.


Mis Ind, just cut the 20s in half, then you'll have twice as many 10s... or at least 9.8s or so (it's hard to cut those things without losing some ya know).


My NYSE, they're not straight Addys; they're the XRs in the clear-shell gelcaps full of granules. I'd have to either count or weigh the granules inside. Also, as half of them are immediate-release granules and half are T+4 hours, there's a slight chance I might get more immediate-release than I expected in the 10-mg dose. Wouldn't be a massive problem, but I don't want to play around. I have a heart condition and had my first "cardiac event" back in 2003, about a year before I started Adderall... an event which I conveniently forgot to tell my new doctor about.

The chances of me keeling over dead are slight, but I do experience arrhythmia (occasionally even painful arrhythmia) for the first few hours of a dose.

I know, I know... bad call, huh? Such is life. Only a couple more years....

Mis Ind:
My NYSE, they're not straight Addys; they're the XRs in the clear-shell gelcaps full of granules. I'd have to either count or weigh the granules inside.

Okay, I mixed up the Adderall and the XR version. I've got both, though I don't take either that often.

Mis Ind:
I have a heart condition and had my first "cardiac event" back in 2003, about a year before I started Adderall... an event which I conveniently forgot to tell my new doctor about.

The chances of me keeling over dead are slight, but I do experience arrhythmia (occasionally even painful arrhythmia) for the first few hours of a dose.

I know, I know... bad call, huh? Such is life. Only a couple more years....

This is a huge problem. We can't have an affair if you're not breathing. It certainly wouldn't be nearly as much fun anyway.


"I can't imagine you feeding me grapes and bringing me beers while I watch Mortal Kombat for the millionth time."

Ha. Haha. Hahahaha. What you do not know is that my teacher and I stunt-doubled on that movie. You know that hot-ass bitch in the Kitana costume during a couple of those fight scenes? THAT'S ME. I also worked with Pat Johnson on a couple of other movies, all of which were equally bad.

Oh yeah, and that was during the years I would have been in high school. Had I not been an international martial arts champion. It was a personal goal of mine to make the lives of your kind a living hell, but nobody ever let me get enough legal basis for self-defense so I could avoid the jail time.

So yeah... was I a real loser? Let me know. I'm waiting with bated breath, dude.

Oh, and enjoy watching Mortal Kombat for the millionth time. You're right: we could never hang together.

Mis Ind:
"I can't imagine you feeding me grapes and bringing me beers while I watch Mortal Kombat for the millionth time."

Ha. Haha. Hahahaha. What you do not know is that my teacher and I stunt-doubled on that movie. You know that hot-ass bitch in the Kitana costume during a couple of those fight scenes? THAT'S ME. I also worked with Pat Johnson on a couple of other movies, all of which were equally bad.

Oh yeah, and that was during the years I would have been in high school. Had I not been an international martial arts champion. It was a personal goal of mine to make the lives of your kind a living hell, but nobody ever let me get enough legal basis for self-defense so I could avoid the jail time.

So yeah... was I a real loser? Let me know. I'm waiting with bated breath, dude.

Oh, and enjoy watching Mortal Kombat for the millionth time. You're right: we could never hang together.

So you were the stunt double for Kitana in the movie huh ? right ok....I'll believe it when I see pics.

Look, you're a girl so I'll go easy on you, Martial Arts is for losers with self-esteem issues, Bruce Lee himself said that anyone with a year of training in boxing and wrestling can destroy a Martial Artist.

I could probably destroy your highest ranked "male" teacher in less than 2 mins because nothing beats pure strength and speed, and that's not something you can learn.

And the mere fact that you have some pent-up hostility left over from your high school years, which you're now directing towards me many years later tells me all I need to know about your social status in high school.

BUT hold up a second, you thought MK was "bad", it was one of the greatest movies of all time, next thing you know you'll be saying that Terminator 2 and Hardboiled also sucked.


Sounds macabre, but whenever my heart starts acting up all I have to do is beat on it a little and massage it through my ribcage and it gets its rhythm back. 99.99% of the time, anyway. My motto is "Fingers crossed!"

