applied to ib sa2020, got hirevue instantly, it was 2 behavioral questions took less than 2 min


Well there's no advantage to applying late.. I always apply ASAP. If you have a network it doesn't matter when you applied for resume pushes. Earlier is always better unless you are still recruiting for this summer & could still add more meat to your resume


Echoing this. I received one the second I applied. If you didn't get an email, check your application portal and it'll show action required.


So do non-diversity people not even get a first-round phone interview? Or is it after that phone interview when non-diversity get dropped?


I was non-diversity but still got HireVue maybe they will take some non diversity?

ALso i feel like admission is rolling because i was only given 2 days to complete Hirevue

Also will they be more sympathetic to earlier applicants? I did not do that well on Hirevue and now everybody knows the questions so i feel kind of done for...


I didn't know the questions going in. I also got tricked because I thought I was in practice mode but only realized partway in that I was in the actual interview so yeah lol rip MS.

Are there any other sophmore specific programs open yet? I know JPM opens in June Goldman is July (although that is basically a shot in the dark lol). Citi seems to be more leadership oriented so I"m not really sure If i have a chance or not.


Sorry, I should have clarified. I just meant that I finished the HireVue portion of the interview! I did not hear back yet but was wondering when we could expect to move on to the next step.


I received invitation to complete online psychometric tests for IBD SA 2020. Does everyone get them. Non target from UK btw.


I don't think everyone gets them. I applied in March and just got the email today. It would seem pointless to wait 2 months to send me that email if it was just part of the application lol. Also the fact we all got it the same day should say something, unlike the Hirevue. Having said that i was certain i tanked the Hirevue part but guess not lol.


Does anybody have any information regarding the steps for recruitment this year? Is it going to be Hirevue + Online Assesment -> Superday? Hirevue + Online Assesment -> Phone Screen -> Superday? If Anyone has any contacts who have information with regards to recruiting, it would be very helpful.

I completed the tests and don't feel as though I did super well. The situational judgement test had a lot of answers that were frankly horrible. Also, I was quit out of the switch challenge after reaching level 10 or 11 each time I did test even though time hadn't expired. Did anyone else have a similar experience? Feel free to PM me.


I actually thought the situational judgment was the easiest section didnt do well on the other 2 though I know some basic accounting but time crunch was still insane for numerical guessing I got 9-10 right. As for the logic one what is a good level? I got a level similar to you which I assumed wasn't that high kept missing the puzzles...

I actually thought the situational judgment was the easiest section didnt do well on the other 2 though I know some basic accounting but time crunch was still insane for numerical guessing I got 9-10 right. As for the logic one what is a good level? I got a level similar to you which I assumed wasn't that high kept missing the puzzles...

I got to level 25 on the switch challenge. The numerical was a nightmare.


Can anybody else not see the link for the reasoning tests? I got the email and clicked into my application center but it just says thanks for submitting your online assessments with no prompt to actually complete them.

Can anybody else not see the link for the reasoning tests? I got the email and clicked into my application center but it just says thanks for submitting your online assessments with no prompt to actually complete them.

I thought the assessment was for only UK students? I couldn’t find any precedence for this. It was hirevue-> phone interview->superday?


Does anyone know what the next step is? I feel like this week would be when we start hearing back with regards to whether we are moving on. It shouldn't take too long to figure out percentiles, etc.

Does anyone know what the next step is? I feel like this week would be when we start hearing back with regards to whether we are moving on. It shouldn't take too long to figure out percentiles, etc.

We all failed lol.


The posting is still up on LinkedIn- I feel like people may be waiting for a while yet or its rolling now- just an educated guess though.


Can anyone confirm their assessment questions? Mine were as follows;

1.Situational- answered a slew of instant messages from hypothetical bankers/ teammates. I did Fairly well and answered all questions pretty quickly.

  1. Numerical- given 6 different financial documents that had to be individually opened to view information. 18 questions in 6 minutes. Got my ass kicked on this. Answered 10 of them and might have only got 2-3 right.

  2. Switch challenge- the input of shapes is the output. This definitely test how well your brain can analyze things quickly. I got to level 24-25 on this. Not sure what a good number is.


Yeah that's what it was. I'm not sure the weighting of the sections which would be interesting to know. How did you get level 25 tho? That's like over 4 a minute... Is this your first time doing the puzzles or have you had similar experience before?

Yeah that's what it was. I'm not sure the weighting of the sections which would be interesting to know. How did you get level 25 tho? That's like over 4 a minute... Is this your first time doing the puzzles or have you had similar experience before?

First time. I couldn’t even find anything online in terms of what the assessment consisted of ahead of time, so it was tough to prepare for.


