Patrick I hope you're ok.

The answer to your question is 1) network 2) get involved 3) beef up your resume 4) repeat -happypantsmcgee WSO is not your personal search function.

Check out yahoo and business insider for people who can't view a lot of stuff at work due to blocked sites.

Multiple devices have been found other then the 2 bombs that went off. Been reported to be home-made bombs.

Frank Sinatra - "Alcohol may be man's worst enemy, but the bible says love your enemy."

unexploded device on the glass footbridge over Huntington Ave near Copley place and near the harvard mbta

officials have confirmed and updated the numbers to 2 dead 64 injured and they have videos of an individual placing multiple backpacks at the event

Frank Sinatra - "Alcohol may be man's worst enemy, but the bible says love your enemy."
Patrick hasnt text me back...I assume everyone in the state is texting and calling at the same time.

Per the NYPost a Saudi National is being held boston_marathon_iMR0LCkcwASg0RQfVsH1yI

I spoke to someone who spoke to Patrick, he is good.

The answer to your question is 1) network 2) get involved 3) beef up your resume 4) repeat -happypantsmcgee WSO is not your personal search function.

The post is the only source reporting this.

The answer to your question is 1) network 2) get involved 3) beef up your resume 4) repeat -happypantsmcgee WSO is not your personal search function.
I spoke to someone who spoke to Patrick, he is good.

Thanks so much. He just got back to me, He and his family are ok.

The post is the only source reporting this.

True. Must be taken with a grain a salt since its so early (remember Richard Jewel?)

WSO Vice President, Data @JustinDDuBois

617 667 5500 if you want to call and ask if anyone is OK.

"I am not sure who this 'Anonymous' person is - one thing is for certain, they have been one hell of a prolific writer" - Anonymous

NY Post has been wrong on about 90% so far. They also are reporting 12 dead when it is in fact 2. JFK Library was also not a bomb but the library reports a mechanical fire. Boston Globe and Boston PD twitters are the best right now to find accurate news.

Frank Sinatra - "Alcohol may be man's worst enemy, but the bible says love your enemy."

The Saudi national was just a spectator - not (currently) a suspect

"Yes. Money has been a little bit tight lately, but at the end of my life, when I'm sitting on my yacht, am I gonna be thinking about how much money I have? No. I'm gonna be thinking about how many friends I have and my children and my comedy albums."
Edmundo Braverman:
Fucking NY Post is shameless. And Drudge is no better for keeping that shit up with a RED HEADLINE. Boston PD has made multiple denials than anyone is in custody.

They are also denying though that cell service was shut down even though it was

Edmundo Braverman:
Fucking NY Post is shameless. And Drudge is no better for keeping that shit up with a RED HEADLINE. Boston PD has made multiple denials than anyone is in custody.

They are also denying though that cell service was shut down even though it was

Not so. One of the major carriers (Verizon I think, but don't quote me) released a statement that they haven't been asked by any law enforcement agency to shut down and they haven't shut down.


NBC is saying that the BPD is guarding someone that could be the suspect. Not just NYPost.

I originally thought it was a tax protestor. Who knows.

That film was simply gold. Cock meat sandwich time.

Really? I liked their first film, but found the second to be incredibly dull, just satirizing the neocons over and over (and not in a very clever way). I dislike bush and his policies and don't need to be reminded of them in a comedy.

That film was simply gold. Cock meat sandwich time.

Really? I liked their first film, but found the second to be incredibly dull, just satirizing the neocons over and over (and not in a very clever way). I dislike bush and his policies and don't need to be reminded of them in a comedy.

Look, chief, I'm not here to argue sublantics.

Boston Mayor's Hotline for families of victims: 617-635-4500 Boston Police line for witnesses who may have information: 800-494-8477


Let me just say thank you all for the support. I know Patrick is safe and my fiancee and I were at the spot of the first explosion but had just left a few minutes prior to get food. Scary shit and I beg you to donate blood if you can. Many of the victims lost limbs or large amounts of blood and while Mass Gen and others ha adequate supplies as of last night, they will need more.

Let me just say thank you all for the support. I know Patrick is safe and my fiancee and I were at the spot of the first explosion but had just left a few minutes prior to get food. Scary shit and I beg you to donate blood if you can. Many of the victims lost limbs or large amounts of blood and while Mass Gen and others ha adequate supplies as of last night, they will need more.

Glad to hear you, your fiance and Patrick are alright.

This to all my hatin' folks seeing me getting guac right now..
CRE][quote=Ipso facto:
Major shit going down in Boston tonight. After a shootout + detonated explosives, looks like at least one marathon bombing suspect in custody.

The journal is reporting that they shot a cop but one of the suspects got killed.…]

My office in Boston was closed today and public transportation has been shut down.