Mis Ind:
Sounds macabre, but whenever my heart starts acting up all I have to do is beat on it a little and massage it through my ribcage and it gets its rhythm back. 99.99% of the time, anyway. My motto is "Fingers crossed!"

I'm pretty sure that you are lying about this, but if you're not, seriously, please consider finding a different solution to your stay-awake problems.


Dude... get it through your head; I didn't GO to high school. I traveled on the NASKA circuit. I trained with the world's greatest swordsmen. I taught black belts from all over the world. I made really bad training videos and even worse movies.

And it's not about who can beat whom, man. I say this as a multiple-time NASKA world champion: winning is the wrong path. I'm glad you're so certain of your ability to "destroy" all my sensei as well as (I'm sure) myself. I'm sure you can. Someone with your professed amount of natural strength and speed is superhuman, above us mere mortals with low self-esteem. But winning is incorrect. If you're in a situation where you begin to conceive of a win, you've lost.

Mis Ind:
Dude... get it through your head; I didn't GO to high school. I traveled on the NASKA circuit. I trained with the world's greatest swordsmen. I taught black belts from all over the world. I made really bad training videos and even worse movies.

OK, this part we don't have in common so much. I started and re-started karate a couple of times in my youth, advancing to... uh, white belt.

As we embark on this affair, please do not hurt me if things should go awry. Promise? I still dig you, lots, but I don't want to get hurt. As in, beaten down by a girl.

Mis Ind:
Dude... get it through your head; I didn't GO to high school. I traveled on the NASKA circuit. I trained with the world's greatest swordsmen. I taught black belts from all over the world. I made really bad training videos and even worse movies.

And it's not about who can beat whom, man. I say this as a multiple-time NASKA world champion: winning is the wrong path. I'm glad you're so certain of your ability to "destroy" all my sensei as well as (I'm sure) myself. I'm sure you can. Someone with your professed amount of natural strength and speed is superhuman, above us mere mortals with low self-esteem. But winning is incorrect. If you're in a situation where you begin to conceive of a win, you've lost.

Ok, well ,whatever, I'm sure you never were a goth or anything of that sort at any point in your life, you just don't seem like the type.

I'm sure you were a great swordswomen and martial artist and whatever other "belt" you attained, as for me, the only training I've ever had is watching "Iron" Mike Tyson whoop ass, and that's all I need.

And Mis Ind, I would never, ever beat you up, unless of course you specifically asked for it....;)


Nyse: I understand why you think I'm lying about my heart condition and my fiance, but can't you tell that this board is my single outlet for honesty in the world? I don't come here to lie. All my friends are back at home and this is the only venue (sad as it is) where I have the potential to be understood without tanking my career. It's a pretty big life to be crammed into such a small cube.

That said, responsibility for my health falls on no one's head but my own. I make my own choices and take what precautions I can to preserve my life... and my success and happiness.

Mis Ind:
Nyse: I understand why you think I'm lying about my heart condition and my fiance, but can't you tell that this board is my single outlet for honesty in the world? I don't come here to lie. All my friends are back at home and this is the only venue (sad as it is) where I have the potential to be understood without tanking my career. It's a pretty big life to be crammed into such a small cube.

That said, responsibility for my health falls on no one's head but my own. I make my own choices and take what precautions I can to preserve my life... and my success and happiness.

Alright, but I need you to be healthy. And if you don't believe that, since we don't actually know each other, all the people you do know need you to be there down the road. I don't know how your office is, but the ones who get the least sleep aren't always the people who shine brightest. :o


Jonathan: yes and no. It gets easier, but it never gets easy. It's always going to hurt, and there will always be physical and mental limits.


Congrats on the white belt! It is the most difficult.

And I can never make promises, but I can tell you that I've never harmed anyone except in self-defense or routine training accidents. If things suck, my first move isn't a smackdown; it's to grab my earrings and drop the key on the counter on my way out the door. (I learned this after losing too many pairs of earrings and realizing I had way too many ancient door keys on my keychain.)