I got to round 27 on the numerical switchChallenge and I don't consider myself strong at quant at all. I've got friends that can hit 40+ easily on this so I wonder where the "cutoff" is going to be this year.. not that it'll ever be made public

I got to round 27 on the numerical switchChallenge and I don't consider myself strong at quant at all. I've got friends that can hit 40+ easily on this so I wonder where the "cutoff" is going to be this year.. not that it'll ever be made public

Why would you even decide to take the test? You said that you already signed to a BB and if you were to get a super day invite then you would be effectively taking away an interview spot from someone else who likely doesn't have an offer.


For the switchChallenge, I personally don’t think it matters what “level” you got to but rather the difficulty of question you got to. For example, it started off with the most basic patterns and after a few “levels” they got harder and more complex. But if you got one wrong, the next question’s difficulty level would be a notch easier to where you once were able to answer correctly. So if you hypothetically kept getting questions wrong and were constantly fed the easiest (basic) questions, as a result, you’d easily fly up the “levels” and get to level 25+. I personally think that it’s the degree of difficulty the questions you reach that matters rather than the “level” since you can possibly be reach level 40 while only answering “difficulty level 1” questions. But then again, that’s just my rationale and I may be wrong.

I took the assessment multiple times since I applied to multiple locations and this was my observation

For the switchChallenge, I personally don’t think it matters what “level” you got to but rather the difficulty of question you got to. For example, it started off with the most basic patterns and after a few “levels” they got harder and more complex. But if you got one wrong, the next question’s difficulty level would be a notch easier to where you once were able to answer correctly. So if you hypothetically kept getting questions wrong and were constantly fed the easiest (basic) questions, as a result, you’d easily fly up the “levels” and get to level 25+. I personally think that it’s the degree of difficulty the questions you reach that matters rather than the “level” since you can possibly be reach level 40 while only answering “difficulty level 1” questions. But then again, that’s just my rationale and I may be wrong.

I took the assessment multiple times since I applied to multiple locations and this was my observation

What level did you get to without any mistakes?


I got to lvl 12 before making mistakes (for reference the hardest one i got right was where there were two rows and each row had 3 choices and had to pick one from each to get final sequence)

Didn't see any posts related to this topic, so wanted to create a thread where current freshman could discuss their recruiting efforts for Summer 2020. I applied for IB, GCM, and Quantitative Finance, what about you guys?

Didn't read this until now. I applied to IB, Quant, and Fixed Income but have only been asked to do more than a hirevue for IB (online iq tests)


Yes unfortunately, same thing happened to me. Its the exact same questions too. You won't have to do the tests again though. They'll email you telling you to take the tests, but then you click to begin and it immediately says you're finished.


Everyone got the hirevue and the online assessment. There's no word yet on whether its straight to superday or phone screen first.


Just finished my online assessments. Overall not bad, but the numerical one is impossible to finish at the given time frame and getting 80% of the questions right.

Did anyone hear back after they finished their HireVue & Assessments?


Completed the hirevue back in April. Did a few networking calls as well, but analysts hinted that they were not officially starting until mid summer unless you had an offer on the table.

I presume some people have done official 1r calls and possibly supers, but only top target schools who have networked hard.


I filled out the application for ER and immediately got a Hirevue invitation, but for IBD haven’t received anything and it’s been 2 days. Any idea why this might have happened? I emailed them asking why this occurred and haven’t gotten a response...


I'm still not buying this. MS is clearly entertaining non-diversity candidates by giving a hirevue and then online tests. Furthermore, nowhere on the app itself does it state only 100% diversity. Rather it mentions how the program is to encourage diversity applicants. If they really just wanted diversity ONLY they would have created a filter to immediately DQ non-diversity applicants from the start.


To people who applied to both IB and GCM, were the hirevues identical? Asking because I applied to IB a while ago but I'm thinking of applying to GCM too even though its not really my preference, and I'm trying to figure out whether I just need to regurgitate the recent deal/ problem answers or actually be prepped to answer new questions.


Hi guys--I heard from HR today that they are not reviewing candidates for 2020 IBD Sophomore Summer Analyst Program until it is closed on September 1st. (So I believe if you've done your Hirevue and other assessments there's nothing more unitl Sep.)


Just got the assessment yesterday.

What i have been reading so far is a 1. Situational 2. Numerical 3. Switch Challenge, however in my assessment description I got: 1. Numerical Reasoning Test 2. Inductive Reasoning Test 3. Situational Judgement Test

Anyone got this one before, any tips? I am familar with inductive and numerical (graphs and figures), but not situational judgement.


Situational is super simple, its like a texting app UI and you get texts from analysts, associates, MDs etc. with I think three different response options to choose from for each question. Just answer how you think they'd expect an analyst to answer.


Made the test yesterday.

