Russell Simmons, Original Banksta

A good number of you guys will be turned off from reading this post by the picture next to it. I cannot say that I blame you. Most of you are a little too young to know the story of Russell Simmons and how well it ties into modern day Wall Street lore. As someone who witnessed the evolution of Wall Street into its modern visage, I see many similarities between the street and hip hop.

In the words Biggie (echoed later in Boiler Room ): either you're slinging crack rock or ya gotta wicked jump shot...interpret at your own whim...

Russell Simmons is a bankster,the masturbatory manifestation of all the evils attributed to Wall Street and it's slick haired, slick suited, sell-side peddlers. He lives and breathes the same excesses and manipulations. Except he manages to one up everyone. He manages to pull off the brazen backhanded arrogance of high finance, while grandstanding like a politician or savior. I would argue that the key difference between Russell and Wall Street is that even in its worst hour the BBs at least make money for some of their clients. Simmons on the other hand, is squeezing pennies out of people for whom a quarter is a big deal.

His newest rendition of how to build a billion the Def Jam way, is called the Rush Card. It is a grimy and greasy tactical approach which purports to empower, but (in reality) robs those who can least afford to be taken for an extra buck or two.

I have to admit that I have a personal stake in shining the light on this charlatan. A man who has been selling dreams and delusions to the inner city for over a quarter century. Growing up in NYC I saw Russell rise from floor to ceiling. I admit to feeling a sense of pride at the time. I even felt like a contributor by buying early Run-DMC and Beastie Boys albums. But years have passed and hip hop is no longer a movement or a culture. It has morphed into a nouveau minstrel show that I actively seek to ignore. Today, I watch one of the founders of the genre portraying Robin Hood while he is actually robbin' the 'hood.

We are so afraid to address issues that could even be construed as having a racial tinge these days, that we let people get away with legal, but highly immoral long as they are part of certain groups.

Russell Simmons (in his own way) is doing very subtly to the Black community via this card, what unscrupulous bankers and con artist mortgage brokers did to retail investors and municipalities with Mortgage Backed Securities not more than a decade ago. He is bleeding the community which gave him his lifeblood and not only is he not being punished, he is being celebrated.

Have a peek at his commentary and compare it with the evidence laid out by Farnoosh Torabi in the link provided above. In case you don't agree with my view, then you too can learn to hustle, like Russell.


True. He is to the black community what the Koch brothers are to Mid-Westerners. These people only care about their own power.

I'm still a fan of the music, but the 'movement' was only talk. I wonder about the generation that grew up who bought in. I'll give this to BB's - they don't pretend to care, and since hypocrisy pisses me off more than anything else, I can respect a person who's HONEST about their selfishness.

And no, I don't think Lloyd is doing God's work.

Get busy living
True. He is to the black community what the Koch brothers are to Mid-Westerners. These people only care about their own power.

I'm still a fan of the music, but the 'movement' was only talk. I wonder about the generation that grew up who bought in. I'll give this to BB's - they don't pretend to care, and since hypocrisy pisses me off more than anything else, I can respect a person who's HONEST about their selfishness.

And no, I don't think Lloyd is doing God's work.

I don't see how the Koch brothers are relevant at all.

True. He is to the black community what the Koch brothers are to Mid-Westerners. These people only care about their own power.

I'm still a fan of the music, but the 'movement' was only talk. I wonder about the generation that grew up who bought in. I'll give this to BB's - they don't pretend to care, and since hypocrisy pisses me off more than anything else, I can respect a person who's HONEST about their selfishness.

And no, I don't think Lloyd is doing God's work.

I don't see how the Koch brothers are relevant at all.

Then there's really not much to discuss.

In defence of free markets....he's merely exploiting people's ignorance. This is unethical but not illegal. It helps confirm my belief that we have a power management system, with a side of justice system served with ideology.

Get busy living
True. He is to the black community what the Koch brothers are to Mid-Westerners. These people only care about their own power.

I'm still a fan of the music, but the 'movement' was only talk. I wonder about the generation that grew up who bought in. I'll give this to BB's - they don't pretend to care, and since hypocrisy pisses me off more than anything else, I can respect a person who's HONEST about their selfishness.

And no, I don't think Lloyd is doing God's work.

I don't see how the Koch brothers are relevant at all.

Then there's really not much to discuss.

In defence of free markets....he's merely exploiting people's ignorance. This is unethical but not illegal. It helps confirm my belief that we have a power management system, with a side of justice system served with ideology.

How about you explain your comparison instead of acting like you're taking the moral high ground?

In regards to Russell Simmons, I can't say I'm outraged. He may be a complete douche, but there is nothing evil going on here. I like that the article above is very level-headed in its criticism of the RushCard and its selling points.

Best Response
True. He is to the black community what the Koch brothers are to Mid-Westerners. These people only care about their own power.

