Anyone else have difficulty accepting where they went to school?

I dicked around in high school and went to a not so great undergrad (think UConn / WVU level). I also made the mistake of going for my MBA directly after undergrad at only a slightly better university.

I live in the northeast now and have a decent job but I feel embarrassed telling people where I went to school. It's like the second question people I meet ask every single time. I wish I had done it right from the beginning and went to a school I'm not so ashamed of. I don't think there's much schooling left for me especially since I already have debt from the MBA program from a state school. I wish I can just accept my background for what it is and not look back with regrets.


who cares where you went to college?? all that matters is you have a good job and do well with your social life. also, hot chicks at bars only care about how much dough you have, not whether or not you went to Harvard and now work at McKinsey. that is how it goes...

for me personally, I would much rather choose to attend a fun, cheap state school with a ton of hot girls than to attend a school like MIT or Princeton that has grade deflation, shitty social life, and busted fugly chicks.

who cares where you went to college?? all that matters is you have a good job and do well with your social life. also, hot chicks at bars only care about how much dough you have, not whether or not you went to Harvard and now work at McKinsey. that is how it goes...

for me personally, I would much rather choose to attend a fun, cheap state school with a ton of hot girls than to attend a school like MIT or Princeton that has grade deflation, shitty social life, and busted fugly chicks.

It's too bad that nobody who pays decently wants to hire someone who sits around and makes threads about being embarrassed of their alma maters.


The school you attended doesn't have to define you. Sure, it makes your life easier to attend an Ivy but lets face it, most people do not attend an Ivy and many people have gone to do amazing things coming from a state school. I know its something you've heard a thousands times but its true. Your success is based on your character and personality much more than it is based on where you went to school.


I honestly have more respect for people that became millionaires and dropped out of high school than people who went to Harvard Business School.

Competition is a sin. -John D. Rockefeller

I am pretty sure once you have a good job and an established career going, no one gives a fuck about where you went to college. Also, you know what's far more embarrassing than having gone to a shitty college? Having a shitty job. Even if you went to Harvard, if you end up in Goldman Sachs' Operations Department (of which there are plenty), THAT shit is far more embarrassing

Goldman Sachs' Operations Department (of which there are plenty), THAT shit is far more embarrassing

What exactly is embarrassing about working in operations?

dude, Ops is the kiss of death. try socializing with bankers, consultants, lawyers, doctors, traders, and hell even accountants. they will likely to look at you with a look of concern and sympathy.

What's funny is that I go to a top school (Ivy) and when people ask me where I go to school, at least half the people don't seem to know about it. Honestly, where you went to college doesn't mean shit as long as you have a good job, decently good looking, and have proper social skills.


Yea, I'd be embarrassed as shit to get a job for GS in Ops where I'm making close to double the national average AND get to see my friends/family occasionally. Haha, what losers.

And my school is probably lower on the list than yours, and I really don't care

"You stop being an asshole when it sucks to be you." -IlliniProgrammer "Your grammar made me wish I'd been aborted." -happypantsmcgee

I regret nothing

"Have you ever tried to use a chain with 3 weak links? I have, and now I no longer own an arctic wolf." -Dwight Schrute

stop hanging around with shallow losers who are obsessed with pedigree. my school was full of snobbish dickheads who loved to lord their non-achievement of going to a fancy school over other people. to me it's as vulgar as people boasting about their bank account. these people will always exist but how you deal with their bullshit is up to you.


Who cares where you came from...if anything, being assumed an underdog makes it that much more impressive when you beat out the ivys. I come from a non/semi target, had a low GPA, double major in liberal arts and beat out ivy kids and kids from much better schools for my FT MM IBD offer and to be honest, I know that I stuck out the most in my superday because out of the 20 kids there...I was the only from a non/semi target. I think its almost better to be in this situation. Own it my friend, own it.


In California Stanford is king, but Berkeley is right up there with it. People recognize HYP, but past that it is not nearly as impt as on the East coast. Not really sure how to react when people think NYU is a state school, but hey, who really gives a fuck, if they aren't an employer hiring candidates than it doesn't matter However, I still want HBS just as badly as the rest.

In California Stanford is king, but Berkeley is right up there with it. People recognize HYP, but past that it is not nearly as impt as on the East coast. Not really sure how to react when people think NYU is a state school, but hey, who really gives a fuck, if they aren't an employer hiring candidates than it doesn't matter However, I still want HBS just as badly as the rest.

Yes, Stanford is the undisputed king in california. It's insanely selective if you're not legacy or athlete; i know tons of cali kids who got dinged at stanford and went out east to attend HYP.

