Summer Citi Sophomore Leadership Program

Hey guys, I'm starting a thread for this program since first rounds are supposed to start coming out this week. Has anyone received anything yet?

Mod Note (Andy): Best of 2016, this post ranks #41 for the past year

Citigroup Summer Sophomore Internship Program

The Citigroup summer internship program is a rotational leadership program for students finishing their sophomore year of college. This is a rotational program in which students rotate through three different groups across the bank. These groups include investment banking, sales and trading, corporate banking, CMO, as well as other groups at the firm.

This program is considered a great way to get exposure to different parts of the firm and learn more about the divisions that students are interested in pursuing for their junior year internship. After successfully completing the sophomore internship, students are able to preference what division they are interested in returning to for junior year.

The program is highly selective and recruiting for the program occurs mostly at target schools.

Check out the attached flyer to learn more about the program.

Read more about Citigroup on the WSO Company Database.

Read More about Citi on WSO

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Where in the Citi website did you find this program? I cannot find it. Any help would be greatly appreciated


heyyyyy guys I applied for this too, anyone who went through the program before please comment and let me know what it is like. Got the email for preferences, luckily as soon as I applied the link went down. Havent heard much about Citi so I wonder if it will be competitive to get into as most sophmores are focusing on GS, JPM, etc.


I've got a phone screening later on. Is that the same thing as a first round? Also I did not get the preference email, if anyone can give more info on it.


For those who have received first rounds, has anything changed in the application portal? Under "My Jobs", the listing for this program has disappeared...


The listing disappeared a while a go for me. I was told they were finalizing first rounds this week. If I haven't been notified yet can I pretty much assume I was cut. Do they release invites by school? If so any other Penn kids recieve invites.


So I had a phone screen this Sunday thinking it was a 1st Round interview, but apparently, it was just a phone screen to see who actually gets 1st rounds.

I just got an email today asking to set up a first round interview later this week. The process is incredibly competitive though. During the phone screen, the MD I spoke with had told me that he was only allowed to choose 2 people from the X amount he spoke to.


That's interesting, I never had a phone screen before my interview. I just got an email saying I made it to the first round and to set up a call.


Which group are you interviewing with? I think only the initial phone screens are happening in investment baking, but I could be wrong. I, also, went straight to a first round interview with markets.


Finished my first round, he said that since i had a good amount of finance experience he was going to ask me a lot of technicals, and he did (some pretty tricky ones as well). But if you knew your valuation basics you were fine.

Another note, my first round was conducted by an analyst who is an alumni of my school who is only interviewing people from my school, so I am pretty sure only alumni are conducting these interviews.


How was your interview? did you spoke to an md? what did you talked about? are you going to a target school? urm?
And btw I remember when filling the department ranking few weeks ago we had to choose from the 17th to the 18th superdays, which means next week. they will probably update us really soon.


I received the first email about filling the survey and never heard back from them since. Do they just ignore me? Or are there going to be any more phone interview before the superday?


So I got the superday. Anyone know what a sophomore Superday looks like? How technical can I expect it to be? FWIW, my first round was with CMO and it was super non-technical.


What desk in CMO did you have a first round with? Are you from a target?

Anyone know if superday notices come out in waves based on where in the country you study? I want to email the person I spoke with but don't want to jump the gun on it if they haven't sent out all the invites yet.


I got a superday invite as well. Does anyone know if we will be interviewed at the superday by the same department we had the first round interview for? I listed treasury & trade solutions as my first choice.


Maybe the invites for the 17th went out on Friday and for the 18th they go out tomorrow? praying this is the case


Dude it just happened. There's more candidates tomorrow. I'm sure they want to see all the options. I was told to expect an answer Tuesday or Wednesday.


Would anyone turn down this offer for something else? I'm looking at a couple different opportunities this summer and don't know what to accept if I'm offered this.


Looks like nobody has gotten anything. They're done with Superdays, so I suspect they'll be calling starting Monday afternoon. There were about 30-35ish people at my superday, so I suspect 1 in 4 people will make it, maybe more if you listed a less popular option like the Private Bank, your chances are higher, versus IBD or CMO.


there are 2 groups of people right now - people who were sent a rejection email after their first round, and people who attended superday and are awaiting decisions. where are the other superday candidates coming from?


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Commodi dignissimos laudantium dolor voluptatibus perferendis consequatur qui officiis. Ex officiis ea voluptatem rerum aliquam. Quod recusandae et facere sed quam.

Voluptas nulla incidunt et ducimus nihil ut optio. Qui est repellendus accusamus est saepe. Sunt deleniti totam aut eum. Dolor non harum molestias debitis. Facilis non saepe qui vel nesciunt.

Quis occaecati illum inventore dolores quia. Repellat ut animi voluptatibus nesciunt velit reprehenderit.

Aliquid necessitatibus tenetur repellendus. In sapiente enim est. Neque voluptas aliquam harum rerum dicta doloribus. Cumque dolor ea velit et voluptatem eum autem. Id fugit est delectus quis vero.


Dolore aspernatur fugiat dicta et ut non neque voluptatibus. Et dolore exercitationem provident sint dignissimos incidunt minima laudantium. Est aliquam error quo et voluptates necessitatibus rerum.

Libero delectus accusantium id non atque deserunt. Quasi rem quia sit eius id maiores quam quod.


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Maiores fugit qui omnis minus rem. Quia est id ut nostrum numquam rerum accusantium. Rerum velit eum est distinctio quis explicabo.

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Non explicabo sunt velit deleniti ut expedita illo. Necessitatibus ab consequatur repellendus blanditiis. Qui quibusdam inventore voluptas quod.

Career Advancement Opportunities

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Jefferies & Company 02 99.4%
  • Lazard Freres No 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners New 98.3%
  • Harris Williams & Co. 24 97.7%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.2%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Harris Williams & Co. 18 99.4%
  • JPMorgan Chase 10 98.9%
  • Morgan Stanley 05 98.3%
  • William Blair 03 97.7%
  • Lazard Freres 06 97.2%

Professional Growth Opportunities

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Lazard Freres 01 99.4%
  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners 18 98.3%
  • JPMorgan Chase 06 97.7%
  • Moelis & Company 06 97.2%

Total Avg Compensation

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (23) $378
  • Associates (95) $261
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • 2nd Year Analyst (69) $168
  • Intern/Summer Associate (34) $167
  • 1st Year Analyst (213) $160
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (155) $101
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