Stop Using Your Mouse

Moderator note (Andy) This was originally posted on 7/9/12
As summer has been moving along, I begin to notice more and more the inefficiencies out interns have with using Excel properly. Because of this, I have created a brief tutorial on some basic functions of Excel which we use every day. I have attached a spreadsheet with various functions already created within it. Please view the formulas in the cells highlighted and the other notes in the spreadsheet.

As you get better at this, you should not need to use a mouse to navigate through the model at all. Here are some quick tips to help with not using a mouse.

To navigate to the end of a column or row, press control and left or right, down or up. This will shoot you to the end of the data. You may have to press twice or more depending on if there is empty data in between the beginning and end. To highlight this data, press control + shift and left or right, down or up.

Shift + space bar highlights entire row
Control + space bar highlights entire column
… After doing either of those, press Control and + to add a column (or row).

Use Alt+tab to move between different programs (word, internet, excel, etc.)

In order to use the toolbar at the top, press ALT, which will then highlight all the functions at the top. The more you familiarize yourself with these letters, (ex: Alt + H + D + R, which deletes row in Excel 2007), the quicker they will be.

To enter a cell to adjust a formula or just to view which cells are in use, press F2.
Use the F4 function to create absolutes on formulas within cells. Based on how many times you press, you will receive varying functions, ex: $C$2, $C2, C$2. View the Code section of the DATA tab within my spreadsheet to see further. The $ keeps the cell from moving when copying formulas down or across.

When you are in a cell that is pulling data from another tab or another section within the tab you are in, press Control + [ to jump to that cell. You can use F5 + enter to return back to your original tab and cell.

Vlookups, Pivots, and various other stuff is shown in the spreadsheet. Practice understanding what is happening in the formulas and practice recreating some of these sections until you have it down. If anyone has anything to add or if I should go more in-depth in one of these areas, just let me know. Enjoy monkeys!

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You have interns that seriously don't know this shit? WOWWwwwwwww.

Collectively, no they don't. They know simple functions such as sum and average but most of this stuff they are not 100% comfortable with.

I will have to think about some advance functions I can write a post about. Thanks

You have interns that seriously don't know this shit? WOWWwwwwwww. Thanks for this though (+1). I think the kiddies might also benefit from knowing their way around creating data tables if they don't already. I use those on a daily basis... I'd be interested in seeing some advanced excel techniques/shortcuts you might be familiar with?

Not all of us were jerking off to Excel in college.....some of us were getting laid...

'We're bigger than U.S. Steel"
You have interns that seriously don't know this shit? WOWWwwwwwww. Thanks for this though (+1). I think the kiddies might also benefit from knowing their way around creating data tables if they don't already. I use those on a daily basis... I'd be interested in seeing some advanced excel techniques/shortcuts you might be familiar with?

Not all of us were jerking off to Excel in college.....some of us were getting laid...

Yeah, I guess I just wanted to be sure I set myself up for a successful career more than I wanted to go out, party, meet girls and get laid. We all place different levels of importance on things, it's cool brah.


Helpful stuff=silver banana for you! Will give this a look to freshen up later.

Here to learn and hopefully pass on some knowledge as well. SB if I helped.

Circ refs are the worst things in the world. They're almost always done by accident anyways, they freeze your computer, and they open the Help tab. Nothing pisses me off like a circ ref.

Very good thread, OP. Vlookups are essential

Nothing short of everything will really do.
Circ refs are the worst things in the world. They're almost always done by accident anyways, they freeze your computer, and they open the Help tab. Nothing pisses me off like a circ ref.

Very good thread, OP. Vlookups are essential

Actually there are lots of good reasons to intentionally circ ref, especially in financial models, usually because the relationship between debt and interest and income itself is circular (see

SOLUTION The best way around this is to "set calculations to manual and limit the iterations."

What that means is Excel will only recalc when you hit refresh (F9) and it 'iterates' a set number of times - this enables the numbers to reach steady state levels.

To do this (a little different depending on 03/07/Mac) go to Options/Calculation and click 'Manual' for recalculation, and limit iterations to something like 1,000. Remember now to hit F9 lots, basically any time you enter in a new formula or edit a formula/assumption, because otherwise you might have old numbers in your sheet.

