Said "sus" in an interview

I was trying to refer to a certain company's management that made (sus) decisions and acquisitions which didn't make sense and that was a red flag (suspicious activities). This is a company that was proven to be a fraud. The interviewer was shocked that I used that word tbh but he didn't really laugh. How retarded was this? Do I still have a chance?

Edit: To all of you who are questioning my ability to get a job, I managed to get an offer from a BB. But I'm ngl I didn't make it through the mentioned interview (EB)

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Unless the interviewer walks out of the room and loudly talks about how bad your answers were, I think you're okay. You may have a chance.

Source: The above actually happened to me at a company right after college.


Full words = full time jobs

No seriously, they probably understand & I’ve actually heard an exec say sus before as SUS as that sounds. Always consider your audience 🤝


I once told my MD at an internship that most the people at my school are capping, he just said he didn't understand what that meant. 

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I once told the interviewer that SPACs are a bust, which could be seen in a well known case that was happening at the time.

Found out later that the firm advised on the deal.


I said "based" in a conference call

Never discuss with idiots, first they drag you at their level, then they beat you with experience.
Most Helpful

I doubt this will have any material impact on your candidacy. You may not realize it, but a lot of the language you use is probably new to professionals even in their 30s. While I know what ‘sus’ means from twitch, I’m probably one of the few people that is fully familiar with the term. I have no idea what ‘capping’ is. I also had to ask what the definition of ‘simp’ was a few weeks ago. Unless it is someone who has teenage kids, expect a fair bit of lost in translation.

While I wouldn’t say that ‘sus’ is inherently bad, using lingo like that generally gives the impression that you are still young / immature, whether or not it is actually true. Your safest bet when interviewing is definitely to avoid lingo or phraseology that would confuse your parents. There is no upside.

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Think it also depends on the rest of your interview. Though it would raise my eyebrow I'd let it pass if you were a good candidate. Would be stupid to not hire someone who knows his shit over something as small as that. On the other hand if i dont think you are meeting expectations it would be a point against you since it would just be added to the pile of stuff I don't like.


Part of what younger candidates need to realize is that senior people are trying to understand if you are professional enough to put in front of/interact with a client. Using slang doesn’t help generate trust. If you can’t avoid slang in an interview on your best behavior, how will you perform in front of a billionaire CEO


Probably not the worst thing/best thing to say ether way, I have two thoughts on interviewing when it comes to slang/current topic stuff:

- first, at one point, its something everyone will be doing. so, for example, there was a point where everyone didn't want their social media traced if it showed them partying. Now, I feel, probably 7/10 the HR lady interviewing me has worse stuff on her profile than I, so who really cares at that point. 

- second, I feel some of this stuff goes in cycles. Meaning, back in the day, you use to be able to discuss personal stuff on an interview, but God forbid you dropped a curse/slang word. Now I feel thats reversed. 


If they ding you solely for that reason alone, then it would be surprising, but not the most egregious thing I've ever heard as a hiring manager. For example, one interviewer (disclosure: she had very sharp elbows) questioned the executive presence of one candidate--who was very strong--because this candidate wore striped socks. No one else even really noticed it. Turned out it hurt that candidate as all else was equal with another strong candidate. Pretty ridiculous, IMO, but that's the luck of the draw.

In any event, I really doubt they'd hold it against you unless you used other slang, had communication 'issues', etc. that extend beyond the use of 'sus' in a response.  


Love the sense of humor about it in the comments lmao, also - based on your title in AM I think this would be a HUGE ding assuming you are interviewing for an ER or HF role. The interview is NOT a 1on1 conversation where you can be lax and make a connection at this point, approach it from the standpoint of what you would say on a recorded earnings call. Whether they are thinking that way or not is irrelevant, but saying Sus invites them to think “...oooooh what if he said that in an  earnings call?”

I think some of the folks here saying that 30 yr olds probably don’t know what your saying is not true.

Everyone has an Insta these days and spends too much time there... the memes teach people the terms.

For me, sus literally translates to suspicious but is more often used to describe things that are “gay” 

Thus, as other people have pointed out, you kind of just did hate speech on an earnings call in their minds. 

It’s silly but that’s the extrapolation of thought chains people go down when assessing 900 candidates for one role 


Et saepe possimus eos eos laudantium voluptatibus. Consequatur ea maiores consequatur saepe. Ut unde vero aliquid eaque sint magnam dignissimos voluptas. Excepturi mollitia earum nulla ipsa nihil maxime.


Ut amet sed ullam mollitia culpa velit. Aliquid qui provident laudantium odit dolores. Et aspernatur non minus et tempore commodi dolorum. Tempore rem eum amet consectetur vero est.

Placeat nobis et necessitatibus illo incidunt beatae facere. Officiis et magni hic eum ea cupiditate nihil. Aspernatur facere doloremque magni molestias minus.

Voluptatum enim autem voluptate et qui reiciendis neque dolor. Laboriosam asperiores in suscipit dolorum quasi. Magni aut libero sed corporis sit deserunt debitis. Voluptas aperiam corrupti ut dolor vel dolorem sed sit. Quis voluptatum quia mollitia ipsa cupiditate qui. Repellat nulla tempore dolor qui minima.

Mollitia odit libero fuga fugiat qui illo quibusdam. Facilis quia saepe eum recusandae. Nostrum voluptatem ratione et.


Ea iusto facere aut impedit id. Ut tenetur totam excepturi consequuntur veniam tempore. Unde est est recusandae.

Repellendus nihil molestiae sunt atque. Laboriosam veniam praesentium et rem aut et. Corporis necessitatibus dolores in tempora et quasi. Eum eveniet voluptatem blanditiis. Vero sapiente voluptatum et rem quidem recusandae voluptate. Ea et omnis consequatur dolores.

Deleniti ipsa iusto ut hic est. Ratione et aut molestiae ducimus qui voluptates quia asperiores. Doloribus consectetur odio eos eum eum magni exercitationem officia.

Nihil consequatur praesentium et iure similique saepe qui. Iste laboriosam dolor voluptatem porro voluptatem magni. Aut ex deserunt molestiae accusamus ut possimus. Dolorum nihil commodi explicabo eligendi magni perspiciatis.

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