Come to think of it, I've never known someone who actually gave him/herself to the martial arts to raise a hand to anyone in anger or in a dispute.

Mis Ind:
Congrats on the white belt! It is the most difficult.

And I can never make promises, but I can tell you that I've never harmed anyone except in self-defense or routine training accidents. If things suck, my first move isn't a smackdown; it's to grab my earrings and drop the key on the counter on my way out the door. (I learned this after losing too many pairs of earrings and realizing I had way too many ancient door keys on my keychain.)

Come to think of it, I've never known someone who actually gave him/herself to the martial arts to raise a hand to anyone in anger or in a dispute.

I can tell Mis Ind has watched Kickboxer a million times.


Seanc, you're right about one thing. I was never a goth. However, I am a postgoth insofar as I wear corsetry and Edwardian clothes, boots with six-inch heels, and complicated headdresses and jewelry. Often while drinking Clicquot from a coupe, smoking a huqqah, and playing with the hair of a pretty blonde girl (which used to be a favorite way to spend an evening before I came to this damned town). And my iPod is (or was before I lost it) full of VnV, Covenant, Beborn Beton, good old-school Sisters of Mercy, Assemblage 23, Lords of Acid, Hybrid, Apop, and Orbital -- again, some of the music included in the OST of your favorite movie, Mortal Kombat.

So yes, that probably makes me a lame loser goth. Ugh... how awful. How unfashionable!


Wow, to each his/her own I guess, If you like looking like a freak just to put people off then that's your choice. I haven't heard even one name off that list you rattled off, mostly likely it's that heavy metal garbage or gay euro trance.

I can't relate to people that don't listen to Ludacris, Jay-Z or 50 Cent.


"I can't relate to people that don't listen to Ludacris, Jay-Z or 50 Cent."

Sad. I can relate to all people, even to you. Did you know that Ludacris bases most of his songs on the area (Decatur and College Park) where I grew up? For a few months he was among the group of kids bussed into my elementary school. Sadly, that experiment failed. But yes, I spent time on those streets and got my jacket stolen and my ass felt, long before I even had much ass to feel. And I've very much enjoyed most of his albums and take them in the spirit of hilarity in which they are meant. (Ludacris is from what was essentially a middle class family, after all.)


Orbital did the very long melodic piece called "Halcyon+On+On" which was (though I'm not certain because it's been around ten years since I've seen that awful movie) towards the end, perhaps during the lead-in to the end credits.

Additionally, the original Mortal Kombat named-character soundtracks were recorded by "The Immortals", which was Lords of Acid under a different name.


Allright, allright ,whatever I have no desire to know these details. I just bump that shit in my car while I'm riding around town running stop lights ya heard ??

Now I'm off to fulfill my collegiate duty and do keg stands in -40 weather so goodnight and take care.


College Park is also a DC suburb in Maryland. Not being a Ludacris fan (you are all very low-brow by the way, just kidding) I don't know which one she's referring to.

But I'll know soon enough because I'm going to have a torrid affair with her and I don't care who knows it.


Heh. You have no idea. Let me tell you, nothing is more miserable than being in College Park, except maybe being a little white girl in College Park.

And most of my best stories aren't even from College Park. College Park was just the intro to my screwed-up life. Hell, I never even went to jail in College Park because there were no cops and they didn't care anyway. I moved to Gwinnett County before things really started to go bad.

MY NYSE is a simp. Quit simpin' these girls online man. It isn't a good look.

I don't even know what a simp in. I'm such a dork. I assume it means that this forum and aren't the best place to go fishing for ladies.

I'd have to agree, but this one had the total package until she started popping a cap in everyone's assse.


"Allright, allright ,whatever I have no desire to know these details. I just bump that shit in my car while I'm riding around town running stop lights ya heard ??"

So let me get this straight... you say you can't relate to me because I'm not cool enough, and yet you don't even know as much about your own music as I do? Maybe I should say I can't relate to you because you have no genuine interest in the artists I listen to. I understand Ludacris. That's the music of my homeland, you popped-collar, rubber-sandal-wearing, keg-standing, waste-of-Daddy's-Money frat boy.

