There was a virtual presentation last night about it sent to target school's career sites. The program is looking to take 1-2 analysts per group. It seems super competitive. What I've heard is most of the analysts last year were from H/W/P with BB IB junior internships. Interviews will start in May with offers given late June or early July. They want to lock in analysts for 2021 before summer internships are done.


Did you recieve an email with the application? I attended the webinar series this past week but did not get it yet.


be realistic. unless your last name is Kravis, junior year internships from EB/BB matter a lot. if you can’t get a banking gig good luck with getting a kkr one


Damn you sound like the kid who puts "Incoming Investment Banking Analyst" on your linkedin. It’s called leveraging. Also are kids just not allowed to apply to shit? Just because someone can’t get with Dua Lipa doesn’t mean they’re not allowed to dm her.


Did they say anything about whether the application will be released online in an open capacity or if it will be an invite only thing (i.e. only emailed to certain individuals)?


wondering the same thing.. are we automatically excluded if we dont go to H/W?


Weird because it’s 7:29 PM EST and I still haven’t gotten the application (I attended the PE webinar). Did anyone else registered for the webinars get it?


Does anyone know how their returns in Americas have been? I know the 2006 fund wasn’t great, but does anyone have a sense for how the more recent funds are doing / how fundraising for their next fund might go?


Got the invitation today, at a target. Idk if it is even worth applying to -- have a 3.7 GPA and in a good group at a top BB. Seems like its basically only H/W/S 4.0 GS TMT/MS M&A types


I really don't think that's true. 3.7 from a target with top BB should make you a very competitive candidate. I really think you need to remember that the difference between GS TMT/MS M&A and other groups may be overhyped on this forum. At the end of the day, it gets you an interview, but they will definitely take you over someone like that If you do better on the interview. Just my 2 cents.


The program's focus is to attract talent different from the typical pipeline to stay competitive. Usually 1-2 students are given FT offers per school they are targeting. My view is that white guys working at EBs and BBs doing IB is not the candidates they are looking for as they can get an endless supply of these candidates through traditional PE recruiting during Fall 21'. I think it is really anyones game


Can shed some light on this, but the majority of students are from H/W - KKR took 3-4 analysts last year year from Wharton and roughly the same from Harvard, which would total for more than 75% of all analysts hired. They look at GPA and junior internships, even in this covid environment. From those they hired at H/W/S, at least half were from PE (BX and Bain Cap). Others included PJT RSSG and other EB's, not many Bulges.

That being said, go apply. Anyone has a chance. Don't think there's ever been a strict mandate that KKR has to take from top targets, but usually the top kids there naturally perform well. Alumni network through clubs and classes is strong, so the few analysts at KKR will pull hard for their alma mater, especially if they know someone good.


Any idea how much networking matters? Is it as much as BB/EB recruiting or would it be less significant since there weren't any on campus/virtual events with representatives from all/most groups? (Webinars had 1-2 people max)


Less so - more merit based off of your resume. There's little benefit in networking tbh, but you can do it to get a feel for the firm culture.


Does anyone know what the timeline looks like for the recruiting process? Are they planning on offering people before they even start internships this summer?


just wondering if you guys think the analyst program will be more competitive than on cycle recruiting for first year banking analysts? on one hand I feel like I will be better prepped for recruiting by on cycle but this program seems to have a smaller pool.


It will be more competitive in terms of number of spots available, yes. But the interview process will likely not be anywhere near as rigorous as a KKR associate interview. With that said, those I know who have gotten this offer (and i'm sure there are exceptions that I do not know of) all had multiple years of internship experience at GS/MS and/or Apollo/Bain/Blackstone AND were either ethnically or gender diverse. So my guess is, if you're a white guy, your chances probably look better applying as an associate. But you got nothing to lose by going for it. Best of luck!


I'm pretty sure they request the transcript during the background check phase, which happens after you accept the offer, if you even end up getting an offer of course ;)


Can anyone shed light on what global macro and asset allocation refers to? Is this a FO position? Thanks in advance!

[Comment removed by mod team]

idk the specefics, but from my conversation with an incoming analyst at the firm, NGT has a more straightforward interview process than the rest of the platforms.


I just have a few Q's if anyone can help:

1) Does KKR have a central recruitment team - or are resumes reviewed by members of the teams we apply to?

3) Does anyone know how many schools this got sent out to?/if your school was not on the list if you will be auto-dinged?


Does anyone know how KKR is doing? Know the pre financial crisis fund didn’t do so hot, which hurt them a bit; have the more recent Americas funds done better? Would people anticipate any issues fundraising for the next Americas fund?


lmao "interview all the applicants" do you think this is kindergarten?? Not everyone gets an interview, at the very least they probably got hundreds of applicants for ~15 spots. Unless you are a lesbian, black women out of Harvard with a top internship and a top GPA, there's no guaranteed interviews, hate to break it to you buddy.


