Too Hot For Jamie Dimon---Hot Banker Chick Returns......

Claiming she's tarnishing the financial industry's reputation, ex-Citibanker Debrahlee Lorenzana's current employer, JPMorgan Chase, now threatens to fire her for speaking to the press, the Voice learned today.

Debrahlee Lorenzana is the sexy former Citibanker whose story we broke on the cover of the Voice this week. She claims in a lawsuit that Citibank fired her for distracting men in her office with her naturally good looks. Now, Lorenzana says she's received orders from her current employer, JPMorgan Chase, to stop speaking to the media about her Citi lawsuit. JPMorgan Chase has threatened to fire her if she continues to speak out.

Until now, Lorenzana had been mum about where she currently works -- except to say that she's employed at another bank -- and has not said anything about how her current employer is responding to her going public with her lawsuit against Citi. (The Voice had honored her request not to name her current employer.)

But now, according to Lorenzana and to her lawyer Jack Tuckner, she is on the verge of losing her job at the Chase branch in Brooklyn where she currently works.

This time, it's not because of the way she dresses. According to Lorenzana: On Thursday, her manager called her into his office and informed her that if she kept talking to the press, she was putting herself in serious risk of losing her job. The manager said she had violated an employee code of conduct that prohibits employees from bashing the financial industry as a whole. They gave her a copy of the code of conduct in writing.

"They said I was damaging the reputation of the entire industry," Lorenzana tells the Voice.

At the end of the conversation, Lorenzana says she was told: "Why don't you take a breather and let us know whether you are going to continue talking to the media?" She went back to work. A few hours later, she says, "I told them I was going to proceed." Tomorrow she is slated to appear on Good Morning America -- a direct violation of her orders from Chase.

Here's the code of conduct she's talking about: "The concept of relating to JPMorgan Chase businesses is broadly defined and generally includes anything related to the financial services industry, the firm itself, and its businesses."

Tuckner says that he immediately contacted Heather Mitchell, corporate counsel for JPMorgan Chase. Mitchell, Tuckner says, confirmed that Lorenzana had breached the code of conduct by speaking to the press. Even if she ceased all media interviews immediately, she would continue to be in serious risk of termination. (Mitchell did not respond this afternoon to the Voice's e-mail request for an interview).

"She's making this industry look bad when we have Goldman Sachs selling exotic derivatives and cheating their clients behind their backs?" Tuckner says. "These are the 'banksters' of the world. Why they are so tone deaf is really unfathomable."

Under city law, it is illegal to fire someone who has spoken up about an illegal practice.

Lorenzana, for her part, says she is walking on eggshells, but will continue to show up to work until she is fired. "I will report to work every single day, until they say, you're fired."

Meanwhile, she'll keep busy. She only has a Facebook inbox filled with three thousand friend requests to respond to.…

I don't think JPM is doing the right thing, but all employees do sign a document saying they will contact the company before speaking to an press. Normal people might not care, but her clients might have a problem with her constantly being in the papers.


Hahaha, and everyone thought that she might just shut the fuck up. She sure showed us.

"You stop being an asshole when it sucks to be you." -IlliniProgrammer "Your grammar made me wish I'd been aborted." -happypantsmcgee

she just lost all credibility. what an attention whore. proly thinks shes the shit as an empowered woman... that made into retail banking roflmao

Best Response

Umm... she's not a banker she's a teller.

JPM is absolutely doing the right thing. Although I don't think the code of conduct quote implies that the reason for termination is speaking out publicly in a way that shows the financial industry in a negative light. Its obviously to protect the bank's reputation from someone who has a public voice. For example, if this woman had a public platform to talk about her views on why the Holocaust was a fabrication and never occurred and had also made a point to mention her employer... she would obviously be terminated. Not because it reflects poorly on the industry. But because it is causing reputational harm to the JPMorgan brand, with which she has associated herself.


If she is a teller than she is making the right move and cashing in on this. Sad to say, but this is America and this moron will end up in Playboy or in some bootlegged porno. If she was anything other than a teller then she is a complete fool for basically ruining any career she might have in the financial sector.

Shit like this really makes me sick. She wore skimpy shit and was a cock tease at work. She got fired because employing a woman like this is like having a sleeper cell around. You never know when she will blow (literally and figuratively). She is the kind of woman who would walk around naked, in a thong, and then sue because someone looked at her. Now we are going to make her rich and famous.

Call me when the nudes hit.


I agree completely with Anthony. If she's a teller she's deciding between cashing in one way or another (lawsuit, playboy etc.) or continuing her job at the bank as a teller while her attractiveness quickly depreciates. She realizes she has to cash in now, pretty simple choice for her.


I maybe wrong on the teller part, someone described her as retail banker in the other thread...

did some more research; she worked as "Business banking officer"


Teller ≡ Retail Banker ≡ Business Banking Officer

Anyway, JPM is completely right about this. I now guys who have been dressed down for ending up in the paper in stories completely unrelated to finance and without their employment even mentioned; there's no way her behaviour would be acceptable at any bank.

Also, her lawyer is doing her a massive disservice - at this rate, the trial will have to be moved out of New York because the jury will be prejudiced against her.


Agree with Drexalalum about the lawyer, that chap is a crook and is not acting in the chick's best interest at all; first the photo shoot (ordered by him, God knows why), then this. The most attention-seeking person in this story is probably not who we think it is after all...

Mind you, I don't think JP Morgan can fire her - they would expose themselves to a massive lawsuit too.


no way, this woman, again?!

her lawyer keeps getting her in trouble, so he can make good money

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.——William Shakespeare

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