He's right. If you're thinking about reneging, though, you need to go about it very carefully because if your bank finds out they'll rescind your offer. In my case (top 3 BB) I've communicated directly with HR that a candidate is already signed and they don't mind interviewing them anyway.

I would reserve reneging for big jumps, i.e. DB or UBS to top BB, not for JP to GS. Not worth the risk/reward at that point.


Can anyone site actual bank policy from JPM/MS/etc that they don't care about reneging? I totally believe there are specific teams/individuals that have poached people that already signed elsewhere, but I am almost positive that the firm-wide HR policy is that they will rescind your offer if you renege. I know someone who had an MS offer pulled after he reneged.

edit: surprised to see that JPM link above, but what I said is true for MS and I believe nearly all other banks

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This isn't true. Kid at my school signed with an EB. Got offer from one of GS/MS/JPM and did not tell them he was reneging. Accepted offer, told EB he wasn't joining them, didn't say why. Somehow someone at EB found out, MD at EB calls MD friend at GS/MS/JPM. Offer gets revoked. Kid went from having two great offers to 0, now he works in PWM. People need to really think about the risks of this, and a bunch of idiots on here saying all the top banks don't care if you renege are just wrong.

Maybe if he was upfront and told GS/MS/JPM that he had already signed it would have been different, but I find that very unlikely.


MS Menlo Park has reached out to undergrads who were already signed to other banks to interview them for additional SA spots that opened up. At least 2 of their incoming FT analysts reneged on other banks last summer, and MS knew about it.

Source: These 2 students go to my college


There are nuances to this kind of thing. Going back on verbal offers and commitments don't count as reneging. Going back on a signed offer is officially reneging


Would going back on a verbal acceptance be considered reneging? Lets say you accepted immediately or shortly after receiving a verbal offer. There is a delay before receiving the offer letter / signing it. During this time, is it fair game to continue interviewing or accept / sign a different offer?


Risks are way overstated. Every year there are people who renege (some even tell HR where they're going to) and I've never seen anything happen. You're completely fine - it's your life, don't live with any regret


My friend lost his offer due to reneging and ended up at a 10 person boutique lol, i guess its the persons choice at the end of the day


Losing both offers due to reneging is even more likely for HYP kids (alumni talk)


If you get caught reneging you will most likely lose your offer and the bank that you reneged on will also notify the school. Just know that there is a risk and its usually not worth it especially when its not a meaningful jump.

A buddy of mine from my class reneged a a FT offer from a large MM bank to go to GS NYC. The MM bank told the school but not GS so he was super lucky. He easily could have lost both offers.


How long after the reneging would a bank stop caring? For example if it has been 1 months, 2 months, 6 months after reneging... or if you have already completed the internship with the firm, when would you be de-risked?


Well the longer you wait between accepting an offer and reneging the worse situation it puts the bank you're reneging in because they have less time to fill your spot. If someone accepted an offer and reneged the next day, I wouldn't consider it a big deal. If they renege six months later, then I'd be pissed.


just a data point, but for my SA offer, I signed a lower tier offer but receieved superdays at top groups later. Was pushed by people at the top banks to accept their offers over the lower bank (if I got through the superday). In my case, HR, my new interviewers, and the old bank all know. Ended up summering at one of the top BBs. Just my experience and maybe I got lucky, but my view is that most of the time they probably aren't going to go out of their way to fuck you over, but guess it depends on the individual.


Firsthand knowledge:

Some firms this cycle have explicitly said they would look at candidates regardless of status at other firms.



In HF not IB, but I would imagine if you keep your mouth shut about it and not post about it on linkedin than it would be ok. With everything there's a risk, it's up to you to determine if it's worth the payout.


> if they do they will 99% pull your offer.

Any source on this? I know someone personally that let the EB know and they were fine with it, and another who didnt have to but asked and they said they wouldnt ask and didnt really care. Im sure the EB varies and it depends on what you reneged from, but saying they will pull the offer for sure sounds like youre speculating/talking out of your ass


Consequuntur non asperiores veritatis itaque similique. Aspernatur est quia in possimus dolores consectetur est. Laborum eum sapiente harum vitae pariatur. Eum consectetur repellat sapiente perspiciatis fuga error. Harum sequi iusto eum ullam debitis esse qui.


Quis blanditiis nam possimus at. Maiores nihil quisquam tempore saepe dolorem repellat et eaque.

Possimus corporis pariatur quas eum. Ex unde modi cumque nesciunt vel qui. Necessitatibus ipsa dignissimos est fugiat sint est eos.

Ea ut eum ut excepturi dolore. Tenetur esse et soluta impedit quos iusto odio eum. Error maxime sed error et.

Quam similique sit veniam fugit fugiat magni quia qui. Est error iusto harum laudantium. Quas et nisi rem laudantium. Exercitationem fuga tempora et id. Sed soluta tempore tempora et aspernatur. Tempore expedita incidunt provident et unde illum est. Et placeat deleniti non nihil.


Voluptatem et voluptates ex sunt. Non unde perferendis voluptatem est sit sint sed. Ipsam ipsam id et nihil non modi. Odio et et nemo aut atque eos consequatur. Aspernatur iusto qui et est nostrum nam. Et nulla at neque ut.

Quos fugit earum ea omnis quis. Eum voluptas et corporis quo et et cumque. Ullam sapiente sit repudiandae quia atque. Aperiam et natus voluptate aut neque. Aliquam quas tempore quam et nam aut suscipit.

Ullam rem adipisci ducimus fugiat sit corrupti molestias. Distinctio a modi explicabo quis. Assumenda non similique autem neque distinctio aut atque. Non itaque quasi in ipsam rem expedita repellat. Autem facilis possimus accusamus veritatis et labore qui.

Id molestiae quis iure. Consequatur et incidunt nemo enim. Illo aperiam ea voluptas molestiae quis deleniti rerum. Similique veritatis sed eligendi tempore eveniet voluptatum hic. Blanditiis assumenda temporibus sit est quas.

Career Advancement Opportunities

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Jefferies & Company 02 99.4%
  • Lazard Freres No 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners New 98.3%
  • Harris Williams & Co. 24 97.7%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.2%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Harris Williams & Co. 18 99.4%
  • JPMorgan Chase 10 98.9%
  • Morgan Stanley 05 98.3%
  • William Blair 03 97.7%
  • Lazard Freres 06 97.2%

Professional Growth Opportunities

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Lazard Freres 01 99.4%
  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners 18 98.3%
  • JPMorgan Chase 06 97.7%
  • Moelis & Company 06 97.2%

Total Avg Compensation

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (23) $378
  • Associates (96) $260
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • 2nd Year Analyst (69) $168
  • Intern/Summer Associate (34) $167
  • 1st Year Analyst (213) $160
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (155) $101
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