Indeed situational was very easy and I scored excellent on that. Inductive reasoning got hard at the end, I figured I got 18/20 correct Numerical was a pain in the ass, did average on there, but had issues with the fact that the sheet would go over the question (so I had to re-close sheet sometimes to re-read question)


I applied over a month ago (from a target school) and did the hirevue for the quantitative finance sophomore sa. still haven't heard back regarding any tests I need to complete. are the tests sent to everyone? has anyone who applied to quant heard back yet (with tests or a phone interview)?


is it correct we would be invited for a hirevue right after online assessment? or are the two links sent at the same time? i've just finished my online assessment but havent heard anything abt hirevue... not certain what the next steps are...


Are the apps still open? Or is the recruiting timeline so advanced that there'd be no point applying now? Interested in IBD & Fixed Income and ER


Cum ut iste necessitatibus quibusdam a deleniti error qui. Ipsum repellendus tenetur odit aperiam. In blanditiis sequi quasi facilis alias sit architecto.

Ut quas possimus doloremque est. Ut aut veritatis cumque rerum. In vel expedita inventore.

Ullam labore qui aperiam unde sint est. Modi nostrum quo sed nostrum recusandae qui mollitia. Quaerat dolorem voluptas quas maiores voluptatem.

Dolor amet sed sed corporis possimus facere vel. Atque aut ut nulla. Ex adipisci voluptas sint quibusdam. Voluptatem et eaque odit ipsum. Optio et ea sed.


Deleniti fugit reiciendis omnis ea doloribus. Quidem sunt illo ut facere. Dignissimos alias vero consequatur sit laborum tenetur pariatur. Veniam et ex culpa dolorum ut aliquam ut.

Asperiores quas dignissimos ut veritatis. Veniam accusantium et et omnis. Reprehenderit odit nisi temporibus maxime totam odio architecto. Eaque veritatis quis eligendi voluptate sapiente.

Voluptates expedita neque autem voluptas aut consequatur. In neque vel corrupti repellat. Facilis ut quas nostrum. Quasi consectetur ut magni perspiciatis tenetur.

Earum quo hic fugiat et minima. Et ipsa quia consequatur qui vitae. Nostrum beatae maiores velit earum. Necessitatibus placeat excepturi magnam qui atque quaerat.


Dignissimos veniam quae sed iste nostrum odio optio quasi. Aut et consequuntur voluptatum. Minima beatae alias corporis voluptas a ipsam quis fugiat. Inventore qui dolores soluta. Repellat possimus alias voluptate soluta et.

Veniam ut impedit voluptas at quis quo. Quis qui laborum et ducimus enim. Dolore consequatur laborum dolor quia laudantium doloribus. Et labore iure natus vel.


Nisi explicabo vel adipisci perspiciatis quasi veritatis velit. Et error voluptatem corrupti exercitationem consequatur. Sint explicabo et a pariatur praesentium voluptas nisi non. Omnis sed veritatis animi. Sint laborum eos ab qui amet vel. Voluptatibus assumenda odio sed sit aut et sed. Qui ratione incidunt et qui.

At autem est doloribus expedita officiis natus nisi. Dolorem quia libero et illo sequi optio ipsa delectus. Autem amet est a ut voluptatem dolorem. Vel sapiente et vitae temporibus. Ut nulla consequatur ex non.


Illo eaque expedita atque laborum voluptatum. Sequi impedit nihil optio. Quia dolor eaque dolor iusto dolorum.

Doloribus qui expedita officia odio ullam quo quis. Cupiditate vero id eius. Et animi doloribus veniam sapiente tempore voluptate molestias. Culpa laboriosam aliquid repellat aut quos eligendi.

Sint id labore velit et ea sit. Necessitatibus molestias voluptatibus qui soluta aut. Nulla commodi eius in tempora consequatur autem omnis. Ex nulla possimus eius quas distinctio possimus eius. Excepturi ab voluptatibus voluptatum velit excepturi laborum.

Mollitia velit est quia ipsa iusto quasi qui. Doloremque quia et porro. Doloremque iste at ea et qui.

Career Advancement Opportunities

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Jefferies & Company 02 99.4%
  • Lazard Freres No 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners New 98.3%
  • Harris Williams & Co. 24 97.7%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.2%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Harris Williams & Co. 18 99.4%
  • JPMorgan Chase 10 98.9%
  • Morgan Stanley 05 98.3%
  • William Blair 03 97.7%
  • Lazard Freres 06 97.2%

Professional Growth Opportunities

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Lazard Freres 01 99.4%
  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners 18 98.3%
  • Moelis & Company 06 97.7%
  • JPMorgan Chase 06 97.2%

Total Avg Compensation

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (23) $378
  • Associates (95) $261
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • 2nd Year Analyst (69) $168
  • Intern/Summer Associate (34) $167
  • 1st Year Analyst (213) $160
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (155) $101
16 IB Interviews Notes

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