Best interview advice I ever received

This idea was discussed within a comment thread a couple month ago but I thought it deserved its own thread just because of how awesome it is.

I wanted to share with you guys a tip that is virtually guaranteed to improve your interviews.

Here's what you do:
1. Arrive at interview location about 15 minutes early
2. Greet the receptionist, hang up coat, etc.
3. Ask to use the men's room
4. Take a shit

Sounds simple enough, right? What's the point, you ask? The fact is when you walk in for an interview you're on foreign ground, their turf. This is an away game for you. Ask any sports team: it's always tough to win on the road.

But when you stride into the company restroom and drop a huge deuce, you have essentially turned the tables. At this point, you subconsciously feel like you own the place. You relax, you let your guard down. When you get back to reception feeling right at home, you start to wonder if the lobby furniture actually might be yours. And as we all know, the more yourself you are, the more relaxed and confident you are, the better you do on your interviews.

I am absolutely serious about this, by the way. I tried to present it in kind of a funny way, but that's not to say it doesn't work like a charm every time. Just make sure you're not trailing any TP from your shoe.

Mod Note: Best of WSO, this was originally posted December 2013


Sitting on the sh1tter right now. 10 minutes late and owning this place. Just wanted to make sure my instincts on this werent off base


I can see some risks attached to that:

1) What if it turns into a sloppy shit. Then you really have problems. 15 minutes just may not give you enough time to deal with that sort of thing. 2) The double-shit. You finish shitting, whipe, finally get your tie fixed and shirt tucked in, belt done, and realize, I have to continue shitting. You can't say you've never experienced it, and again, serious time crunch.

Not saying it doesn't sound like a good plan. But you better hope it goes smoothly.

I can see some risks attached to that:

1) What if it turns into a sloppy shit. Then you really have problems. 15 minutes just may not give you enough time to deal with that sort of thing. 2) The double-shit. You finish shitting, whipe, finally get your tie fixed and shirt tucked in, belt done, and realize, I have to continue shitting. You can't say you've never experienced it, and again, serious time crunch.

Not saying it doesn't sound like a good plan. But you better hope it goes smoothly.

hahaha well said. You can't overlook the sloppy turds that can take an entire roll...and that double shit happens just when you don't want it to happen, like at a damn job interview. Don't risk it.

I can see some risks attached to that:

1) What if it turns into a sloppy shit. Then you really have problems. 15 minutes just may not give you enough time to deal with that sort of thing. 2) The double-shit. You finish shitting, whipe, finally get your tie fixed and shirt tucked in, belt done, and realize, I have to continue shitting. You can't say you've never experienced it, and again, serious time crunch.

Not saying it doesn't sound like a good plan. But you better hope it goes smoothly.

1) whipe??? WTF is a whipe 2) to avoid a sloppy shit, you do not shit for the previous 3 days. yes, this sounds grueling, but will ensure that your deuce makes a bowl entry that will echo throughout the entire building, rattling the plumbing structure to the core and sending the message to everyone that you have arrived. it will also be a ghost poop with 99% probability requiring no whiping (sic) which will save time in case the aforementioned "double-shit" occurs 3) you are correct in the assertion that you have no defense against the double-shit. if you believe in a god, pray. otherwise, build in an extra 10-15 minutes to account for the possibility of this

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I tend to think of myself as a one-man wolfpack Buyside strongside
I can see some risks attached to that:

1) What if it turns into a sloppy shit. Then you really have problems. 15 minutes just may not give you enough time to deal with that sort of thing. 2) The double-shit. You finish shitting, whipe, finally get your tie fixed and shirt tucked in, belt done, and realize, I have to continue shitting. You can't say you've never experienced it, and again, serious time crunch.

Not saying it doesn't sound like a good plan. But you better hope it goes smoothly.

1) whipe??? WTF is a whipe 2) to avoid a sloppy shit, you do not shit for the previous 3 days. yes, this sounds grueling, but will ensure that your deuce makes a bowl entry that will echo throughout the entire building, rattling the plumbing structure to the core and sending the message to everyone that you have arrived. it will also be a ghost poop with 99% probability requiring no whiping (sic) which will save time in case the aforementioned "double-shit" occurs 3) you are correct in the assertion that you have no defense against the double-shit. if you believe in a god, pray. otherwise, build in an extra 10-15 minutes to account for the possibility of this

3 days??? serious??? it would be a tough time when you finally have to pull it out.. its great I guess, walk into an interview with all that comfort (if you manage to pull it out)...

Signs of Recession: Banker: “Where’s me Bonus?” Yuppie: “Whadya mean I have to actually work?” Fox Rock Mum: “Lidl’s the place to be seen in now!” Cowen: “It’s not my fault that me and my party are complete f**k-ups - it’s the recession silly!”
I can see some risks attached to that:

1) What if it turns into a sloppy shit. Then you really have problems. 15 minutes just may not give you enough time to deal with that sort of thing. 2) The double-shit. You finish shitting, whipe, finally get your tie fixed and shirt tucked in, belt done, and realize, I have to continue shitting. You can't say you've never experienced it, and again, serious time crunch.

Not saying it doesn't sound like a good plan. But you better hope it goes smoothly.

Easy solution, gentlemen. You MUST eat oatmeal for breakfast the week of the interview, or for at least 3 days prior. Drinking coffee in the morning, is OK, but a cup of tea is even better for firming it up...

I concur that extra time is a must. Also make sure you are drinking enough water, and eating a high-protein diet. You want to be at peak performance level.

What did the B-ball player on Van Wilder call it? A "Pre-Game Dump?"

