Suspended from Target - Need Advice Please

Hey all,

I was suspended from a top tier university (think HYPSM) for the Spring 2020 term for disciplinary reasons. I'm currently a freshman. I feel terrible and don't want my life to be ruined by one mistake.

My academic record will show that I was suspended for this semester but will not show any additional information. The background check service would have to get my written consent to inquire about the details of my suspension. I was planning on recruiting for IB or PE out of undergrad, but I am unsure of whether or not I will be auto-dinged because of my academic record. I am also unsure of how much information I would need to disclose during the recruitment process.

If anyone could provide advice about this situation, it would be extremely helpful. Maybe as an associate, it would be nice to let me know exactly when this infraction would be revealed during the hiring process? Or if anyone has been suspended before and would like to reach out about this. I'm worried about future career prospects and potentially business school. I'm lost right now and would really appreciate any help. Thank you for reading.


It depends on what you got suspended for tbh man - usually you just have to be honest, but at the end of the day I don't think it should be a big deal. Most banks will give you a written offer first and only do your background check down the line, so you just explain then. They wouldn't rescind your offer just because you have one little issue on your transcript for one semester your freshman year.


Thanks for your advice. Unfortunately, I got suspended for a violence allegation which was falsified, but I don't really want to elaborate on that. Would I or my school be required to disclose the details of the suspension? Or could I just state that I needed to take time off for mental health reasons, etc.?


Usually schools aren't allowed to reveal information like that without your express approval, so I think you're good if you mention something else. Idk how you could spin the school suspending you as a mental health issue though, it'd be displayed as a leave of absence if that were really the case.


Thanks for your response, I really appreciate it. I'm hoping that I'll be able to just state it was a drinking problem or something minor, but I'm just worried they'll call and verify. Might be best to be honest, although I'm not too sure...

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My school's discliplinary committee is pretty much a kangaroo court. Doesn't really matter what the facts and evidence display as long as there's a tiny shred of doubt. But I try not to worry too much about it, I'm focused on moving on and getting my life back on track.


This is spot on. You come from a target - hard to sell the name on your CV and claim they are incompetent albeit in specific aspects like judgement on your case. You'll need to come up with a very, very good story.


This shouldn't even show up on a background check unless it resulted in criminal charges. But if you're innocent I would get a lawyer. You can find pro bono guys that do this shit all the time, and they'll work for free but take basically 100% of the settlement. Seriously, sue the school. Disciplinary committees always think they're big shit until they're getting sued for 1mm, and then they fold because they're all bitch made.


I've been working with a lawyer but it's too expensive to sue the school, and unlikely to get a victory that would clear this from my record. My best case scenario is getting it removed after I leave the school in a few years.


Funny that someone recommending a lawsuit would point fingers at anyone saying they're bitch made...

"Rage, rage against the dying of the light."

You are not likely to get out with this with the HR figures this out. The best possible way is to look for an internship in your suspended semester, fill it into your resume no matter what and minimize the chance of catching their attention. But I advice you to appeal your case if thats bs at the beginning


Agree on the appeal. Lawyer up (worth it here) and maybe they will suspend putting it on your record if you have no further incidents for 1 year and leave campus until fall. The school may settle if you seem like you're willing to sue or otherwise continue hassling them

You can still recruit for IB/PE and it's not an auto-ding, but spend the money to get rid of it now if possible


Thanks for your advice. In the appeals process right now, but it's delayed because of the COVID outbreak so I probably can't return this semester regardless. Anyways, the appeals process isn't very likely to fair any better? If the appeal is granted, it goes back to the same decision making panel who isn't very likely to change their decision. Private schools have kangaroo courts, unfortunately.


Agree with this post. Fill the gap with some sort of finance related internship - 1) it will allow you to build a story about you leaving temporarily to get real world experience and 2) test the waters to see what shows up on background check.

If you can find a good internship, start cold calling private wealth management shops (ML, UBS, etc) and offer to work for free or credit.