Good analysts will wear out their F2 and F9 keys - and also literally pry out the F1 (help) key with a screwdriver, because it only gets in the way of F2.

Some models also build in a 'circuit breaker' (zero's out the trouble cells when toggled).

Circular references are very necessary in modeling and at least in my world were hardly ever accidental.

if you like it then you shoulda put a banana on it
Circ refs are the worst things in the world. They're almost always done by accident anyways, they freeze your computer, and they open the Help tab. Nothing pisses me off like a circ ref.

Very good thread, OP. Vlookups are essential

Actually there are lots of good reasons to intentionally circ ref, especially in financial models, usually because the relationship between debt and interest and income itself is circular (see

SOLUTION The best way around this is to "set calculations to manual and limit the iterations."

What that means is Excel will only recalc when you hit refresh (F9) and it 'iterates' a set number of times - this enables the numbers to reach steady state levels.

To do this (a little different depending on 03/07/Mac) go to Options/Calculation and click 'Manual' for recalculation, and limit iterations to something like 1,000. Remember now to hit F9 lots, basically any time you enter in a new formula or edit a formula/assumption, because otherwise you might have old numbers in your sheet.

Good analysts will wear out their F2 and F9 keys - and also literally pry out the F1 (help) key with a screwdriver, because it only gets in the way of F2.

Some models also build in a 'circuit breaker' (zero's out the trouble cells when toggled).

Circular references are very necessary in modeling and at least in my world were hardly ever accidental.

Shit I need to get on your level.

+1 sb for you

Nothing short of everything will really do.

+1 SB to you for saving some interns a few hours during the summer - one thing I'd note though, and maybe this is just showing off - is that you could simplify your nested IFs on the first tab with a MATCH function

=MATCH($C4,$G$5:$G$8,1) in cell E4 and dragged down Works just as well as that big nasty IF

or if your outputs aren't going to be 1-4, use a LOOKUP (doing it oldschool...) =LOOKUP($C4,$G$5:$G$8,$F$5:$F$8)

Also could work as a VLOOKUP in this case, but you'd need to switch the order of the columns (ehh...)

+1 SB to you for saving some interns a few hours during the summer - one thing I'd note though, and maybe this is just showing off - is that you could simplify your nested IFs on the first tab with a MATCH function

Good stuff. Learn new things every day.

+1 SB to you for saving some interns a few hours during the summer - one thing I'd note though, and maybe this is just showing off - is that you could simplify your nested IFs on the first tab with a MATCH function

=MATCH($C4,$G$5:$G$8,1) in cell E4 and dragged down Works just as well as that big nasty IF

or if your outputs aren't going to be 1-4, use a LOOKUP (doing it oldschool...) =LOOKUP($C4,$G$5:$G$8,$F$5:$F$8)

Also could work as a VLOOKUP in this case, but you'd need to switch the order of the columns (ehh...)

Nice match function, but I just don't understand how it knows to put the 1, 2, 3, 4?

Best Response

The ALT key functionality is one of the greatest efficiency producers in excel. Its also one of the reasons excel for mac sucks, because they forgot to include that one little detail.

A few tips: -Whenever you are performing a task that seems like its taking longer than it should on excel, know that there is a formula for it. Google it or ask around, it will save you hours. -Like the title says, dont use the mouse! You will be much more efficient with keyboard shortcuts -The ALT key example is misleading - a quicker way to delete rows Control + - (minus sign)

-A few of my favorite ALT shortcuts include: ALT + W + A (To arrange windows) ---> by far the best one! ALT + W + F (To freeze panes) ALT + H + H + N (To remove cell color) ALT + H + B + N (To remove cell boarders) ALT + H + B (To add bottom boarder) ALT + G + G + A (To group cells)

-Other shortcuts: -F2 (To enter into a cell) -F4 (To redo last function / absolute) -Control + 9 (To hide a row) -Control + 0 (To hide columns -Control + - (To delete rows/columns - must be highlighted first) -Control + space (to highlight a column) -Shift + space (to highlight a row)

Hope this helps


Shift + F10: pulls up context menu in excel, love this one.

Another favorite, not sure how many of you need this though: alt + e + s + v= paste special values. You can do any of the other paste special commands, the v is just for values. It's a little long, but once you master it, it's a huge time saver.

