Rising freshman needs help

Hey everyone, I'm in a predicament regarding IB recruiting based on my circumstances and I have no idea what to do.

Here's a bit about myself:
- I will be attending a state school (GT/Ohio State/UIUC) on a full ride freshman year
- I have a transfer option to Cornell for sophomore year which I'll be taking if I don't get into any higher ranked schools as a transfer admit
- I am currently doing a private equity internship this summer (the summer before my freshman year of college)

I ideally want a top BB IB internship my junior year, but I'm unsure how I'll get internships my freshman and sophomore year given that I'll be attending a state school for my freshman year.

The issue for freshman summer internships are that I'll have to apply before I'm at Cornell, and I don't know if I'll get into any internships because of the state school.

The issue for BB sophomore summer internships are that I heard applications open up either freshman spring or sophomore fall semester, and at that point I'll either still be at the state school, or I won't have a Cornell gpa yet.

The issue for BB junior summer internships are not getting any other internships freshman/soph summer for the reasons above, which could make my resume super weak and unappealing to BBs despite being at Cornell or a better school (once I transfer).

I apologize for the long post, but I seriously have no idea how to recruit as a transfer student. I'm willing to grind insanely hard and work my butt off studying technicals, but I just don't know how I'll get an IB internship soph/junior summer with the circumstances explained above. Any help is much, much appreciated!

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go talk to a girl, I know plenty of people bb from osu. It doesnt matter where you go to school as much as who you are. I go to a non target big east school and we have several bb in nyc and a lot of mm people. if you stay state school (and get a life so people who interview you will actually like you based off of who you are and not just your resueme) youll perform well and get bb in new york.

OSU- GREAT school, great girls, no problem getting to nyc if you have any idea how to network.

chill out, enjoy college and dont worry about it.

example: i go to a big east non target 3.5 gpa and ive had no problem getting interviews at mms and BOFA NYC FI S&T

And one last piece of advice if anyone ever tells you you have to work this internship after your freshman year or go to cornell to work bb there an asshole and conceited. 

TLDR: If your smart enough don't worry about shit youll get a job.


There are plenty of alumni from those schools in finance you can network with to get a freshman internship... Alternatively go study abroad or something fun. Freshman summer is the least important.

For your sophomore internship, again you can still get internships from your original school's alumni network and you can definitely have Cornell on your resume. Just include your freshman year GPA from the old school under the old school heading.


first of all you can’t intern at a BB sophomore year because you aren’t diverse. second of all you aren’t doing a private equity internship you are a data compiler unless you can complete a paper LBO for me right now


thanks, prospect in HF - Event. I'd recommend getting a personality outside of having a career goal of working in activism HF - I promise you nobody gives AF. Touch grass, too.


go to a shitty state school known for parties and have an M&A internship this summer and am going to a diff M&A shop in my area in the fall. if you don't get anything going you're probably just a sweaty retard who can't talk to ppl


These kids don't understand the advantage they have. I didn't even know what IB was until I was a junior. I would have been the king of Wall Street if I was as sweaty as some of these nerdy losers.


Sunt nulla quidem in esse consequatur eligendi dicta. Non esse culpa illo totam rem animi.

Quas qui maiores ea qui tenetur laborum culpa est. Non aut voluptate repudiandae eveniet hic vel. Corporis cum qui sed rerum a nemo vitae. Necessitatibus fugit voluptate cupiditate sed vel. Quia odit quibusdam quia ut natus natus.

Ut et ad nisi sed. Quam qui incidunt minus nam. Earum iusto iusto veniam est. Voluptas reprehenderit incidunt nihil eos atque. Et voluptas a soluta cumque nihil qui voluptatum. Nihil porro facere dolorem aliquid illum quo rerum. Et maxime impedit quo esse dolor perferendis expedita.

Quo velit sunt qui cupiditate consequatur consequatur et. Repellendus earum eum et ut sit numquam et.

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  • Intern/Summer Associate (34) $167
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  • Intern/Summer Analyst (155) $101
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