I'm still a fan of the music, but the 'movement' was only talk. I wonder about the generation that grew up who bought in. I'll give this to BB's - they don't pretend to care, and since hypocrisy pisses me off more than anything else, I can respect a person who's HONEST about their selfishness.

And no, I don't think Lloyd is doing God's work.

I don't see how the Koch brothers are relevant at all.

Then there's really not much to discuss.

In defence of free markets....he's merely exploiting people's ignorance. This is unethical but not illegal. It helps confirm my belief that we have a power management system, with a side of justice system served with ideology.

How about you explain your comparison instead of acting like you're taking the moral high ground?

In regards to Russell Simmons, I can't say I'm outraged. He may be a complete douche, but there is nothing evil going on here. I like that the article above is very level-headed in its criticism of the RushCard and its selling points.

I you don't see them both as taking advantage of people, then there's really nothing to discuss. I'm not in an argumentive state of mind today. The ignorance argument works up to a point, but then becomes an issue of me mugging someone and saying, "you should have armed yourself".
Get busy living

Is Rush Card still running. I assumed it faded away just like all highly usurious branded prepaid cards. Speaking of which late last year a friend sent me a link about these tacky rappers (YMCM - Wayne & bro) pedding their own branded I actually do believe theirs may have sold especially to hipster teens & preteens.

Simmons is an old G though & definately has a knack for SI. Midas on a side note, do you have a connection with the industry especially with the local moguls..... I may want to talk to you about a tech start up there. Cheers.

PS. Boooooooooo fucking hoooo that the bank charged you $35 dollars because you took out more money then you have! News Flash: If you have only $100 dollars in your bank account and you charge $101 you dont have the money for it and the bank shouldnt have to foot the bill interest free until you decide its convenient to come up with money to pay that off.
I agree 100%, Nobama. But what some banks were doing was not good practice, as far as checking accounts go (i.e. deducting withdrawals from your account based on withdrawal amount, not in the order in which they were withdrawn).
PS. Boooooooooo fucking hoooo that the bank charged you $35 dollars because you took out more money then you have! News Flash: If you have only $100 dollars in your bank account and you charge $101 you dont have the money for it and the bank shouldnt have to foot the bill interest free until you decide its convenient to come up with money to pay that off.
Couldn't have said it any better. This reminds of me of a similar tactic by Kim Kardashian or whatever. A pre-paid Mastercard with a picture of her face plastered on it. All the teenager girls couldn't wait to get their hands on the card in spite of the outrageous hidden fees.
If you use the card to withdraw cash from an ATM, you pay a fee. If you use the card to withdraw cash from an ATM but your withdrawal is denied, you pay a fee. If you check your balance on an ATM, you pay a fee. If your card is declined for a purchase, you pay a fee. If you load more money onto the card, you pay a fee. If you cancel your account, you pay a fee. If you call live customer service, you pay a fee.
Ultimately though, if people are stupid enough to sign up for these cards then they deserve the consequences. Simple as that.

I disagree with her first sentence that "you shouldn’t have to pay money to access your money." Who is supposed to pay for ATM, branches, tellers, debit cards, checks? And I don't buy the "you provide a cheap source of funding to the banks for lending" b/c they're not making squat over the 2 grand I keep in my checking account..If you want free access to your money, stick it all under the mattress.

These cards are ridiculous and unsustainable, as our free checking accounts.

"I don't know how to explain to you that you should care about other people."
These cards are ridiculous and unsustainable, as our free checking accounts.
Did you screw up the grammer, spelling, or both? I can't tell.


Get busy living
These cards are ridiculous and unsustainable, as our free checking accounts.
Did you screw up the grammer, spelling, or both? I can't tell.


Left out "are"..should read as are our...but good value-add, thanks.

"I don't know how to explain to you that you should care about other people."

I am only speaking to the Rack card as a product/service. I do not know Russell Simmons personally and will not pretend to know anything about his character or itegrity.

A few things...he is providing a service/product that obviously has a market. It is not illegal to charge a fee for a legal service/product provided just because the people paying for the fee are not as intelligent as you. If the service provided is the only viable option someone has available to them, isn't it better than nothing?

Let's just assume that the type of person that would use a pre-paid debit card would primarily do so to avoid overdraft fees (forget about any criminal reason someone might use one) and after reading the testimonials on the product's website, that seems to be an accurate assumption. If this is an indivual's main motivation to use a pre-paid debit card (to avoid overdraft fees), then we can likely assume these individuals are very fee sensitive probably from a lack of income. The Dodd-Frank bill has essentially eliminated banks ability to charge overdraft fees, but in the abscense of this lost revenue the banks are looking for other ways to make up this revenue. It seems that part of the solution to make up this lost revnue is to start charging fees for once free products, such as checking accounts that do not have minium balances, direct debit, etc. If the fees on the Rack card are lower than the fees being charged on these checking accounts then what's the problem? It seems like a simple cost benefit analysis to me or am I missing something here?

How Russell markets or advertises the product is aother issue, but why is that people take anything for face value nowadays? This is a pre-paid debit card, of course there are going to be hidden fees associated, he has to be making money somehow.


