2018 Summer Analyst IB Recruiting Timeline Megathread Page

See the 2018 Full-Time IB Recruiting Timeline Megathread Page here


I want to establish a single place where all students can come come to share knowledge, questions, information, and concerns regarding investment banking summer analyst recruiting for summer 2018. US focused. Good luck to everyone.

Goldman Sachs

Morgan Stanley

J.P. Morgan

Bank of America ML



Credit Suisse

Deutsche Bank


Wells Fargo Applications open:


Lazard Middle Market





Perella Weinberg

Houlihan Lokey





Sun Trust Robinson Humphrey


Raymond James

Piper Jaffray




BMO Capital Markets

Tudor, Pickering, & Holt

Simmons & Co.

Qatalyst Partners.


William Blair


Stifel Nicolaus

Societe Generale

Daiwa Capital Markets

Stephens, Inc.

Imperial Capital

Peter J. Solomon Company

Brown Brothers Harriman

Mizuho Securities


In the mean time here is the 2017 Ranking from GO-BUYSIDE employee.

The Dream Team : 1: PJT, GS, Evercore, MS, Lazard, Moelis

Warriors: 2: JPM, Centerview, Greenhill, Perella Weinberg Partners 2.5: CS, BAML ________________________Mega fund cut line*________________

3: Barclays 3.5: DB, Citi, Houlihan, Jefferies 4: UBS, Roths of the world like Liontree 5: Wells Fargo, RBC,BMO ________________________Don't even think about PE line_______

6: HSBC, Baird, KBW,Other no name boutiques, Regional bank IB like Key bank, Foreign banks with no deal flow like Mizuho/Nomura/SocGen


I know this isn't 100% on topic, but I was actually emailed the app by an analyst at JP for their AM summer positions yesterday (6/20). Does the IB application pool really open up later than other positions? I was under the assumption IB is always the most accelerated.


I honestly have no clue but I would think (no offense) that someone isn't even considered for accelerated if they don't have a super strong connection or went to firm events. Still can get regular though. IMO Accelerated is easier and harder at the same time. More openings but also harder to get because you need to hound banks or go to their events.


Most banks don't have specific sophomore IB analyst positions but I know several people who got these positions, is this done by just applying through the junior pool and getting picked over juniors? As a sophomore should you just apply to sophomore and juniors programs and see what happens? I know some individuals get these spots through diversity programs or connections but I am referring to those that went through ordinary means.


It's either diversity programs or some special sophomore early identification program (Jefferies in Houston has 3 sophomores for 3 weeks). Sophomores aren't getting hired for the normal SA program.


Some banks will have sophomore-specific programs (very limited number of acceptances) - roles will effectively be the same as junior summer analysts except your reward is another summer internship next year rather than a full time role. There's also sophomores who could be graduating early (3 years) so they count for the junior summer analyst pool since it's based on graduation date.


Goldman has given early interviews to rising juniors for their Summer 2018 Analyst program but I assume they'll still have openings come August/September.


If it were done already, why exactly would they bother with the expensive process of re-opening applications on July 15th, flying in people for more superdays after the summer, taking up bankers' time to interview people when their class is already full, etc...?


Well, I'd love to give out names of people, but that wouldn't be very smart, would it? But most insiders I have spoken to have said recruiting this year is particularly early and that it is almost done. If you don't believe it, just check banks' events portals... (virtually) no recruiting events left.

I'm not saying people won't get hired after the summer, but they are already having superdays and the main bulk of interns is gonna have an offer soon or they already have one. So yes, they will "open" applications to get in late talent, but spots will be very limited.


The time to start is now. Start networking now regardless and begin to apply now if you go to a non-target. If you have OCR you can wait to apply through that if you want.


London is your best bet, NYC is impossible due to work permits etc. Banks don't provide you accommodation but during summer time it's not that difficult to find some place to stay at (expensive though!). Try to look up some alumni from your school, if you study at any decent university then someone probably from your alma mater works in London banking.


I had offers for IBD sophomore programs at GS, BAML, DB, and Citi, so those all exist. There are also sophs at Barclays, JPM, and MS. Soph applicants should apply by at least mid September, but the recruiting process for sophs mainly starts mid october/early november (at least it did for me). Sophomore superdays start end of november and continue into mid december. Offers by mid december. Also, there was a GS accelerated interview process that just happened, but don't think they filled all the spots. Only a few students from each school. Heard it wasn't too heavy on the technicals (honestly jealous given that the soph interviews even had technicals).


How are spots already being filled if applications have not even opened yet? Are people just getting offered interviews through networking? Its hard to believe that banks would only operate in this way and not give the opportunity for students to apply themselves.


Hey guys, is it possible to apply for summer internships as a senior (graduating May 2018) who plans to do a 1 year MSF after graduation? How should I put that on my resume since I won't be accepted to any master yet this summer? I know it is common in the UK but not sure about the US. thanks


If you do a one-year Master's you can apply to the summer BA position at McKinsey and not the full-time position, as per the website. I assume it's the same most places? I don't know.


