Recent Baker Tilly Capital Reviews

Hello All,

Looking for some up to date info on Baker Tilly Capital (specifically Philly operations). I did some digging and saw they were struggling with some litigation from failed capital raises from around 2011, I believe. Since then Baker Tilly merged with ParenteBeard LLC, bringing Baker Tilly Capital to Philadelphia, in place of Curtis Financial.

I also noticed the team does a mix of work ranging from M&A and capital raises to general valuations for various reasons. As I am trying to make the move to Banking from Valuation (smaller shop & I am from a super duper non-target) in the Philadelphia area, I though this would be a potential first move.

So I am more asking for any general input on the firm, as well as if you think it would be a good first jump out of valuation.

Thanks Guys

Best Response

Is it better than something else? Potentially. Is it a reputable firm or group? No.

It was sued post-2008 for pushing some of its clients into shitty real estate deals that it helped finance. It did poach some KPMG CF MD, but it is clearly a step below Deloitte, KPMG or even PMCF or Moss Adams Capital.

They did a couple of decent deals this past year, but deal flow is shoddy and it will continue to be lower MM focused. Also, Bill Chapman looks and acts like a used car salesman.


No question it may help step up to some more reputable lower MM shops. It will still be an uphill battle to go from BT Capital to the MM shops (e.g. HL, WB, Baird), but you could potentially leverage that to get to a decent firm like XM Capital Partners, SRR, BGL, etc.

I'd go for it if you can because you'll get deal experience and you won't be working typical banker hours. The flip side to that is pay will be well below market.


Last time around I was called back and told they decided it was not the right time to hire. This time they reached out to me saying they were looking again and were interested in bringing me in for an interbiew.

Thanks for the other recommendations. I am trying to decide if it is worth it to try and make the jump to a more reputable BVal group (Stout, D&P, Big 4) instead of trying to get directly into M&A. The thing holding me back is at my current role I was selected to work on the corporate advisory team that deals with Sell Side M&A (not the best), Financial Reporting, Fairness Opinions, Corporate Planning Vals, and other. I do no tax and estate work and if I made the jump elsewhere my role would most likely be mainly tax and estate and financial reporting based on how other BVal teams are structured. So the name would benefit me but the experience may actually hurt I think.


I actually think it would be easier to go Big 4 TAS --> IB than I do valuation. TAS, while somewhat mechanical, still requires customization and critical thinking for each transaction. Valuation is far less relevant to the mentality of IB in the real world (IMO) and uses far too much canned/off-the-shelf fluff, relative to QoE work.

I've seen some make it to MM shops from each avenue, but more from TAS, particularly of late. That being said, it is an uphill battle still.


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Praesentium molestiae ut sed quae eius quia rerum quia. Dolor aliquam cum quia et eligendi facere voluptatibus. Quia repudiandae et aut expedita in incidunt et consequatur. Sint consequuntur non omnis accusamus nobis illum. Non doloremque vel sint non neque maiores et.

Veniam dignissimos architecto amet aut. Ut repellendus aspernatur eveniet. Distinctio quaerat ipsa sed placeat minima.

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