"For I am a sinner in the hands of an angry God. Bloody Mary full of vodka, blessed are you among cocktails. Pray for me now and at the hour of my death, which I hope is soon. Amen."
Best Response

AP sources identify the surviving Boston bomber as Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, 19. The man is said to be from Russia’s south, not far from the Chechen Republic.

The man reportedly lived in Turkey before arriving legally in the US about a year ago.

The name is listed among the recipients of Cambridge scholarships in 2011.

The second suspect is said to be his brother.

An NBC report claims the two immigrated at least two years ago. One of the brothers is said to have a Massachusetts drivers’ license.

There is a page at the Russian social network VKontakte (In Contact) with the name Dzhokhar Tsarnaev living in Boston and studying at Cambridge Rindge & Latin School.

The page mentions a school in Makhachkala, the capital of the Republic of Dagestan, as a place Tsarnaev studied between 1999 and 2001. He has several Chechen-related interests stated in his profile.

"For I am a sinner in the hands of an angry God. Bloody Mary full of vodka, blessed are you among cocktails. Pray for me now and at the hour of my death, which I hope is soon. Amen."

WCVB Channel 5 has been the best source, I've been up all night following this madness here is link to the live feed. The url is titled wrong but it is the right link

"Do whatever it takes to keep the legend of Wall Street as it was truly intended live on. When you think back on investment banking of the early 21st century, remember the heat—remember the passion. But mostly, remember the titans. " - LSO

It's been a crazy night in the Boston area. I've been up all night off and on following this.

Video of the shootout in Watertown early this morning for anyone interested:

Edmundo Braverman:
After the week Boston's had, it's time for some humor. Enjoy:

Soundcloud player isn't working for me on here... could just be me. I've had some issues with that before (YouTube videos).

"You stop being an asshole when it sucks to be you." -IlliniProgrammer "Your grammar made me wish I'd been aborted." -happypantsmcgee
Edmundo Braverman:
The bombs went off at 4:09 on the clock, so anyone running ~4:00 time would be near the finish line when the explosions happened. Sorry, was in a hurry to get this up.
No, I sincerely appreciate you posting this man... Had a friend running in it... He finished in 3:13... Thank god he's fast... So scary... Praying for all the victims and families...

Police Comissioner says to use the following number to check on any missing persons:

617 667 5500

I'm close by, many buildings are on lock down

"I am not sure who this 'Anonymous' person is - one thing is for certain, they have been one hell of a prolific writer" - Anonymous

Boston Mayor's Hotline for families of victims: 617-635-4500 Boston Police line for witnesses who may have information: 800-494-8477


If you click on the person's name, it brings up their 5K splits along with the time of day. You can see the latest time that the person was recorded. My friend was recorded after 3:00 at two different sites, so I'm glad he's safe. Unfortunately there's no way to know about other friends waiting at the finish line, and cell service is shut down as the police are looking for remotely detonated devices. Train service is also shut down in the area. I'll keep waiting and praying.

I work downtown, but not in Copley Square, and this is horrible.

One louder.

Scary and depressing. Had a friend finish the race and quickly left to go back to see his family. Found out about the bombing when he got to his home.

Sad day for America, there is no way this was done by an average person, the security at an event like that is high. Certainly a trained professional. Great links as well eddy +1.


Id tenetur at consequatur nostrum libero eum consequatur. Vel ut aut eius nostrum et omnis. Impedit quidem repellat atque commodi ex.

Animi aut architecto et vel vitae. Hic totam illum aspernatur quam eos voluptate repudiandae. Sit at reiciendis placeat quos sed ut.


In repudiandae ab rem est sunt. Et officiis nobis cupiditate hic consequatur occaecati ut. Accusantium vitae dicta non velit perspiciatis placeat laborum. Voluptatum nam est magnam ipsam doloremque quibusdam modi a. Eveniet voluptas similique et et quia non.

Voluptatem et temporibus vero rerum vel suscipit. Harum necessitatibus cupiditate velit est eius et. Laborum culpa dicta corporis nesciunt maiores qui ducimus. Cumque sint exercitationem non et laudantium sint aut.


Fugiat mollitia pariatur vitae temporibus et eum. Quia labore molestiae quas accusantium sit.

Voluptate nulla quae accusamus necessitatibus similique. Nemo adipisci esse perferendis exercitationem omnis. Aliquid aliquam aperiam quia aut autem numquam. Consectetur quis eos repudiandae laboriosam. Dignissimos quis laudantium nihil aut sint eos possimus. Ut qui possimus quis illum numquam.

Ipsam dolor in voluptatem est sed assumenda quod repellendus. Exercitationem esse et iste molestias similique sequi ut. Minima modi unde nesciunt quis et et.

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