If you can get that up to a 3.2, which is the cutoff for many BBs, you have a decent shot through diversity programs. There are other ways to get into better firms, with a sub 3.0 GPA. Look into diversity programs that can help you become trained for ibd jobs and eventually lateral your way to where you want to be. SEO Careers helps you prep so you're fully prepared, but recruiting will be an uphill battle.


does anyone know details about accelerated interview processes? just got an email from WFS about an accelerated process for the 2018 SA program, and I'm curious to know a little bit more about it


So I'm an Asian male with a 3.42 GPA from semi-target and going to be a sophomore. Pledging fucked up my GPA, and I got a C in my first accounting course. Got a 3.9 first semester so I know I'm capable of bringing it back up pretty easily ( probably around 3.65 which I could probably round up to 3.7 ) but it won't improve until December. Is it even worth applying to these programs? Thinking about focusing on Corporate F500 internships for now and then trying again Junior year.


I think the earlier the better. Spots are limited and get filled up of course as time passes by. Focus on applying to everything early and network hardcore.


Most BBs consider their S&T divisions to be part of their investment banking division - GCIB for BAML, CIB for JPM, etc. So S&T recruiting will happen at the same time as the IB positions in ECM, M&A, etc.


Does anyone know if, when networking, we should apply online before/after asking for our resumes to be pushed through? I have a few people at BB's I've done informational interviews with and I'm trying to figure out how soon I should start asking for favors. If anyone can offer any advice or insight I would appreciate it.

(transferring to semi-target where BB's recruit from mainly b school but take other kids too for SA)


most have told me exactly when for each bank, also most of the time i haven’t had to ask for favors, the topic come up organically. I think its slightly better this way because I know they want to help if they brought it up. Either way i would feel it out. If you feel a solid connection and an opportunity ask them when is best/what is the best way to secure an interview. Also I had one call where the vibe was weird so I asked to speak to someone in another group that i was also interested in, the other guy was great and I know he will help me in august/sept. In other words asking for the favor of just speaking to someone else within the bank might hold more value than asking for a resume push. idk, just my two cents. certainly not an expert.


If I have a really solid resume (work, gpa, and was on an olympic/national team) but my contacts at (GS,JPM,MS,WF,LAZ) told me to wait just a hair longer to being networking with their contacts, should I still apply online like rn? Also waiting to hear back for O4U diversity.


Gen Pop apps aren't open yet so you can just apply right now (unless LAZ and WF are open idk). If your in the accelerated recruiting process then thats different. You have to wait until end of June early July for the gen apps to open.


Thanks! The guys at the banks are really keen on my timing of everything because it will be possible but hard coming from non target.


Depending on how target your school is, most of the BBs have early superdays. Goldman has three superdays - one happened in late may (invitation only, no application), one will happen in July (open to select target schools), one in the fall for regular applicants. JPM has a July superday and then a september superday, BAML the same, Citi the same. MS not sure but think they follow roughly the same schedule


I get that they are invite-only, but how do they get the contacts to reach out to people at targets? I go to a target but have no idea how to get on the accelerated super day process.


You have to network with people from your school who summered at GS, guys that just graduated. Or, you have to know people at these banks that are part of your school's recruiting team. With such accelerated recruiting, the process isn't as simple as just waiting for a post on your career center website.


Would it be an obnoxious move to message an alumnus from my school who is a full-time IB Analyst at Goldman Sachs on LinkedIn? We met at a school recruiting event in early October 2016 and likely has no idea who I am.

But it's likely worth a shot to ask if I could be considered for the accelerated process, no?


Not gonna lie you're clueless about how these things work, you don't ask to be included into the accelerated process. These things are invite only, you get invited if you've networked with the firm and are on their radar (either networking/target school strong candidate). I'd suggest you reach out to multiple alumni from your school, you're already kind of late for accelerated tbh, and go from there


Not necessarily. I attended a recruiting event/insight day and then the organizers followed up in the summer in early June asking if you would like to participate in the accelerated process. You had to email back with your revised resume and top division picks. It was Morgan Stanley


Always submit a cover letter. People need something to put their coffees on to not get their desks dirty...

But, really, always submit one. Analysts rarely get to read them, but HR actually cares about them.


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Eos et minima saepe non. Sit corporis pariatur dicta sed. Eligendi ab sit quis aut.


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Voluptatem dolorum modi numquam nulla fugiat alias. Quasi temporibus deleniti deleniti non cupiditate doloribus quia necessitatibus.

Career Advancement Opportunities

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Jefferies & Company 02 99.4%
  • Lazard Freres No 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners New 98.3%
  • Harris Williams & Co. 24 97.7%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.2%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Harris Williams & Co. 18 99.4%
  • JPMorgan Chase 10 98.9%
  • Morgan Stanley 05 98.3%
  • William Blair 03 97.7%
  • Lazard Freres 06 97.2%

Professional Growth Opportunities

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Lazard Freres 01 99.4%
  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners 18 98.3%
  • Moelis & Company 06 97.7%
  • JPMorgan Chase 06 97.2%

Total Avg Compensation

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (23) $378
  • Associates (95) $261
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • 2nd Year Analyst (69) $168
  • Intern/Summer Associate (34) $167
  • 1st Year Analyst (213) $160
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (155) $101
16 IB Interviews Notes

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