Living in Brooklyn or Queens

I have given up on living in Manhattan. However, I am not interested in moving to CT or NJ at all. I have started looking into apartments in Astoria and Long Island City, but I am clueless regarding where to live in Brooklyn (other than Williamsburg, but I don't want to get pubic lice from a hipster so that is out). What areas in the other burroughs are decent to live in? Perhaps this belongs in the Ballin on a Budget series, but I am trying to get this over with asap. My concerns are more with size than price, but still looking to stay under $2500/month


If you work midtown queens is easier, downtown, BK is your pick.

Williamsburg isnt really that cheap if you want something decent. I would highly recommend Boerum Hill in Brooklyn. I lived there during an analyst stint at Merrill. Its super easy to hop on the 2/3. I was paying 1800 for a real one bedroom (6 years ago). Look for places along Atlantic Ave or Smith street. Smith in particular has an amazing amount of good bars and restaurants.

You could also look at DUMBO (Down under the Manhattan Bridge Overpass) or Brooklyn Heights. Dumbo is more artsy, younger crowd, good bars, food etc. The heights are a little bit more old school, good food and a real "New York" feel.

It's possible if you work downtown (DB, GS, C). Better to live in Jersey city if you're in Midtown

And $2500 would buy you a FUCKING PALACE

DB and GS I know, but what is C?
Get busy living
And $2500 would buy you a FUCKING PALACE

Correct. I no longer have any desire to live in a shit hole downtown when I can have a chefs kitchen and 1000 sq ft with a river view for the same price. I am not downtown so it looks like queens is going to be a lot more reasonable, commuting at least, but thanks for the help. Atlantic ave area is a nice place no doubt.


I lived in Brooklyn heights during my internship and enjoyed it. The posters above me are right when they say that it has a very "New York" feeling to it. Park Slope is like Brooklyn heights but I found it to be more dirtier.

The only problem about living in Brooklyn is that if you go clubbing, most cabs won't take you back home unless if you offer to pay them more than the typical fare.

no you just hop in the cab open the door and get in and theyre forced to take you, you dont tell them ahead of time where youre going :P cmon mang should know this trick

park slope food co op = balllllllin for groceries although u have to work a few hours so idk if that is convenient for your ibd analyst lifestyle lol

lol no ibd. In at 6 out at 530 the life of S&T

oh yeah would have helped if i looked at that. my old coworker got a 1 bed+office ground level in a good area of park slope for maybe 2k a month with a brownstone backyard that he would barbecue and entertain in which i think is CLUTCH

the problem is getting all your friends to make the "commute" to "EWWW BROOKLYN" even though they're all 5 minutes away in FiDi ha ha ha

Best Response

Look @ BK heights, Dumbo maybe Lower Ft. Greene. You can do a 1br with $2500/mo. I'm in a 2br duplex (smallish 850 sq ft. but 2 bathrooms) with the full private brownstone backyard at $3k/mo. Small townhouse building, decent neighbors, laundry in the building etc. I'm about 3 mins from the 2,3,4,5,R one way and 3 minutes from TJs, Sahadis the other way (lots of restaurants too - but I like to cook.) One stop to FiDi (which means you would have the after work smoke spot like my neighbor, but that's all good.)

Landlord had the 4th floor (walkup) duplex 1br plus den on the market for $2600 but it was gone in a day. Bedroom was a bit small but the upstairs den was sick, huge with a big sliding glass door that goes out onto a wrap around roof deck - which for some reason has a tiled outdoor shower. I had someone that wanted to rent it, but the first broker that came in had someone on it in a few hours.

This is the reason I couldn't be coaxed into buying a POS condo in WillyB or South Slope or a gut reno brownstone in "Stuyvesant Heights" when everyone told me I was crazy for renting. If you want to rent - the market is getting tighter and you gotta be quick on the draw. But there's some awesome stuff in BK not too far from the city that comes and goes fast.

If you are looking to buy, you can get a decent studio for $750k in BK Heights. But that feels like too much for 350 sq ft and a doorman to me (its still my dream to move out of this effing city.)


yes, it is definitely possible. You will hate it in the morning since you have to get up earlier but it's doable. People on here will say no don't do it but those are usually the people with no loans, wealthy parents, or want to party 24/7 in NYC. I say do it if you want to and yes, you will save a ton of money.

"Look, you're my best friend, so don't take this the wrong way. In twenty years, if you're still livin' here, comin' over to my house to watch the Patriots games, still workin' construction, I'll fuckin' kill you. That's not a threat, that's a fact.

dont fucking do it. you have no idea how big of an issue that will be when your MD/VPs need something or want you in the office and youre 30-45 minutes away... you need to live in manhattan, and preferably really close to work. just my 2 cents... i dont give a shit where you live, but i highly recommend you live near the office, potentially even within walking distance. you will not regret this. and to saving $500 a month, its really minimal when you consider the benefits of living close. thats 6k / yr. if you can become the go to analyst for shit because you live close to work, etc. that will be made up for during bonus time. dont be a bitch, spend the extra $500. iRx out.


don't do it...beyond living closer to work (which is extremely important for this job), whatever social life you plan to have will be light years better if you have your own place in the city for many reasons... just work your ass off and make sure you get a good enough bonus to put a dent in your loans


You can't go wrong with Hoboken. IF you're working in JC, try looking at getting a place either in Newport/Pavonia as well.


ive lived in manhattan, close queens, far queens commuting with ib analyst hours.

LIVE IN MANHATTAN. just live in the financial district or murray hill


I'd live in Manhattan, overall just a better vibe imo. You will definitely start to appreciate the extra 15-20 minutes more and more the longer you are in the job. Furthermore, I'm not sure how much cheaper Queens and Brooklyn necessarily are. I looked briefly at some apts there and was pretty surprised that the difference wasn't extremely noticeable. Mediocre to sub-par Manhattan > Average Brooklyn.


Depends. How much is your time worth?

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