You bump that shit in your car in College Park and you better be running stop lights, because if you stop yo daddy's car in College Park, niggas be pullin you out and dumpin yo body in the mofoin Chattahoochee. Sho.


It's the one in Georgia guys. Not Maryland. I've learned this over the course of our wild affair (5 minutes so far and loving it).


Ayo Mis Ind, quit with the ebonics, it sounds corny coming from a dorky white girl like you.

And FYI, I can roll through any hood I want anytime I want, I have a hood pass and all the real g'z recognize that.


Fraser, Gwinnett isn't as bad, though the section where I lived was (of course). However, my life in Gwinnett was bad, and the cops were far worse.


Fraser, that reminds me of some good times, albeit from when I was young.

At any rate, yes... the whole thing is quite lowbrow: chicken and waffles (usually at Gladys and Ron's, which is one convenient block down from Shakespeare Tavern), to which the discerning gourmand will add beer or a forty. Follow it with a cruise down Luckie Street (aka one of the red light districts) to look at whores (though not pick them up; it's unsanitary), and you've got the quintessential Atlanta experience. I, of course, was always too young to take part in the festivities, but stories abound.

I, personally, miss the Cheetah, the Chamber, the Masquerade, and the Secret Room. Those, as well as the Convention, were my particular public haunts once I was old enough to have public haunts. Those are all in relatively nasty parts of town as well, but safe.

I envy you, Fraser. I would give a lot for a night in Atlanta with five hundred bucks and a pair of wheels.


Haha. The Cheetah is like a block away from part of the Tech campus. Although, everyone likes to be coy and say they are going to Alluvia. I guess when I think about it, Tech is like this small haven of whites, indians, and asians in a pretty sketchy area. Have you ever seen Girls R Fun on Northside Dr.? That's exactly what I'm talking about...that place is so sketchy you'd probably get stabbed if a "dancer" felt like you underpaid for your lapdance.


The fact that "Alluvia" shows up on the credit slips has helped many a man guard his job and marriage.

I haven't been to Girls R Fun, but I went to Flashers back in the day, and that was a rough place. Those were some scary girls, although I remember being tipsy enough to enjoy them anyway. I also remember waking up the next morning wanting to get STD tests just to make sure I didn't catch anything from the lapdances.

Mis Ind:
I also remember waking up the next morning wanting to get STD tests just to make sure I didn't catch anything from the lapdances.

That could explain how you landed that Analyst role with Roth!


Well, it wouldn't save me, because my girlfriend knows about the whole Alluvia/Cheetah thing. I remember back in the day, I was at Centennial Park and I found this Gold Club pass with 4 or 5 girls in Village People attire that was good for not having to pay a cover or something. I was only in like 5th grade, and I kept that thing in a drawer somewhere, until I discovered it later. Hell, it might've been worth something after they shut it down.


Naw man, that was my dawg Luda. I don't roll with those guys. I'm like... top shelf. The real deal. Yeah.

Fraser, I was working with a bunch of people who were close to the underground when they closed the Gold Club. Apparently there were suddenly a whole lot of vulnerable, jobless strippers on the street. The predators of the town had a field day. Some of the girls made it to the Cheetah, some of them took demotions to the lesser clubs, and some of them went on the street for good. Sad day, that.

The problem with the Gold Club, though, was that even if you could get in, you couldn't get a girl's attention without dropping $300 on alcohol to start off with. That's what makes the Cheetah so refreshing: it's all laid out, no upsells. You want to drink, you pay to drink. You want to play, you pay to play.

Then again, I once let a girl upsell me to VIP at the Cheetah. It was worth it... once. Wouldn't do it again; I'd rather buy dinner at Per Se.


We should all have a night out in nyc this summer.. that would be interesting. Putting faces to these anon names.