Good luck on your HBS app. If you get in, it will totally transform your life and social confidence.


Love the insecurity of people on this forum. You're honestly going to let a girl who works in HR at pwc or MS let you feel down about your banking/consulting/HF/PE position?

I would be insanely happy had I gotten into Stanford, but not for the fact that 5-10 years down the line I could get laid for it but instead for the fact that I would have gotten to learn amongst the top 1% of individuals in debatably the best climate in the US.

If you live in the midwest or are from the midwest you should understand that the only thing women here are looking for is a loyal, trustworthy guy who they can raise a child with. And if you provide that feeling to them for one night your get what you want and they get the feeling that they are one step closer to reaching their dream life (even if you don't call them or return text messages).


A few points:

  • Learn how to flirt with girls/women. If you are discussing your resume within the first few hours of conversation with a girl, you're doing it wrong.

  • Your MBA / Undergrad / other schooling is a sunk cost. You can't change the past so don't worry about it and don't let it hold you back. Your success is up to you. One of the most successful MDs I know at a top 3 BB has an undergrad in history. That's it.

A few points:
  • Learn how to flirt with girls/women. If you are discussing your resume within the first few hours of conversation with a girl, you're doing it wrong.

  • Your MBA / Undergrad / other schooling is a sunk cost. You can't change the past so don't worry about it and don't let it hold you back. Your success is up to you. One of the most successful MDs I know at a top 3 BB has an undergrad in history. That's it.

It depends. In many cases, you can get a girl wet if you know how to play your cards right, regarding your pedigree and credentials. Being able to drop "I went to Harvard", when used properly and if done by a decently good looking dude, it can reap solid results. It just depends on girls. Some girls dig that shit.

I know how powerful Harvard brand can be to some women because my older bro went to HBS, and he reaped very handsome benefits out of it in dating/ hooking up/ fucking.

A few points:
  • Learn how to flirt with girls/women. If you are discussing your resume within the first few hours of conversation with a girl, you're doing it wrong.

  • Your MBA / Undergrad / other schooling is a sunk cost. You can't change the past so don't worry about it and don't let it hold you back. Your success is up to you. One of the most successful MDs I know at a top 3 BB has an undergrad in history. That's it.

It depends. In many cases, you can get a girl wet if you know how to play your cards right, regarding your pedigree and credentials. Being able to drop "I went to Harvard", when used properly and if done by a decently good looking dude, it can reap solid results. It just depends on girls. Some girls dig that shit.

I know how powerful Harvard brand can be to some women because my older bro went to HBS, and he reaped very handsome benefits out of it in dating/ hooking up/ fucking.

I see the point that you're making, but it isn't applicable to people who don't have that particular credential. If you have the credential and want to flaunt it, go ahead, but it doesn't mean that you should deny yourself great women because you didn't go to HBS, a top Med/Law school or don't have a great last name / resume.

You can get beautiful women by having gainful employment and being attractive (moderately in shape & knowing how to flirt). No reason to hold yourself back. Other aspects of social status don't revolve exclusively around where you went to school. Success in business more than makes up for that.

Why are people stunned that HBS guys do well with women? The guys I know there are absolutely KILLING it with the girls in Boston. A lot of women are impressed by pedigree because of what it says about the guy. And there is no pedigree that will get them wet faster than Harvard Business School.

Not again.

Ok... Serious question for the prestige dating experts...

What works better with girls in Boston specifically and with women in the US generally? Telling girls that you go to HBS or whispering "Oxford" in a posh English accent into their pretty little ears?

Definitely HBS. I mean, is this a serious question? Harvard in general but especially HBS, is the king in boston. The HBS guys i know constantly go to the bars populated by bu/northeastern/bc girls and do very well with them. Of course, you can't drop the H-bomb as soon as you meet them, but if you're reasonably decent and they find out you go there, it's game over.

Ok... Serious question for the prestige dating experts...

What works better with girls in Boston specifically and with women in the US generally? Telling girls that you go to HBS or whispering "Oxford" in a posh English accent into their pretty little ears?

Definitely HBS. I mean, is this a serious question? Harvard in general but especially HBS, is the king in boston. The HBS guys i know constantly go to the bars populated by bu/northeastern/bc girls and do very well with them. Of course, you can't drop the H-bomb as soon as you meet them, but if you're reasonably decent and they find out you go there, it's game over.

