Is this a crazy idea to help land a job?

I'm currently in process of trying to land a new job. So far I haven't had much luck but I know it is because I've just been applying to online applications via LinkedIn, Select Leaders, etc. After reading advice throughout the forums I know I need to network more and be more aggressive.

Additionally, I came up with the idea of after applying online to a position, physically mailing my resume and cover letter to the attention of someone who works at the firm I applied to. Is this a crazy idea???? Back in high school I used this strategy when trying to get recruited to play D1 lacrosse in college and it worked, but obviously applying for a job is way different than playing a sport. Would doing this make me stand out? (Or would it make me stand out in a bad way?) I feel that with many of these online postings, there are so many applicants that it's hard to even get my resume seen by someone at the firm. I figured mailing it would put it right infront of their face. If this isn't a crazy idea, who's attention should I mail it to? A MD, VP, etc.? Or should it just go to HR or the hiring manager?


I feel like this is doing too much. AKA doing the most.....

Don't do this.

Once you start networking 99.99% of the time they are going to ask for your resume. A random resume in the mail probably won't do much. If you want to stand out in networking, once you have a meaningful conversation with someone write them a handwritten thank you note and mail it to them. When I did this it worked out well for me and I now have the relationship with this person that I can pretty much pick up the phone and call them whenever. If you get enough of these relationships it will lead to a job.

Start networking in this order:

people you know-people you know that know someone-alumni-people at shops/or positions you want


Thank you for your advice. The problem I have with networking with the people I know is that I am very young and I don't really have many connections in the CRE world. I went to school for finance but a majority of my peers from school who have a job in the financial sector but have no relationships in the real estate world. With that being said, I am going to begin to start to reach out to alumni and to people at firms I want a position at. I have a general idea of what to write with my initial linkedin/email message I send to them. I guess where I am kind of lost is how to keep the connection going after that. I also don't want to come across as if I'm just using them to get a position.

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The problem I have with networking with the people I know is that I am very young and I don't really have many connections in the CRE world.

This is an issue off the bat. It's never too young to network. And, in my mind, the unofficial definition of networking is reaching out and connecting to people you don't know. Sure, knowing someone who can connect you helps, but it's not the end all be all. Go to networking events solo, talk to people, build your own network. You're young. This will show people you're hungry. They will remember that. Utilize LinkedIn, email, and phone. Mail would make you stand out but in this day and age you're probably best to put your efforts in what is the quickest and easiest. I think a very small portion of people would get it and an even smaller number would read it. Not saying it's impossible.

Also, you would be very surprised when you get older how small the world actually is. Especially in the real estate world, you're bound to run into people on your own that you'll find out are connected to people you know.


Never heard of anyone doing that, and I doubt many people would read it (my guess is that, even if they don’t just toss it, most decision-makers would just pass it on to HR or someone lower in the food chain), but I don’t see how it could hurt in any way (except spending money on printing and mailing).

Typically the only things I mail are handwritten Thank You notes, assuming I can’t deliver them in-person.

Good luck with your search.


Someone I consider my mentor who is the President at a East Coast developer did this successfully for every job he was offered over a 30+ year career. But of course, he did this in a time when everything was paper. He told me to do the same thing when I was looking for my first job out of college but I found that mass emailing was most effective.

If I were you I would create a standard email template, change the name/company for each email you send and target alums from your university in CRE. This is the best way to generate some internship/job leads.


Should I target alums only at companies that have a position I have applied to (or that work at a company that may not have an open position but I would like to work at their firm)?

And what should the message be like? Should it be more along the lines of "Hey, I noticed you're an alum and are currently working as xxx position at xxx firm. I am currently trying to transition into the same position and was wondering if you can give me some advice?" or should it be more along the lines of " Hey, I noticed you're an alum and are currently working at xxx firm. I recently applied for xxx position and was wondering if you can give me any insight on what the position entails and what I can do to increase my chances of getting an interview?"


To begin I would start my targeting alums at companies that you want to work at - real estate is informal and a lot of the time companies will have positions that they are not advertising/posting all over the place. First introduce yourself (major, current internship), then say I am interested in leaning about your role at x, and then set up a time.

Having done this a year ago - my first piece of advice is its really a numbers game. The more people you speak to on the phone and network with, the more of a chance you will be able to land the role you want. Second piece of advice is don't act too thirsty for a job. The other person will know from your email that you want one, but if possible try to come off as someone that they would want to hang/grab a beer with. Then they will be much more inclined to help you.

Feel free to PM with any other questions.


I was reading about a strategy where you send in your resume through the regular electronic means, but in parallel attempt to locate the hiring manager/decision maker and write a snail mail letter to them explaining how you can specifically help them, but not in an arrogant way (e.g. "this process is wrong"); in a polite way (e.g. I have great Excel skills--I could be the office's go-to whenever there are issues). It was also recommended to provide your resume with this letter.

Some reviews say this works. I can't see how it could possibly hurt. If I'm the hiring manager and I got a letter from someone explaining how their skill set could make my life at work easier it would definitely get my attention, especially if they were right.


One of my mentors in CRE (Senior VP level at a "MM" developer) advised that I send a letter and resume directly to the CEO/Senior team members and that is how he received offers at the places he has worked.

I spoke with a CEO of a manufacturing company at a scholarship dinner back in college, and he gave me the same advice - send a letter. His reasoning was that he receives hundreds of emails a day, and it's easy to miss, skip, ignore an email from someone you're unfamiliar with.

I plan to use this strategy in the future given the direct advice I received.


I'm really confused on this. We are in, literally, the best job market this generation has seem, best job market in 20-something years. Are you really lacking that many opportunities/replies that you need to do this?

Don't get me wrong, I love your idea and I like that it's unique, I'd open your letter. But it just seems counterintuitive to have the need to do this.

Is the job market just not as strong as I think it is or is there perhaps something in your resume and online approach that you need to tune up?

I'm really confused on this. We are in, literally, the best job market this generation has seem, best job market in 20-something years. Are you really lacking that many opportunities/replies that you need to do this?

Best job market according to who? BLS? Federal Reserve? Most of their data is bullshit - the workforce participation rate continues to plummet so they can claim a ridiculously low unemployment rate. Also, much of the job supply/demand imbalance is occurring in blue collar roles such as skilled trades, truck drivers, and factory work. Everyone assumes that blue collar jobs will be automated away, but in reality white collar information work is getting automated via software. Software is much cheaper to develop than software + robotic hardware.


Et consectetur rerum non nihil. Eum explicabo libero nulla rerum laudantium qui. Esse non harum commodi omnis aut et. Earum autem est fuga molestiae natus enim quis.

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