Owning the model

When working on a transaction with multiple offices / groups (i.e. US coverage, HK coverage, sponsors and M&A for instance) - has anyone successfully positioned themselves to own the model / numbers? Or is it more simply a matter of which MD wants his monkeys to crank? If the former, please share any tips / words of wisdom.


What do you mean by own? I got a big lecture once for using the term"my numbers" regarding some comps that I was pretty proud of (hard as anything took me forever to build) if that tells you anything. I was staffed on some bullshit project that the MD wanted soon and two other analysts were staffed on a pitch that used "my" comps which they were cranking and updating through the night. I wanted to get staffed on the pitch because I knew those companies inside and out. MD gave me a big speech on how he doesn't even own his own work, he gives it to one of the executives proofread and it changes a thousand times, etc. etc. Told in this industry there is no ownership, it's about the bigger picture and all that other stuff you hear in Disney movies.


Frankly, that MD sounds like an ass.

What I mean by own is build/run/be responsible for/keep the execution-"live" version. For instance, I've worked on projects where sponsors ran the model, and others where we ran the model despite having sponsors involved. That make sense?

Frankly, that MD sounds like an ass.

That would be correct.

What I mean by own is build/run/be responsible for/keep the execution-"live" version. For instance, I've worked on projects where sponsors ran the model, and others where we ran the model despite having sponsors involved. That make sense?

I kind of get what you're saying. In my experience the model ALWAYS bounces around when other parties are involved. The best think you can do is know the model inside and out, that way when they want to consolidate numbers and you're way more on the ball than them, they'll pretty much take cues from you. From an MD perspective you're rarely going to win that battle. That's what I've seen at least, maybe some people had better success. Usually sponsors always want to run the model and the MD always wants to keep them happy.

Frankly, that MD sounds like an ass.

No, its called being a team player. Your job is to make them look good, in turn get your self promoted/accolades down the line. You guys are very young I assume, focus on the big picture and your time will come, not that you got credit for some model.

We've got half a million shares in the bag!
Frankly, that MD sounds like an ass.

No, its called being a team player. Your job is to make them look good, in turn get your self promoted/accolades down the line. You guys are very young I assume, focus on the big picture and your time will come, not that you got credit for some model.

It's not about getting credit for some model dude - it's about the experience gained by working on a transaction, which will invariably be better the more involved you are.

Edit: rebelcross, thanks for the advice, that's helpful

^^^lol that's funny, you should've worked for this MD. Only person in the industry I ever saw an entire team walk out on.

Your prob right, he was likely an ass, just saying dont let that bother you thats all. Stay cool and act like you dont give a F and just do good work, which sounds like you did.

We've got half a million shares in the bag!

Also, it helps if the sponsors don't know what they're doing (which is more common than you might think), then you "own" the model by default, even though they'll try to play around with it on their computers. The ones that are a bit "green" will give up pretty quickly and just let you run things from there on out, but it's a mixed bag, you could be dealing with a douche for the ages.


Whoever is more proficient at modeling - this varies by bank. Ultimately what it comes down to though, is what your MD wants. Some MD's prefer for their analysts to run the model (since he "trusts" his own guys), but more often than not, MD's don't want to waste junior resources playing with excel. What's funny is that as soon as people get above the analyst level, they want to STAY THE HE** AWAY from models.

The only exception is M&A - where' you're more or less a modeling monkey (and no, that's not necessarily a good thing)

Best Response
What's funny is that as soon as people get above the analyst level, they want to STAY THE HE** AWAY from models.