How many of you guys applied for the Infrastructure opening. They had a pretty lack luster webinar and I’ve heard they are a lower tier group, but I’m kinda wishing I’d applied to their team right about now.


I'm 100% sure traditional PE was the majority pick, followed by REPE, followed my NGT, and idk about the rest tbh lmao


do they judge you heavily on your results here, or is this a "check the box" type of thing.


what do you guys think the interview process will be like/what they will ask for for NGT and client partners group? any specific way to prepare for those if an interview just so happens to be offered? someone previously mentioned NGT is more straightforward? good luck everyone!


Anyone know the policy on changing our preferences on the application? Do you think it is too late to do that?/Would it be a bad look if I reached out to HR to switch them?


which one are you trying to switch to lol? Also, I don't think it will look great because they emphasized that we should choose our preferences thoughtfully before submitting the app.


damn the test was pretty hard....wish i didnt even bother taking it lol...pretty sure itll auto-ding me


I legit got to like page 6 I think when it cut me off. Damn this was bad.


got through 49, but Jesus Christ, those shape sequences made me feel autistic


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Expedita sit autem illum quae. Sed enim in voluptas perferendis blanditiis cumque itaque. Beatae dolores quam soluta et est perspiciatis culpa autem. Adipisci aut reprehenderit dicta quis dignissimos.

In laborum voluptatem non eligendi numquam nostrum ut. Aut officia perferendis eius ut sed sapiente ab.

Vel atque cumque labore nemo. Et omnis rerum eveniet culpa dolorem consequatur. Et est saepe voluptatum ipsum accusamus ea facere.

Voluptatem voluptatem et labore quo animi ex. Quia et quisquam quaerat consequatur itaque dolorum inventore. Enim accusamus vel sit. Et iure at voluptas distinctio sunt. Sed mollitia vel dolores doloremque consequatur expedita.


Numquam expedita et iste voluptas et. Ipsum soluta et qui impedit iusto repudiandae quisquam. Alias similique vel expedita accusantium in culpa. Officiis beatae et qui amet sed vel molestias eligendi. A qui aut eos iste aut voluptatem distinctio.

Repudiandae modi et architecto modi. Rerum maiores optio qui nemo fugiat consequuntur earum. Velit voluptatem rerum eos distinctio praesentium temporibus omnis. Id aspernatur ratione reiciendis consequatur illo. Aliquid repudiandae quaerat modi dolorum ab quae.

Aliquid ipsa deserunt nihil nemo vitae omnis nostrum. Incidunt debitis aliquam neque sed dolorum in sit. Consequatur iusto fugit quia officia omnis quia delectus.

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Et minus dolor placeat sed aut libero quo dolore. Minima sit animi labore ad aut veniam.

Laborum itaque voluptatem quia qui. Et fuga perferendis non ratione aliquam consequuntur qui. Ducimus est ut magnam ea harum quo. Suscipit eius odit consequatur repellat.

Numquam dolor laborum aspernatur nesciunt voluptatem. Eveniet porro et vel est minima optio distinctio id. Dignissimos enim id ea dolores vel eos. Asperiores esse ut est natus praesentium. Qui rem nostrum et adipisci odit similique.

Career Advancement Opportunities

July 2024 Private Equity

  • The Riverside Company 99.5%
  • Blackstone Group 99.0%
  • KKR (Kohlberg Kravis Roberts) 98.4%
  • Warburg Pincus 97.9%
  • Bain Capital 97.4%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

July 2024 Private Equity

  • The Riverside Company 99.5%
  • Blackstone Group 98.9%
  • KKR (Kohlberg Kravis Roberts) 98.4%
  • Ardian 97.9%
  • Bain Capital 97.4%

Professional Growth Opportunities

July 2024 Private Equity

  • The Riverside Company 99.5%
  • Bain Capital 99.0%
  • Blackstone Group 98.4%
  • Warburg Pincus 97.9%
  • Starwood Capital Group 97.4%

Total Avg Compensation

July 2024 Private Equity

  • Principal (9) $653
  • Director/MD (22) $569
  • Vice President (92) $362
  • 3rd+ Year Associate (91) $281
  • 2nd Year Associate (206) $268
  • 1st Year Associate (390) $229
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (29) $154
  • 2nd Year Analyst (83) $134
  • 1st Year Analyst (246) $122
  • Intern/Summer Associate (32) $82
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (317) $59
16 IB Interviews Notes

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