MisInd you are an interesting character. Martial Arts champion turned corporate. That's awesome.


no one here's tried provigil? I just ordered some online, hopefully when they get here I can substitute that for my allegedly "unhealthy" adderall use (about 10 mg/ week.. not that bad, I'd say)

also I got a shitload of xanax from when I went to Brazil, so I'm chemically prepared for any situation that awaits. onw the real question is: xanax or adderall for my interviews? :D

no one here's tried provigil? I just ordered some online, hopefully when they get here I can substitute that for my allegedly "unhealthy" adderall use (about 10 mg/ week.. not that bad, I'd say)

also I got a shitload of xanax from when I went to Brazil, so I'm chemically prepared for any situation that awaits. onw the real question is: xanax or adderall for my interviews? :D

As I said I've tried provigil - made me feverish, lightheaded, migrainy... terrible stuff for me. but only a small amount of people reach that way to it.


Where did you order it from online?

no one here's tried provigil? I just ordered some online, hopefully when they get here I can substitute that for my allegedly "unhealthy" adderall use (about 10 mg/ week.. not that bad, I'd say)

also I got a shitload of xanax from when I went to Brazil, so I'm chemically prepared for any situation that awaits. onw the real question is: xanax or adderall for my interviews? :D


There may be no prescription required, but unfortunately khat is illegal (Schedule 1; same category as heroin, psylocybin, and LSD), as are the components it breaks down into. Neither tea, leaves, nor powdered extract is legal, and the DEA has been focusing on getting rid of khat in recent years.

Mis Ind:
A cup of coffee, a slice of bread and butter, and a walk. That's what works for me.

Come on doc, I need chemicals baby, I also have a test to study for tomorrow, so I wanna bring out the big guns, so help a brotha out.


Wait, what? Didn't you say I should go to rehab for my caffeine addiction, dude? Clearly, coffee IS a big gun for you.

But yes, that's what I use. Good clean black Sumatran coffee from a french press. One of those dark ashy roasts with almost no volatile acidity, so heavy a roast that the oils float in tiny beads on the surface of the brew. No sugar, no cream. Puts your head on straight for sure. And then a piece of well-toasted coarse bread and a liberal quantity of good honest butter. Bread and butter for the body and coffee for the soul is what you need after a night of drinking.

Mis Ind:
Bread and butter for the body and coffee for the soul is what you need after a night of drinking.

I've never had a hangover. For that matter I've never had a headache for any other reason, either. (Well at least not traditional "headaches"... I used to get migraines once a year or so a long time ago but haven't even had one of those in the 2000s.)

Anyway, I always think I'd never drink at all if I got massive hangovers like at least 3/4ths of my friends do. You people are dedicated.


Just so you know. Darker roasted coffee has less caffeine content than lightly roasted coffee. But I have to agree, the darkness of them sort of give you a kick in the ass.


I know about the dark roast's effect on caffeine, Jay... but the dark roast also kills the acidity that makes my stomach hurt. Since I drink nearly a pint of the stuff upon waking and don't eat breakfast (unless, of course, I'm hungover), it's got to be able to play well with my stomach lining. Traditional American roasts are just too sour and winy.

But aww yeah, Fraser... the bagel and cream cheese and the french-press Sumatra. You're making me hungry, and I gotta get to work. Grr.


I've already been away from college for a number of years and you're right, I can't down half the quantities that I used to. Part of it was the other part you're right about... I switched from Beast/Natty/Icehouse to Red Hook/Newcastle at some point. And never going back! :)


Man, all this talk of Banker's drinking capacity being halved after a year or two as an analyst sounds garbage to me. I think you guys have been softened by the Street and are underestimating your own capacity.

As for me, there's no chance that'll ever happen to me, I've drunk 300 lbs guys under the table, I've polished off an entire bottle of JD (my fav drink btw) in one go and still remained conscious, so I doubt any job is gonna soften the kid.


Sean, you loose capacity. You'll probably get an overwhelming consensus backing this statment, and from beyond the street. Shit, we should make a poll out of this. Admin?

As for being softened by the street, the work is so intensive and hours are so long that when I go out, I really all out (same for many other bankers of course). I mean look at the list of "extras" listed in this thread, that's more than all out, it's just too far if you ask me.

