Putting Expected GPA and Deans List On Resume?

I wanted to know if putting expected for "deans honors list" is fine? I have seen this done before but wanted to get your guy's opinion.

Also, based on my exam performances I am expecting a GPA of at least 3.5. How should I go about putting this on my resume? I am applying for a couple of positions at start ups and possibly a VC firm in the next day or two and want this GPA on my resume as results don't come out for couple of weeks. Can I also put expected for my GPA or would my resume look weird having both deans list and GPA as expected?

By the way I am sophomore.



If you're a sophomore then you should be putting your CGPA on your resume. I would NOT put expected GPA or expected Dean's List. This is for the same reason you would NOT put an upcoming internship on your resume - resume's are for what you've accomplished, not what you will accomplish.


I would never put expected anything on a resume. As a sophomore your GPA does not matter that much anyway. If you can't get above a 3.5 in basic freshman and soph classes you need to re-evaluate your career goals. By placing expected GPA, you show that you do not understand what is important for SA positions anyway and shouldn't be applying.

As a recruiter, if I see items like "expected GPA" I will not be eager to set up an interview.

Best Response

I agree that you should not put an expected GPA on your resume. This is an immediate red flag that the candidate is underqualified and is seeking to boost or twist their accomplishments. Also, you have no way of knowing for sure if you will achieve the grades you are expecting, making the number pretty meaningless. Also, the person reviewing your resume doesn't know what you're expecting, so they might just assume you've factored a 4.0 from your most recent semester into there. Either way, it is not a good idea.