Best Response

I was actually introduced to the process while interviewing at Goldman. After stashing my topcoat in the secret behind-the-wall closet, the receptionist gave me the code for the men's room and told me to take my time - clearly she wanted me to go in and pinch a loaf.

No one came in while I was making the shit, but I feel like this would be an ultimate success if your interviewer happened to come in to take a piss at the same time while you're dropping a burly deuce. That way, as he was washing his hands at the sink, he would be able to see you in the mirror as you emerge victorious from the stall and begin to urinate around the perimeter of the restroom.

He would stand helpless, realizing that he just released his urine into the toilet and has no way to combat the territory-marking that you have just done. Shaking his head in disappointment, he would exit the restroom knowing that he was just pwn3d by some random guy he's never seen before. Upon finding out that you are in fact the interviewee, his subconscious primal realization will be that you are in fact the alpha male, and he is in no place to deny you the job you seek.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I tend to think of myself as a one-man wolfpack Buyside strongside
Shaking his head in disappointment, he would exit the restroom knowing that he was just pwn3d by some random guy he's never seen before. Upon finding out that you are in fact the interviewee, his subconscious primal realization will be that you are in fact the alpha male, and he is in no place to deny you the job you seek.

ha, nicely put.

I was actually introduced to the process while interviewing at Goldman. After stashing my topcoat in the secret behind-the-wall closet, the receptionist gave me the code for the men's room and told me to take my time - clearly she wanted me to go in and pinch a loaf.

No one came in while I was making the shit, but I feel like this would be an ultimate success if your interviewer happened to come in to take a piss at the same time while you're dropping a burly deuce. That way, as he was washing his hands at the sink, he would be able to see you in the mirror as you emerge victorious from the stall and begin to urinate around the perimeter of the restroom.

He would stand helpless, realizing that he just released his urine into the toilet and has no way to combat the territory-marking that you have just done. Shaking his head in disappointment, he would exit the restroom knowing that he was just pwn3d by some random guy he's never seen before. Upon finding out that you are in fact the interviewee, his subconscious primal realization will be that you are in fact the alpha male, and he is in no place to deny you the job you seek.

That was the funniest thing I have EVER read on WSO!! You might also consider dropping the Upper Deck:

See definition # 2:

I was actually introduced to the process while interviewing at Goldman. After stashing my topcoat in the secret behind-the-wall closet, the receptionist gave me the code for the men's room and told me to take my time - clearly she wanted me to go in and pinch a loaf.

No one came in while I was making the shit, but I feel like this would be an ultimate success if your interviewer happened to come in to take a piss at the same time while you're dropping a burly deuce. That way, as he was washing his hands at the sink, he would be able to see you in the mirror as you emerge victorious from the stall and begin to urinate around the perimeter of the restroom.

He would stand helpless, realizing that he just released his urine into the toilet and has no way to combat the territory-marking that you have just done. Shaking his head in disappointment, he would exit the restroom knowing that he was just pwn3d by some random guy he's never seen before. Upon finding out that you are in fact the interviewee, his subconscious primal realization will be that you are in fact the alpha male, and he is in no place to deny you the job you seek.

I just gave you my last banana because this was the most epic and hilarious post I have ever read on WSO.

Wall Street leaders now understand that they made a mistake, one born of their innocent and trusting nature. They trusted ordinary Americans to behave more responsibly than they themselves ever would, and these ordinary Americans betrayed their trust.
I was actually introduced to the process while interviewing at Goldman. After stashing my topcoat in the secret behind-the-wall closet, the receptionist gave me the code for the men's room and told me to take my time - clearly she wanted me to go in and pinch a loaf.

No one came in while I was making the shit, but I feel like this would be an ultimate success if your interviewer happened to come in to take a piss at the same time while you're dropping a burly deuce. That way, as he was washing his hands at the sink, he would be able to see you in the mirror as you emerge victorious from the stall and begin to urinate around the perimeter of the restroom.

He would stand helpless, realizing that he just released his urine into the toilet and has no way to combat the territory-marking that you have just done. Shaking his head in disappointment, he would exit the restroom knowing that he was just pwn3d by some random guy he's never seen before. Upon finding out that you are in fact the interviewee, his subconscious primal realization will be that you are in fact the alpha male, and he is in no place to deny you the job you seek.

hahahahaha this post made my day. What kind of shit do you think of in that head man?


Hey Rooster, for people who recruited virtually during the pandemic, how would you adjust this strategy? There's a lot of wisdom here.



Most importantly point is #2. Please don't be a tool. At the analyst level, we don't really want the overzealous finance conoisseurs. As long as you know the basic technicals and seem genuinely interested in finance, that's all you need. I'm far more interested in talking to an interesting person who enjoys things OUTSIDE of finance so we can chat about whatever it may be -- my brain does finance 70 hours a week, and chatting with you on the phone is an opportunity for a break. So please please PLEASE have interests outside of finance.


Thanks for the great inputs.

And a few questions: are the interviewers for the 1st round mostly 1st to 2nd year analysts, or the HR people of the company? And does your advice, especially #2, apply the same for trading SA at BB, or would people expect interviewees to be more enthusiastic about the financial markets and thus spending more time on them?


Interviewers are generally analysts and associates with a couple of VPs/MDs sprinkled in there (superday format). Overall enthusiasm is expected for IB or S&T, but understanding of the 'day in and day out' of the markets is more expected for S&T obviously. Beside knowing the technicals, knowing specific M&A/cap. raising deals is much more relevant to IB.