Wow, really! I haven't been on for awhile, but the threads I skim seem to all tilt this way after a few responses from Brady. I have Haaarvard friends (Undergrad, HBS, and med) and thank Guuud they don't act like total assbags. Then again, they are in long term healthy relationships. This might have something to do with them being actually secure in themselves. I would venture to say they succeeded in spite of the Harvard brand. That's who HBS is looking for by the way. Those that don't need it. That's why Brady sucks at dating and getting in HBS. Same principle, if you're good, you're good where ever you go. The more desperate you are, girls and adcoms smell it miles away and wonder why so desperate, regardless of your other qualities.

My other friend with decent State-School (oh nos) stats and an eh/avg job with flexible hours can run circles around all of ya'all in getting girls. A school BRAND should only be relevant in so far as getting your foot in the door at a White-Collar job. WTF is all this shyt about girls and schools. If you are a tool and suck before HBS, you will be the same tool with a HBS degree wondering why some Northeastern kid is making out with all the girls while you are off in the cornering crying to yourself with a 100 K debt burden.

----------------------------------------------------------------- Hug It Out

Some of the posts in here are beyond depressing.

"If I could just tell a girl I went to HBS and that I work at Carlyle, she'll want me."

Holy fucking shit. It's as if some of you have never interacted with a woman in your entire lives.

Some of the posts in here are beyond depressing.

"If I could just tell a girl I went to HBS and that I work at Carlyle, she'll want me."

Holy fucking shit. It's as if some of you have never interacted with a woman in your entire lives.

Believe it or not, many of times, it works.

My bro went to HBS, and I know many of his friends from HBS. One guy in particular was balding, short, and a bit over-weight. A great guy, and great sense of humor. This guy was absolutely killing it with girls in Boston and NYC, and when I saw some of the girls he hooked up with, I was stunned.

He largely credits his successful dating strategy to his academic pedigree and having a high-paying job. It is like when a guy drives an exotic sports car, he can stand from the rest of the crowd and has a leg up in his game. Unless you go to HBS and experience this yourself, I don't think you will know how awesome HBS is for dating propaganda.

Some of the posts in here are beyond depressing.

"If I could just tell a girl I went to HBS and that I work at Carlyle, she'll want me."

Holy fucking shit. It's as if some of you have never interacted with a woman in your entire lives.

Believe it or not, many of times, it works.

My bro went to HBS, and I know many of his friends from HBS. One guy in particular was balding, short, and a bit over-weight. A great guy, and great sense of humor. This guy was absolutely killing it with girls in Boston and NYC, and when I saw some of the girls he hooked up with, I was stunned.

He largely credits his successful dating strategy to his academic pedigree and having a high-paying job. It is like when a guy drives an exotic sports car, he can stand from the rest of the crowd and has a leg up in his game. Unless you go to HBS and experience this yourself, I don't think you will know how awesome HBS is for dating propaganda.

Amen brother. I agree 100% with this, and it's in line with what my friends are experiencing right now.

I'm an atheist, but if there were a devil, i would gladly sell my soul to him for HBS admissions. It would be such an unreal experience to go there.


Anyone can get laid at any time, its just a matter if the women are alive after you knock em out

I eat success for breakfast...with skim milk

I definitely regret where I go to school. I hate the ambition-less people I am surrounded by.


I think to classify schools as strictly target and non-target is stupid. I mean there are the top tier targets, and then the targets and semi-targets. I don't really care about that since I don't go to one.

But among what are labeled as non-targets here, it is obviously better if you go to let's say Rutgers or SUNY Binghamton (large student and alumni body, some sort of name recognition) compared to let's say small colleges in NJ/NY like Drew University or Ithaca College. Wouldn't you agree with that Illini? I mean going to UIUC is much better than going to some unknown private college in Indiana.

One thing that the WSO crowd underestimates is the value of going to top Liberal Arts Colleges. And I'm not just talking about Williams and Amherst here. I'm talking about all top Liberal Arts Colleges. They have loyal alumni in great places. Someone I personally know landed a Citi FT IBD from Bowdoin. And I've heard great things about them from other people as well.

I am desperately trying to transfer to a top Liberal Arts College. I know I am not getting anywhere in life from my small private school that no one knows. No way I am doing an ordinary 9-5 job. I really would want something more challenging.


Oh my gosh, the insecurity in this thread is hilarious. Bros, do you really need to drop where you went to school to get laid at a bar? Get some confidence please.

As for the original question posed, I'm a little conflicted but I would say I'm glad I went to a NE public university rather than Dartmouth. I had the opportunity to play at either school, and chose the public school to be part of a winning program, and honestly because I liked the feel a lot more. I had a blast in college (If you play a premier sport at a D1 school, you're literally a celebrity on campus), had a solid career, and made friends for life.