As for expected Dean's list, leave it off. To achieve Dean's list you pretty much just need to hit the GPA cutoff, so having this on your resume really doesn't tell me anything additional about you.

~~~~~~~~~~~ CompBanker

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Forgot to mention that I am graduating with an Econ honors degree from a public non-Ivy (think like Indiana University, Wisconsin Madison). Is 3.53 GPA with a business major considered a low GPA for adcom? Also, the fact that I am not from Ivy.


Honestly, I don't know much. But I do know Harvard MBA is tough for anybody to get into. Even target school grads with 3.8+ GPAs etc... So by percentages, it's not looking good for you.

On the bright side, 3.52 is generally considered a solid GPA. It's good enough to get you into IBD and the like. And if you can do that, economically speaking, you'll probably end up with a pretty cushy life. Good luck


Holy!!!!! A 3.52????!!??!? If you had said a 3.59 I would have said you were fine but with something as low as a 3.52 you're definitely fucked. Especially coming from somewhere as unprestigious as Indiana (might as well be coming from a comm college!) Upon seeing your app, adcom will douse the paper print out of your app in kerosene, light it on fire, and bury the ashes in a lead capsules somewhere in siberia or in the middle of the mariana trench. Dude you're so fucked.

"Yes. Money has been a little bit tight lately, but at the end of my life, when I'm sitting on my yacht, am I gonna be thinking about how much money I have? No. I'm gonna be thinking about how many friends I have and my children and my comedy albums."

I have a 3.1.....aint no thang. about to graduate this semester too. I go to a private school however and have a 60k job at a BB. not too bad coming out of college. So long as you're happy thats what matters. and not everyone that goes to HBS accomplishes great things, and not everyone who doesnt go to HBS doesnt accomplish great things.

"The cheaper the crook, the gaudier the patter"

I just received my finals results today. So I got a 3.86 GPA( best semester so far in my college), and it pushes up my overall GPA to 3.57. I know it is not really high but somehow I feel contented considering I only got 2.39 in my first semester and had bad academic performance until my junior year( was diagnosed with depression). Things really aren't looking that bad for me at the moment, and now I am really looking forward to my MBA. Thanks everyone for your comments. And yes, I finally made it into Dean's list! And Graduation is coming !Hooray!


I just received my finals results today. So I got a 3.86 GPA( best semester so far in my college), and it pushes up my overall GPA to 3.57. I know it is not really high but somehow I feel contented considering I only got 2.39 in my first semester and had bad academic performance until my junior year( was diagnosed with depression). Things really aren't looking that bad for me at the moment, and now I am really looking forward to my MBA. Thanks everyone for your comments. And yes, I finally made it into Dean's list! And Graduation is coming !Hooray!

go away

Frank Sinatra - "Alcohol may be man's worst enemy, but the bible says love your enemy."

This can't be a serious question. 0.07 difference?

You are about to graduate undergrad and you sound like you are prepping to start an MBA this fall!

Stop living 4-6 years in the future. Holy hell, why are so many people on here so mind numbingly dense and unable to see the big picture? Harvard is "the best option for you"? This is what senior people on this board mean when kids fail because they are so caught up in "the end goal" rather than learning and being passionate about what is right in front of you.


This can't be a serious question. 0.07 difference?

You are about to graduate undergrad and you sound like you are prepping to start an MBA this fall!

Stop living 4-6 years in the future. Holy hell, why are so many people on here so mind numbingly dense and unable to see the big picture? Harvard is "the best option for you"? This is what senior people on this board mean when kids fail because they are so caught up in "the end goal" rather than learning and being passionate about what is right in front of you.

I regard Harvard MBA as my best MBA option for me. Of course, getting into MBA is not my end. I consider prepping myself for getting into an MBA program as my opportunity of self-improvement and motivation. With that being said, I am enjoying every second of my life right now trying to think about how I can improve myself, to better contribute the society, and to make this world a better place to live.

Before that, I thought I could at least get my CGPA to be bumped up from 3.43 to 3.59 this semester. After finishing all the finals, now it turns out I might get 3.52 this semester. Considering that this is my last semester in the college, and also the fact that I have always wanted to get into Harvard MBA( best MBA option for me) in the future, am I doomed this time for getting lower than expected gpa? Is there a big difference between 3.52 and 3.59 UG GPA? How would the adcom perceive this?I know the average UG GPA for harvard MBA admission last year was 3.66

I feel sorry that you put that much stress on yourself regarding grades- but hey, to each his own I guess. If this makes you feel any better my buddy just graduated from NYU (although not Harvard, but top 10) and he got in with an undergrad GPA of 2.5...dead serious. Although I achieved very sub-par undergrad grades (just graduated) I'm a firm believer that you can still achieve things if you want it that bad.


There are many many things that go into consideration when AdComs review applications, HBS or otherwise. If you have other criteria in your application in your favor, this GPA will not make a difference-it's good!

Carol Grayson

Your resume is a snapshot of what's already happened in your life - not what you expect to happen. Sorry to be blunt, but you have no idea what your grades will be until it is finalized and the grades are posted. Stick with your current GPA and next semester, after your GPA is improved, you will be able to boast a much more impressive GPA.

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sure, you can put it but they might ask you to provide transcripts so just have reasonable explanation behind 3.5 gpa

even in online applications, they always put "predicted/achieved" choice


I went into every semester expecting a 4.0 in college, so I'd put that. Although I don't think I ever had a 4.0 semester I still expected one every single time.

This to all my hatin' folks seeing me getting guac right now..

I don´t get it too. What grades count at the end of the day?

Don´t say this in a banking interview: Which superhero would you be and why? I want to be like Robin Hood, stealing from the rich and giving to the poor - me.

Two knee surgeries and alot of codeine for therapy. Shouldve just waited the semester in the bench.

So what should I tell HR. or do I have to tell them anything.


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Corporis animi sapiente officiis. Molestias at ullam deserunt quam.


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Laudantium architecto et aspernatur in doloremque eos atque. Qui sed in eum provident. Rerum deserunt perferendis omnis aut id in deserunt.


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Voluptatem eos ab facere doloribus autem hic. Eaque natus nihil laboriosam qui. In deleniti molestiae ex eveniet maiores.

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