Essentia should replace Evian, Voss should be higher. I don’t think Fiji deserves number 1

  1. Gerolsteiner 2a. San Pelegrino; Evian; Voss 2b. Aqua Panna; Perrier: Fiji 3.Smart Water; Essentia 4. Deer Park. Not even going to rank the nestle/Dasani garbage or anything that comes in cardboard or tin or whatever. Just drink tap at that point. Voss moves down two rungs if it comes in the plastic bottle. Aqua Panna is mid.

Don't sleep on that good volcanic, artesian Splendor water. Now yours for only $20.40/bottle. Before I started drinking Splendor water I was a schmuck. My hairline was receding, I wore tattered brown suits, pretended to be a feminist to impress potential mates and struggled to earn the respect of my peers. Since I've got on the volcanic, artesian water brand I've made a name for myself. My hairline bounced back to Norwood 0, I wear Armani tuxes and women and men alike compete for my attention. If you don't have the stones to drink real water, it's because you're a schmuck. Stop living in a sleepwalk gentlemen. Take control of your lives. Drink Splendor. 



BBs (Basic Beverages):  Dasani, Poland Spring, Dasani

EBs (Elite Beverages):  Fiji, Smart Water, Evian (it's all in packaging -- the more tropical the packaging, the more prestigious the water).  

Angus Macgyver

Depends. Chicago? Fine. NYC? Great. Jackson MI? You could not pay me to drink it.

you think MI is an abbreviation for Mississippi? 

It's Flint, Michigan (Flint, MI) and Jackson MS

you've lost the right to debate water prestige. you're the dog water of water brands


No Volvic, Vittel, Badoit? That's like missing Rothschild, Lazard, and Berenberg for y'all US folk. Vittel (glass especially) is really really good; if anyone knows where to find it near NYC please drop it in the thread.


Evian is a great water. It has its own flavor and the plastic bottle is top tier (for a plastic bottle). When I was in Evian a few years ago it came out of certain taps and I thought about moving there.


Can we get a flavored sparkling water prestige ranking as well? Because that's how I actually judge people. 

Spindrift > all and it's not even close.


1 just filling up a water bottle. Going to buy that salt to put in it to stay hydrated more

Plastic bottle rank:

1 Icelandic (bottle is funniest thing carrying it around)

2 nestle

3 Poland spring

4 deer park


I started working with a buddy of mine doing financial consulting stuff (plz read: playing with numbers in excel). Anyways, when I went to meet up with him in his office, he had a coffee, snickers bar, and a✨natural artesian✨ Fiji water bottle waiting for me. Upon my arrival, I paused. Candidly, it took me back a bit. I’ve never tasted one of these “natural artesian” waters before (though I am veeeryy acquainted with coffee and snickers; after all, you’re not you when you’re hungry). I sipped the coffee, watched my buddy eat the snickers bar (even though he brought it for me? Guess he needed it more than me), but I couldn’t touch the ✨natural artesian✨Fiji water bottle. I was scared. After all, it’s infinitely more expensive than my natural source of H2O: tap water. 

After chatting for about an hour with 3 brothers on financial topics such as budgets, financial forecasts, and the mightiest of financial metrics, cash flow (I’m sure you’re all verrrryy interested in that), my buddy slowly slid the Fuji water bottle towards me. I ignored the gesture… I didn’t know how to accept his gift. We moved along in our conversation while I pretended to sound sophisticated and knowledgeable; after all, I had in in front of me a ✨natural artesian✨water bottle hailing from the islands of Fiji. He must think I’m a big deal… right? 😅

We concluded our meetings and began a tour of the facilities. It was a mildly redneck operation, which I quite enjoyed; it reminded me of home. However, In the back of my mind, I couldn’t help but think “what is a relic of the Fiji islands doing here? Isn’t it illegal to take through customs?” Alas, I ignored the questions and pressed on. Upon conclusion of the tour, it was time to depart. I went back to the conference room where my bag and the Fiji water bottle remained. I held out my hand to give him a firm handshake, but my friend held out the ✨natural artesian✨ water bottle instead. I froze. “Was this a test? What do I do with it? Should I drink it?” In a panic, I took the water bottle, put it in my bag, and took off in a hurried frenzy. I had in my possession one of the most ✨elevated✨ water bottles known to man… 