What I meant is to show interest in finance but don't go over the top, and that can apply to any section of finance (IBD, S&T, ER, AM, IM, PWM, etc.). If someone asks about your interests, please don't say "following the stock market, maintaining a portfolio, becoming the next Gordon Gecko." I can promise you that most analysts will ask open-ended questions that will allow you to go in any number of directions -- by taking the finance route, it's likely you'll just start blabbing about something we know more about than you do. Show you have a life outside of finance.


As someone who just interviewed a bunch of SA's, I'd add to #5:

Find the "poster" deals each bank has done across different sectors and products. Shows you know more about the bank and that you're more enthusiastic. You also sound smart if you get a sector banker interviewing you and you happen to name something in their sector - conversely you sound rather silly if you're talking to an M&A banker and you can't name any M&A deals..

Also, do some research on the bank you're interviewing with and what distinguishes them from everyone else - we all know you're applying to a bunch of banks, but please at least make the guy feel like you really want to go to his bank..

Worst of all - DO NOT bluff - you will be found out, and it will not look pretty.


No, when I/we say tell me about yourself I want to hear about stuff that I haven't read through on his resume the 30 seconds before I called the guy..

I believe you, but I've also heard the other side, ie people saying 'dont bore me with your personal stuff' when asking this question. To cover for both, do you think a good strategy would be to first answer the question in 30-50 secs like you suggest, and end with something like 'did you want me to walk you through my resume right now as well'?

stick with it......don't mention whom you've interviewed with specifically...just answer that you are going through the process with a number of banks. If it is technical at all read the vault guide it always helped me out a bit. Remember that every recruiter/ interviewer is different so although your personality might not fit with that firm it will fit in somewhere. On the outside interests when I interview a candidate (I'm an analyst) keep it short and sweet....example enjoy playing golf, fishing and spending time with could even ask what his/her interests are to keep the conversation flowing. ......bottom line is just relax....I know your probably in a panic since it is March...but you'll land it....just keep at it.


I feel you man. I've definitely been in your shoes. I've had dozens and interviews and onetime didn't get a job because I was TOO enthusiastic. You can memorize every technical question and guide, give them every on paper reason to hire you, and still be left out to pasture. I may not even be anything you are or aren't doing. Focused and intense are good things to project during your interview, so I doubt it's that given that you aren't acting like fucking Eeyore across the table.

Any job offers I've gotten have been not because of my internships, grades, or how well I interviewed. It's who I had putting a word in for me and other random stuff. I had one super at a BB where I (as I was told) had the vote of every deal team member (analyst-MD, ~17 people) sans a director and his little but buddy VP. I've gotten offers for equally stupid reasons as well. My best advice is to get someone influential within the organization push your name. I know that's easier said than done but if you've made it on your own to finals ontop of powerful rec, your golden.

Ace all your PE interview questions with the WSO Private Equity Prep Pack:

Be yourself. You seem to have a good level of passion and interest. Just be yourself, and people will notice. Don't try to be someone you're not.

Also, you should know that there is such a thing as overpreparation. After a certain point, you should be spending less and less time on interview prep, and more on networking/applications/getting your resume out there. Of course, this is also highly dependent on the interviewer - sometimes, you just won't mesh, no matter who you try to be.


you have to go into the interview KNOWING you deserve the job. thinking you are predestined to fail will be a self fulfilling prophecy, an interviewer will pick up on it. practice your fit questions in the mirror and get them down as well as your technicals. at the same time, be yourself, trying to be someone you are not will only make you seem more awkward. if you are intense and focused, showcase that.


"Absolutely. I'd be honored to be a part of the team."

Just showing you're excited about the job is my modus operandi. I don't think it comes off as desperate at all.

Metal. Music. Life.

Best advice I have heard is to answer the question honestly. If you say yes they very well may give you the offer right there (or within a couple hours after the interview).

The hard part is if it is your second or third choice and you haven't heard back from your first choice yet.


this is absolutely, by far, THE worst interview advice i have EVER come across. why don't you just take a shit on the MD's desk then. what do you think the receptionist, recruiting coordinator, and possibly your first interviewer will be wondering while they look at their watch 15 minutes after you've gone into the bathroom? what, subsequently, do you think they will think when you finally emerge, with your shirt half untucked and pants wrinkled, and extend your hand for the very first handshake?



Your post shows your tremendous ignorance of proper interview practices, as well as life in general. I would also strongly recommend reading the bestselling children's book "Everybody Poops".

We also made a few key assumptions that, as indicated by your post, you must be the exception to:

1) The receptionist, recruiting coordinator, and interviewer have read and are familiar with the book "Everybody Poops" 2) The interviewee has been properly trained on how to fully tuck in a shirt after taking a shit. It is inherently a very similar process to tucking in a shirt while getting dressed 3) The interviewee is wearing one if his nicer suits to the interview. Such suit will not receive pants wrinklage from sitting on the toilet unless purchased at Men's Warehouse 4) Post-shit, the interviewee washes his hands

You are a nasty, nasty person. How dare you not wash your hands after you poop.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I tend to think of myself as a one-man wolfpack Buyside strongside

Best pieces of advice I could give that have worked well for me in interviews are to make sure you get along with the interviewers/be likeable, and have a very clear, plausible reason for why you want to work for a certain company. No one will hire you if they don't like you, and a well-considered, great answer for why xyz firm is a really easy way to distinguish yourself from other candidates that all have generic answers that are unmemorable.


Make sure to eat a good meal well before interviewing. Almost lost out on an offer because my energy level crashed while I was in the middle of answering my interviewer. Started going off on a tangent and got disoriented. Luckily I recovered and kept my shit together, but someone else might not have been so lucky. If I would have been asked a moderately difficult technical question, it would have been game over in a heart beat.


