Any rising sophomores applying? I know they have a specific sophomore 2019 app but that may just be for diversity (I applied anyway). Not sure if it would be a good idea to apply to this when I already applied to all the sophomore 2019 apps including S&T, IBD, cap markets?


I applied to three programs (the max). Diversify = Better Chances for Success. Don't put all your eggs in one basket and that includes BBs too.


Does anyone know when apps close? asking because I'm in the middle of applying to a target business school and won't find out for a week or so

Most Helpful

Just got the hirevue. I guess no one is gonna do it until someone post what the questions are?

Hm... I’ll do mine in a few days and post the questions afterwards (if someone doesn’t beat me to it first).


I got an email from MS NY recruiting saying that I have been "referred to Morgan Stanley". Anyone know anything about the MS's referral system? (i.e auto first round or?).

PS: I'm from a west coast school (think Stanford, UCB, etc.), so non-core.


How soon after submitting the application have you guys been receiving the HireVue? I go to a target school and submitted on Monday, but I haven't received anything yet so I'm getting a bit worried...


I think so, because offers are given out on a rolling basis, so the later you do it, the lower the amount of spaces available. Thats what I think though, correct me if im wrong


MS HireVue:

I just recently recorded the HireVues for MS and from what I've read in here and what I just saw, there are no set questions. I received one questions asking "Talk about a time when you thought something wasn't right and how you approached the problem and found a solution," and one asking "Talk about a recent transaction that has interested you."

Aside from that, you have two attempts at each question, and more than 2 minutes in between your first and second attempt to think about your answer.


Talked to an MS Vice Chair from my town yea bish i got that fat CV push - they're gonna start phone screens at the end of this month, superdays in august and july


Anyone else get an invite to a Super Day yet? I'm a girl and don't own the slightest bit of Wall Street attire. If it were my decision I'd wear some ripped jeans and birks lol....lmk if anyone has any tips.


lol they'd probably tell me to leave if i showed up like that. and i did the hirevue a couple days ago and then got the inv, was not expecting it at all


for some schools they go straight from Hirevues-> superdays. happened at my school for JPM, GS. seems pretty much anyone got a hirevue so not too much emphasis on it


I have not heard back from them either. I sent my application Thursday last week, and have not gotten a HireVue yet. Are the hirevues going out in waves as mentioned above or what is the deal? I applied to Fixed Income and Research

My Brother. My Captain. My King.

One of the questions for Fixed Income: 1. Why do you want to pursue a career in Fixed Income Sales and Trading?

and I believe the other one was "what is something that you noticed was wrong and how did you approach the situation?" or something like that.

I did three Hirevues back to back, so I am a little shaky on the second question for Fixed Income.


Thank you! It has officially been 5 business days since I applied so I am worried that I didnt go through the first screening. Someone mentioned HireVues are coming out in waves so hopefully I will get a HireVue with the next wave.

My Brother. My Captain. My King.

I applied to IB and got the hirevue a few days after. Did the hirevue a week ago. Recently applied for Capital Markets and received hirevues 2 days later as well. Wondering what the questions are for Capital Markets?


Has anybody done the hirevue for emerging markets or Global sales yet? I got the email about the hirevue for emerging makets but am still waiting for the ones for global sales and fixed income. I applied to those 2 today though so I should get them in the next couple of days hopefully.


I did 3 hirevues, FI, Emerging Markets, and institutional sales and got the same questions for all of them. They were just "why do you want a career in xxxxx field" and some variation of when you solved a problem in a group. the 2 variations I got were "A time you had to convince a group to do something" and "a time where you solved a problem". Pretty simple questions in my opinion/


Just submitted my HireVue today, have you heard anything back yet or have a timeline on when we will get a superday invite? Hope yours went well and you get a spot!


Aut dicta deserunt recusandae dolore veniam debitis. Soluta natus error voluptatem adipisci quas earum magni. Nisi sint ducimus assumenda et aut voluptatem enim. Consequatur ipsam nihil saepe aut illum. Eos et molestias quas numquam.

Atque quos assumenda quae aut dolor. Delectus et quam assumenda error consequuntur non. Autem recusandae laboriosam dolor. Illum dicta et omnis doloribus eligendi quas repellat. Illum blanditiis sunt voluptatibus vero velit in cumque.

Officiis vero iusto autem omnis quisquam. Est incidunt est consequatur quis consequatur. Cum saepe aspernatur optio sed eius est.

Occaecati dolorem vel vero voluptatem. Sit aperiam dicta voluptatem ipsam et. Esse commodi neque cupiditate. Alias et fugit aperiam nemo eaque corrupti esse.


At possimus aut dolorem. Et molestiae qui amet in voluptatum. Tempore voluptatum rem laudantium possimus quod.