However, needless to say it would've been a lot easier getting a top job coming from an Ivy. So it's a trade off, but in my opinion having fun and experiencing girls, drinking, and fun in college is more important than being able to say I attended Princeton (but didn't have nearly as much fun).

I mean, look at the guys above me. The guys clearly didn't learn the requisite skills during undergrad, AND they didn't go to targets? What were you guys doing?!

Went to uconn and was first hire on a mostly ivy desk at a prop shop.. Pulling down multi six figures since I graduated


What's your excuse?!

Should be "feel ashamed of going to MBA right out of undergrad and not getting experience

I really want to know what school you went to that you're comparing to uconn. Umass? URI? uNH?

I will talk to you about this next time we meet, but what is your rationale for going to B School and paying 100K+ and giving up 2 years worth of earnings. I mean you clearly don't need to go to B School to "get laid or enhance your social life", in fact you could teach some of these insecure target school pricks a thing or two about girls. So why give up so much?


you realize that you come off like a CUNY kid right? I can say this, because I go to a CUNY - and have to hear people like yourself talk complete bullshit like you know what you're talking about. But you don't know anything about life. You're a fucking little kid - talking about picking up women at the bar using your alma mater??? You're probably not even 21 yet.

Stop. It's embarrassing. srs.

you realize that you come off like a CUNY kid right? I can say this, because I go to a CUNY - and have to hear people like yourself talk complete bullshit like you know what you're talking about. But you don't know anything about life. You're a fucking little kid - talking about picking up women at the bar using your alma mater??? You're probably not even 21 yet.

Stop. It's embarrassing. srs.

holy shit, brah. are you really this retarded? no, I am older than 21 and I am a second semester senior at cornell. that's all you need to know. case closed.

and, for the record, I don't drop the name of my alma mater at bars to pick up girls. I just flirt. I was discussing how HBS brand can work well in your favor if you're trying to hook up. learn to read


This is the saddest, most depressing thread I've ever read. I'm down right embarrassed for you two "men"...and I use that word lightly.

% odds that "Sexy_Like_Enrique" is simply a second account owned and operated by Brady to make his HBS obsession seem less strange?

I say 95%.

Dude. I am not obsessed with HBS. If you deny advantages that come with HBS, you are nuts, or being jealous as fuck towards those HBS ballers.

No need to hate on others for wanting HBS. If you disagree, then so be it.

Cornell is a state school

And trading is a bit volatile with income streams and I want to move into long term strategies.

I appreciate the commendation for my female skills though lol

Cornell sucks... HBS rules.

Best Response

You shouldn't be embarrassed by your academic pedigree. I went to a school that is unknown outside of New England and virtually unheard of amongst my friends and people I do business with. Do I wish I had gone to Harvard? Sure, why not, it would make life easier, but at this point it basically doesn't matter.

Once you're established in your career, it is YOU that defines the school, not the other way around. When people I work with ask me where I went to school, they are usually impressed, even if they have never heard of it. They assume that since I've been this successful and they perceive me as intelligent, that the school is of equal caliber. This is largely not the case as almost all of my peers have landed in far less prestigious roles, but I'm not going to purposefully damage my schools reputation. I'm proud to say that at each of my three employers since graduation, I've been the only employee they've ever had from my school. I am confident that based on the perception that I have left behind, my prior employers will not hesitate to interview/hire other kids from the same school. I'd say that is a pretty good legacy to leave for my alma mater.

For the above reason, it is important that you don't (publicly) degrade your school. It is also important that you try to help out current students that are looking to make a name for themselves (and your school), as this can be a reflection on yourself down the road.

CompBanker’s Career Guidance Services:
Serious question to sexy_like_enrique and Brady4MVP:

Would you fuck a dude if they went to HBS and worked at TPG or Bain Capital? If not, would you at least blow them?

Maybe you're a gay guy and want to fuck guys, but I don't roll that way, so no.


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Hic quis repellat veniam nisi id error unde. In deserunt magnam explicabo minima et minus occaecati.

Sequi nisi eligendi laborum sunt temporibus facere suscipit. Excepturi nihil quam officiis voluptatem voluptatibus incidunt.

Aspernatur quia beatae in dolorem voluptate soluta rerum suscipit. Exercitationem natus ipsam nemo voluptate.

Reiciendis sint nihil earum autem. Odio consequuntur culpa vel. Ut occaecati alias officia dicta minus amet quaerat. Quibusdam dolores eius officia reprehenderit enim.


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Career Advancement Opportunities

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Total Avg Compensation

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  • Intern/Summer Associate (34) $167
  • 1st Year Analyst (213) $160
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (155) $101
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