JustNumbers, Ha ha, "taking the Browns to the Superbowl" is unbelievable. I've never heard that before. With your permission, I'm going to use that from now on. One I came up with myself is "making a deposit at fifth/turd bank."

I'm just laughing at Kalice though at his mental image of someone coming out of the bathroom. Dude, it's not like you just got in a fight. Maybe you break out in a full sweat, wipe with your palms and then crawl out the bathroom on your hands and knees when you shit, but the rest of the human race is able to manage OK and still look and smell presentable.


kalice, to show how wrong your comment is I will unveil my shop's interview process - from the other side. When a prospy walks in, our receptionist is instructed to take the person's coat and ask if he/she needs to use the restroom. There are a few subsequent scenarios:

1) You say no - This suggests you had the foresight to shit before you arrived - good attention to detail, but it's not as ballsy as scenario 3, so consider this a wash (neutral) 2) You say yes and go piss - If the candidate returns from the bathroom in under 5 minutes he/she is instantly dinged (see #4 for an addendum to this point). We do not disclose this immediately, instead we continue with the interview, but this candidate has no shot (fail) 3) You say yes and close the deal - Candidate waltzes back from the bathroom after a 10 minute ceremonial dump. Not only does the pre-interview provide confidence, but it gives your face a unique glow. Everyone at the firm instantly knows what went down and you sir are in. (thumbs up) 4) Addendum to #2 - if you are a chick and dump on our territory you are dinged. We appreciate your boldness but look for foresightedness from our female candidates. (....)

Don't judge me, I don't make the rules. Also, make sure you're friendly to the receptionists at your interviews. For us, she makes the ultimate decision. Think about this, if she likes you, she can lie to the rest of the group and say you took 10 minutes...

I personally aim to drop a Type 4 or Type 5 during the pre-interview deuce - both types strike the optimal balance considering they are unlikely to cause toilet clogging, easy to pass, and minimize wiping

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I tend to think of myself as a one-man wolfpack Buyside strongside

The first 4 comments had me laughing out loud in the middle of class... seriously


"I feel like this would be an ultimate success if your interviewer happened to come in to take a piss at the same time while you're dropping a burly deuce. That way, as he was washing his hands at the sink, he would be able to see you in the mirror as you emerge victorious from the stall and begin to urinate around the perimeter of the restroom."



On a serious note here, I always drop a deuce prior to my interviews. It actually does help you relax, and I've received a handful of offers starting my interviews with this ritual. Real talk.


Why thank you. I think it is important to note that one should allow 30 full minutes before the interview if attempting the upper deck. I say attempting because this is a multi-step process and should be done with extreme care. For example, (depending on the toiled) you may have to remove your shoes, pants, boxer shorts, and possibly replace the shoes before attempting the upper deck., in order to make sure they stay clean and dry.It would help to procure a hanger from the closet upon hanging up your coat, but that may look suspicious to the receptionist.

I totally agree that the Upper Decker is a Win/Win Scenario for you as an interviewer.

Overall, the strategy seem to be a perfect way to take your mind off the interview at hand-- just enough distraction before the interview so you don't sound so damn rehearsed, obsessed, and nervous. Seriously, who doesn't smile after dropping the Deuce-and-a Half in one of those marble-and-granite banker bathrooms with the automatic soap dispensers?


"ghost poop" - that's good.

"... then, lobbest thou thy Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch towards thy foe, who, being naughty in My sight, shall snuff it."

Corollary: Don't wash your hands after you take the shit. That way, once you shake the MD's hand and he starts eating his sandwich snack, you'll practically own his intestines as well.


I have been browsing this site for quite some time now, and this post finally gave me reason to create an account and post up. This is one of the funniest threads I've read on WSO.


Wow, Boomstick. That really "firms up" my resolve of how I will go about my next interview (no pun intended). I think I have a superday next week, and I'm already planning my meals accordingly. As I stated above, I'm confident that oatmeal and tea will help you avoid the aftershock scenario you described. Combine that breakfast with a cup of Starbucks on the way to the office, and you should be golden.

Contemplation: do you think the success in the interviews is a result being more relaxed? I mean, you can't drop the burly Deuce-point-5 when you're tense, right? So the act of getting relaxed must help before the interview. Combine that with the monumental confidence boost of marking your territory that Rooster mentioned, and you are guaranteed a Buddha-like, zen-level interview performance, similar to Jack Nicklaus at the 86 Masters.

Additional observations: I've started pwn3d'ing the toilet in the mens locker room before my workouts this week, and I've noticed a definite increase in workout intensity, mental focus, self-confidence, and smiles from chicks. I flatly suggest that you guys save up a nice deuce for your hardest workout days, particularly leg day.

By the way, I can't Rock the Hoop now without thinking of this thread.


OK, I am completely serious about what I am about to say. I read this post again last night and thought it was hilarious. Then I went to sleep.

Then I had a dream... I was interviewing with the Soros fund, and in the interview room I was wearing a suit and sitting down in a toilet, pants down and taking a dump. There were like 20 people from the fund there, as well as other interns, and I was super confident because I was taking a dump. It made no sense.

Thanks WSO, for invading my dreams with this weird shit (literally).

Wall Street leaders now understand that they made a mistake, one born of their innocent and trusting nature. They trusted ordinary Americans to behave more responsibly than they themselves ever would, and these ordinary Americans betrayed their trust.

While I still cite my originial concerns, after reading all the posts on this thread I am about 70% sure that I may attempt the pre-interview dump at my next couple of interviews. You can't argue with these success rates.