I was put on academic probation for royally sucking at my first semester of college, still kind of struggled from there. my suggestion is you start working on your response to the question "what happened there?" If you want to get an MBA, you'll need that real tight. I suggest you be completely honest, volunteering only what you have to, and I think you need to actually learn from whatever mistakes got you in the position where such an accusation could be levelled. That way, when you talk about it, you can genuinely say "I learned a lot from it and came out a better person." if it's genuine, it'll come across and you'll minimize the damage. also, you need to c-c-crush the rest of your academics and have zero incidents of any kind moving forward. best of luck, bud.


agree with this, own up to whatever you did to put yourself in a situation where this could have happened as a result instead of blaming the result on outside forces.


Alternatively, I could also transfer into NYU CAS or University of Rochester. This would ensure that I have a clean transcript throughout recruiting, and I'm not stupid enough to get into any trouble for the rest of my time at college. I could also just stay at my target school and hope that they will take this off when I graduate. I would still have a leave of absence for this semester though. Which would be the better option?


If you're gonna transfer, aim higher. Don't go from a target to non/semi targets. You'd be shooting yourself in the foot twice. So, if you want NYU, make sure it's Stern. Otherwise, go for Wharton, Ross, UVA. But then again, I don't think you need to transfer.


Unfortunately I can't get into those schools with a discliplinary record. I think I would be able to network anywhere with hard work from a nontarget, just worried that my transcript will prevent me from getting to places if I stay at my current school.


Adding on to this, the only way I've heard offers get rescinded is if people lie about their GPA. While my transcript does show I was suspended I probably wouldn't have to disclose this until I receive an offer?


It’s funny All this excitement in this WSO thread rang a distant bell But suddenly This evening It makes perfect sense Welcome Monkey It’s been a long time... What took you so long?


Don't know. Will firms even inquire into the nature of my suspension? I mean it's not like I'll be lying to them on my application, my GPA, major, and years attended will all be perfectly fine.


You should really consider transfering schools. Yes it may hurt your IB chances, but if you have a record like that on your transcript even getting a job in the BO is going to prove difficult. I'd say play it safe here. Either sue the school outright, or if you believe your chances of winning are slim transfer out.


What a joke. Women literally changing their mind the next day and ruining lives. It has gotten so out of hand. I didn't even interact romantically with the women in my grad program (or in any of my old jobs). Just go to clubs/use the apps.


Before I got involved in all of this shit I used to hate people who were accused of sexual assault. Fuck them, right? It turns out that it's not really as black and white as I thought it would be. A lot of times people lie, cheat, deceive for a variety of reasons. I won't get into the reasons behind mine but I'm fucking pissed that people would falsely accuse people and throw away others' lives for revenge. Fellas out there be careful. I've defintely learned my lesson, don't mess with crazy.


Im at a BB (JPM/BAML/WF) and if I recall correctly, they didn't ask to verify any information when I was a summer analyst. Just a fingerprint and background check for criminal purpose but, nothing regarding academic not even GPA. After joining as a full time, the HR person who validated my information was a contractor. All she ask for was for a diploma, not even transcript. They originally refuse to take my transcript, because it doesn't show that I graduated. According to them, they weren't concern of grades but more importantly whether I graduate. For the record, I transferred to another school during my last semester of junior year, because my GPA was 2.8 and I knew I couldn't get a offer. This was briefly mention on my resume with 1 line, and they didn't care much about it.


I met a guy who was a sales trader at UBS, he was involved in one of those national headline, where his lacrosse team was accused of raping some stripper they hired at a party. He was at Duke I believe and was forced to leave and transfer to a non-target school. He eventually landed a offer in S&T at UBS and didn't seem like there was any issue there. Because, if the HR literally google his name, the news will pop out. His name was later cleared because they couldn't find any DNA evidence I believe. This is 6-7 years ago, I met the guy when I was working as a retail banker servicing his account.


Not too much to add from an HR perspective, but take a deep breath and understand this will all pass. One of my closest friends was at an Ivy league school where a kid died during a hazing incident his freshmen year. He was barely involved and was only at the event where it happened for 15 minutes before leaving to study, but because he was there he was suspended. The criminal charges were dropped, but he fought civil charges for awhile.

He ended up transferring to a non-target and applying as a new student and because he had so many AP credits (maybe something you should consider) he still graduated on-time and has a decent job.

This is a brutual situation, but keep your head up and I promise things will work out one way or another


Thanks for the advice all. I know this thread has been beaten to death by this point but if anyone has any other thoughts I'd be happy to hear them. Also, in light of the coronavirus situation I hope that this time period will be strange enough that an unofficial transcript that does not note my suspension will be overlooked.

