Investment Banks in Washington D.C.

Hi -

Do you know of any investment banks / BB branches that are located in Washington DC?
I will be working in the area, and I would like to network a bit in preparation for FT recruiting.

Also, assuming that I find some places (e.g. Rothschild), what would be the best way for me to contact them?



I would check out our Regional Boutique thread here: //

i think Washington, DC is listed in there....

good luck, Patrick

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Two of the more well known banks with a DC presence are Friedman, Billings, Ramsey and then also Jefferies Quarterdeck (Aerospace and Defense Group) is down in the district.


Great responses - thank you very much!

As a follow on:

How do you think I should go about contacting them? Can I just call the office and say I would like to learn more about what they do there?

Also, do you have an idea of what kinds of deals DC banks do the most?

Thanks again!

Best Response

Depends what you are looking for. In general, the best you can hope for by calling these banks is to get ahold of HR and see if/when they are recruiting. The best way to find an "in" is to scour your alumni database/linkedin and contact a banker directly. There are a million threads on how to go about networking with alums/random people so I won't touch on it in this post (Use the search button). Check both the FBR Capital Markets and Jefferies Quarterdeck websites for some idea of the types of deals they do.


The pickings are slim. Lots of small, random boutiques. FBR is the only major bank to have a really major presence, that I'm aware of.


My personal list that I've compiled over the last 3 years:

AFL-CIO Investment Trust American Capital Strategies Arlington Asset Investment Aronson Capital Partners LLC Babson Capital Management LLC Bank of America Barclays Capital BB&T Capital Markets/Windsor Group BDO Seidman, LLP BIA Financial Brouillette, Barry, Farmer & Korando LP Capital House Merchant Banking LLC Capstone Strategic Coady Diemar Partners, LLC Corby Capital Markets Countrywide Capital Markets Credit Suisse Management LLC DC Capital Partners, LLC DeSilva & Phillips, LLC Deutsche Bank Alex. Brown Inc. DMG Securities E*Trade Capital Markets Eastdil Secured East-West Financial Services Ltd. Elias, Matz, Tiernan & Herrick England & Company, LLC Ewing Capital, Inc. Federal City Capital Advisors, LLC Ferris Baker Watts FOCUS Enterprises Furash & Company Galen Capital Group Greenwich Associates LLC Hannon Armstrong & Company Hildebrandt International Inc. Hiram Capital Houlihan Lokey Hovde Financial HSBC InterBank Capital Partners ITF Global Partners Jefferies Quarterdeck Jeffries Group Inc. Johan Hekelaar Johnson Capital Group Jones Lang LaSalle Kaulkin Ginsberg KeyBank KippsDeSanto & Co. Kormendi/Gardner Partners KPMG Corporate Finance (Baltimore) Legg Mason Wood Walker, Inc. Lehman Brothers M. R. Beal & Company Marlin & Associates Matheson Financial Advisors MCG Capital McLean Group LLC Milestone Merchant Partners LLC N M Rothschild & Sons Limited National Capital Companies Newman & Associates NorthMarq Ocean Tomo Perseus LLC Promontory Financial Group R.W. Baird RBS Greenwich Capital Scully Capital Services Inc. Securities Industry Association Stephens Cori Capital Advisors Stifel Nicolaus Capital Markets Stout Risius Ross Taylor Companies Taylor-DeJongh, Inc. Thayer Capital Partners The PFM Group The Prestwick Mortgage Group UBS Updata Capital Venture Management, Inc. Winston Partners WWC Capital

I don't think Bank of America or UBS have IB practices in DC, but both have many many offices for financial services.


Since I have the time, I'll give you the world's quickest breakdown of some of the companies on this list I've either worked for or interviewed with:

American Capital Strategies: publicly traded PE/IB firm located in Bethesda, MD. It has 2 office locations in Bethesda. Probably the most ridiculously nice offices EVER--no exaggeration; simply breathtaking. Not particularly elitist. They have state university graduates there. Everyone had their own office. Jobs listed on their website. Interviewed and rejected.

Friedman Billings Ramsey is now Arlington Asset Management. No real contact with them.

BIA Financial is a media IB. Small, located in Chantilly. Nice firm, nice people. Interviewed and job offer.

Houlihan Lokey. Nice office, nice location in McLean, VA. I met a former Lokey guy in a job interview. Very good company. Jobs listed on website.

Jones Lang LaSalle. Elite full service real estate firm with offices in DC and McLean, VA. Real estate investment banking practice. Jobs listed on website. They manage a ton of office space in Tysons Corner.

KippsDeSanto is a boutique IB founded in 2007 by former Houlihan Lokey guys. Nice guys. Ethical guys--I interviewed with them and they ended the interview when I told them that I had accepted a job offer at another company.

MCG Capital is a pretty good IB--one of the few that officially recruits at Virginia Tech. But they have had a lot of trouble recently and started layoffs about 6 months ago. Friend of mine was laid off there.

Northmarq is actually doing really well--my current firm works with them a lot and they are doing good business.

Perseus. Real estate investment bank located in a very nice area of DC. Nice office, nice people but fairly elitist, although somehow I got to the last round of interviews. I was turned down.

