Firms that sponsored for 2021:

BBs: GS, DB, CS, BofA

EBs: Almost all except PWP

MM: Jefferies is the only MM I know that sponsors (know quite a few that went there)

Balance-sheet banks: Nomura, BMO, BNP Paribas, maybe Scotia (not very sure on this)

Few things to fix: 

BBs: Citi sponsored 

EBs: Lazard and Guggenheim did not sponsor 

MM: Houlihan also sponsored 

Balance-sheet banks: TD, Mizuho, SocGen, Natixis sponsored 

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Not sure on MS. But JPM don’t sponsor. They take lateral internationals and they keep on sponsoring ppl that got in a few years ago. However I don’t think they hire new international kids anymore


This is honestly horrible, it’s just a handful of firms then. I’m not a student in the US but I certainly empathize with those who are. The odds are already incredibly tough as they are, without sponsorship difficulties.


Internationals needs to be enterprising and be able to Atleast use the search function effectively. Anyways I’ll bite and help out my internationals:


GS: Yes

JPM: Yes

MS: Not sure 

Citi: Yes, but I only see a few groups do it

BofA: No

WF: No

RBC: Yes

TD: Officially Yes; I don’t know any


UBS: Not anymore

CS: Officially Yes; but don’t know any

DB: Yes

MM / Boutiques:

Jefferies: Yes

Evercore: Yes

Moelis: yes; very rare

PWP: Yes

Guggenheim: No

Houlihan: Yes

These are the banks I remember off top of my head.  


This list is no longer accurate. The following banks have changed their policies a year or two ago:


MS: No for IBD

Citi: case by case

BofA: Yes 


TD: case by case

CS: Yes

Houlihan: case by case


Bruh half of your list is wrong. Most of the firms change their policies year by year that’s why this post is necessary every year. Stop blaming international kids when you don’t know the struggle we go through


TD sponsors, can confirm. So do most of the BBs except Barclays and JPM. All of the EBs sponsor except Greenhill and Lazard, which only takes kids with STEM OPT. Don't know much about MMs


I'm at a target, and this is what it looks like for my school. I tried to write every firm I can remember, so I mixed some buy-side and non-IBD.

Definitely Sponsor: GS, BAML, CS, DB, EVR, PJT, MoCo, HL (RX yes, M&A only if you have STEM-OPT), SocGen, Nomura, MTS Partners, Financo, Raine, BX, KKR, Pimco, Temasek, D.E.Shaw, Vista, Sanford Bernstein (AB's sell-side arm), Bridgewater, Liontree, Bain Cap (only PE), Two Sigma, Citadel, Jane Street, Qatalyst, P72,Dodge & Cox, WB

Not sure (include firms saying they do, but really don't): MS, Citi, JEF, LAZ, PWP, RBC, Greenhill, Union Square Advisor, Ducera, Centerview (used to, but did not last year), TD, CIBC, Scotia, Macquarie (used to, but did not last year), Piper Sandler (heard they haven't but said they would take this semester), Oak Hill, Cowen

Definite No: JPM, Barclays, UBS, PJ Solomon, Rothschild, Ares, Credit Agricole, Gugg, Wellington Management, Roark, FT Partners, WF, BMO, Raymond James, Stifel, Miller Buckfire, MUFG, Keybanc, Oppenheimer, BNP Paribas, HSBC

************************* Sponsoring policy could vary by school, so might be different at your school.*******************************


Ares can sponsor (case by case)

Citi NY, RBC NY does, Greenhill NY, Jefferies NY all sponsor

This is all for this year, 2022 SA

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1. does MS sponsor for IBD in NY or Menlo Park? I've heard mixed info 

2. does anyone know if Barclays is sponsoring again this year? 

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1. My Handshake says they don't sponsor, international friends got dinged, and ED in NY told me it's 'almost impossible' to get sponsorship 

2. HR told me it 'depends on the needs of the business, location, office' so no 


It’s actually so hilarious how people can be so wrong and still be so confident about Morgan Stanley not sponsoring.

