List of Targets and Semi-Targets

First off, I just wanna say that this forum has more influence than you think. I know multiple suckers, including myself, who have based content on this forum as one of their major factors when considering which school to attend. As a rising high school senior, I'm looking for schools to apply to and I'm trying to find all the targets and semi-targets. Now there are dozens of threads similar to this, but none come to any sort of consensus. I'm gonna start off with my original list, but then I'm gonna edit this post based on all the comments that I hopefully will receive.

Targets (in no order):

Semi-Targets (in no order):
-Boston College
- Indiana
-Notre Dame
-Miami of Ohio
-Washington & Lee
-Wake Forest
-Carnegie Mellon

4 Clarifications:

-I'm not include alternative majors/programs for all the schools, no Penn non-Wharton, no Michigan non-Ross, etc.

-Don't recommend the school you attend(ed), sorry, but too much bias

-I'm gonna alter the list based on feedback, if the person above you commented the same change you were thinking, please repeat it. Also throw bananas and shits generously.

-This list is very subjective, don't take it personal


Go to UVA. You won't regret it. I've never met anyone who didn't have a blast there. One of my friends graduated from the Comm school and is working at Carlyle now making $150K as a 23 year old. Cville is dope also.

'"The floggings will continue until morale improves"

Also note that your experience at a semi target may vary widely. Several of them have specialized IB groups. If you get in your options will be on par with targets. If not then SOL.

Best Response

OP is a rising senior. This post is his/her guess at targets vs. semi-targets, definitely not an accurate or complete list by any means.


Human condition: my ego got damaged and I failed to filter out the emotions in my response. I apologize.

In all seriousness though, I believe UC Berkeley's undergraduate Business and Econ degrees are consistently in the top ten [if not top five].


Would consider top liberal arts schools a semi-target too. Williams, Amherst, Middlebury, maybe Wesleyan. MIT semi-target. Not biased as a student of one of those, just know that there are solid OCR opportunities there. Might consider Brown a target, not semi.


OK it's updated for now, left some obvious schools out. And yea semi-target is really vague, but just gonna list schools that have some OCR/ decent alumni connection but not up to par to the targets. Thanks for the input so far.


Notre Dame could be considered a target, at least a semi target

additionally, region can really affect whether a school is a "semi target" or not, such as these: Texas - O&G banking Claremont - West Coast U. Washington - West Coast Illinois (same level as Indiana?) - Chicago


Notre Dame - strong semi-target or weak target (depending on how liberal your definition is) Texas - definitely semi-target Claremont - no idea, too small to tell U. Washington - doubt it, maybe a regional semi-target Illinois - definitely not on the same level as Indiana. Maybe a semi-target for Chicago, same goes for Wisconsin. Non-target elsewhere.


I'd consider Northwestern, Chicago, Fordham as semi targets. Brown, Vanderbilt, Amherst, Williams, Middlebury as targets. These are the only changes I'd make to the above list.


Either the bank / consulting firm comes to your school (therefore your school is a target for that specific firm) or it doesn't (your school is NOT a target for that specific firm). This applies in 99% of the cases (there's a few where a firm sets aside a specific school's resumes and looks at them but doesn't actively recruit or visit campus).

There's no such thing as a "semi target" or a "strong semi target" or a "weak target." At the end of the day, you're going to have to network if you want to work at a firm that doesn't come to your campus.


You are correct - schools are either targets or non-targets for certain banks. If you go to Harvard and every BB and EB recruits from your school, it's a target. If you go to Indiana - Kelley and 5 BBs and 3 EBs recruit from your school (just making this shit up off the top of my head), it's a semi-target. While 2 BBs, an EB and a few MMs recruit from my school I would consider it a non-target because it is clearly a tier below Indiana. Since there is a fairly distinct difference in the level of recruiting from these three schools they can be broken up into multiple tiers. I understand the point you're getting at but there is utility in creating labels based on the recruiting-level for each school.


It is also worth considering another important factor: once you get outside HSP different schools will do better in certain areas. For example your top engineering schools(places like Georgia Tech and MIT) will produce few bankers but a good number of quants....and for good reason. The guys from there are usually on a whole different level compared to your standard finance/econ major when it comes to mathematical analytical ability.


I do go there, but still I think by definition (not that there really is one) Villanova is a semi-target. We get solid MM OCR and have a good presence in BB (I'd say at least ~10 per year go to BB IBD at least the past 5 years.)


Williams, Amherst, and Brown may not have a large number of grads enter finance, but they hold enough prestige so that any student with an inclination to get on Wall Street can do so with ease. For that reason I think all 3 are targets, but then again it depends how you define target.

"Truth is like poetry. And most people fucking hate poetry."

Suprised Rutgers isn't up here at all. Although im currently attending and have 2 years left, I watched several of my friends do extremely well recently.

A few include: -JP Morgan Chase- 2 analysts and 1 who made it to the final interview -Goldman Sachs- 2 (sales & trading, loans) -Deloitte- 2 -EY- 2 -Consulting firm on Wall street- old roommate

Keep in mind, Rutgers is only a 45 minute train ride to NYC with a large alumni network. Other large banks host OCI's beginning in the fall, so I guess by that definition its at least semi-target..


Updated list, input is obviously slowing down, but that's expected, plus we have a pretty comprehensive list here.

@metronorthdude Read the second sentence


Also if you've got Miami of Ohio I'm pretty sure you should add University of Wisconsin Madison as well

"Truth is like poetry. And most people fucking hate poetry."

UIUC has solid placements in Chicago IB. Probably a semi target. Some of the top WSO members have vouched for it in the past.

"Truth is like poetry. And most people fucking hate poetry."

