Another way to look at league tables

Now that the FY-21 earnings are out for most major IBs. I thought it'd be interesting to see how the (public) investment banks rank by their advisory revenues, considering people always say that league tables are inaccurate because of undisclosed deals and credit given for financing/relationships. Keep in mind that these numbers aren't completely comparable as these numbers include ALL advisory deal flow (ex. RX revenue also included for EBs), and only banks that provide the break-down of their IB revenues are included.

  1. Goldman Sachs ($5,653M)

  2. JPMorgan ($4,381M)

  3. Morgan Stanley ($3,487M)

  4. Evercore ($2,752M)

  5. Bank of America ($2,139M)

  6. Jefferies ($1,874M)

  7. Citi ($1,796M)

  8. Lazard ($1,778M)

  9. Moelis ($1,558M)

  10. UBS ($988M)

  11. PWP (~$800M estimate from 8-K)

  12. PJT Partners ($763M)

  13. Greenhill ($318M)


That's fair, but the European and Asian markets are pretty competitive as well, and I don't know how well Greenhill can expand in those regions considering so many banks are focused on expanding there. The independent advisory scene in continental Europe is dominated by Rothschild and Lazard, with CVP, PWP, and Moelis all focused on expanding there, while Rothschild and Jefferies are extremely strong in the UK. The banking scene in Asia may hold a lot more potential for Greenhill, but in Asia the BBs tend to be much stronger than the EBs, especially in cross-border deals, while the internal Chinese M&A scene is largely dominated by CICC/CITIC/Haitong.


Interesting, GS is still the undisputed top bank, Evercore is the GS of independent banks, Jefferies is obviously making a killing on those sponsor sell-sides with undisclosed transaction values that don't show up on league tables, Citi's playing into their reputation as a balance-sheet BB that gets a league table boost through financing, and Greenhill is nowhere to be found. Judging by their YTD Q3-21 results, Moelis is probably going to land somewhere around Lazard with at least $1.5-1.6B advisory revenues.


That's a fair point...their best strategy may be to develop talent organically and promote from within.


And it's coming from an intern.  

"Perhaps I've treated you too harshly"


You will make for a very good monkey someday. Keep up the good work solider


I've always seen PJT crushing it tbh.  maybe even want to invest in the public stock lol.


Is greenhill still worth working for from perspective of comp/culture/exits even if they've fallen off on dealmaking?


While these are the "household" IB names, a few of the publicly-traded MM banks / privately-held firms had even bigger years than the firms starting from UBS.


I like this way of looking at things alot better, even though it doesn't allow for the coverage-level view, it still gives a better perspective on who is making fees. The only point I'd make is that this is probably most reflective of 2H20 -> 1H21 given how IBs recognize advisory revenue.

Obviously Barclays will be in top 10 but I'll predict moelis will be as well. 


Easy to do for the boutiques but not really possible for investment banks that do more than advisory since they usually only list MD headcount for IB division as a whole, and different firms have different hierarchies (MD/SMD/Partner, etc). That being said, for the independents, the numbers are as follows (Senior headcount numbers from FY-21 reports if available or Q3 reports):

- Evercore: $3,205M Total IB revenue / 254 IB SMDs + MDs= $12.6M per MD+

- Jefferies: $4,423M Total IB revenue / 278 IB MDs = $15.9M per MD

- Lazard: $1,778M Advisory revenue / 182 Advisory MDs = $9.8M per MD

- Moelis: $1,558M Advisory revenue / 136 MDs = $11.5M per MD 

- PWP: ~$800M Advisory revenue / ~110 Partners + MDs = ~$7.3M per MD+

- PJT: $763M Advisory + RX revenue / 71 Advisory + RSSG Partners = $10.7M per Partner

- Greenhill: $318M Advisory revenue / 79 MDs = $4.0M per MD.

Obviously the numbers aren't all comparable, since Jefferies and Evercore also do underwriting. Also I'm not sure if PJT has MDs below Partners, so PJT's numbers may not be exactly comparable.


HL boasts $2,299m in advisory revenue (right between BAML and Evercore). Furthermore, it ranks better than PWP and GHL in revs per MD. HL 2021 (Jan-Dec):

-CF: $1,615m in revs / 198 MDs = $8.2m per MD. From Dec '20 to Dec '21, the amount of MDs in CF has increased from 123 to 198. If you consider an average # of MDs of 160.5, then the revenues per MD are $10.1m

-RX: $414.0m in revs / 52 MDs = $8.0m per MD

-FAS: $270.8m / 34 MDs = $8.0m per MD


To answer the question empirically, RBC's IB advisory + underwriting revenue for FY-21 (they don't separate advisory revenues in their financials) was ~$2,110M (at current exchange rates), compared to $14,876M for Goldman, $13,359M for JPM, $10,272M for MS, $7,513M for Citi, $5,107M for BofA, $4,423M for Jefferies, $4,038M for CS, $3,158M for UBS, $2,969M for DB, and $1,654M for WF. So, from that, it seems like their IB division is still below BBs + Jefferies (don't know the information for DB as I think they include S&T revenues within their IB division for reporting purposes but I'd imagine that DB IB revenue > UBS IB revenue considering DB is a debt underwriting powerhouse), and above WF.


Often difficult to piece together the difference between the two. Many banks (ie Citi / DB) will appear as an "advisory" advisor when really all they did on the deal was provide balance sheet financing.