Great post OP.


This one needs a bit of 'mousing', but helps tremendously when modelling and testing/debugging model

Use F9 when highlighting a portion of formula to find out its result. (don't forget to press ESC afterwards, instead of Enter. So the result won't be pasted as value and the formula is kept intact)

Say, if you have a formula "=(B5B6)+B7", highlighting the portion (B5B6) and pressing F9 will give you the result of that calculation.

This especially works great when testing complex formula. For example, taking an example from valuation GURU's spreadsheet below, highlighting "C11$G$8,$F$8))))


Another that I use all the time is to add shortcuts you use regularly to the quick access toolbar. I put in the borders, and other formatting functions I use the most so that they are ALT + 1, ALT + 2, etc.

Customizable VBA function for the Data example for those who are interested...code indents not showing up for some reason...

Function ChooseCode(Balance As Variant) As Variant

Select Case IsNumeric(Balance) Case True Select Case Balance Case Is 1000000: ChooseCode = 4 End Select Case False ChooseCode = "N/A" End Select

End Function

Nice - though I would warn monkeys here, that VBA functions execute WAYYYYYY slower than even a convoluted native function. Array formulas can also be your friend - though not in the case.


Also one of my absolute favorites:

Hit F5 (go to) Hit Alt+S (special) Hit O, then X, then G, then E (unchecks a few boxes) Hit Enter

You now have selected all numbers which are constants (hard codes). These should be blue. All others should be black.

This way you can quickly format sheets to show the hardcodes.

You can also tell that if something is blue but not highlighted, something might be wrong.

Indispensable when proofing your sheets.

if you like it then you shoulda put a banana on it
The TTS shortcut plugin is a life saver. It makes number formatting and center alignments across multiple cells a breeze.

CTRL + F6 Toggles between open workbooks (Alt+Tab doesn't always work if you have multiple windows) Alt + F4 Close the active window (Closes that pesky F1 help window. TTS plugin disables F1)

Where do you get the plugin?

The TTS shortcut plugin is a life saver. It makes number formatting and center alignments across multiple cells a breeze.

CTRL + F6 Toggles between open workbooks (Alt+Tab doesn't always work if you have multiple windows) Alt + F4 Close the active window (Closes that pesky F1 help window. TTS plugin disables F1)

+1 for TTS, anyone know where i can get a copy for excel 2010? always have to run in compatibility mode f's my shit up.


Shout out to Valuation Guru for creating this for interns. I was horrible with Excel when I was an intern. Didn't really learn it till I started using it at my FT job.

'We're bigger than U.S. Steel"

These shortcuts are all over the web but here's some I use...

Ctrl + C for the selection in excel, then in Powerpoint, Alt+E+S then hit paste link as excel worksheet object. It's the best way to paste to PPT IMO if you want the PPT and excel to link up.

Ctrl + Alt + - Zoom out

Ctrl + Alt + = Zoom in

ALT + = auto sums cells

CTRL + : inserts today’s date

=CELL("filename") formula to insert filepath

SHIFT + F2 edit or insert comment

ALT + SPACEBAR + C close window

CTRL + Page Up Previous sheet CTRL + Page Down Next sheet

SHIFT + SPACE Select the whole row

CTRL + SPACE Select the whole column

CTRL + 9 Hide row CTRL + SHIFT + 9 Unhide row

CTRL + 0 Hide column CTRL + SHIFT + 0 Unhide column

ALT + DS Sort

CTRL + F1 collapse the ribbon for excel 2007

CTRL + F4 close workbook


fav of mine: Alt + E + S + L F2 F4. perfect for pasting links across or intra sheets while maintaining its integrity.

also highlight your range, F11, looks nice, Alt + E + L bye bye sheet

Alt + H + O + R, rename sheet.