Taylor Companies. Nice boutique located in a nice area of DC. They hire state U grads. I think they hire on a rolling basis. I interviewed with them, was offered a second interview, which I accepted, and then they called me a week later and cancelled my interview saying that they had found other more qualified candidates.

The PFM Group was my first job out of college. The nation's top municipal finance IB that specializes in, well, muncipal bond debt issues. Based out of Philadelphia with a great training program. Their DC area office is located in Ballston, a VERY nice area in Arlington. Nice people who are very smart. Doubt they are currently hiring though.


I just wanted to say that I got my list by typing the name of the firm followed by "washington dc" in google. And magic...

So you can do this for other firms that you want to know about.


Thanks everyone. Appreciate it. I knew DC wasn't a hotbed for banking aside from maybe aerospace/defense, but thought it was worth a shot. Thanks again

The same thing such people do in every other major city: live pay check to paycheck, lease a nice car, have no savings, rinse, repeat, retire with 100k and wonder why they are eating cat food out of a jar.

But they have cool new cars? How would they ever not be making bank? Maybe if I go buy a sweet car, I too can be a big city power my own mind


Just left DC for NY. been there for the past decade. Anyway, most young people that get jobs right of college get nice cars (although almost always leased) and some do take out mortgages to get a house. Mind you, these folks dont earn that much 50s to 60s.

The people with the "old" and fuck you money are mostly lawyers. there are a ton of them there. Also a ton of diplomats here. The commercial part of DC/Northern VA is mclean VA and its a huge commercial part of America. I believe in the top ten. A bunch of tech, defense and aerospace companies are huge there. the real estate, financial services and hospitality services industries are realtively huge as well. Carlyle is based in DC i believe. As far as the ibanking scene, its mostly boutiques and the BBs are mostly PWM.

Its a great and fun place to live. Kind of like a cleaner and less populated version of New York.

Its a great and fun place to live. Kind of like a cleaner and less populated version of New York.

Different kind of dirty (no offense to you) but filled with a different kind of rat.

Check K Street or The Hill for the big money. Diplomats, lawyers, big time IRS honchos. I could never live there cause the city thrives by robbing the rest of us blind (actually, they rob us to our faces, but its just an expression).

Also, OP, take a drive through a rough DC neighborhood, you won't see the same kind of cars. (unlike in the BX, where I have seen Porsche's, even a Bentley, parked!!)

looking for that pick-me-up to power through an all-nighter?

Lot of government consulting, military contractors, real estate funds, big 4, etc... there

Of course, Carlyle's there too and some banks have metals/mining and aerospace/defense teams in the area.

Just stop posting man. What do people who drive BMW's do? If those are upper limits of your life aspirations at age 19-21 I feel fucking sorry for you.


Most big money in DC are from big time Government, Diplomats and Lawyers. Rest are management consultants just posing. Carlyle is there, but its pretty difficult to get into Carlyle. I would start an iBanking career in NTC or La and aim to try to get Carlyle. The only viable way I see for a banker to make good money and enjoy the DC area. NW DC is as good as it gets, and this is coming from a DC resident.


FBR has still well below its 2006 form (then again, so are quite a few IBs). Used to be one of the better FIG names outside of BBs. They have rebounded a bit from 2009-2011, but much of the top talent left. They also got hammered in the industrials group (they may have a slightly different name) where a guys left for other shops (i.e. Macquarie).

Hovde is also a FIG shop. Never felt like Hovde closed enough deals to pay good compensation b/c there were too many senior level guys and the ratio of deals/MD was never great. But, it's still reputable and they have quite a few industry events. Picture it as a smaller Sandler O'Neill that chases the smaller bank deals.

Never heard of Taylor Companies, but the website looks terrible. I would be very skeptical of a shop like that. No tombstones displayed or deals listed on CapIQ.

Arsene Wenger's Father:

I have the same question here. Also what about McLean Group, and Novahill Partners?

McLean Group is a solid lower MM M&A shop. Saw a few guys move from there to lower MM PE funds.

Never heard of Novahill. Looks like the guys are a bunch of former dealmakers from BBs, corporates, etc. that started their own shop. Had a decent run in the mid-2000s according to CapIQ, but haven't listed a deal since 2010. Still could be good learning experience.


Consulting is certainly prevalent, and there's a reasonable amount of private equity presence in D.C; other stuff not as much. George Washington will not place in the elite firms - Georgetown and east coast ivies are your best bet for that.

EDIT: If you really have your heart set on IBD in Washington DC then join an aerospace group, there are actually a fair number of good ones here - Jefferies comes to mind.


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Career Advancement Opportunities

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Jefferies & Company 02 99.4%
  • Lazard Freres No 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners New 98.3%
  • Harris Williams & Co. 24 97.7%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.2%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Harris Williams & Co. 18 99.4%
  • JPMorgan Chase 10 98.9%
  • Morgan Stanley 05 98.3%
  • William Blair 03 97.7%
  • Lazard Freres 06 97.2%

Professional Growth Opportunities

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Lazard Freres 01 99.4%
  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners 18 98.3%
  • JPMorgan Chase 06 97.7%
  • Moelis & Company 06 97.2%

Total Avg Compensation

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (23) $378
  • Associates (96) $260
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • 2nd Year Analyst (69) $168
  • Intern/Summer Associate (34) $167
  • 1st Year Analyst (213) $160
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (155) $101
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