The bottle remained in my bag for the last few days - I dared not touch it… until now. After winning an epic intramural softball game, I came home parched and saw the unthinkable: an empty Brita. No. Was this it? Am I at the end of my road? I scampered throughout my apartment searching for a source of hydration, with the phrase “hydrate or diedrate” echoing through my mind. Then I saw it. My ✨natural artesian✨ water bottle from the Fiji islands unopened in my bag. “No. I shouldn’t. My friend didn’t want me to drink it anyways. It’s too nice to drink. It’s more of a keepsake. It’s the second most prestigious water bottle according to Wall Street Oasis and I’m more of a middle market guy.” Then I considered the lowly estate of my shriveling body. I had to choose: my life or the Fiji water bottle. 

As I sipped the water of Fiji with a plate full of chicken, I felt like I was transported straight to Fiji and was drinking unflavored, liquid flowers on the beach. My eyes were opened. I finally understood. It all made sense… I had arrived. He gave me ✨elevated✨ water so I could help him ✨elevate✨his finances. He gave me water from Fiji because he wanted me to help him climb the corporate latter as if he was climbing the mountains of Fiji. He gave me ✨natural✨ and ✨artesian✨water because he wants to keep his business ✨natural✨ and ✨artesian✨. 

Thank you for teaching me these lessons. Even though I’m working for you, I’m in your debt (just like your company is in debt 😅). I now believe I can enter adulthood and this consulting gig thingy prepared and ready to face any tap-water loving nerds and help them see that there is a better way, an ✨elevated way✨, a ✨natural artesian✨ way… the Fiji way. 


I started working with a buddy of mine doing financial consulting stuff (plz read: playing with numbers in excel). Anyways, when I went to meet up with him in his office, he had a coffee, snickers bar, and a✨natural artesian✨ Fiji water bottle waiting for me. Upon my arrival, I paused. Candidly, it took me back a bit. I've never tasted one of these "natural artesian" waters before (though I am veeeryy acquainted with coffee and snickers; after all, you're not you when you're hungry). I sipped the coffee, watched my buddy eat the snickers bar (even though he brought it for me? Guess he needed it more than me), but I couldn't touch the ✨natural artesian✨Fiji water bottle. I was scared. After all, it's infinitely more expensive than my natural source of H2O: tap water. 

After chatting for about an hour with 3 brothers on financial topics such as budgets, financial forecasts, and the mightiest of financial metrics, cash flow (I'm sure you're all verrrryy interested in that), my buddy slowly slid the Fuji water bottle towards me. I ignored the gesture… I didn't know how to accept his gift. We moved along in our conversation while I pretended to sound sophisticated and knowledgeable; after all, I had in in front of me a ✨natural artesian✨water bottle hailing from the islands of Fiji. He must think I'm a big deal… right? 😅

We concluded our meetings and began a tour of the facilities. It was a mildly redneck operation, which I quite enjoyed; it reminded me of home. However, In the back of my mind, I couldn't help but think "what is a relic of the Fiji islands doing here? Isn't it illegal to take through customs?" Alas, I ignored the questions and pressed on. Upon conclusion of the tour, it was time to depart. I went back to the conference room where my bag and the Fiji water bottle remained. I held out my hand to give him a firm handshake, but my friend held out the ✨natural artesian✨ water bottle instead. I froze. "Was this a test? What do I do with it? Should I drink it?" In a panic, I took the water bottle, put it in my bag, and took off in a hurried frenzy. I had in my possession one of the most ✨elevated✨ water bottles known to man… 

The bottle remained in my bag for the last few days - I dared not touch it… until now. After winning an epic intramural softball game, I came home parched and saw the unthinkable: an empty Brita. No. Was this it? Am I at the end of my road? I scampered throughout my apartment searching for a source of hydration, with the phrase "hydrate or diedrate" echoing through my mind. Then I saw it. My ✨natural artesian✨ water bottle from the Fiji islands unopened in my bag. "No. I shouldn't. My friend didn't want me to drink it anyways. It's too nice to drink. It's more of a keepsake. It's the second most prestigious water bottle according to Wap Street Oasis and I'm more of a middle market guy." Then I considered the lowly estate of my shriveling body. I had to choose: my life or the Fiji water bottle. 

