Is mathematical modeling racist?

Interesting article in the Atlantic about Richard Burke, a Upenn statistician who works a consultant for parole boards. He has mined criminal databases and can predict the likelihood that a parolee will commit a serious crime (which determines how closely the inmates are monitored by the state when let loose on society). Some folks are charging that this practice is racist since it is weighing a person as part of a group rather than as an individual (race is not one of the components of the model, but things like zip code are).…


This is stupid, look at the numbers based on percentage of the population. A higher percentage of black males based on the over all population are in prision. Just like more people from certian zipcodes are in prision based on the population of that zip code. Who gives a fuck if it just so happens to form a race line, its true. People today are so thin skinned I am suprised they dont impale themselves while walking around.

Follow the shit your fellow monkeys say @shitWSOsays Life is hard, it's even harder when you're stupid - John Wayne

I suspect that it's not one's race that causes higher rates of crime but rather income levels. Poor people tend to resort to more crime... and Blacks, on average, happen to be the lowest earners (for whatever reason) of any racial group in the US = more crime.

A more robust study would evaluate crime rates among Blacks, Whites, Asians and Hispanics of the same income level. I hypothesize that crime levels would be consistent amongst all of these groups.

One can also make a claim that the legal system is most hostile to Blacks and Hispanics (war on drugs). A middle-class white kid caught with drugs will likely get a community service punishment whereas a minority can face jail-time.

^ The US has certainly become overly conscious about political-correctness.


Well if one wanted to conduct a competent analysis they could look at "recent" (ie past 50-60 yrs) immigrants and their families from Africa and compare that to immigrants and their families from Asia and ROW and also with Black Americans. Black Americans with deep family history on this continent will hopefully catch up with the other groups if education is improved (more than just improving access - but also having motivated parents and teachers, etc.)

Has anyone seen those "race" employment statistics on CNN? They love to broadcast those, much more than an education based breakdown. I imagine white males with a high school education with background working a blue collar job, or a black or hispanic guy with a solid degree making 6 figures much watch those and feel misrepresented somehow.


Pariatur nihil animi repellendus amet repudiandae. Tenetur a facere non sequi consequatur aut illo. Dolorem perferendis architecto nisi asperiores et. Consequatur consequuntur quaerat doloribus rerum ipsam ipsum tenetur dolor. Ab laboriosam quia aut doloribus.

Deserunt animi debitis omnis. Adipisci dolores vitae soluta sequi non vel.

Aut pariatur doloremque velit ut. Aut ipsa autem magni facere. Est dolor sapiente molestias non quis.

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