Lol.. would be best at a small bank. Small office with one bathroom is guaranteed to get you noticed.. which would lead to the scenario rooster set up:

"That way, as he The Interviewer was washing his hands at the sink, he would be able to see you in the mirror as you emerge victorious from the stall and begin to urinate around the perimeter of the restroom."


I went to interview at a firm, and before my interview I went to the bathroom. In there, a man struck up a conversation with me. He was smiling and all to friendly and asking a LOT of questions. Wasn't helping me get into interview mode, so I made it clear I wasn't really interested in chatting, which for some reason upset him.

Turns out he was my interviewer.

I went to interview at a firm, and before my interview I went to the bathroom. In there, a man struck up a conversation with me. He was smiling and all to friendly and asking a LOT of questions. Wasn't helping me get into interview mode, so I made it clear I wasn't really interested in chatting, which for some reason upset him.

Turns out he was my interviewer.

You're an idiot.

I went to interview at a firm, and before my interview I went to the bathroom. In there, a man struck up a conversation with me. He was smiling and all to friendly and asking a LOT of questions. Wasn't helping me get into interview mode, so I made it clear I wasn't really interested in chatting, which for some reason upset him.

Turns out he was my interviewer.

You're an idiot.

In a bathroom with no walls between urinals, I can't piss when the stranger next to me is looking at me and talking. Someone expecting me to talk to them to help them piss is even worse. Don't know what seedy places you like to hang out.


The following is taken from the Proper Restroom Etiquette section of the Man Law Library -

THERE IS NO TALKING IN THE BUSINESS REGION OF THE BATHROOM. By business region we are referring of course to any area of the bathroom that is past the imaginary plane of the sink area. To be fair, if I have my masculinity in my hand, the last thing I want to do is engage any kind of thought about you or what you are talking about. It should be, barring natural sounds, as quiet as a Tibetan temple inside the bathroom until you are washing your hands. If you are at the sink washing your hands, you may not talk to any person who is approaching, using or finishing up at a urinal or stall.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I tend to think of myself as a one-man wolfpack Buyside strongside
The following is taken from the Proper Restroom Etiquette section of the Man Law Library -

THERE IS NO TALKING IN THE BUSINESS REGION OF THE BATHROOM. By business region we are referring of course to any area of the bathroom that is past the imaginary plane of the sink area. To be fair, if I have my masculinity in my hand, the last thing I want to do is engage any kind of thought about you or what you are talking about. It should be, barring natural sounds, as quiet as a Tibetan temple inside the bathroom until you are washing your hands. If you are at the sink washing your hands, you may not talk to any person who is approaching, using or finishing up at a urinal or stall.



then again, if he's your future boss, you might want to make an effort. some people like to suck dick for the job, but if getting the offer means trying to keep a conversation at the expense of having a perfect zen moment while pissing, i think i would be willing to make the sacrifice.

moral: always give the guy the benefit of the doubt. you never know who you might be talking to.

"... then, lobbest thou thy Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch towards thy foe, who, being naughty in My sight, shall snuff it."
then again, if he's your future boss, you might want to make an effort. some people like to suck dick for the job, but if getting the offer means trying to keep a conversation at the expense of having a perfect zen moment while pissing, i think i would be willing to make the sacrifice.

moral: always give the guy the benefit of the doubt. you never know who you might be talking to.

yeah, lesson learned.


Hahaa! Did not see that one coming. This is a very interesting idea and for all the young job seekers, including myself, we should all try this once. If it doesn't work, it will still make for a great story.

MarketGrind- revealing the unsung helpful tip to help you in your everyday life.

See, this is the beauty of communities like this one: I'm 20 yrs old and am probably way shittier at interviews than I'd like to think I am. I would have never heard advice like this from my professors, that's for sure. Goodbye breathing exercises, hello shitting!

"You stop being an asshole when it sucks to be you." - IlliniProgrammer

My "happy time" takes much longer than 15 minutes. If I were to do this, I'd need to arrive about 45 minutes early.


Get in a good amount of carbs and protein (rice, beef, chicken, bread, beans) the night prior to your interview. Before you sleep take a good source of fiber (natural or powder/pill). In the morning have a decent sized breakfast (oatmeal, eggs, toast and apple/banana) after your breakfast, have a couple cups of tea and/or coffee (this will dry and tighten up your rectum for an easier bowel movement) and arrive at your interview 30 minutes early. Interview. Offer.


I took 2 shits at my final round interview (once when I arrived and another right before I presented my long/short pitch). Got the offer. Just sayin'...

Disclaimer for the Kids: Any forward-looking statements are solely for informational purposes and cannot be taken as investment advice. Consult your moms before deciding where to invest.

Never ask to use the bathroom before or during an interview. It's very childish. It gets the employer thinking, "how much time is this person going to spend in the bathroom at work." Do this ahead of time.

"It's very easy to have too many goals and be overwhelmed by them... The trick is to find the one thing you can focus on that represents every other single thing you want in life." -- @"Edmundo Braverman"

I think it should also be noted that completely stripping down naked before the shit ensures maximum success of this strategy.

Edit: leave on your socks and shoes actually.

My drinkin' problem left today, she packed up all her bags and walked away.

I can see some risks attached to that:

1) What if it turns into a sloppy shit. Then you really have problems. 15 minutes just may not give you enough time to deal with that sort of thing.
2) The double-shit. You finish shitting, whipe, finally get your tie fixed and shirt tucked in, belt done, and realize, I have to continue shitting. You can't say you've never experienced it, and again, serious time crunch.

Not saying it doesn't sound like a good plan. But you better hope it goes smoothly.

lol SB... Sloppy shits are the real shit...

