Updated Summer 2019 SA Open Applications

Hi everyone, I know there's a mega-thread for this but that thread doesn't seem to have the most accurate information.

Investment Banks With Summer 2019 Applications Open

Summer 2018 applications have barely closed and it's already time to start thinking about 2019.

The following firms have opened their general applications for Summer 2019:

  • Evercore
  • Credit Suisse
  • J.P Morgan
  • Deutsche Bank
  • William Blair - Applications open March 1st, early interviews for 2019 begin late April/early May for target schools.
  • Guggenheim
  • Wells Fargo
  • Rothschild
  • PJT Partners
  • Houlihan Lokey
  • Perella Weinberg Partners
  • Citigroup
  • Lazard
  • Greenhill
  • Piper Affray-Houston
  • Moelis
  • Barclays Capital

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William Blair opened applications March 1st, early interviews for 2019 begin late april/early may for target schools.


Would you mind sharing the list with me? I am a rising junior at a liberal arts university and we don't have a finance major. Although we are targets of BBs but I really don't know anything about Boutiques and would love to get some names... Please lmk! Thanks!


So I'm on the West Coast, and I'm curious on whether the same process kind of happens in NYC or whether it's way more structured.

Many of my friends had 8-10 first round interviews last year, and did not apply to ANY of the banks. They just had info calls, got passed around and then were interviewed. I've even heard of people getting offers here and then HR reaching out and asking them to apply officially so they're in the system lol.


networking is definitely important for firms like GS, MS, and EBs but I’ve actually found that JP and Citi have taken a bunch of people from my school how had 0 contacts there prior to their first round.. guess there’s a bit of luck involved in everything


I actually just got an offer for summer 2019. Did 0 networking, at a non target just applied raw online. did 1 internship at a (blackrock/vanguard/pimco) and then a mm PE internship. It's very possible


I'd consider networking a supplement to your entire application. You are one of thousands of students applying for an internship position and you likely won't be pulled through the first few initial screening processes because of your network.

(I am generalizing a bit here, sure for some smaller shops this might not be the case, but with BB banks that receive over 250k applications per year, your quick chat with some associate isn't going to do shit to brute force your way past other students)

Networking likely has the greatest impact when you are in the Super round stage and your bank is trying to finalize their acceptance list. They will likely extend an offer to someone who has networked more aggressively / fits in with the teams if all else is equal between two or more candidates.

While I can't give a definitive answer on whats better or worse, I'd say its likely better to just get your application in ASAP.


How are people listing their summer 2018 internships on resume when applying early? I don't want to put "Incoming Summer Analyst" but with apps open so early I think it's necessary to put this summer's job?


this topic has been discussed a lot in many of these threads...

You DO put it on your resume. Put "incoming etc" on your resume for whatever you are doing for this summer.

Some firms SPECIFICALLY ask you to put what you are doing for your summer of 2018 on your resume before applying.


super day set for early April for DB's IB corporate finance program, might change a little bit but certainly either April/May (had a coffee chat recently, i'm a sophomore at a top target)


It’s a joke. There’s no way I’d ever have guessed applications were open for 2019 if it wasn’t for this forum.


As someone who's went through the process (or at least followed it as a rising sophomore last summer), it's at least 4 months earlier this year compared to last. Last year most apps opened late June through mid July now all the firms listed have already opened their general applications (with the exception of GS who will be closing their early round April 15th then opening again in July)


Does anyone know which major BB's, EB's or MM's are doing Fall recruiting as well, if at all?

And are you guys submitting apps through OCR, online, or both?


Houston IB is starting up soon too. From what I know, BAML, Jefferies, RBC, and Moelis are planning on doing SA first rounds beginning/middle of April. It’s literally insane how fast Recruitment is getting. Not sure how kids that don’t even have four full semesters of college under their belts can possibly be ready to go right now


Prorated salary of $85,000 is pretty standard although there are variations plus signing bonuses for interns can often times help with rent expense. So figure ~$16,000 salary for the summer, however I do not know about how much you can actually save. (I've read you will save roughly $5k over the summer but I may be wrong) Hope this is helpful


This is getting insane, hoping I can swing a Summer 2019 Internship. I decided to deny a Summer 2018 offer to try and have one summer off before losing any free time for the foreseeable future.


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Voluptas accusamus accusantium eum ducimus voluptas culpa molestiae. Voluptatem repellendus voluptas voluptas harum ullam excepturi.

Ipsum qui nihil maxime quo ut. Vitae suscipit atque fuga perspiciatis sed consequatur eligendi. Et magnam voluptate odit atque. Officia et quos laudantium vel et. Reiciendis ratione adipisci voluptatem natus nam nesciunt sed esse.

Et omnis et ut autem sed eaque. Eum commodi voluptatem harum quas. Est occaecati quo voluptas consectetur est quae impedit ipsa. Iusto sit et nostrum a qui asperiores ipsa est.

Ducimus inventore cumque qui sit temporibus molestiae. Nemo ab et voluptatem voluptas voluptatem quibusdam dolor ipsam. Voluptates blanditiis a blanditiis asperiores dolore praesentium tempore.


Distinctio quia et commodi. Repellat est est sunt quaerat vel. Voluptatem sunt libero voluptatibus voluptate qui earum. Aut dolor cum quo officiis. Dolorem est omnis aspernatur enim.

Et officia rerum odio voluptas omnis. Rerum animi optio assumenda aut saepe distinctio. Sapiente autem aliquam quis suscipit possimus. Sint reprehenderit recusandae eaque laboriosam quisquam.

Ut sint et tempore fugiat commodi vel debitis. Eos hic dolor dolor sint suscipit. Velit sunt voluptatibus sequi praesentium consequuntur iure nisi. Voluptatem sit similique architecto unde ratione doloribus minima. Ullam possimus vero recusandae ut corrupti. Sapiente corporis expedita et dolores. Nam soluta placeat non tenetur ducimus.

Nulla esse et repudiandae et illum dolore. Et blanditiis sit eligendi delectus maxime et. Eveniet error cumque porro sint deserunt officiis. Repellendus occaecati blanditiis fuga aut harum. Et mollitia aut enim autem eaque.

Career Advancement Opportunities

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Jefferies & Company 02 99.4%
  • Lazard Freres No 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners New 98.3%
  • Harris Williams & Co. 24 97.7%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.2%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Harris Williams & Co. 18 99.4%
  • JPMorgan Chase 10 98.9%
  • Morgan Stanley 05 98.3%
  • William Blair 03 97.7%
  • Lazard Freres 06 97.2%

Professional Growth Opportunities

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Lazard Freres 01 99.4%
  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners 18 98.3%
  • Moelis & Company 06 97.7%
  • JPMorgan Chase 06 97.2%

Total Avg Compensation

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (23) $378
  • Associates (95) $261
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • 2nd Year Analyst (69) $168
  • Intern/Summer Associate (34) $167
  • 1st Year Analyst (213) $160
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (155) $101
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