Agreed. I'm nearing the end of my second year as an analyst, and the "allure" of modeling has totally flown out the window. I've done more than my fair share of modeling, and am totally comfortable modeling just about anything, but at this point, it just ends up being such a pain in the ass. All the iterations, constant trivial changes, too many people with their hands in the pot... If we're involved with other groups and they want to run the model, I (and my MD) are totally fine with that because it's an immense waste of time (specifically, mine). I'll take a look at the model now and then to make sure it works properly (and you'd be shocked at how poorly some of these groups model), but I really try to stay away from getting involved in the minutae.

jimbrowning ur at a mid market i dont doubt the quality there sucks.

owning the model is important for megafunds like the one i'm going to next year

LOL, enjoy slaving away the rest of your life as someone elses bitch just for the money and prestige. When you're a burnt out associate at the end of two years and they kick your ass out the door, what will you do then? Toil away at the mid-levels at second-tier "megafunds" until they finally say, "thanks for being my bitch, but you're done in finance. Take care."? You're a clown.


Just don't give it away to some asshole who doesn't understand your model inside and out, or else that dick will add a row/column or hide some shit and completely fuck with your head. Just explain that you have many complex formulas (regardless if you do or not), and would just prefer to have whatever #'s you want emailed in a separate excel sheet. This problem is amplified tremendously if you have some hotshot consultant trying to help crank out the model or some accountant at the pc.


Harvard 2+2? I'm really just playing around, good for you if you're going to a megafund next year. What's the deal with your user name? I imagine a prestige-whore like yourself wouldn't settle for a boutique, right? Even if it meant mopping up the floors at Goldman instead of banking at a boutique.


For this "prestige whore" who sounds like a complete dbag, I would like to point out

  • Nobody outside of finance will ever have a clue what PE is, or know your company, that means the chicks you will try to hit on too. So while your salivating over your MD at KKR's cock, the guy with the Ed Hardy shirt saying hes a club promoter will still be yanking your chicks away because even if you make good money, your a complete tool/nerd and have no game.
We've got half a million shares in the bag!
For this "prestige whore" who sounds like a complete dbag, I would like to point out
  • Nobody outside of finance will ever have a clue what PE is, or know your company, that means the chicks you will try to hit on too. So while your salivating over your MD at KKR's cock, the guy with the Ed Hardy shirt saying hes a club promoter will still be yanking your chicks away because even if you make good money, your a complete tool/nerd and have no game.

The thought of anybody in an Ed Hardy Tee "yanking" a chick away not from NJ amuses me...

For this "prestige whore" who sounds like a complete dbag, I would like to point out
  • Nobody outside of finance will ever have a clue what PE is, or know your company, that means the chicks you will try to hit on too. So while your salivating over your MD at KKR's cock, the guy with the Ed Hardy shirt saying hes a club promoter will still be yanking your chicks away because even if you make good money, your a complete tool/nerd and have no game.

The thought of anybody in an Ed Hardy Tee "yanking" a chick away not from NJ amuses me...

word, agreed... nobody in an Ed Hardy Tee can even get close enough to my table to see me, let alone "yank" a chick from me.

For this "prestige whore" who sounds like a complete dbag, I would like to point out
  • Nobody outside of finance will ever have a clue what PE is, or know your company, that means the chicks you will try to hit on too. So while your salivating over your MD at KKR's cock, the guy with the Ed Hardy shirt saying hes a club promoter will still be yanking your chicks away because even if you make good money, your a complete tool/nerd and have no game.

I don't know what kind of low-class trash hooker chick you're talking about, but the girls that I would hook up with in NYC (or anywhere else for that matter) would know exactly what PE is and would probably know of KKR, Blackstone, etc. too... These women have class, are smart, went to top schools and are suitable for breeding... shit, even if they're dumb, they're not that dumb... bankers RUN SHIT - everyone knows it, and everyone knows what they get paid.

I mean damn, I live in fucking china and the girls I role with know who KKR is and what PE is... I mention I work in PE to these chicks and their mouths start to water.

Lay off the Haterade.

International Pymp:
For this "prestige whore" who sounds like a complete dbag, I would like to point out
  • Nobody outside of finance will ever have a clue what PE is, or know your company, that means the chicks you will try to hit on too. So while your salivating over your MD at KKR's cock, the guy with the Ed Hardy shirt saying hes a club promoter will still be yanking your chicks away because even if you make good money, your a complete tool/nerd and have no game.

