Taxi Time - Manhattan to LGA - Friday Rush Hour

How much time should I set aside to get from downtown Manhattan to LGA at rush hour on a Friday evening in a taxi? I need to get to the airport at this time in a few weeks. I'm not from the city, so I don't know how to adjust my timing for rush hour.

I have a flight that leaves at ~7pm on Friday. What would be a safe time to leave at (without leaving too early)?

Finally, would Newark be any faster at this time from downtown?


i'll save you the trouble now - get a car service - cabs around 4-5pm are really hard to come by because that is when shift changes happen and none of them want to go all the way to la guardia for fear that they will be late on the exchange.

if your flight is at 7pm, that means that you'll need to be at the airport no later than 530 (i'm assuming you don't have status to get through security fast, and that this isnt for Marine Air terminal).

for that to happen, you need to leave downtown manhattan no later than 445 - i'd even say 430 to be on the safe side.

good luck.

btw if you're a student call up any of the black car services (TWR, Dial 7, etc.)

if you are already working full time, order the car through your corporate center (you'll get quicker service because they never really show up late for corporate accounts).

Best Response
i'll save you the trouble now - get a car service - cabs around 4-5pm are really hard to come by because that is when shift changes happen and none of them want to go all the way to la guardia for fear that they will be late on the exchange.

if your flight is at 7pm, that means that you'll need to be at the airport no later than 530 (i'm assuming you don't have status to get through security fast, and that this isnt for Marine Air terminal).

for that to happen, you need to leave downtown manhattan no later than 445 - i'd even say 430 to be on the safe side.

good luck.

btw if you're a student call up any of the black car services (TWR, Dial 7, etc.)

if you are already working full time, order the car through your corporate center (you'll get quicker service because they never really show up late for corporate accounts).

Thanks for the info. If I need to take a cab, what would be the best option for finding one at this time? I'm a student and attending a firm event. However, firm does not expense car services.

i'll save you the trouble now - get a car service - cabs around 4-5pm are really hard to come by because that is when shift changes happen and none of them want to go all the way to la guardia for fear that they will be late on the exchange.

if your flight is at 7pm, that means that you'll need to be at the airport no later than 530 (i'm assuming you don't have status to get through security fast, and that this isnt for Marine Air terminal).

for that to happen, you need to leave downtown manhattan no later than 445 - i'd even say 430 to be on the safe side.

good luck.

btw if you're a student call up any of the black car services (TWR, Dial 7, etc.)

if you are already working full time, order the car through your corporate center (you'll get quicker service because they never really show up late for corporate accounts).

Thanks for the info. If I need to take a cab, what would be the best option for finding one at this time? I'm a student and attending a firm event. However, firm does not expense car services.

Depends on where downtown the event is - if you're near WFC, then try to go to one of the hotels nearby, as sometimes there will be cabs waiting there (embassy, marriot downtown, W). If on wall street, try to hop over to water street and wave one down...i'm just warning you, it might take a while.


Car service will probably be cheaper than a cab, the meter running while you make it to LGA will outpace the flat rate a service will charge.

I am permanently behind on PMs, it's not personal.

I took the E train and the bus that connects to LGA and it took about an hr (i think), it was during rush hr. The bus wasn't incredibly pleasant.


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