2 Gold Street apartments

2 Gold street is the luxury rental building in the financial district that mainly caters to young professionals. Anyways, I recently visited a friend who lives there and was completely stunned at how many hot girls I saw in the building. He said the building is full of hotties, some of whom are models. I can't believe that a place in the financial district would get that many gorgeous women, since those types usually live in trendier areas like soho, tribeca, chelsea.


They're looking to snag a up-and-coming money maker. Coach bags can't be bought with good looks alone. Models need cash too. Since they're sacrificing living in trendier areas, be nice an buy them something.


Actually about every entry level building in the Fidi has models. I remember my intern summer I was in the NYU dorms on water and the lobby looked like a fashion show weekend nights after about 8. I think it's mostly because it's the cheapest area and close to places like brooklyn where they shoot a lot.

Actually about every entry level building in the Fidi has models. I remember my intern summer I was in the NYU dorms on water and the lobby looked like a fashion show weekend nights after about 8. I think it's mostly because it's the cheapest area and close to places like brooklyn where they shoot a lot.

Interesting. I never knew that so many models lived in Fidi.

I do recall a while back, curbed did a story on the buildings that had the hottest chicks, and 2 Gold emerged as the winner.


Whats the deal on this place? Any new updates as to living here?

You give me a gift? *BAM* Thank you note! You invite me somewhere? *POW* RSVP! You do me a favor? *WHAM* Favor returned! Do not test my politeness.

Yeah I read that. He was apparently dealing drugs. But I figured i'll rule that factor being that could happen anywhere. But apparently the doorman have gotten really strict now.

You give me a gift? *BAM* Thank you note! You invite me somewhere? *POW* RSVP! You do me a favor? *WHAM* Favor returned! Do not test my politeness.

Yeah ive heard that. But i'm assuming, I can take the train/taxi wherever I want for bars/clubs/ etc......and when i want quite time I can just hang out at home.

You give me a gift? *BAM* Thank you note! You invite me somewhere? *POW* RSVP! You do me a favor? *WHAM* Favor returned! Do not test my politeness.
fidi is worst place to live by far.
why is that?
You give me a gift? *BAM* Thank you note! You invite me somewhere? *POW* RSVP! You do me a favor? *WHAM* Favor returned! Do not test my politeness.

Molestias odio debitis et error aspernatur suscipit. Et eaque omnis aut nesciunt beatae iste qui. Nesciunt odit nesciunt totam quo ratione commodi. Sed sed voluptatibus sequi ipsam optio qui. Consequuntur consequatur perspiciatis quisquam sint. Officia et dolorem quas tenetur odit.


Sunt laboriosam maxime quibusdam quas. Id vel natus atque at minima fugit. Occaecati ea sit voluptas. Inventore consequuntur magni sed qui possimus.

Unde nobis inventore dolor facilis sed. Esse modi necessitatibus totam ex mollitia. Omnis delectus quas modi voluptas fugit. Animi quia voluptas aliquid dicta sint.

You give me a gift? *BAM* Thank you note! You invite me somewhere? *POW* RSVP! You do me a favor? *WHAM* Favor returned! Do not test my politeness.

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