Btw i think OP has a point. I noticed it myself, when you are stressed, you want to shit, and if you don't do it, it will disturb you and keep you stressing even more. A good shit before interviews is definitely relaxing.


Meh, is this really worth it?

I have an interview on Tuesday and I already planned my entire trip (the place is 3 hours away from my house so I have to take a train and bus).

Thing is I'll get there 20 minutes before - if there are no delays - so that's cutting it a little short if I have to go to the bathroom before hand and mark my territory.

Is it worth reorganizing my entire trip and leaving 1 hour earlier than originally planned from home?


This idea was discussed within a comment thread a couple month ago but I thought it deserved its own thread just because of how awesome it is.

I wanted to share with you guys a tip that is virtually guaranteed to improve your interviews.

Here's what you do:
1. Arrive at interview location about 15 minutes early
2. Greet the receptionist, hang up coat, etc.
3. Ask to use the men's room
4. Take a shit

Sounds simple enough, right? What's the point, you ask? The fact is when you walk in for an interview you're on foreign ground, their turf. This is an away game for you. Ask any sports team: it's always tough to win on the road.

But when you stride into the company restroom and drop a huge deuce, you have essentially turned the tables. At this point, you subconsciously feel like you own the place. You relax, you let your guard down. When you get back to reception feeling right at home, you start to wonder if the lobby furniture actually might be yours. And as we all know, the more yourself you are, the more relaxed and confident you are, the better you do on your interviews.

I am absolutely serious about this, by the way. I tried to present it in kind of a funny way, but that's not to say it doesn't work like a charm every time. Just make sure you're not trailing any TP from your shoe.

Back in my HS football days we called those "victory shits" we lost 1 game in 3 years. Never thought of applying that to a job interview. I say leave an upperdecker and steal the companies mascot and fuck their cheerleaders afterwards.

Kenny Powers:

I think it should also be noted that completely stripping down naked before the shit ensures maximum success of this strategy.

Edit: leave on your socks and shoes actually.


This to all my hatin' folks seeing me getting guac right now..

I usually bring a flask, a one hitter and a little baggie for key bumps. Once I get in the receptionist area I take a key bump, pull out the flask and offer it to the receptionist. I also pull out a lighter and the one hitter and ask her if they allow smoking on the floor or if I should go use the restroom. 9 times out of 10 she obliges on the drink, asks for a mini bump and says that it's time to take her break and she can show me where the best spot is to do a one hitter (if you know what I mean, and you should). Total domination.

This to all my hatin' folks seeing me getting guac right now..

I was actually introduced to the process while interviewing at Goldman. After stashing my topcoat in the secret behind-the-wall closet, the receptionist gave me the code for the men's room and told me to take my time - clearly she wanted me to go in and pinch a loaf.

No one came in while I was making the shit, but I feel like this would be an ultimate success if your interviewer happened to come in to take a piss at the same time while you're dropping a burly deuce. That way, as he was washing his hands at the sink, he would be able to see you in the mirror as you emerge victorious from the stall and begin to urinate around the perimeter of the restroom.

He would stand helpless, realizing that he just released his urine into the toilet and has no way to combat the territory-marking that you have just done. Shaking his head in disappointment, he would exit the restroom knowing that he was just pwn3d by some random guy he's never seen before. Upon finding out that you are in fact the interviewee, his subconscious primal realization will be that you are in fact the alpha male, and he is in no place to deny you the job you seek.

Lol. fricken awesome


Thanks a lot guys. The entire office is now looking at me because I couldn't contain my laughter and made an awkward sound trying to hold it in. This thread is hysterical.

" The art of good business is being a good middle man" - Eddie Temple (Layer Cake)

dying at my desk right now. hilarious threat, nice work.

"It's not about pride or ego. It's only about money. I can leave now, even with Grama and KGB... and halfway to paying Petrovsky back. That's the safe play. I told Worm you can't lose what you don't put in the middle. But you can't win much either."

Easy solution for anyone commenting on time....i carry a pack of baby wipes in my bag....make sure its the flush-able home i prefer the non flush-able, find they hold up better


This idea was discussed within a comment thread a couple month ago but I thought it deserved its own thread just because of how awesome it is.

I wanted to share with you guys a tip that is virtually guaranteed to improve your interviews.

Here's what you do:
1. Arrive at interview location about 15 minutes early
2. Greet the receptionist, hang up coat, etc.
3. Ask to use the men's room
4. Take a shit

Sounds simple enough, right? What's the point, you ask? The fact is when you walk in for an interview you're on foreign ground, their turf. This is an away game for you. Ask any sports team: it's always tough to win on the road.

But when you stride into the company restroom and drop a huge deuce, you have essentially turned the tables. At this point, you subconsciously feel like you own the place. You relax, you let your guard down. When you get back to reception feeling right at home, you start to wonder if the lobby furniture actually might be yours. And as we all know, the more yourself you are, the more relaxed and confident you are, the better you do on your interviews.

I am absolutely serious about this, by the way. I tried to present it in kind of a funny way, but that's not to say it doesn't work like a charm every time. Just make sure you're not trailing any TP from your shoe.

these are words to live by


Good post, 'Be your self' is the main idea of the article in my opinion. It is an attitude to act yourself when we are interviewing and competing with other candidates but it is the way the winners get the offers. Honestly, arrive 30 minutes earlier is minimum lol


Very funny but not without some truth in it. It is all about how psychologically strong you are. You will get the same feeling by visualizing the dude that is interviewing you naked. As for making yourself likeable, that is another issue... That is art.

You have got to see oneness in the society. A drop of water would not make a spring. It will be dried up very quickly. So you know what to do...
adapt or die:

hope this is a bad joke.

