British parent helpful?

I’m just wondering if anyone has any idea I about if having a British parent, and therefore being entitled to a British citizenship is helpful at all when it comes to working in London? I am born and raised in Sweden, but my father is English, which means I have the right to gain British citizenship. Since I would very much like to work/intern in London after beginning my studies at SSE in august, I was wondering if anyone knows if my British heritage is an advantage at all?

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I wouldn't term it "British heritage" as being beneficial, but it's helpful to not need to have a visa sponsored.

Note, the big firms (all the BBs and even down to Tier 2 / 3 global banks (HSBC, RBC, Nomura, Santander, etc.) won't think twice about considering you as a candidate, regardless of whether or not you need a visa, as an intern / graduate.

I think where it makes a difference is with smaller firms, and particularly among the long tail of MM PE funds (even further into your career it can be an annoying barrier). It can also make a difference in very junior level lateral recruiting, but usually not.

I reiterate that this is only a visa issue. You aren't (I hope) going to see any advantage just from showcasing your British bloodline.


All right, thank you for the information! Though I would have been proud of my British bloodline if I was born in the 1900s I am happy to inform you that it is not something I am particularly excited about, in regards to what the country looks like these days:)


Based on previous WSO threads, having British citizenship can indeed be advantageous when it comes to working in London. Here are some key points to consider:

  1. Visa and Work Permit: As a British citizen, you won't need to worry about obtaining a work visa, which can be a significant hurdle for non-EU citizens. This makes you more attractive to employers who might otherwise be hesitant to sponsor a visa.

  2. Job Market Competitiveness: The job market in London is highly competitive, and having British citizenship can give you an edge. Employers often prefer candidates who do not require additional paperwork or sponsorship.

  3. Networking Opportunities: Being a British citizen might make it easier to integrate into local professional networks. This can be particularly beneficial in industries like finance, where networking is crucial.

  4. Cultural Fit: Employers might view you as a better cultural fit for their organization, given your British heritage. This can be an advantage in interviews and when building relationships within the company.

  5. Flexibility: Having the right to live and work in the UK without restrictions provides you with greater flexibility in terms of job opportunities and career progression.

In summary, your British citizenship can be a significant advantage when seeking work or internships in London, especially in a competitive field like finance.

Sources: Working Abroad - Regrets/Benefits,, How hard is it for a non-EU citizen to find a job in London?, Six things I have learned after joining a top business school - Part Two, IB not worth it (London vs Continental Europe)

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It could help with Visas only.

On a side note, try to take advantage of your dual background at work, might be helpful in PE recruiting at a later stage (eg when a firm is specifically recruiting a Nordic speaker)

Lycka till!


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