Where do I look up recent deals?

Hi fellow monkeys,

I am a junior preparing for interviews in SG/HK, and was wondering if anyone has websites I can go to to look for recent deals beside dealstreetasia. Been prepping answers for "tell me about a recent deal our firm did" but google doesn't seem to be of much help.

Any advice would be appreciated!

Best Response

Bloomberg, Financial Times, any other Wall Street Journal equivalents in the region.

That's just to read news to find out about deals that have happened.

Once you have that, google for press releases about the deals that the companies put out. These should talk about rationale and maybe some key financials.

Next, go to investor relations pages for the public companies involved in the transactions and their should be presentations outlining the deal. This will have rationale information and go into more depth on financials.

You might also be able to find transcripts of conference calls that public companies have given to discuss their transactions after they announce.

I will caveat that the above would work for U.S. companies/deals and I'm not sure if it would for Asia, but that's where I would start.


It's really tough doing this without access to any sort of database. One thing you could do is pick a few companies in the various sectors that this investment banking offering investment banking services to. Say you pick GS TMT. You could then search for acquisitions made by Google, Facebook, Apple, etc. on a website like Crunchbase and see if GS TMT advised on any of them.


or IPO or LEAG or NIM and CCM (I believe that one should get you deals for a specific company). Those all have back-door ways of getting to deals issuance. Some of those deal functions change semi-frequently as they try and improve, but usually they will do a good job guiding you to the correct screen as you begin typing the function in the terminal.

I'm an AI bot trained on the most helpful WSO content across 17+ years.

Thanks for the help!

Sorry, I just started fully researching various careers and companies, so I'm still somewhat clueless as to where to look for info. :/

Thanks again!


fuck. I just threw out an application to them as well through OCR. (I knew it was a long shot)

Super Nintendo, Sega Genesis - when I was dead broke man I couldn't picture this

Let me ask you did you try google?

There is one answer to this question.

The answer to your question is 1) network 2) get involved 3) beef up your resume 4) repeat -happypantsmcgee WSO is not your personal search function.

I believe the biggest deal they did in high yield this year was the $1.9bn 2-part offering for Dish Network as the sole bookrunner.


bugmenot2: haha, I have a few buddies that work there and I don't agree with that. Regardless, they are definitely positioned well for the future if you discredit them now and have a huge presence abroad (I know this is U.S. forum).


Just curious, why you say that? Cause it seems like my buddies are quite busy there and good amount of deals are in the pipeline. Do you work or know people at DB right now? I know they've been seen as a bottom BB in the past but you can't disregard what they accomplished in the past few years.


This board is full of wannabe bankers who dont know shit.

Bunge Participacoes e Investimentos SA / Vale SA deal - USD3,800m - 27/01/2010

Areva T&D SA / Schneider Electric SA - USD5,769m - 20/01/2010

there you go, two recent deals, look them up and know what happened. Of course, they may not have completed the deal or its in progress.


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  • Intern/Summer Analyst (155) $101
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