Btw thanks for compiling this. As a rising senior myself, I've looked at similar lists in the past and this one seems the most comprehensive. This will be useful for the 15 and 16 year olds on this site.

"Truth is like poetry. And most people fucking hate poetry."

Everyone has a different opinion. There are Target Schools and Regional Target Schools. Regional Target Schools dominate recruiting within the region of the school. Target Schools include Harvard, Princeton, Yale, Wharton, Stanford, NYU, Dartmouth, MIT, University of Chicago, etc. Semi Target Schools include Duke University, Emory, maybe Williams College? Regional Targets, which are often Semi-Targets as well, include UC Berkeley, UCLA, UT:Austin, etc.

Just the biggest and the best universities in the country: namely University of Phoenix and DeVry's Keller School of Management.

This is brilliant!

- Ostende Mihi Pecuniam -
Just the biggest and the best universities in the country: namely University of Phoenix and DeVry's Keller School of Management.

This is too freaking brilliant.

Just the biggest and the best universities in the country: namely University of Phoenix and DeVry's Keller School of Management.

Not to pseudo hijack this thread, but I'm curious if you guys would hire someone from phoenix or devry if you were interviewing them? Say they somehow got an interview and killed it. They knew their shit, were sociable, etc., but went to phoenix. Would you auto kill them on the spot or not care considering they were smart and would be a good fit? When I was an analyst and interviewing for my group I actually interviewed someone from phoenix. No idea how their resume got through and how they got through HR, but there they were. I'm not gonna lie, they really knew their shit. We went super brutal on them in terms of technicals and there were hardly any missteps. I was kinda dumbfounded.

"It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed." Theodore Roosevelt

For the North East:

Targets would be Columbia / Yale / Princeton / Dartmouth / NYU / Harvard / MIT / UPENN

Semi-Targets/Regional Targets would be Villanova / Boston College / Bentley / UCONN / Baruch (prob. a few others)


Top US targets for London:

Harvard Wharton MIT Stanford Chicago Caltech Yale Princeton

Those schools + European targets made up most of my analyst class.

Really depends on what level you are talking about. Are you talking about undergraduate or graduate?

If you are talking about undergrad wise, a few Canadians schools such as Queens, Ivey and McGill can be argued as being target schools and their placement is quite excellent. You might want to look into that as an alternate option.

For Canada. While I've seen some alumni in NY, they are about as common as Uconn grads.


Can all the Ivy's be considered targets? All the NESCAC? Patriot?

Global buyer of highly distressed industrial companies. Pays Finder Fees Criteria = $50 - $500M revenues. Highly distressed industrial. Limited Reps and Warranties. Can close in 1-2 weeks.

Came from a NESCAC school...Williams/Amherst are semi-targets. The rest you really have to hustle/network out of to get anything. Given that some of them are in the middle of nowhere, it is kinda tough to pull off but not impossible.


No one mentions West Point but I hear a WP degree has more clout than any other.

Global buyer of highly distressed industrial companies. Pays Finder Fees Criteria = $50 - $500M revenues. Highly distressed industrial. Limited Reps and Warranties. Can close in 1-2 weeks.

You will get into MBA business schools">M7 if you have essays. If not then you will be competitive at all those schools you listed.


He meant if your essays are good in general.

Schools have more lenience on essays if you're a 770/3.8 than if you're a 700/3.9


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Quia sequi consequatur qui. Et deleniti ut est soluta qui natus. Eligendi laboriosam et delectus velit qui explicabo. Et id laboriosam nulla tempora sit itaque aliquid. Rerum harum qui sequi dolores eos fuga omnis sequi.


Omnis eos natus adipisci quis maxime blanditiis voluptatem quis. Alias corrupti delectus temporibus iusto omnis. Quas est velit qui in. Dolor alias qui non quam.

Minima voluptatem dolorum iure rerum aut et atque. Beatae aut voluptatem dolorem sapiente ex omnis. Assumenda non similique laboriosam nemo recusandae quod quasi. Deserunt enim quam qui quae doloribus impedit. Non architecto doloremque autem laboriosam fugiat.


Illum non est enim eveniet. Et ab totam iste et fuga voluptatem impedit. Rem quis blanditiis natus ratione et eum. Beatae et voluptatem dicta facere voluptatem dicta. Eum consectetur tenetur aut enim et repellat quidem. Non perspiciatis nulla id architecto.

Consequuntur nemo qui molestiae aut deleniti. Quae neque aperiam reprehenderit quia. Expedita enim optio sit ipsam. Hic non id et iste. Quidem omnis laboriosam officiis sit excepturi temporibus rerum. Sint veritatis necessitatibus autem et.

Debitis earum exercitationem quo placeat tempore et officiis. Qui at labore nulla nam corrupti quaerat officiis. Maiores enim eos rerum libero.

Career Advancement Opportunities

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Jefferies & Company 02 99.4%
  • Lazard Freres No 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners New 98.3%
  • Harris Williams & Co. 24 97.7%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.2%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Harris Williams & Co. 18 99.4%
  • JPMorgan Chase 10 98.9%
  • Morgan Stanley 05 98.3%
  • William Blair 03 97.7%
  • Lazard Freres 06 97.2%

Professional Growth Opportunities

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Lazard Freres 01 99.4%
  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners 18 98.3%
  • Moelis & Company 06 97.7%
  • JPMorgan Chase 06 97.2%

Total Avg Compensation

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (23) $378
  • Associates (95) $261
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • 2nd Year Analyst (69) $168
  • Intern/Summer Associate (34) $167
  • 1st Year Analyst (213) $160
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (155) $101
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