Financing = Lending money. Leveraged finance/capital markets. Title required for league tables credi: Joint Bookrunner or Joint Lead Arranger On Credit Agreement at closing. Commitment Letter - sign a commitment to lend $$. League table credit requires title of aj

Advisory = not lending money. Valuation heavy - IBD. providing advisory services thru deal process including Fairness Opinion, summarizing the valuation is fair based on comps - a requirement for M&A/LBO transactions. Sign Engagement Letter as role of Financial Advisor after commencement of Due Diligence. Ending at signing of Commitment Letter above.

Most Helpful

Jefferies is impossible to group. Their primary competitors range from reputable MM firms like Blair, Baird, and HL, to top independents like Lazard and Evercore, to BBs. They simply operate everywhere (Completed 314 M&A deals worth $380.4B in FY-21 for an average size of $1.21B so they're way too large to be compared to top MM firms, but they clearly dip into the MM territory more often than most BBs. They also completed 102 M&A transactions >$1B last year, far more than every other top independent).

The other large institutionalized independents (Lazard, Evercore) are also similar in that their deals range everywhere from MM to mega-cap, but their average deal size is still larger than Jefferies as Jefferies does far more volume in the MM than them, and Jefferies doesn't have the entrenched reputation that they have. Asides from historical reputation, I think it'd make most sense to compare Jefferies to Lazard and Evercore as the same "type of firm" (have branched out and established AM and/or ER and/or S&T divisions, but are still first and foremost IB firms). Jefferies, Evercore, and Lazard also have somewhat close IB headcounts (Jefferies the largest, followed by Lazard and then Evercore). However, Jefferies has diversified their IB revenue far more than Evercore and Lazard, which are still mostly if not all pure advisory, so Jefferies doesn't belong there.

The top "pure IB" independents (Moelis, PWP, PJT, CVP) obviously don't fit with Jefferies, as Jefferies is a full-scale IB while those are pure/almost-entirely advisory firms. The next place to look would be BBs. Like the BBs, Jefferies offers multiple products, and I don't think "Jefferies doesn't have a global presence" nearly holds as much water as it used to (Jefferies is rapidly expanding in Europe, has solid deal flow from Asia and the Middle East despite not even having an office in the ME, and is very high in the ECM and M&A league tables in the UK). However, Jefferies still isn't a full-service bank unlike the BBs, and as a result, Jefferies does not have anywhere close to the levels of lending capabilities that the BBs build their IB divisions on, even though Jefferies's M&A and ECM practices are up there with mid-BBs.

Jefferies also doesn't really belong with the "in-between" banks, as the "in-between" banks (WF, BMO, etc) are much more like BB-lites (full-service banks, large balance sheets, IB driven by lending practice), but they simply have small IB divisions and advisory practices. Even though Jefferies isn't a full-service bank, their IB practice is way stronger than any "in-between" bank.

Thus, in my opinion, Jefferies doesn't belong in any category, but straddles somewhere between the BBs and the institutional independents.


For some reason, I can't edit the posts, so here are the FY-21 advisory revenues for CS and DB below:

CS: $967M 

DB: ~$559M  


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In dicta voluptates rerum nam ab nihil et. Deleniti aut eos ut nostrum. Sed necessitatibus voluptas aut dolores fugit ullam necessitatibus. Voluptatem debitis voluptatibus quis non. Repellendus quas ut debitis ut.

Blanditiis sapiente cupiditate rerum consectetur molestiae enim. Facere rem et adipisci. Reiciendis labore corrupti quia ducimus non sint amet. Et distinctio eum vel maxime sed dolorum.


Provident animi dolorum consequatur soluta molestias laudantium id. At est qui nihil tenetur reprehenderit ad sapiente. Ut magni veritatis enim aliquam voluptate porro.

Vitae quo et deserunt qui officia sed et aliquam. Voluptatum quis quisquam quia eveniet temporibus sit. Et et quos cupiditate omnis sit. Quasi maiores accusamus totam accusantium eligendi architecto. Illo ratione maiores amet consequatur sunt. Est possimus numquam odit voluptates ut.


Sequi voluptatem soluta inventore tempore. Ut eligendi dolor mollitia animi. Libero et deleniti molestiae qui et et. Odit sit dicta rerum labore beatae harum.

Fuga molestiae nulla quo dicta molestias enim adipisci. Fuga consequuntur sunt ea corporis ex error soluta. Vel eum minima expedita blanditiis. Officia facere error qui. Ad similique autem aut autem est sit. Illum beatae perspiciatis quis veritatis quam repellat. Tempore voluptas illo ut vel.

Sapiente voluptatum est minima. Natus ut dolor ab asperiores.

Career Advancement Opportunities

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Jefferies & Company 02 99.4%
  • Lazard Freres No 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners New 98.3%
  • Harris Williams & Co. 24 97.7%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.2%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Harris Williams & Co. 18 99.4%
  • JPMorgan Chase 10 98.9%
  • Morgan Stanley 05 98.3%
  • William Blair 03 97.7%
  • Lazard Freres 06 97.2%

Professional Growth Opportunities

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Lazard Freres 01 99.4%
  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners 18 98.3%
  • JPMorgan Chase 06 97.7%
  • Moelis & Company 06 97.2%

Total Avg Compensation

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (23) $378
  • Associates (95) $261
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • 2nd Year Analyst (69) $168
  • Intern/Summer Associate (34) $167
  • 1st Year Analyst (213) $160
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (155) $101
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