"After you work on Wall Street it’s a choice, would you rather work at McDonalds or on the sell-side? I would choose McDonalds over the sell-side.” - David Tepper

I have to use CTRL + SHFT + L often in my job. It applies the data filter. Then you can use ALT + down arrow when at the top of a column to show filter options.


this thread is like excel tips for 6th graders.

the first thing a summer analyst should do is remove the F1 key from their keyboard. instant street cred. (seriously.)

also, take the time to slow down, ignore the mouse, and learn all the hot keys and short cuts. you're going to be much slower at the very beginning when you need to look at your printed sheet of shortcut keys (these can be found all over the web), but in short order you'll be cranking in excel. if you take Training the Street, practice the spreadsheet formatting exercise they give really helps


Wtf....the OP got 11 bananas for posting this? Shows how many undergrads there are on this forum, since I'm pretty sure every banker knows these shortcuts already.

Also, do people seriously use alt h d r to delete a row?

Wtf....the OP got 11 bananas for posting this? Shows how many undergrads there are on this forum, since I'm pretty sure every banker knows these shortcuts already.

Also, do people seriously use alt h d r to delete a row?

Don't hate on the undergrads. Also, I use that delete row combination. Do you know something faster/better?


ctrl minus

Wtf....the OP got 11 bananas for posting this? Shows how many undergrads there are on this forum, since I'm pretty sure every banker knows these shortcuts already.

Also, do people seriously use alt h d r to delete a row?

Don't hate on the undergrads. Also, I use that delete row combination. Do you know something faster/better?


Some tips: - don't use nested IFs. Don't use the Switch function (which you can recreate in VBA). Use a vlookup. - use named ranges. Make them dynamic: if there are a few, type it directly in the formula manager, if there are a lot, create a 2 column array (actually, a "dictionary" - key/value) and pickup the range in VBA to create the named ranges (range name left, range target as INDIRECT, right). - use sumproduct, double negative, named ranges as bitmasks for lookups involving more than 2 dimensions (particularly when vertical and horizontal filters are required). - hardcore: replace your VBA with Python scripts. You will save time and make better code. Use an add in (DataNitro is decent). - generally spend some time learning to program. It will inform the quality of your models. Always take the time to do things properly first; shortcuts now will cost you 10-50x the time in the future; output quality is a major issue in consulting and banking as time is scarce, and having too many mistakes in models can get you fired (not for that, but because nobody will want to farm work out to you, so you will do little work).


Question: Does anyone use the "Boost" add-in that Wall Street Prep uses in the real world? I'm afraid after getting used to a lot of their short cuts I won't have them once I start a job in modeling...

Blue horseshoe loves Anacott Steel

I think the thing I was happiest about during my summer gig was the fact that I really didn't need to use any of this shit. Just seems rather annoying, to be honest. Got to the point where I started pulling R windows to do simple computations instead of a spreadsheet.


That reminds me when I worked in MBB some kid wrote a macro that disabled F1 and made the right hand side Alt to behave as the mouse's right click. Sorta useless these days but you can get the point when keyboards were 101-key, serial ports, non-customizable. It was pure magic, especially in Powerpoint.

Great post, all in all. I do like shortcuts, and I also like the workings of MATCH, INDIRECT, INDEX, etc, but what really rocked my world back in the day was COUNTIF and SUMIF, which allowed me to make PivotTable-like shit much more flexible. Invest some time into learning that if you don't know what they're good for. And those were extended into COUNTIFS and SUMIFS in 2007, making life even easier.

Now what is REALLY awesome are array formulas (Control+Shift+Enter formulas). That is just infinite, especially when you realize that the "bidimensionality" we impose our models comes from the fact that we don't know those exist, or when we do, we don't give proper thinking to the possibility of making our models 3D or even 4D. When you stop to digress about the sort of crap that those formulas could help you get done, it's Excel epiphany.

OH FUCK, we're so nerdy. In my next life, I hope the only models I see are those who will give me massages.


do bankers really do so much repetitive formatting that this is necessary?

also lol at the idea of using python to manipulate excel financial models. even using array formulas will make your sheets hard to audit and use for anyone else not on your level...


I use the SUMIFS formula on a daily basis. It's awesome when you have a huge data set and need to create dynamic analyses from it. Named ranges are also key.

yellow t-shirt

I had a couple spreadsheets to finish. Came across this page and in 20 minutes I went from being an excel rookie to the All Star in about 20 minutes. Thanks OP

Benjamin A Gilman Scholar Economics & Finance, Mandarin Chinese & Japanese Small Business VP

How can I execute the shortcut CTRL + [ on an international keyboard (Italian in particular)? "[" can be inserted only using "Alt Gr" button, so the shortcut doesn't perform at all. Furthermore, is it CTRL + [ or CTRL + Shift + [ ? As on the web I could read various opinions. Many thanks.


