Recruiting in the Fall

This is a post for help in terms of recruiting in the fall. I would love advice from people who also weren't able to secure offers in the spring. The situation sucks, but I know for a fact I am up for the challenge. Plus, I ain't fucking giving up.


Resume is p stacked 3.8+ gpa. 2 IB internships 1 HF and 1 PE. involvement in volunteering work and leadership there. Target non-div.

I know for a fact the only reason I did shit is cuz of networking. Started networking way too late. I honestly wasn't expecting shit to kick off this fast, but no point sitting around bitching about it.


In terms of concrete questions

1) What firms typically open up in the fall?

2) How many firms actually re-open in the fall?

     2a) Are those reopening back door openings or are they actual postings?

3) Should I continue to network in the summer for potential openings at banks that already closed?

4) Should I consider extending grad by a sem? (This won't impact my finances since if I do extend I will take a gap semester and my scholarship will still be intact, will prob do a full-time internship)

Statement to my Fellow Brothers out there

I know there's gonna be many others in a similar situation reading my post. Toast to motherfuckers like us man. Keep going at it and don't fucking give up. Let's be fucking ruthless dawg.


Personally decided to defer a semester in a similar situation last year. Now landed EB SA. Honestly do recommend it, gives you a leg up in recruiting; you’ve already been through the process


Curious to hear when you started networking? Currently a freshman and not trying to be too late to the game. Wish you all the best and I know you'll land something soon!


started around mid winter break def a big mistake since apps started opening nov. If I had a reset button and was in your position I would start sending out networking emails literally the morning after my last final freshman spring. a lot of people might tell you to wait but fuck their advice networking in my opinion is the only thing that matters for this process. start ahead and stay ahead.


Mid winter break is not “too late” - maybe you were just bad at networking??? If youre good + target, you can get in processes with only 2-3 chats. Def not early but not too late to a point where you can use it as an excuse just mho. Not trying to hate, just giving you a different perspective on what also couldve went wrong.


m currently in a similar situation, but I’ve been networking with multiple banks that plan to hire in the fall. They don’t seem to think that graduating in May will be an issue. I’m also actively pursuing non-investment banking roles, as I need a job and can’t afford to stay another term, even with a scholarship.

When I asked the people running these positions about getting early experience before they start recruitment in late summer/early fall, they agreed it was a good idea. So, I’m curious - why you are considering doing an extra term? If you don’t complete your degree by mid-fall Would you not be able to participate in the recruitment process since they expect a mid fall start


I think there's a confusion about my situation. I am a sophomore in the spring sem rn. I am recruiting for the summer analyst programs of 2025 which require a grad of Dec 2025 - May 2026. What I was contemplting was extending my grad by a sem to Dec 2026 that way I can re recruit with the next cycle for summer analyst programs for 2026.


In same boat as you, I attend a non target and was recently admitted as a transfer to a semi target but as an econ major. Debating if I should transfer to the semi target to extend my graduation or pick up another semester at my current school as a fiance student and pick up a minor or something. Any advice is appreciated


I got it. I thought you were talking about FT. I did the same thing. However, there is an entire recruitment process. You probably won't get any openings at the top banks, but you will find plenty of foreign and regional banks that might have openings. I didn't extend my graduation year, but I did participate in the fall recruitment process and got a job in a balance sheet bank- but in the grand scheme of things, it would have been worth it to extend it because it is way easier to break into EBs with the summer process than the FT process but make sure you actually network, and get in its pointless if you don't put it in the leg work


In the same boat. We should just have a group me lmao. Honestly just keep pushing and you’ll land something (what upperclassmen told me from their experiences) worst case scenario. Defer a semester. Grad school. Etc. 


anybody thinking about recruiting for buy-side roles and not banking? honestly rather work at a no-name PE or HF than work at no-name middle market investment bank (it seems like only boutiques and MM banks are still recruiting). Honestly, don't even think it's worth it to recruit for UBS or DB when they reopen. So few spots and such a low likelihood of success and so much effort networking, feel like everyone will still be gunning for those spots. 


i personally want to go into infra PE and there's not many small ones that take undergrads. so kind of have to stick to IB. But what you said is def a play as well, just make sure the work isn't too much sourcing at the junior level and ur chilling


Where did you end up landing? Given that you recruited sometime this month (May 2024)


Aspernatur ducimus veritatis rerum. Vel neque et veniam dolorem et. Quasi et error ut veniam.

Iste neque perspiciatis dicta nemo fuga quaerat laborum. Excepturi totam ea dolores eaque. Natus alias unde ea dicta atque veritatis velit.

Non doloremque hic sit adipisci. Voluptatibus inventore aut maiores rerum. Cupiditate consequuntur omnis quia autem exercitationem. Dolore qui ut nisi explicabo. Repellat laudantium at dolore exercitationem qui culpa. Quia occaecati voluptatem qui possimus a molestias.

Suscipit autem reprehenderit aliquid ut voluptatem nihil. Expedita provident tempora non aut tempora. Non earum natus facilis velit inventore illo iusto quisquam. Explicabo quidem vero ullam exercitationem beatae. Consequatur tenetur quia sed adipisci.


Exercitationem et aliquam labore corrupti non odio error odio. Perferendis consequuntur non et aperiam qui. Recusandae saepe libero eum veritatis. Nostrum et molestiae qui voluptas dignissimos quo alias eveniet.

Et quaerat iure veniam impedit occaecati voluptatem. Quae id eaque eligendi commodi enim corporis non qui. Ipsa saepe veniam quia at dolorem corporis cum.

Officiis mollitia et ut autem omnis quidem quo. Quia deleniti autem velit.

Est sint in reprehenderit quisquam sunt perspiciatis. Ratione asperiores rerum esse eum et omnis. Et maxime ut rerum error et similique debitis. Quod quia numquam provident fugiat. Quis rerum voluptatem dolore et.

Career Advancement Opportunities

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Jefferies & Company 02 99.4%
  • Lazard Freres No 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners New 98.3%
  • Harris Williams & Co. 24 97.7%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.2%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Harris Williams & Co. 18 99.4%
  • JPMorgan Chase 10 98.9%
  • Morgan Stanley 05 98.3%
  • William Blair 03 97.7%
  • Lazard Freres 06 97.1%

Professional Growth Opportunities

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Lazard Freres 01 99.4%
  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners 18 98.3%
  • Moelis & Company 06 97.7%
  • JPMorgan Chase 06 97.2%

Total Avg Compensation

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (23) $378
  • Associates (95) $261
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • 2nd Year Analyst (69) $168
  • Intern/Summer Associate (34) $167
  • 1st Year Analyst (213) $160
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (155) $101
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