Suspended from Target - Need Advice Please

Hey all,

I was suspended from a top tier university (think HYPSM) for the Spring 2020 term for disciplinary reasons. I'm currently a freshman. I feel terrible and don't want my life to be ruined by one mistake.

My academic record will show that I was suspended for this semester but will not show any additional information. The background check service would have to get my written consent to inquire about the details of my suspension. I was planning on recruiting for IB or PE out of undergrad, but I am unsure of whether or not I will be auto-dinged because of my academic record. I am also unsure of how much information I would need to disclose during the recruitment process.

If anyone could provide advice about this situation, it would be extremely helpful. Maybe as an associate, it would be nice to let me know exactly when this infraction would be revealed during the hiring process? Or if anyone has been suspended before and would like to reach out about this. I'm worried about future career prospects and potentially business school. I'm lost right now and would really appreciate any help. Thank you for reading.


Thanks for your advice. Unfortunately, I got suspended for a violence allegation which was falsified, but I don't really want to elaborate on that. Would I or my school be required to disclose the details of the suspension? Or could I just state that I needed to take time off for mental health reasons, etc.?

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My school's discliplinary committee is pretty much a kangaroo court. Doesn't really matter what the facts and evidence display as long as there's a tiny shred of doubt. But I try not to worry too much about it, I'm focused on moving on and getting my life back on track.


Unfortunately you guessed the unlikely scenario...was a case of buyer's remorse. All of the evidence proved she was full of shit but administration didn't care. Do you think HR would ask about the details of my suspension if they found out?

Before anyone judges me just please remember that you might not know the details of my case and university Title IX is a shitshow. I wish I could provide evidence to you guys to show that I'm innocent but I can't (for obvious reasons).


What a joke. Women literally changing their mind the next day and ruining lives. It has gotten so out of hand. I didn't even interact romantically with the women in my grad program (or in any of my old jobs). Just go to clubs/use the apps.


Before I got involved in all of this shit I used to hate people who were accused of sexual assault. Fuck them, right? It turns out that it's not really as black and white as I thought it would be. A lot of times people lie, cheat, deceive for a variety of reasons. I won't get into the reasons behind mine but I'm fucking pissed that people would falsely accuse people and throw away others' lives for revenge. Fellas out there be careful. I've defintely learned my lesson, don't mess with crazy.


If a false accusation hit me, I would jump of a fucking building if I lost my whole future. Kudos to you OP for being so strong through this. I was in a bad place mentally at that point in my college career, and if I got hit with a false accusation, I seriously fear that I may have shot myself or something. I'm so sorry you have to go through such a nightmare scenario.

I hope you can get past this and that whoever hit you with the false accusation gets their due karma.

Edit: Like I said in another comment, I hope you make MD.

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