What an excellent thread topic choice OP. I too am incredibly confident that this will NOT turn into a total pissing contest in which users try to show who has the biggest e-dick. Thank you for starting it!

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“Millionaires don't use astrology, billionaires do”

I can. Do I win something? . If so you better have a lot of prizes for every other Tom, Dick and Harry who can.

"After you work on Wall Street it’s a choice, would you rather work at McDonalds or on the sell-side? I would choose McDonalds over the sell-side.” - David Tepper
learning BC I'm starting an FT analyst stint this summer. Its tough but I'll be happy when I'm smooth at it. Are you learning on a laptop or desktop?

both. laptop at home, desktop at school

The difference between successful people and others is largely a habit - a controlled habit of doing every task better, faster and more efficiently.

Natus aut consequatur facere quia. Magnam rerum alias culpa.

"For I am a sinner in the hands of an angry God. Bloody Mary full of vodka, blessed are you among cocktails. Pray for me now and at the hour of my death, which I hope is soon. Amen."

Molestias dicta dignissimos quidem neque maxime fugit. Illo consequatur accusamus ratione itaque. Quibusdam excepturi veniam dolorum est. Modi incidunt ut deserunt voluptates blanditiis quam dicta quo.

Voluptas itaque esse occaecati quidem magnam beatae. Molestias eum aliquam autem voluptatem est. Ab repudiandae laudantium officia suscipit non rem quo inventore. Eos aut eius numquam rerum labore non similique. Quia at tempora qui repudiandae nulla aut et.

Quia beatae aut soluta molestias. Saepe ut natus et officia voluptatibus harum et quia. Velit sunt aut asperiores necessitatibus. Delectus numquam velit et fuga excepturi architecto nam. Error omnis deleniti voluptate amet. Voluptate rerum dolorum vitae et repellendus at. Similique nam praesentium et.

Eos praesentium ut qui. Maxime dolorem suscipit quis tenetur itaque doloribus. Vel rerum beatae sint nihil vel dolore blanditiis. Suscipit ut in enim doloremque aut.

Aperiam eveniet velit est consequatur quisquam sed. Illo similique eaque fuga qui voluptatum earum. Aut accusantium voluptas eos reprehenderit qui et excepturi. Earum error consequatur dolorem qui. Repellat id exercitationem recusandae suscipit omnis.

Praesentium nihil ea quam ullam vitae odio. Reprehenderit et quia officia ut sit quae quia.

Accusantium dolorum voluptate eum dolorem quasi minus minima. Reprehenderit veniam illum quo sed sed laboriosam asperiores. Animi corrupti quidem aliquid facilis tenetur consectetur. Iste fugit aut odit similique architecto.


Laudantium rerum quasi ut quisquam a rerum. Dolor quibusdam ea eum voluptatibus consequatur nihil atque placeat. Praesentium totam tenetur aut inventore. Ea at repellendus rerum minus quo. Sint tempore quisquam porro suscipit nesciunt quo ad. Sapiente molestiae aut eligendi odit eum ut. Dolorum numquam autem quia ut nesciunt harum.


Rerum qui repellendus voluptatem eum. Nihil sunt quis minus molestias optio. Expedita enim aliquam aliquam est facilis consectetur. Maiores eveniet veniam et eum. Eum dolores minus eius voluptatum iusto voluptatibus.

Architecto consequatur voluptas fugit reprehenderit. Eos eum officiis laboriosam pariatur consequuntur. Nihil laborum reprehenderit reiciendis inventore omnis eum.

Aut nesciunt doloremque sapiente ab. Iusto accusantium ut ab fugit modi laborum autem qui. Omnis sapiente mollitia dicta pariatur voluptatum tempora reiciendis consequatur. Voluptatem dolores tenetur libero voluptas qui. Alias sit et quis sunt. Recusandae fugit vel suscipit voluptates dolor dolorem. Sed nesciunt aperiam quia dolor et ut doloribus sint.

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  • Intern/Summer Analyst (155) $101
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