Exactly, prob alot of Asian and Indian kids were like OOOOh Good point, I'll do that

what's wrong with Asian and Indian kids?


LOL i think it's better to ditch this shit drama before you get to the interview. We don't need to mark our territory in order to be confident. If that were the case we would be shitting everywhere hahahaha


I have rounded my interviewing strategies over the years into perfection which I have termed The Grand Slam.

I arrive precisely 30 minutes sharp prior to my interview. If I am any earlier I stand motionless in the lobby and wait. At precisely T-minus 30 minutes I ask to use the restroom.

If the restroom is not empty, I carefully monitor the occupant and I wait for them to leave. If they question what I am doing I simply tell them I am only there because I like to watch. I volunteer no other information.

Once I am alone, I lock the door and invest 3 minutes into ransacking it to my satisfaction. I then remove my pants and ceremoniously fold them up like they do the flag for fallen soldiers. I always go commando to interviews so no need to waste time with underwear.

Next I empty all of the soap from only one dispenser and coat my entire left arm. PLEASE NOTE: NEVER REMOVE YOUR SHOES.

If the ceiling is composed of removable tiles I will remove another soap dispenser and throw the entire container in the ceiling so it will ooze cleanliness. My favorite soap color is purple.

Next I gently remove a stack of paper towels from the dispensor and coat the entire floor in front of my choosen urinal. At the sacrificial urinal I like to place a pre cut locket of my hait and some candles I picked up at the dollar store on top of the urinal shelf. After aligning them perfectly I will then add a small framed picture of the target companys CEO and align it 90degrees to the hair and candles.

Now I light the candles.

Next I massage hot candle wax between my fingers until luke warm and then coat my balls....entirely in wax. The added warmth and security instantly induces me to pee, which I do as I hum the theme song from Different Strokes. After urinary completion I gently begin to massage my spincter with my soapy palm which instantly induces all 9" of my manhood to full erection. Maintaining eye contact with the pictured CEO I gently work myself up towards climax and precisely 12 seconds before Ejaculation I ignite the locket of hair and bust my love over its smoldering mess.

I gently discard the remenants into the urinal. Put my pants back on and then go have my interview. If I am pleased with the opportunity I will return to the restroom and drop an upperdecker, being extremely careful to either dump my whipings in another stall or jusr forego whiping alltogether


I have rounded my interviewing strategies over the years into perfection which I have termed The Grand Slam.

I arrive precisely 30 minutes sharp prior to my interview. If I am any earlier I stand motionless in the lobby and wait. At precisely T-minus 30 minutes I ask to use the restroom.

If the restroom is not empty, I carefully monitor the occupant and I wait for them to leave. If they question what I am doing I simply tell them I am only there because I like to watch. I volunteer no other information.

Once I am alone, I lock the door and invest 3 minutes into ransacking it to my satisfaction. I then remove my pants and ceremoniously fold them up like they do the flag for fallen soldiers. I always go commando to interviews so no need to waste time with underwear.

Next I empty all of the soap from only one dispenser and coat my entire left arm. PLEASE NOTE: NEVER REMOVE YOUR SHOES.

If the ceiling is composed of removable tiles I will remove another soap dispenser and throw the entire container in the ceiling so it will ooze cleanliness. My favorite soap color is purple.

Next I gently remove a stack of paper towels from the dispensor and coat the entire floor in front of my choosen urinal. At the sacrificial urinal I like to place a pre cut locket of my hait and some candles I picked up at the dollar store on top of the urinal shelf. After aligning them perfectly I will then add a small framed picture of the target companys CEO and align it 90degrees to the hair and candles.

Now I light the candles.

Next I massage hot candle wax between my fingers until luke warm and then coat my balls....entirely in wax. The added warmth and security instantly induces me to pee, which I do as I hum the theme song from Different Strokes. After urinary completion I gently begin to massage my spincter with my soapy palm which instantly induces all 9" of my manhood to full erection. Maintaining eye contact with the pictured CEO I gently work myself up towards climax and precisely 12 seconds before Ejaculation I ignite the locket of hair and bust my love over its smoldering mess.

I gently discard the remenants into the urinal. Put my pants back on and then go have my interview. If I am pleased with the opportunity I will return to the restroom and drop an upperdecker, being extremely careful to either dump my whipings in another stall or jusr forego whiping alltogether so as not to ruin my masterpiece.

If I am displeased with the oppertunity I just leave immediately and not bless them with the privilide of owning one of my preciousnesses.


I think it all boils down to the person's personality, people who have an "A type" or "B+Type" personality do not need this, because they way they think and are built, they are ready to kill what they eat, others not so much.

Want to Lose the body fat, keep the muscles, I can help.

I sort of discovered the thing myself when I interviewed for a hedge fund last year. Classic superday event, 2 days.

1) Arrived, 40 candidates in. First bloc gets called for IQ tests, I'm in the second and I go take a dump. 2) Take the test, relaxed as I could possibly be, the worst of the 2 blocs get sent home. Numerical is up next. 3) Take numerical, worst are sent home again, best remain for the interviews after lunch, I go take another dump since I'm the last in the order.

Day 2 4)Trading competition. While the system gets set up I take another dump. 5) Another round of interviews after lunch, another dump. 6) Final round of interviews, final cut, 3 guys remaining other than me. Unfortunately I was the one picked, though in the feedback they said they didn't have much of a reason. I suppose I should have taken a dump before the last round.

It sure helps a lot when it comes to relaxation.

Never discuss with idiots, first they drag you at their level, then they beat you with experience.