As far as drinking stories go, a mate of mine could drink a bottle (75cl) of vodka at lunch time and return to class for the afternoon in high school. Ridiculous guy. He can still do it. Oh yeah, he works just a few hrs a day as a postman. We all have to make a lifestyle choice!

Don't worry though, I reckon you're making the right one and you'll still be the man in your pool.


While I'm flattered, RMBills, I seriously doubt you found an image of me... both because there aren't enough identifying characteristics of me on this board to fuel a decent Google search, and because of the MILF reference. I look about as old as any other analyst -- early twenties or thereabouts. At twenty-five it would be difficult for me to look very MILFy, even if I'd lived quite hard.


Retracing RMBills' steps, or the steps I would have taken to Google someone of the background you've described, I think he's referring to Dana Hee (click here), the stunt double for Kitana in Mortal Kombat.

Mis Ind:
I stunt-doubled on that movie. You know that hot-ass bitch in the Kitana costume during a couple of those fight scenes? THAT'S ME.

Fifth and second, My NYSE. The schools are fine but the PTA leaves much to be desired, as the other moms seem to think that participating in the bake sale means popping over to Balthazar's for asparagus and yuzu quichelettes. Also, I don't understand what's going on with the kids' family backgrounds. It's seriously like nothing I've ever seen before. Whenever I'm with my kids on the playground or taking them to play dates, the moms have such an amazing racial diversity but the kids all come out looking so Caucasian, every single one of them. Is it something in the water? Thoughts?

Mis Ind:
I don't understand what's going on with the kids' family backgrounds. It's seriously like nothing I've ever seen before. Whenever I'm with my kids on the playground or taking them to play dates, the moms have such an amazing racial diversity but the kids all come out looking so Caucasian, every single one of them. Is it something in the water? Thoughts?

The only explanation is that Caucasian is a dominant gene. Especially if the Mom has married an i-banker and now drinks not just bottled water, but Perrier. Then the kids are gonna turn out REALLY white.

(By the way I was just kidding about the dominant gene. We all know that Asian is the chosen race!)


Ah. That makes sense, but I am not Dana Hee. I don't want to go much further in discussing, but the primary double isn't always the one you see onscreen in every shot (which is why I referred to a couple of the scenes rather than all of them). In reality, they're constantly taping across many hours of work on a single scene, and they cobble together footage from hundreds of takes (which, in that particular movie, included at least three doubles and perhaps four).

The short story behind how I (and another girl) got into that film was that Pat Johnson owed us a favor after he screwed us on "The Next Karate Kid". He'd agreed to actually cast a NASKA girl in the lead role, and it was me and another girl that made the initial cuts. At the last moment he took Hilary Swank instead. To add insult to injury, the fight scenes in the movie were very few and very brief, and they sucked.


i think a little laughter always help. when i feel like i can't stay awake anymore, i get on youtube, crank on some russel peters, and then bang! i am awake.


A all nighters in my books is when you see the sun come up before you head to bed. I’m lucky in my programing job nothing is super time critical so I almost never have to pull an all nighters at work. My private life on the other hand I regularly work strait thou the night on Friday, sleep most of Saturday, go out on the town Saturday night, crash out of shear exhaustion on Sunday. Its not a good thing to do to your body but sometimes you got to do what you got to do.

george illinois drug rehab


A all nighters in my books is when you see the sun come up before you head to bed. I’m lucky in my programing job nothing is super time critical so I almost never have to pull an all nighters at work. My private life on the other hand I regularly work strait thou the night on Friday, sleep most of Saturday, go out on the town Saturday night, crash out of shear exhaustion on Sunday. Its not a good thing to do to your body but sometimes you got to do what you got to do.

george illinois drug rehab

That's not an all nighter. That's just adjusting your sleep cycle.


