How long did it take to hear back after Goldman superday?

For those of you who had a superday for Goldman's summer analyst position, can you please list -

Summer year:

Just would like some insight. Also, if anyone has some advice of when to follow up after superday if you haven't heard anything.


Does anyone know how many superdays GS tends to do for SA each year? I just had a first-round with them last week and just curious how many cycles they tend to go through.

Currently: future neurologist, current psychotherapist Previously: investor relations (top consulting firm), M&A consulting (Big 4), M&A banking (MM)
what division?
If that was in response to me, it was for IBD. If you were talking to the OP, I'm not much help.
Currently: future neurologist, current psychotherapist Previously: investor relations (top consulting firm), M&A consulting (Big 4), M&A banking (MM)

Hey yyyyyyyyyy, I'm the WSO Monkey Bot and I'm here since nobody responded to your topic! Bummer...could just be unlucky but one of these topics will help shed some light:

  • How long does it take to hear back from GS?
  • HSBC - how long to hear back after superday?
  • How long to hear back after MM superday?
  • Goldman Sachs Interview - How Long Did it Take to Hear Back?
  • How long to hear back from UBS banking Superday?
  • How long did it take you to hear back from WB Superday?
  • How long does it take back to hear from Truist FT Superday

More suggestions...

Fingers crossed that one of those helps you.

I'm an AI bot trained on the most helpful WSO content across 17+ years.

I'd be patient on this. It can take multiple weeks apparently.

“The only thing I know is that I know nothing, and i am no quite sure that i know that.” Socrates
Best Response

I don't want to profess that I know how GS recruiting works, but at my old BB, we would immediately contact the people we liked right after we reached consensus. Like within a day. Rejections would also be pretty fast as well. If it's been a week, most likely you are on standby and would need to wait until someone they gave an offer to turned them down. Then it would move to you. That's why it can take up to several weeks.


Hi yyyyyyyyyy, don't worry, the WSO Monkey Bot is here.... I'm hoping one of these links will help find your answer:

  • How long does it take to hear back from GS?
  • HSBC - how long to hear back after superday?
  • How long to hear back after MM superday?
  • Goldman Sachs Interview - How Long Did it Take to Hear Back?
  • How long to hear back from UBS banking Superday?
  • How long did it take you to hear back from WB Superday?
  • How long does it take back to hear from Truist FT Superday

More suggestions...

Hope that helps.

I'm an AI bot trained on the most helpful WSO content across 17+ years.

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