Newly arrived to the US and living in the Midwest

Hi primates,

Just looking for some confirmation on my actions. I've recently moved to a college town South of Indianapolis to allow my partner to pursue her unique career path. 

Now here's the situation I find myself in, and please let me know if it's an 'everyone problem' or just me.

In the last 2 months there have been basically no conferences, meetings or networking events that I have been able to attend (though things are picking up this month) and so I have had zero face to face time with other professionals. 

I have also been scouring Linkedin/Indeed/Select Leaders and Googling for jobs, where my applications aren't even looked at or are simply ignored. 

Now, am I doing anything inherently wrong? Looking for networking opps and applying online, it seems like that's standard procedure and I've gotten nothing back. I should add this isn't my first rodeo, I've been working for 10+ years in many sectors of the property industry and across multiple countries too! Surely this is just macro and mirco economic events conspiring to keep me down right?

Like I said, looking for somebody to tell me that I'm not crazy, or tell me that I am crazy in a gentle way, hah. 



I don't think conferences or networking events are an effective place to go looking to meet people for jobs.  Most people there that are important enough to have the power to give you a job aren't going to be walking around the room aimlessly - they usually have agendas and specific people to meet with. The people you're more likely to meet are just other younger folks that are searching for something. 

I'd spend more time reaching out to specific individuals and asking to grab coffees with them. 


Thank you for the insight. Over the last decade I've made many contacts (and a few job offers) from conferences, events and study groups but I want to adjust to the local culture and not presume what works elsewhere will also work here.

I have access to a contact list of local professionals due to membership into a professional body, I will perhaps draft some emails and try contacting directly.

Great help, thanks.


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