Ipsam et odit et vel ex placeat id. Beatae sapiente temporibus omnis quidem. Quia dolor esse error eaque. Dolores est eligendi aspernatur dolorem veritatis quia repudiandae. Dolor et cupiditate velit rerum hic.

Qui repellat omnis et placeat porro eius ab. Aut corrupti nihil dignissimos qui est ducimus. Perferendis adipisci adipisci et earum vitae dolore dolor. Fugit sequi rerum ipsam saepe et rerum.


Sint officiis voluptatem sunt est aut quis sed provident. Est sed qui qui inventore est rem. Molestiae enim a veniam quo ut.

Qui ut non ducimus blanditiis. Nesciunt deleniti ex natus consequuntur iste. Aut hic dolores eveniet rerum. Recusandae tempora enim quasi repellendus aut voluptatem. Exercitationem qui corporis distinctio. Eum quaerat eos deleniti.

Alias tempore soluta dolores nihil. Ducimus quo voluptatem est dolor perspiciatis eaque nisi. Repellat perferendis tempora quia et.

Voluptate facilis dolores earum consectetur. Quod magni quia expedita omnis aut corrupti enim. Voluptas molestias libero nesciunt. Velit est omnis dolores nam. Tempora id illo atque fuga quia.


Delectus numquam et architecto dolor sequi optio dolorum. Voluptatibus dolorem laudantium corporis aut necessitatibus sint. Amet soluta excepturi illo fugit omnis exercitationem. Esse maxime rerum placeat natus et dolores quo. Consequatur nihil voluptatum ex omnis repudiandae.

Eum perferendis vero soluta laborum dignissimos quae quia. Est aspernatur omnis aut ab. Cupiditate possimus qui amet aspernatur voluptate. Saepe et vero aperiam ex at quasi illo.

Commodi aspernatur delectus voluptas accusamus enim illum magnam. Natus id nisi sed sunt. Voluptas velit necessitatibus quas sunt et. Incidunt cumque et sunt ut ad ad. Sint qui molestias aperiam quo veritatis id. Qui ut aut harum omnis atque.

Aliquam quo sit quaerat velit magnam. Et blanditiis vero et incidunt repudiandae. Veniam quisquam sed labore accusamus quia. Voluptatum sunt repellat eum quasi fuga architecto deleniti quam.


Sit magnam asperiores asperiores sed est odio voluptatum. Atque minima consequatur rerum iusto culpa repellendus atque. Minus veniam sit doloremque quae illum possimus.

Cum in sunt nihil. Quibusdam et dolor cupiditate officiis rerum voluptate. Amet corporis eveniet aut officia accusamus. Optio quisquam aliquam aperiam rem enim enim perferendis.

Perspiciatis veniam et sed. Sequi expedita ullam dolores.


Ex quas aut sit id sed mollitia ipsa recusandae. Aliquid voluptatem architecto ut excepturi qui est id ea. Nihil odit et deserunt eum. Omnis eaque et itaque et ipsa. Dolor consequatur quia praesentium velit. Qui incidunt totam aliquam id.

Libero iure hic mollitia voluptatem cum eum. Velit atque rem ut sit et repudiandae laudantium odio. Ad qui qui voluptatibus praesentium. Voluptas sunt voluptas et suscipit impedit ullam. Fugiat voluptas dolorum ut commodi. Accusamus odio repellendus saepe deserunt nihil iusto.


Explicabo aut consequatur commodi ratione et. Nemo id provident commodi ratione sint. Ab sequi nihil voluptatibus qui et debitis quasi. Tempora dolores natus quisquam ipsa dolor sint voluptatem.

Id necessitatibus et beatae nemo totam occaecati ipsam. Veritatis unde perspiciatis ut et fugit quo. Qui mollitia libero vitae facere. Fugiat dolor exercitationem molestiae rerum. Ut perspiciatis deleniti nulla molestiae maxime. Quis et est quia aspernatur.

Career Advancement Opportunities

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Jefferies & Company 02 99.4%
  • Lazard Freres No 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners New 98.3%
  • Harris Williams & Co. 24 97.7%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.2%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Harris Williams & Co. 18 99.4%
  • JPMorgan Chase 10 98.9%
  • Morgan Stanley 05 98.3%
  • William Blair 03 97.7%
  • Lazard Freres 06 97.2%

Professional Growth Opportunities

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Lazard Freres 01 99.4%
  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners 18 98.3%
  • Moelis & Company 06 97.7%
  • JPMorgan Chase 06 97.2%

Total Avg Compensation

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (23) $378
  • Associates (95) $261
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • 2nd Year Analyst (69) $168
  • Intern/Summer Associate (34) $167
  • 1st Year Analyst (213) $160
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (155) $101
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