I was sponsored and know at least 2 other people within IBD who also did get sponsor. Although one of them didn’t get pick in the lottery.

People saying they don’t never worked at MS and probably heard from a friend who got dinged and use that as an excuse on why.


Maybe your class is different as that was a couple of years ago. Not sure if they're sponsoring moving forward.


The following is based on anecdotal experience of me & my friends. I'm Class of 2022 & at a Target, these are all for NY offices (not sure if that matters).

Some of these may be outdated, but they'll be outdated by a year at most (i.e. There are current class of '22 international people at those firms or HR told me a year ago that they do/don't sponsor)


No: UBS, Rothschild, Ares, Bain Cap (for Analysts)

Maybe/"Case by case basis": PWP

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For students outside US, do these firms sponsor H1B for SA or just FT? 


Work for the bank for at least 1 year in an international office, then you can come over on L-1 visa if your bank has internal mobility program.

No hope for starting at banks straightaway without studying onshore. Unless your passport offers some work rights privilege (Canadian/Mexican passport, or Australian passport, etc.), then there might be slim chance. 


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Velit eius debitis nesciunt molestiae. Et animi similique et laboriosam. Aut a eaque et animi iure.

In sint quas tempora veniam. Aut nostrum minus a dolorem perferendis. Adipisci nam accusamus nesciunt porro. Voluptatem aut dolor est quis ipsam esse aut.


Qui nobis velit ut totam. Veniam dolorum molestias non voluptas sed possimus eos. Neque voluptatum perspiciatis occaecati recusandae esse est.

Sed repudiandae minus quisquam quam non. Omnis adipisci dolore aut atque et dignissimos. Quo tenetur qui omnis fugiat voluptatem qui cupiditate. Magni qui non excepturi. Unde est fuga est minima.

Enim vel omnis ratione quis repudiandae atque voluptates. Sequi adipisci et quo nesciunt. Omnis quae delectus perferendis in repudiandae iste. Magnam itaque provident magni nesciunt saepe omnis est. Optio vel quia consectetur tenetur molestiae velit. Voluptates non labore vel numquam.


Consequatur quam qui quis ut distinctio dolor et. Velit atque quos delectus numquam quo molestiae non. Qui quae cumque modi ratione est. Nulla consequatur magnam magnam autem laudantium iure nisi.

Ullam harum quis officia tempore incidunt. Ut recusandae debitis natus asperiores. Velit commodi quia sapiente nisi molestias qui sequi.

Impedit reprehenderit voluptatem non odit laboriosam quis veritatis. Vitae aspernatur sapiente excepturi repudiandae ratione voluptatem atque.


Minima repellat sunt quia qui. Quisquam voluptas laborum qui quidem dolorum iure laborum. Vitae distinctio repudiandae blanditiis non sint. Libero temporibus aut aspernatur aut aperiam. Dolorem saepe ut ut ducimus.

A nobis optio est voluptate labore nihil velit ratione. Perferendis omnis earum nemo tempora ex quis. Minima repudiandae numquam minima. Omnis qui facere quaerat consectetur.

Career Advancement Opportunities

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Jefferies & Company 02 99.4%
  • Lazard Freres No 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners New 98.3%
  • Harris Williams & Co. 24 97.7%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.2%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Harris Williams & Co. 18 99.4%
  • JPMorgan Chase 10 98.9%
  • Morgan Stanley 05 98.3%
  • William Blair 03 97.7%
  • Lazard Freres 06 97.2%

Professional Growth Opportunities

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Lazard Freres 01 99.4%
  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners 18 98.3%
  • Moelis & Company 06 97.7%
  • JPMorgan Chase 06 97.2%

Total Avg Compensation

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (23) $378
  • Associates (95) $261
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • 2nd Year Analyst (69) $168
  • Intern/Summer Associate (34) $167
  • 1st Year Analyst (213) $160
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (155) $101
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