Constant Workout Routine at least 5x a week

N.O. Xplode/Jack3d half scoop with water after waking, small breakfast, multivitamin

work (small snacks/eats throughout the day)

Full dosage of N.O. Xplode/Jack3d, in the gym, dinner

Add protein supplementation where necessary

Exercise really is a key to unlocking sustainable energy for your body

Sleep Repeat

Functioning and Fit


For some reason. If I fall asleep at 12 and set my alarm for 3 I will feel way more rested than if I set it for 5, maybe it has to do with sleep cycles or something I dunno, but you could try that. Just sleep for a single cycle.

Im with Busey:
It's been proven that a nap of +/- 30 minutes will make you feel more awake than napping for 2 or 3 hours. I try to take one 30 minute nap every 3 hours instead of getting a full night's sleep.

I sleep way too much during finals (8hours) and need to change my routine.

How long have you done your particular routine for, and do you feel like death during the day or do you feel fine? And do you need to get used to this first or what?


I don't really trust myself with napping in critical situations because I have shut off my alarm while half asleep and with no recollection the next day. So, I just stick to taking 5 hour energy drinks every 3-4 hours to keep myself up and running. Typically, I will take one, after 5 hours take another, after 4 take another, and then maintain 1 every 3 hours.

It can't be good for you but during an emergency it does the trick.


Four Loko.

It keeps you up and makes all subject matter easier to least from my point of view it does, people around me are just stupid when they don't understand the wisdom I am talking about while on Four Loko.

"Greed, in all of its forms; greed for life, for money, for love, for knowledge has marked the upward surge of mankind. And greed, you mark my words, will not only save Teldar Paper, but that other malfunctioning corporation called the USA."
Four Loko.

It keeps you up and makes all subject matter easier to least from my point of view it does, people around me are just stupid when they don't understand the wisdom I am talking about while on Four Loko.


Take a caffeine nap - here are the directions:


I would never recommend drug use on this site. That being said, if you know the right people, you should shmeriously shmy shmaking shmome shmadderall.

“Millionaires don't use astrology, billionaires do”
Adderal and lots of cold water. You will be a robot.

Adderal definitely works and easy on the water... only take small sips for the first 4 hours, then smaller gulps ver 30 min for the next 4 hours, then eat something and drink water normally... your productivity will go up by atleast 200% and you'll retain 90% of it for the next two days.

I should make a website for this crap.


Get a Nalgene Bottle(1000ml) and finish a full bottle of water every 2 hours

Works pretty well for hunger also while studying

Dip works when you want to take a nice 20-30 minute break and browse the interweb


There is a 24 hour Starbucks on campus here, so I've been going there every night for the last week. Usually hard to get seats but if I wait 10 minutes I find a seat...I'll be going to the library starting next week once it starts operating 24hours. As long as I am away from my room I am good, I cant fall asleep at public locations. If I try to study, even in the afternoon, I always end up taking a few hour nap. I hate being in my room, cant get anything done


+1 for dip, I am glad I'm not the only man here. I worked nights through undergrad and regularly went a day or two without sleep. I always moderated how much I ate, dipped like a fiend, and stayed hydrated. Coffee only in the morning or very late at night, never in the afternoon or evening.

If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses - Henry Ford
By dip, do you guys mean dipping tobacco? That sounds disgusting...

Don't hate until you have experienced the joy of dipping. You can't smoke cigs in the library but you can bring in a few tins and an empty bottle and be good for a day or so.

When you are great, people will often mistake candor for arrogance.

I have the real secret that all you guys completely bypassed.... this is what I use and it keeps m LOCKED for hours.

Get your ass to a GNC and buy something called LIPO 6 Black. They are Thermogensis dietary pills and make focussed with caffeine that does not have a downer. You will be productive and powered for over 16 hours and can sleep for 4 to 6 then pop some more and your good to go all over again with no nausea.

Trust me, i do these all nighters or day study-thons all the time.

Lipo 6 black is like a chlled version of hydroxicut and at the end of finals you'll be ripped and ready to hook up with chics... i do it all the time.


Never sacrifice sleep for finals, simply not worth it. And absolutely unneccesary if I do a 2-hour review per course every a few days. Stay away from coffee and other "strong" drinks unless absolutely neccesary.

