Morgan Stanley Experienced Professionals Program (MSEPP) 2024

Hi Guys, just wondering if anyone has heard back from MS regarding the experienced professionals program this year? I completed my HireVue on the very last day and haven't heard anything so far.


Seems like it’s just gonna take some time for them to get back, I can’t imagine we all haven’t heard back  my app still says in review - the programs it was for 4 different divisions too  - I’d imagine the talent team is focused on narrowing down for all divisions, which will take some time, and then maybe also considering requests for paths people didn’t apply e.g maybe you applied for IB but they would consider you for GCM or S&T instead 


It is crazy though this program starts on June 2nd and no one has heard back. It is in exactly one month! Do you think this is real job posting? Do you think they just needed to put the posting up just to show that they're keeping the program going, but already have people in mind? 


Why do I get this feeling that this job posting is a scam i-e just done for the optics and that they do not have any intention of hiring anyone. Saying this because it doesn't make sense that they haven't even started with first rounds. Can anyone tell if Goldman ran their 'Bridge to Banking' program this year or not ? I cannot find any job posting online for that. 


so they basically said you have been selected for interviews and you will be followed up with interview invitations in the coming weeks? is this correct? or is this just update from them for what it looks like email sent to every applicant telling them what to expect next?


I was told on 4/21 that they would be reviewing applicants for interviews. Hopefully, we are not the unlucky few :/.

I applied a year ago and was denied after interviewing twice in the first round.

what lines of work are you all in?


GCM - applied about a month ago (on MS website and did hirevue). I believe cutoff was 4/19 so applied right before then. received email 2nd week of may saying i'll be moving forward. interview schedule was confirmed by end of week.

just finished up "superday" - was with 2 higher ups in 2 different divisions of GCM. personality based questions with a few normal market update questions (nothing crazy). felt very comfortable with both interviews and received positive feedback. 

was labeled as a superday, and start date within job description says it's in June which is obviously coming up. but i would have to assume there would be one more round at least? interviewers just said that I should be hearing from HR soon and were unsure of how process will looking going forward 


Thank you for your interest in the Morgan Stanley Experienced Professionals Program with our Global Capital Markets Division.


Our team thoroughly enjoyed reviewing your resume and credentials. While impressive, unfortunately we are unable to move forward with your candidacy at this time.


As a firm, Morgan Stanley does have a great deal of exciting programs and new roles within our other divisions. We encourage you to visit our Careers site to search for any opportunities.





Has anyone else heard for IBD? Seems like they sent the interview invites this past Friday and those who did not receive anything (including me) are not proceeding. Please let me know if anyone has information. 


Reached out to the recruiter and she said: “Once we have an update from the business on your candidacy, I will keep you posted.”

doesn’t seem like I will be hearing from them anytime soon. Hopefully tomorrow


Hey Guys,

I’ve been lurking this thread for some time now, just wanted to say- I hope you all get the good news you’re looking for. I interviewed for IED super day (2nd round) yesterday. No idea on what is going to happen next, and it’s not something I can control so I try to disconnect. 

Happy Friday, have a blessed weekend


Aut inventore consectetur possimus eaque impedit. Ea non et sed quas animi. Neque in doloremque praesentium aut laborum sit alias distinctio. Enim omnis adipisci sit quasi et aliquam dolor quo. Inventore voluptatem voluptatem distinctio tempora aspernatur earum. Repudiandae vitae animi debitis possimus cumque architecto quas esse.


Asperiores dignissimos sit dolorem dicta occaecati. Doloribus officia et aperiam est consequatur. Eaque eius quasi est eos ad sunt.

Laboriosam non nisi rerum mollitia et qui eum amet. Temporibus dolores nihil iure qui consequatur earum. Quos ipsa et nobis hic maxime.

Fuga reiciendis quaerat corrupti ratione rerum cumque. Omnis reprehenderit est deserunt voluptate vel. Officiis praesentium et quidem impedit quia.

Magnam perspiciatis quo ratione est. Quae doloribus minus consectetur harum. Quod temporibus impedit enim aperiam.


Id quia atque voluptatem molestias. Reprehenderit nobis dolor sed repudiandae quia reiciendis rerum. Tempore occaecati ut non soluta id nisi. Aut dolores totam deleniti quidem officia debitis. Dolores ratione iste corrupti repellat. Consectetur modi ea dolores odio magnam voluptas modi. Nulla quo est fugiat.

Ipsum maiores deleniti aut molestias sunt alias ut. Voluptas enim molestiae culpa itaque at laborum quis.

Maiores odit occaecati et magni. Quibusdam architecto consequatur odio natus magni. Iste quia vel iure.

Similique laudantium rerum culpa mollitia quia praesentium sequi vitae. Numquam deserunt tempora dignissimos optio consequuntur. Ipsum et architecto fuga ratione eveniet doloribus quos est. Dolor aperiam aliquid quasi architecto numquam molestiae. Vitae expedita minus non omnis. Ipsa cum sit error ut doloremque.


Nisi ex deserunt rerum quis ratione. Aliquam molestiae deserunt aut necessitatibus consequatur sed. Dolor voluptas molestiae voluptate culpa et commodi. Repellendus ducimus natus voluptates voluptatibus recusandae sed culpa. Dolorem debitis expedita exercitationem praesentium.

Et et in saepe similique rerum delectus cupiditate. Minima voluptatibus labore omnis. Nisi non qui similique. Ut ea est qui libero eos.

Career Advancement Opportunities

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Jefferies & Company 02 99.4%
  • Lazard Freres No 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners New 98.3%
  • Harris Williams & Co. 24 97.7%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.2%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Harris Williams & Co. 18 99.4%
  • JPMorgan Chase 10 98.9%
  • Morgan Stanley 05 98.3%
  • William Blair 03 97.7%
  • Lazard Freres 06 97.1%

Professional Growth Opportunities

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Lazard Freres 01 99.4%
  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners 18 98.3%
  • Moelis & Company 06 97.7%
  • Credit Suisse 04 97.2%

Total Avg Compensation

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (23) $378
  • Associates (95) $261
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • 2nd Year Analyst (69) $168
  • Intern/Summer Associate (34) $167
  • 1st Year Analyst (213) $160
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (155) $101
16 IB Interviews Notes

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