Cramer below the belt

Yeah, I know...I know. Cramer's such a big punching bag, a landed hook no longer guarantees max points from the judges.

Taking the boxing analogy a step further: I sat there watching

this weekend. I forgot how great boxing used to be. This was 1996 and heavyweight boxing was mirroring the tech bubble. Except the IBF would never get its bailout.

I was raised on Hagler, Hearns, Sugar Ray and a properly tranquilized Tyson. Back then the fights were for real and this one made me think for a second that boxing could come back strong. The link can be forwarded to roughly the 3:00 mark. For those who remember, it should produce a combination of hysterical laughter and a queasy feeling down south. For those who don't, it was really a good fight and worth checking out, top to bottom.

The reason it made me think of Jim Cramer, was that I saw him everywhere in that fight. In Riddick Bowe's lost face (which would later grace several mental facilities), fighting for a paycheck while the entire audience knew he was risking his existence. I saw Jimbo in Bowe's pained face on the ground, a winner of a fight where he was pummeled from the go. Crushed once again by the cruel hooks of the market's swinging momentum. Getting up later to talk about it, but this time noticeably more Soprano then Baritone.

I saw Cramer in Golota's mug, as well. He too, would one day grace gyms with padded walls. That confusion, the aggressively scared forward stumble. Not knowing how to win, yet comfortably continuing to stumble towards failure. Later on boasting about it at a Southwest side Chicago dive. Well...maybe replace that one with Midtown Manhattan, but you get the gist.

Today, I woke up and amused myself with
Cramer's usual drivel
. This time I didn't laugh. I didn't call him a jackass and I didn't curse myself for not being around during a time when shopping carts and toaster ovens ran Hedge Funds.

Nope...I looked at Cramer and I thought of Bowe...I thought of Golota, as well. I thought that as I sat there laughing my ass off in 1996, I never thought about how screwed these two were and how I wouldn't trade anything to be in their position going forward.

Back to you, Erin.


To be honest, I like Jim Cramer. As long as you don't take everything SO SERIOUSLY you can get some good info.

Ok, you can now give me sh*t for liking him

Yours truly, The Young Investor
The Young Investor:
To be honest, I like Jim Cramer. As long as you don't take everything SO SERIOUSLY you can get some good info.

Ok, you can now give me sh*t for liking him

A few years ago when I was just starting to watch the market I liked Jim Cramer, but not anymore lol.


Sometimes I like to think Cramer hedges against all the advice he gives viewers. Figure a couple hundred thousand viewers, maybe a couple thousand listen to him and buy into the same stock that he says is a "buy buy buy" and then the stock goes down and he makes money. My favorite was Cramer during the Bear Stearns episode. For those of you who haven't seen it...

Midas Mulligan Magoo:
I'm waiting for someone to come out with a "How I made millions shorting Cramer" book any year now...

Second that.

I don't like boxing. I think it's boring. In my opinion there isn't much more than some fists being used and a lot of circling.

Midas Mulligan Magoo:
I'm waiting for someone to come out with a "How I made millions shorting Cramer" book any year now...

Second that.

I don't like boxing. I think it's boring. In my opinion there isn't much more than some fists being used and a lot of circling.

Not gonna try to change your mind, but if you have 8 spare minutes

. This is what boxing used to be. For my money, nothing in sports ever came close.

Best Response

I once watched Bowe knock a guy out of the ring during a fight in Africa. He didn't knock him out, he knocked him out of the ring over the top rope. The guy thought Bowe hit him after the bell, so he kicked Bowe in the ass. Bowe turned around and hit the guy so hard he went flying out of the ring.

That said, Evander Holyfield was owning Riddick Bowe in this fight in 1997 when some jackass parachuted into the ring. It was later determined that Holyfield experienced heart failure in the 2nd round but kept going. For my money, Holyfield was always way more bad ass than Bowe. Enjoy:


Is it just my general lack of observation with the sport or is this match A LOT more violent/hardcore than those of today? Or is it because it's the earlier rounds (or 1+3 or 2+3)? I see a lot of hitting all the time. There is not nearly as much circling and squatting as today's boxers who are menstruating. And do the referees interfere more now? My opinion has not changed though. It's just not my thing. Those two should just KO the referee and scrap it out with no interruptions lol.

After Hearns went down Gold Man Sack escaped and lurked on the internet until he found WSO.


I remember Hagler was brought in as a guest referee in some Wrestlemania nonsense back in the 80's. Evidently, no one gave Marvin the memo that all that shit was fake because, when a wrestler easily 3x Marvin's size mouthed off to him, Marvin put the guy down with one punch on live tv. This huge wrester actually got up and ran away from Marvin Hagler. Classic.

Edmundo Braverman:
I remember Hagler was brought in as a guest referee in some Wrestlemania nonsense back in the 80's. Evidently, no one gave Marvin the memo that all that shit was fake because, when a wrestler easily 3x Marvin's size mouthed off to him, Marvin put the guy down with one punch on live tv. This huge wrester actually got up and ran away from Marvin Hagler. Classic.

Hah - awesome! I used to love all that WWE, RAW (and associated) crap when I was younger.

Sidenote edit: What did you guys think of the sluts in those programs when they had little kitty fights? I know I was a fan.


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