Interesting, I will have to give it a shot. Oddly enough my best interview occurred after I got into town about an hour and a half early. I swung by a mall, grabbed a delicious tea, and hung out in a massage chair. Completely nailed it.


Been there done that.

Had interview for a consulting firm operating in a niche. Was working in a different city at that time and they flew me in. I was flown in a day before. After arriving, I attended a cousin's wedding, ate a ton of food and stayed at my parents' place. Next morning, the wedding won't just come out of my system. Tried my best, forced for 20-30 minutes, but nothing, not even a tiny splash...

Went for interview, starting off with a case study. Finished the case study first, followed by 2 interviews. 3 hours had gone by now and some of us were seated in a conference room. There was a hottie from my current employer also going through the position (she was from a different office).

We were hitting it off and suddenly the whales in me started their routine. Then there was silence, followed by another whale call. Went out, searched for someone to guide me and shook the whole floor if not the building for a good 5 minutes. Came out, feeling like I just won the league.

Went in for the last interview, supposed to be the hardest and with a firm partner (HR round was already over by then) and with confidence of a turd of their turf, nailed it!

Never saw that girl again though, a shame, but the feeling of the dump was far greater (maybe not).



I’m in the 7th grade right now, targeting IBD internships for 2025. I wish I knew about this toilet strategy much earlier, but I didn’t. Now I’m worried that I’ve been left behind.

I noticed that a lot of my classmates spend long periods of time in the restroom and suspect many of them have close relationships with American Standard or even TOTO. How can I develop my skills/relationships to bridge the gap here?


Vero qui nostrum ipsam sunt fugiat iusto quis. Ut ad qui vel dignissimos nostrum fuga dicta. Maiores officiis sint placeat error voluptatem repudiandae. Veniam omnis nihil saepe impedit. Fugit saepe aut consequatur eveniet expedita vitae. Eius eum culpa suscipit consequuntur. Dolores amet sed ut deserunt necessitatibus.

Incidunt qui iusto ut non. Et eius et qui in saepe. Consequuntur quo fuga at. Laboriosam sint temporibus eos. Voluptas voluptate nulla ut nulla inventore officiis.

Dolores eos officia unde similique. Delectus et laborum nobis animi laborum qui ad. Ullam voluptas dolore ea quia voluptate optio ut. Temporibus quia quidem qui qui sed sit.


Consequatur qui officia consequatur voluptatem quisquam qui ea. Possimus et iste eius itaque voluptatem voluptatem nesciunt. Assumenda rerum impedit est et.

Aspernatur consequatur voluptatibus nihil ipsam aperiam harum vel illum. Et amet ut facere est sit omnis. Aperiam recusandae vitae quod quia enim exercitationem dolorem sed. Sed quasi aspernatur est. Quo qui nulla consequatur nulla.


Pariatur cupiditate ut ut a. Dicta dolorem ea deserunt sed tenetur. Aut ut aspernatur velit laudantium est quia ducimus.

Vero omnis ut adipisci animi cupiditate doloribus fuga. Voluptate perspiciatis repellat aliquam et sunt. Suscipit nemo perferendis incidunt cupiditate.

Ut molestiae quia voluptatem voluptatum vel tempora doloremque quis. Necessitatibus ut autem ratione aliquam nostrum fuga.


Ad sit optio consequatur deserunt at reprehenderit assumenda. Accusantium omnis asperiores qui unde.

Natus fugiat quis necessitatibus quo doloremque voluptatem similique. Facilis quibusdam dolorem iste in minima. Odit assumenda consequatur magnam aut soluta.

Reiciendis tenetur at sequi sunt omnis numquam vero. Quis facilis illo consequuntur suscipit dignissimos magni. Qui possimus explicabo veniam natus tenetur aut neque. Magnam vel earum optio in aperiam necessitatibus. Incidunt maxime dolor recusandae magni sit voluptatibus.

Molestiae sed iusto voluptas animi accusamus quo. Eum velit occaecati suscipit sed eaque voluptatem quia iure. Sed voluptas facilis sit odit animi ratione. Ullam hic debitis et amet tempora. Ut nam illo cum.


Officia qui sint quisquam dolor. Inventore sunt in in rerum qui. Est nemo aut ut nihil.

Soluta reiciendis quis et nemo. Corporis ducimus delectus possimus incidunt nam rem repellendus. Omnis consectetur ea voluptatem delectus consectetur reiciendis architecto.

Ducimus aspernatur ut quidem quas dignissimos culpa aut. Enim et illum nihil voluptates vitae.

Voluptates voluptas rerum dolores aliquid incidunt aut cum. Ipsum pariatur corporis recusandae ea commodi quo aperiam et. Aliquam magni laboriosam enim sed. Fugiat porro et deleniti et totam est minus. Provident ex molestiae velit sit corrupti eum.

Career Advancement Opportunities

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Jefferies & Company 02 99.4%
  • Lazard Freres No 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners New 98.3%
  • Harris Williams & Co. 24 97.7%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.2%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Harris Williams & Co. 18 99.4%
  • JPMorgan Chase 10 98.9%
  • Morgan Stanley 05 98.3%
  • William Blair 03 97.7%
  • Lazard Freres 06 97.2%

Professional Growth Opportunities

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Lazard Freres 01 99.4%
  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners 18 98.3%
  • Moelis & Company 06 97.7%
  • JPMorgan Chase 06 97.2%

Total Avg Compensation

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (23) $378
  • Associates (95) $261
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • 2nd Year Analyst (69) $168
  • Intern/Summer Associate (34) $167
  • 1st Year Analyst (213) $160
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (155) $101
16 IB Interviews Notes

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From 10 rejections to 1 dream investment banking internship

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