Salutation to cold email someone who looks very androgynous

Hello All,

I know this is not your typical post but I was just looking for some advice on how to best handle this situation. I was able to find an alumni of my school through a LGBT professionals group on Linkedin and was hoping to try reaching out via a cold email. However as the title suggests I'm not sure if male or female pronouns would be appropriate as their picture is not overly clear as to what would be best. Any advice on how I should proceed? Would it be best to avoid a cold email entirely? Linkedin Possibly?

Thanks for any and all advice.


Make it exciting and form a relationship, put a "Mr" or "Ms". If you are right, they will be happy and surprised. If you are wrong, they will correct you and you teach you more about themselves. This is a great way for you to know who they are since that's what LGBT people want in society.

Absolute truths don't exist... celebrated opinions do.

What time of day are you sending the email? "Good Morning" and "Good Afternoon" both work.

Commercial Real Estate Developer

Aloha is considered a formal greeting in Hawaii --- maybe that's worth considering?

--- the more you know ---

Make Idaho a Semi-Target Again 2016 Not an alumnus of Idaho

I sexually Identify as an investment banker. Ever since I was a boy I dreamed of soaring over the office floor dropping hot sticky DCF models on lowly summer interns. People say to me that a person being a investment banker is Impossible and I go to a non-target school but I don’t care, I’m beautiful. I’m having a plastic surgeon install Bloomberg Terminals, Excel macro guides and WallStreetOasis on my body. From now on I want you guys to call me “Lloyd” and respect my right to work on deals and work non-stop. If you can’t accept me you’re a investmentbankingphobe and need to check your non-target privilege. Thank you for being so understanding.


In all seriousness, just use first name. People are offended when their names are spelled incorrectly and when their pronouns are wrong. They tend to remember that more often than any other typo.


Have you tried googling their first name. Chances are someone else in the world has the same first name as they do. This might be a way of figuring it out.


The recruiter is most likely young, so it's okay to use his or her first name -- "Good morning _______"

Or, you could skip the name entirely and go with a greeting like -- "Greetings from X University!" Think outside the box a little and I hope that helps.


I wish I could do the dial/hang up combo, as I've done in the past (lol), but no phone number is listed. Just name and email.


Et hic voluptatem aliquam nesciunt reprehenderit. Et tempora quod possimus consequuntur illum voluptas. Necessitatibus voluptatem sit sapiente officia totam temporibus soluta.

Illum quas voluptatibus debitis omnis. Cum non vel error consectetur non. Qui non hic error in quia et repellendus. Voluptas quis et voluptates. Qui id et quis facere consequatur qui alias.

Quod distinctio vitae aut est cupiditate. Quo beatae ducimus ut est. Voluptatum alias corporis perferendis molestiae et quae. Consequatur dolores ut consequatur nulla.

Corrupti vitae laudantium rerum veritatis et ut consequuntur eaque. Aut ut accusantium consectetur dolorem architecto. Quia quo expedita ipsam ea quo voluptatibus. Qui odit odit porro perspiciatis in quia. Et ea neque ducimus hic quam. Aut incidunt et voluptatem rerum facilis possimus id. Facilis rerum architecto nemo quia autem ex ab.

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