Never sacrifice sleep for finals, simply not worth it. And absolutely unneccesary if I do a 2-hour review per course every a few days. Stay away from coffee and other "strong" drinks unless absolutely neccesary.

This is clearly a chick. I'll bet she has a planner with everything highlighted in 5 different colors.


I feel like I need to start a dipping group on WSO....I think I just might

If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses - Henry Ford

Allow yourself to get raped, literally, every few hours. Go downtown and walk around the most notorious areas just looking for trouble. If you aren't lucky enough to get raped, at least get mugged - just don't carry too much cash on you, b/c you'll need to buy lots of caffeine.

Studies have shown that traumatic experiences (rape, mugging, etc) dramatically elevate adrenaline for several hours, and that will help you study longer. So the next time it's midnight and you still have ten more chapters to cram, but you just can't stay awake, consider heading over to the ghetto. This option may not be feasible for you guys in smaller college towns.

Allow yourself to get raped, literally, every few hours. Go downtown and walk around the most notorious areas just looking for trouble. If you aren't lucky enough to get raped, at least get mugged - just don't carry too much cash on you, b/c you'll need to buy lots of caffeine.

Studies have shown that traumatic experiences (rape, mugging, etc) dramatically elevate adrenaline for several hours, and that will help you study longer. So the next time it's midnight and you still have ten more chapters to cram, but you just can't stay awake, consider heading over to the ghetto. This option may not be feasible for you guys in smaller college towns.

hahahahahahhahahahahahaha possibly the funniest thing I have read on this website.

Cheers! I wish there were platinum bananas to give... this would be a good time.


Velit enim optio voluptatem. Corporis iste tempore enim vel officiis. Ipsum sed ullam eligendi sunt id sed quam libero. Provident tenetur sequi et quod qui mollitia.

Architecto fugit consequatur debitis itaque aut veniam beatae et. Mollitia nobis et quo ut ratione. Iusto repellendus voluptatibus sed.

Laboriosam aut corporis id itaque sapiente veritatis. Quisquam eaque error ipsam libero tempora et molestiae. Laboriosam voluptate ut voluptate dolores esse asperiores.


Impedit fugiat odio eaque quod exercitationem ratione quo. Dolorem est provident et. Quia magni perferendis vitae id.

Accusantium impedit id rerum nobis ut et reiciendis. Iste doloremque iure excepturi natus aut sint omnis exercitationem. Id veniam ipsum qui nesciunt.

Vitae aut enim dolorem est. Beatae beatae minus ducimus cupiditate eaque.


Itaque sunt itaque molestias qui sit. Cupiditate perspiciatis iusto dolorem sed ad consequatur ut. Quaerat incidunt recusandae voluptatem fugiat.

Aliquam magnam voluptas consequuntur adipisci corporis et nam. Ullam iusto vel rerum dolor. Ut voluptatem adipisci qui ipsa rerum eaque.

Aspernatur iusto nihil delectus ea voluptatem. Tempora est molestias blanditiis ullam enim aliquam qui laudantium. Sed enim inventore et nobis. Tenetur beatae et eum molestiae. Consequatur sed provident debitis est error quis doloremque.

"The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they're ignorant, it's just that they know so much that isn't so." - Ronald Reagan

Career Advancement Opportunities

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Jefferies & Company 02 99.4%
  • Lazard Freres No 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners New 98.3%
  • Harris Williams & Co. 24 97.7%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.2%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Harris Williams & Co. 18 99.4%
  • JPMorgan Chase 10 98.9%
  • Morgan Stanley 05 98.3%
  • William Blair 03 97.7%
  • Lazard Freres 06 97.2%

Professional Growth Opportunities

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Lazard Freres 01 99.4%
  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners 18 98.3%
  • JPMorgan Chase 06 97.7%
  • Moelis & Company 06 97.2%

Total Avg Compensation

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (23) $378
  • Associates (95) $261
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • 2nd Year Analyst (69) $168
  • Intern/Summer Associate (34) $167
  • 1st Year Analyst (213) $160
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (155) $101
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