Zuckerberg Man of the Year

Let's see how fast this can devolve into a hater thread. Time Magazine announced that 26-year old Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg is their 2010 Man of the Year. Early speculation was that it would be Wikileaker Julian Assange, but Zuckerberg dominated to become the second-youngest MOTY (behind Charles Lindbergh) in history. Does he deserve it? Should it have been Assange? If neither of these two, who should it have been?


I liked Jesse Eisenberg's portrayal of Zuck better. The actor in the video you posted seems way too geeky.

“Millionaires don't use astrology, billionaires do”

But yeah, if you go by impact on the world solely within the 2010 calender year, Julian Assange was more deserving. Zuckerberg has made a massive world impact, but he's been at it for a couple years now.

“Millionaires don't use astrology, billionaires do”

Time Magazine must be trying to ward off a legion of high schoolers making Denial of Service attacks in an attempt to shut down its website for not selecting Assange !

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I think Zuckerberg is going to have a longer lasting effect. I also know in the Time poll, 4chan heavily raided it in order to bring Assange's standing up, which isn't surprising given the similarities in missions/personalities between the site and Assange.

Sure, Assange has leaked some stuff, but imo it's been mostly hype. Zuckerberg has entirely changed the way people interact with each other, their social lives, and even a collective generational perspective on life (side note: I wish they had touched more on that in the movie). I think it's the difference between Meryl Streep and Lindsay Lohan; sure, one may have more publicity at a given point in time, but who is going to be remembered more for their contribution to Hollywood 50 years down the line?

I think it's the difference between Meryl Streep and Lindsay Lohan; sure, one may have more publicity at a given point in time, but who is going to be remembered more for their contribution to Hollywood 50 years down the line?
Meryl who? Is Lindsay back in rehab? Does anyone know what she wore to the VMAs?
CompBanker’s Career Guidance Services: https://www.rossettiadvisors.com/

I just don't see what Zuckerberg did this year. He founded Facebook in 2004 and topped 500 million users in 2009. This year he was the subject of a major movie and introduced a bunch of minor changes to Facebook that nobody really cares about. Did any of you read the profile? Isn't it nauseating?

One of those lights, slightly brighter than the rest, will be my wingtip passing over.
I just don't see what Zuckerberg did this year. He founded Facebook in 2004 and topped 500 million users in 2009. This year he was the subject of a major movie and introduced a bunch of minor changes to Facebook that nobody really cares about. Did any of you read the profile? Isn't it nauseating?

Well, this year Mark donated $100m to Newark schools and and took the Buffet pledge to give the majority of his wealth to philanthropy. Assange raised money for Manning's trial, but kept the money for himself.


i dont think its necessarily the 500mil mark that made Zuckerberg the Man of the Year. Id be more inclined to think its the overall social acceptance and growth of facebook outside the typical 18-34 demographic that makes it more important this year. My generation (1982-1995) is probably almost tapped out (in the USA). Growth has come out of the age groups older than us, like my folks, aunts, uncles, grandparents, etc.

Being a big product to young adults is one thing. Being a big product to every generation and age group is another. Their market value is right behind Exxon's... thats saying alot.

"Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish"

Exactly what effect has Assange had on our lives? 600 million people's lives are directly affected by Facebook - I fail to see how wikileaks has done anything to change my behavior or my utility. Maybe there's something I'm missing...

Exactly what effect has Assange had on our lives? 600 million people's lives are directly affected by Facebook - I fail to see how wikileaks has done anything to change my behavior or my utility. Maybe there's something I'm missing...

How have Vladimir Putin or the Good Samaritans changed your everyday life?

“Millionaires don't use astrology, billionaires do”

I think we're gonna see myspace start to dominate social media in 2011. You're all gonna be saying "Zuckerdouche WHO?"


Gosh, this guy is ugly. No wonder he made so much money.

And myspace, really???

The next thing will be something like a website that allows you to manage all your online profiles in one place. Kind of like an iphone, but with interfaces that maximize your efficiency. Like you get all your emails, Myspace, facebook messages in one inbox and answer then in there directly. All chat systems in one, which can be outsourced to your iphone.

Ideally it has an agent engine such that you tell it to get all news from sites X Y Z, etc. and it sends a PDF to your printer with the news coverage you want. It's technically easy if you have some funds.

I know htis, because I abandoned the project 4 years ago and all of my abandoned projects make some fuck rich.

"Make 'Nanas, not war! "

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Culpa reprehenderit minus et voluptatem unde qui. Provident ut ut debitis dolore. Est amet id eum dolor sapiente quo.

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"Look, you're my best friend, so don't take this the wrong way. In twenty years, if you're still livin' here, comin' over to my house to watch the Patriots games, still workin' construction, I'll fuckin' kill you. That's not a threat, that's a fact.

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