The New Sherriff of Wall Street

I presume that in the minds of public relations conscious government officials, appointing a guy by the name of Lawsky to watch over Wall Street is about as good as it can get. The 41-year-old former federal prosecutor promises to become a household name from the Front Office to the Back. Since NYS merged banking and insurance regulation in an unprecedented move back in March, Lawsky is the first Street Tsar and I have to say I will be watching his moves with great curiosity.

Now, keep in mind the guy was a prosecutor under Mario Cuomo. This, I am sure, is making many a neck hair stand up. With the whining hipster jerk offs blocking the Brooklyn Bridge and the markets tanking again, this is not a good time for a new law man to wave his badge around. Then again, as much as I hate government intrusion into markets, an honest cop is a good cop. The question of whether Lawsky is that man will be answered soon enough. Regardless of how he does his job, expect to hear a lot of bark regardless of what bite may or may not come.

Mr. Lawsky, who is paid $127,000 a year, won't say what the criminal-enforcement unit will investigate first, though he is eager to join forces with state and federal prosecutors to bring cases. That seldom happened before New York lawmakers combined the state's banking and insurance regulators in March to create the new agency.

New York's Department of Financial Services will instantly become one of the highest-profile financial regulators in the nation. The 1,700-person agency will oversee 3,900 banks, insurers, mortgage brokers, loan servicers and New York-based outposts of foreign banks. Those companies have about $5.7 trillion in combined assets.

Being that this position will definitely bring a high profile, don't be shocked to see Lawsky using it as a spring board to a big political career. As I have told more than one of you guys in the recent past, a career in financial regulation is becoming far and far more potentially lucrative then any of us ever thought. $127K may seem like circus peanuts, but I can definitely see Lawsky stomping around and making noise like an elephant very, very soon.

It will be interesting to see what happens and by the way, does anybody else think this dude looks too much like Barry Pepper in the 25th Hour? Or is it my own optical delusion?


If he's anything like Spitzer, I'd suggest that Wall Street collectively dig up as much dirt on this guy as possible and destroy his political career IMMEDIATELY. If he cheats on his wife, smokes pot, digs hookers, or is a closet fag, let's find out now and make sure he doesn't fuck us like the last sherrif.

And for the record:

With all due respect, FUCK YOU SPITZER, and fuck everything that you stand for.

Get busy living
If he's anything like Spitzer, I'd suggest that Wall Street collectively dig up as much dirt on this guy as possible and destroy his political career IMMEDIATELY. If he cheats on his wife, smokes pot, digs hookers, or is a closet fag, let's find out now and make sure he doesn't fuck us like the last sherrif.

And for the record:

With all due respect, FUCK YOU SPITZER, and fuck everything that you stand for.

You are telling me you wouldn't hang out with a guy who keeps this kind of company?

Midas Mulligan Magoo:

You are telling me you wouldn't hang out with a guy who keeps this kind of company?

He didn't keep it, he paid for it, an hour at a time. She isn't even remotely better looking than most females I see.

I am not cocky, I am confident, and when you tell me I am the best it is a compliment. -Styles P
If he's anything like Spitzer, I'd suggest that Wall Street collectively dig up as much dirt on this guy as possible and destroy his political career IMMEDIATELY. If he cheats on his wife, smokes pot, digs hookers, or is a closet fag, let's find out now and make sure he doesn't fuck us like the last sherrif.

And for the record:

With all due respect, FUCK YOU SPITZER, and fuck everything that you stand for.

I chuckled.

Best Response
If he's anything like Spitzer, I'd suggest that Wall Street collectively dig up as much dirt on this guy as possible and destroy his political career IMMEDIATELY. If he cheats on his wife, smokes pot, digs hookers, or is a closet fag, let's find out now and make sure he doesn't fuck us like the last sherrif.

And for the record:

With all due respect, FUCK YOU SPITZER, and fuck everything that you stand for.

I chuckled.

Mission accomplished. I don't actually hate the guy, but his stupid rules have gotten in my way, so I'm not a fan either. Either way, this dude is going to just make life miserable for us so he can look good.
Get busy living

This is totally unrelated but both you and Eddie have such a knack for writing. I was wondering if any of you having this secret desire of becoming another Michael Lewis?????

My formula for success is rise early, work late and strike oil - JP Getty

Dolorem odit in officiis iusto deleniti. Quia qui quisquam voluptas ut et eum. Qui iure illum sint rerum.

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