I see these cards all the time biggest joke... along with Check cashing services and check advancing serivces and people in poverty wonder why they can't get out of poverty. Maybe if you lived within your means and stop using my money to pay to feed your kids and your money to buy the newest Jordans. Just maybe people wouldn't take you to be such suckers

The answer to your question is 1) network 2) get involved 3) beef up your resume 4) repeat -happypantsmcgee WSO is not your personal search function.
Just imagine if those people who use check cashing places to cash every check stopped using them and used a real bank....they could take that 15% they were throwing out the window and oh I dont know, put it in a retirement account?

Kind of off topic: I was watching CNN's Black in America some time ago. It was talking about how unfair it has to be because the black community doesnt save anywhere near what the white community does.

The excuse CNN came up with was that the system is racist and white children are allowed to learn the basics of financing while blacks are not. Mmmm, marrmarrmarr excuses blame someone else marmarmarawr. Try saving not spending your money on Jordans, $300 pair of FUBU pants and new Iphones.

Watched it and thought the same thing. ridiculous.

The answer to your question is 1) network 2) get involved 3) beef up your resume 4) repeat -happypantsmcgee WSO is not your personal search function.
Just imagine if those people who use check cashing places to cash every check stopped using them and used a real bank....they could take that 15% they were throwing out the window and oh I dont know, put it in a retirement account?

Kind of off topic: I was watching CNN's Black in America some time ago. It was talking about how unfair it has to be because the black community doesnt save anywhere near what the white community does.

The excuse CNN came up with was that the system is racist and white children are allowed to learn the basics of financing while blacks are not. Mmmm, marrmarrmarr excuses blame someone else marmarmarawr. Try saving not spending your money on Jordans, $300 pair of FUBU pants and new Iphones.

Your paraphrasing is completely incorrect. CNN gave a much more complex reason for this. You should add a disclaimer.

"Cut the burger into thirds, place it on the fries, roll one up homey..." - Epic Meal Time

Walmart already has that shit on lock. You can cash any payroll, federal, or tax return check for 3 bucks.

If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses - Henry Ford
^ ^ ^ ^

Check into cash places are dominent in the ghetto.

yes and they are usually right next to a package store or a bootleg clothing store... I wonder why....I say the chance both places are owned by the same people is pretty high

The answer to your question is 1) network 2) get involved 3) beef up your resume 4) repeat -happypantsmcgee WSO is not your personal search function.
^ ^ ^ ^

Check into cash places are dominent in the ghetto.

yes and they are usually right next to a package store or a bootleg clothing store... I wonder why....I say the chance both places are owned by the same people is pretty high

And they're typically 'connected' or have guns in the store, at the very least, for self defence. Not a choice situation in life, but they are making money. Ever notice that those Cash 4 Gold type stores never get knocked over; why is that?
Get busy living
Midas Mulligan Magoo:
you guys are all fuckin heart, lol

an interesting aspect that nobody has brought up is who are the people who GREATLY BENEFIT from using these cards and what do they do for a living?

do i need to launch into how Russ used to peddle crushed up cocaine incense back in the day?

Well, if it wasn't for Russ crushing up that cocaine, his buyers wouldn't have been able to resell it at a small profit and buy formula for their babies and their buyers wouldn't have been able to work the triple shift at the diner to pick up extra tips and put food on their table. it seems to me Russ has been helping people out for decades. Can you say 'new PR manager'?!?!? LOL.

For real, this guy is as much of a con man as the rest of the street is (according to the media, etc.) with the exception being that blacks wouldn't just outright trust a white dude in a suit peddling a stored value care that could save them money...they would assume there was a catch or that they were going to get taking advantage of. With Russell, I'm sure they are much more quick to believe what he is saying and likely to not read the fine print, which leaves them much more exposed to being taken advantage of. Simmons is taking advantage of his image and status in the black community and though I can't fault him for that (since he's making money and it isn't illegal) I am certainly allowed to think it's shady as hell.


"The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they're ignorant, it's just that they know so much that isn't so." - Ronald Reagan
Midas Mulligan Magoo:
It has morphed into a nouveau minstrel show that I actively seek to ignore.

Then you're not listening to the right stuff...


Veritatis illo sed eos nostrum neque. Est quos perspiciatis corrupti harum illum placeat. Exercitationem sed velit laudantium cum voluptas. Perspiciatis qui omnis inventore sunt dignissimos facere magnam.

Reprehenderit minima amet occaecati nam. Distinctio at consequatur non magni. Qui blanditiis libero iste aliquam.

Nisi enim et inventore fugit. Numquam fugiat et quidem eos molestias expedita optio. Vel qui blanditiis maiores ratione fugit enim. Laboriosam et fugit consequuntur dolor. Expedita et sint incidunt recusandae placeat.

"Cut the burger into thirds, place it on the fries, roll one up homey..." - Epic Meal Time

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