Does anyone know any firms which require official transcripts rather than unofficial ones? Also, if I said I was suspended due to underage drinking or marijuana posession would HR call my dean to verify? Thanks again all.


All of the students I know that were suspended fall into one of a few common categories: sexual assault, low level crimes, or bad fights (which often result in some form of litigation). Sometimes cheating and plagiarism but the only time I knew someone that was suspended from that was because they were running more of an organized cheating system, typically the penalty for this is just failing you in the class and academic probation. Considering how you mentioned not having a criminal record from the issue, my guess was that it was a sexual assault, which turned out to be true. Keep this in mind when trying to lie about the real reason for your suspension.


Don’t transfer Don’t socially isolate (put a lot of effort into this) Kill it academically (ditto) Apply for everything as usual but don’t be picky Don’t mention it (only HR sees it and they might not care) Have a tight, dumb freshman story about a bar fight, covid, etc and lie with righteousness Spite that bitch


Well think of the firms reputational risk. If you do not elaborate on the issue in interviews, you could get 10/15 years down the line and she mentions something when she sees you're in high finance and brings it up, then you will be truly fucked. Your firm will feel betrayed by you and could bring about serious legal repercussions.


In most cases of sexual assault, people are 'guilty until proven otherwise'. This is a tricky situation for you because people are more likely to side with the girl without even knowing the facts. NEVER spite the girl no matter how terrible she is. I stopped feeling bad for you when it started sounding like locker room talk, which is how I imagine a lot of people will gauge your situation. Be sure to frame your narrative in the most positive way possible. I figure there are ib execs who've been accused of sexual assault. Be sure to consult any family/friends in HR before making any solid decisions, I'm sure you will be able to find out a way out of this.


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Harum deleniti quos eaque et maxime. Aut aut non autem nam voluptatem sapiente. Aperiam ut autem eligendi ex ipsa cum reprehenderit. Qui ut fugit maiores fugiat explicabo dolorem alias. In quis voluptatum quia tempore.

Debitis autem et quis eum qui. Et sit esse exercitationem autem molestiae nesciunt. Ea suscipit quae eligendi distinctio quasi sit. Eum sunt dolore at error nemo amet temporibus expedita.


Labore cum vitae aspernatur quibusdam temporibus. Cum quia corrupti et neque enim.

Non labore qui in autem qui. Voluptates autem doloribus consequatur quibusdam rem similique. Dignissimos laboriosam aspernatur illum iure doloribus quia. Nihil magni dolore enim et. Hic modi a incidunt sit laborum numquam qui. Tempora beatae in eum aliquam harum dolores.

Velit voluptatem eius animi sed. Voluptas et quia est praesentium non aut occaecati. Rerum quos debitis deserunt quos reprehenderit ea suscipit.

Sequi qui inventore consectetur voluptatum enim corporis. Consequatur quisquam vero dolorem aut dolor aut. Qui nostrum necessitatibus cum consequatur blanditiis aut. Reprehenderit facilis hic autem velit natus vel ut. Nihil aperiam aut amet sit beatae. Optio animi non dolores odit suscipit. Quo perspiciatis eum quisquam voluptatem commodi reprehenderit neque.


Non sed aut maiores ipsa. Molestiae non ex aut sunt voluptatem. Quasi atque quis rerum et velit similique.

Dolor nulla blanditiis officiis quia ad. Eaque voluptatem quisquam voluptatem dolor ut enim animi. Consequatur deleniti necessitatibus a sed fuga. Totam eveniet incidunt voluptates aliquam repellendus ratione qui. Ducimus animi deleniti et. Esse id ipsum cupiditate quae facilis ut doloremque dolorem. Et impedit atque quis perspiciatis.

Nihil blanditiis nam sint ducimus est quisquam repellendus. Maxime consectetur id praesentium corporis. Consequuntur ullam delectus sed qui optio. Delectus facilis ullam voluptate tempore sunt maiores.

Sint distinctio quis qui enim molestiae consequatur. Consequatur nisi itaque quos qui et doloribus. Qui aut asperiores doloremque explicabo. Officiis sit qui non itaque tempora quis ipsa.

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