As I sipped the water of Fiji with a plate full of chicken, I felt like I was transported straight to Fiji and was drinking unflavored, liquid flowers on the beach. My eyes were opened. I finally understood. It all made sense… I had arrived. He gave me ✨elevated✨ water so I could help him ✨elevate✨his finances. He gave me water from Fiji because he wanted me to help him climb the corporate latter as if he was climbing the mountains of Fiji. He gave me ✨natural✨ and ✨artesian✨water because he wants to keep his business ✨natural✨ and ✨artesian✨. 

Thank you for teaching me these lessons. Even though I'm working for you, I'm in your debt (just like your company is in debt 😅). I now believe I can enter adulthood and this consulting gig thingy prepared and ready to face any tap-water loving nerds and help them see that there is a better way, an ✨elevated way✨, a ✨natural artesian✨ way… the Fiji way. 

The "ChickFilACFA" with a bomb ass username bumping threads like a boss with lots of water talk. As for me, I'll take tap water in my Camelbak bottle and chilled Grapefruit La Croix as well.

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

Consectetur consectetur voluptate repellat perspiciatis repellendus qui quae rerum. Unde facere voluptatem deserunt porro. Consequatur pariatur voluptatem aut nam qui quibusdam.

Facere eum numquam aperiam labore et. Placeat eum quidem natus nesciunt placeat non.

Nihil minus rem qui dolor ex aut. Autem aut qui illum minima aliquid dolorum. Amet quia aut nihil qui fugit. Facere dicta temporibus voluptas vero assumenda in quas. Itaque atque fuga laborum omnis quibusdam dolor laudantium quia. Aut velit et atque dignissimos distinctio at velit.

Quia saepe distinctio et assumenda sit sit. Architecto hic dolores non vel.


Molestiae unde enim reiciendis harum ducimus excepturi saepe. Voluptatem dolorem quia fugit est culpa tempore aut. Dicta ad voluptatibus aspernatur beatae velit eligendi aut. Ipsam doloremque labore maxime et ipsum.

Similique veritatis id est atque ut voluptate. Neque autem quos et odit. Quam voluptates aut et aut maxime cupiditate ducimus.

Aut veniam voluptatem magni delectus quasi dolor laboriosam. Maiores aperiam autem ducimus sequi. Debitis tempora quos accusantium eaque necessitatibus perspiciatis.


Voluptates voluptatem minus minus eligendi exercitationem necessitatibus. Possimus voluptatem et accusantium ut omnis sed doloribus. Consequuntur assumenda nesciunt at dolorem doloremque cupiditate quia. Et ipsa eos et et eum dolorum nemo. Quasi ea deleniti consequuntur numquam distinctio et architecto omnis. Velit pariatur aliquam rerum fuga quia et. Quibusdam atque laborum aut.

"The obedient always think of themselves as virtuous rather than cowardly" - Robert A. Wilson | "If you don't have any enemies in life you have never stood up for anything" - Winston Churchill | "It's a testament to the sheer belligerence of the profession that people would rather argue about the 'risk-adjusted returns' of using inferior tooth cleaning methods." - kellycriterion

Id doloribus saepe beatae numquam recusandae vel magni. Veniam modi enim nihil facere adipisci maiores ea. Et et id aut aut sequi eligendi nihil. Incidunt vitae praesentium sit. Eveniet cum quasi asperiores atque aut et ex. Ex et dolorum at.

Qui sit in est earum est. Optio in ipsa harum similique amet. Cum quia libero dolor error eum delectus.

Modi qui harum qui nemo. Magni sed sint sed fuga ea. Sint accusantium eos consectetur nesciunt aut expedita nemo.

Career Advancement Opportunities

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Jefferies & Company 02 99.4%
  • Lazard Freres No 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners New 98.3%
  • Harris Williams & Co. 24 97.7%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.2%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Harris Williams & Co. 18 99.4%
  • JPMorgan Chase 10 98.9%
  • Morgan Stanley 05 98.3%
  • William Blair 03 97.7%
  • Lazard Freres 06 97.2%

Professional Growth Opportunities

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Lazard Freres 01 99.4%
  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners 18 98.3%
  • JPMorgan Chase 06 97.7%
  • Moelis & Company 06 97.2%

Total Avg Compensation

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (23) $378
  • Associates (95) $261
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • 2nd Year Analyst (69) $168
  • Intern/Summer Associate (34) $167
  • 1st Year Analyst (213) $160
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (155) $101
16 IB Interviews Notes

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