Former Obama Pitbull Now Shilling for Hedge Funds

In many ways, I'm a huge hypocrite. It's a terrible character flaw of mine, but one I've learned to live with. And I make every effort to call myself on it when I'm at my worst. I also like to think that I'd do anything for money - a real OG. But I know deep down that there are things too distasteful to me to do for any price. This is also probably a character flaw of mine, but one I've mostly learned to live with.

For example: I'm not above screwing a competitor to achieve my own ends, though I'm usually the first to cry foul when it's done to me. And I'd like to think that I could go to that competitor after I screwed him and convince him to pay me so I don't tell any of my friends how to screw him as well, but I probably couldn't do it with a straight face.

Lucky for PR firm McClean/Clark, Anita Dunn doesn't share my inhibitions (or any obvious sense of decency). Who is Anita Dunn? For starters, she's the former White House communications director under President Obama, and she's now a Managing Director at SKDKnicerbocker - a Democratic consulting firm. She's also a world class Wall Street hater.

As WH communications director, Dunn framed many of the administrations arguments against Wall Street and in favor of increased regulation. She was particularly rough on the hedge fund industry, scapegoating it above most other sectors of finance. So you can imagine my surprise when I learned that she's now selling her services to the very industry she publicly vilified to make it all go away.

As White House communications director, Dunn helped President Obama criticize hedge funds as a key factor of the financial collapse—and she has continued that criticism, at least in public, ever since.

An industry outsider who was pitched on Dunn’s proposal told the Washington Free Beacon that he was surprised to see the former Obama official involved in the effort. “First we see Dunn attack us on television,” he said, “and then she tells us to hire her to head off the exact attacks that she herself is hurling at us. The entire thing begins to stink like a protection racket.”

That's actually an excellent choice of words. In a protection racket scheme, you're buying "protection" from the misdeeds of the people who are selling you the protection. That's pretty much exactly what's on offer here. If the hedge fund industry will hire Dunn and her cronies, they'll protect the industry from their old pals in Washington. Or at least they'll give it the old "college try" and bank a ton of fees.

So now Dunn is going to bat for the very industry she did her dead level best to gut while she was a Washington insider. I guess I shouldn't be surprised (though I'll be surprised if any of the funds take her up on the offer).

I'd love to be a shrink in DC. Those guys have to treat the most off-the-wall personality disorders in the world. Imagine what it must take mentally to wage war on your sworn enemy and then switch teams midstream for money. I know I couldn't do it.

I'll leave you with one of Anita's greatest hits. Should be popular in the hedge fund community over the coming weeks. Sure, let's hire the chick whose hero is Mao Tse Tung.


Isn't the best person to work for you the very person who constructed the way to beat you? And, as far as she goes, her job is to serve her master be that the WH or Hedge Funders. She should be the best shill she can be for whoever is signing her paycheck.

If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses - Henry Ford
Lol, bitch looks like an uglier and dumber version of yoda.

You must be a miserable ugly fag.

Only a fag would call a woman dumb because he is jealous of her move.

She is balling and you are still sucking dicks in your cube.

No one would remember the Good Samaritan if he'd only had good intentions; he had money as well.
Is Eddy the first human on this site? :o what does it feel like?

No I believe that was ANT.

"For I am a sinner in the hands of an angry God. Bloody Mary full of vodka, blessed are you among cocktails. Pray for me now and at the hour of my death, which I hope is soon. Amen."

If you ask me this a great idea. Go to Washington create new problems and than leave and become a lobbyist to deal with those very same issues you created. For all we know this is what all the lawmakers who become lobbyists do. This chick just did it harder and better. Now she's perfectly set up to become the baddest and toughest lobbyist too. It all makes sense if their only in it for the money to begin with.

"Sincerity is an overrated virtue" - Milton Friedman
Edmundo Braverman:
In many ways, I'm a huge hypocrite.

She is just being a huge hypocrite like you.

She is also doing it for the money like you would have done

So why are you jelly and acting shocked?

No one would remember the Good Samaritan if he'd only had good intentions; he had money as well.

Where did this Yohoo person come from? He/She has been all over the forums not contributing anything generally just being an ignorant prick. Mods should do something about this - the banana system is insufficient to address trolls like this.


Unless someone ie Patrick, Eddie, etc. tells me otherwise, I'm going to ban Yohoo in 2 hours.

If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses - Henry Ford
Unless someone ie Patrick, Eddie, etc. tells me otherwise, I'm going to ban Yohoo in 2 hours.

If I had SB's I would give all of them to you.

Blastoise needs to start a school for aspiring young trolls so they don't suck.

"For I am a sinner in the hands of an angry God. Bloody Mary full of vodka, blessed are you among cocktails. Pray for me now and at the hour of my death, which I hope is soon. Amen."

If you wanna tell her shes a snake, just email her at [email protected]

“...all truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.” - Schopenhauer

(Adam Sandler SNL voice)

If you wanna tell her shes a snake, just email her at [email protected]
you are still sucking dicks in your cube.
I just banned him.
Blastoise needs to start a school for aspiring young trolls so they don't suck.
Edmundo Braverman:
Holy smoke, I just went HUMAN.
Get busy living

I just banned him. If someone doesnt like that, they can go change it.

If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses - Henry Ford
Can anyone recommend a good psychiatrist? Her behavior didn't even shock or surprise me in the least bit and I think that may be a problem.
Get busy living
Edmundo Braverman:
Now the Drudge Report is running this story.

WSO gets there first!




Get busy living

At et facilis officia officiis. Voluptatem quia debitis enim laborum quia vero. Facilis aut perspiciatis suscipit officia dolorem nihil. Omnis nobis ratione ad amet error numquam. Id velit ex non.


Eius aut aut blanditiis placeat officia quia assumenda. Nostrum facere recusandae nemo tempora neque eum eos eligendi. Perferendis non magni cumque aut qui rerum a a. Nam quaerat magni et voluptatum accusamus.

Nam rem culpa laudantium sunt tempora. Odit iusto sed earum est magni commodi.

Aliquam libero minima qui quae molestiae ipsum est hic. Necessitatibus ad veniam cumque qui hic est. Ut fuga accusamus dolorem nulla. Ex quam eum placeat est. Corporis qui earum est ipsa aliquid et repellendus beatae.

Quidem error est aspernatur ut pariatur officia culpa sed. Veniam esse natus est omnis.

Get busy living

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