I don't know what kind of low-class trash hooker chick you're talking about, but the girls that I would hook up with in NYC (or anywhere else for that matter) would know exactly what PE is and would probably know of KKR, Blackstone, etc. too... These women have class, are smart, went to top schools and are suitable for breeding... shit, even if they're dumb, they're not that dumb... bankers RUN SHIT - everyone knows it, and everyone knows what they get paid.

I mean damn, I live in fucking china and the girls I role with know who KKR is and what PE is... I mention I work in PE to these chicks and their mouths start to water.

Lay off the Haterade.

It was sarcasm. Most girls int he US do not know this stuff, maybe the finance chicks in NYC but thats a very small segment.

PS. You dont "run shit" until C.E.O. is your title. Sorry kid. Not a hater, I love the banker business and mentality, just sayin' dont get too crazy on yourself.

We've got half a million shares in the bag!
i'm not going to kkr but i know u kids are mad i'm going to a megafund. don't talk like u know whats going on.

With your English writing skills you will be fired in no time.

We've got half a million shares in the bag!

@boutique: Remember these?


by boutiquebank4life IB (Senior Gorilla, 844 Points) on 11/28/09 at 2:57am

What are most people's experiences of lateraling to BB's? Is it better to make contacts with analysts or higher up (associates/vp's)? I'm currently at a small boutique and I'm looking at moving to BB's like Citi, MS, UBS, BoA, JPM, WF, GS, Barcap. Basically all of them except the more international ones like DB and CS.

Do you also have a better chance of lateral if you apply to the same group rather than a new group?


by boutiquebank4life IB (Senior Gorilla, 844 Points) on 11/26/09 at 11:32pm

I was wondering if it was true since a friend of mine told me that on his superday for a lower BB that a good half of the kids there were nontargets but still top 30 schools like Wake Forest and Penn State and even a guy from Ohio State. Is this normal for IBD in the lower BB's? Half were from good schools though and the other half were from average to state schools.

I'm from a state school myself so if this is true then it gives us non targets a shot.


by boutiquebank4life IB (Senior Gorilla, 844 Points) on 1/29/10 at 12:04pm

I'm currently at a boutique and got invited for some S&T interviews. What do you guys think about switching roles and how my current skills translate to being a S&T analyst? Are there any skills to be transferred?

Stop trolling.


Whats wrong with considering lateraling, talking about nontargets, and being at a boutique and getting invites to S&T?

Those things all happened and i'm still going to a megafund boo yeah.



I thought you said you were accepted into the Harvard 2+2 program?

Just doesn't add up. If you lateraled past January 2010, no way you were able to interview in the spring and land a gig with a megafund for summer 2011, and if you're talking about summer 2012, well, they haven't even come close to making offers yet (headhunters have probably just started making initial screens), so good luck bud.

I never lateraled, I was considering it. Also, my Harvard 2+2 is coming up this year but turning it down for megafund like I said. megafund is for 2011.

this kid has been playing too much World of Warcraft. addicted to making fantasy, online characters. Good job man, want a cookie?


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Architecto recusandae eaque laborum dolorem ipsum. Delectus qui libero aut placeat. Et voluptas asperiores aut nam. Dicta nemo quasi est neque nostrum labore optio. Minima beatae inventore voluptas modi. Fugiat excepturi modi temporibus ratione.

Vitae sit sit quam facere. Possimus voluptatum minima voluptas. Dolorum explicabo suscipit nihil sint nostrum. Amet dolore et consectetur cupiditate aut consequatur id. Saepe accusantium itaque quibusdam non eveniet. Aliquid earum quisquam alias enim officia blanditiis. Sed dolor voluptas laborum tenetur.

Omnis quo et occaecati alias quo voluptas dolore. Totam dicta facilis aliquid sint exercitationem nihil repellendus. Rerum maxime natus laudantium molestiae eos. Asperiores repellendus qui quo beatae repudiandae quia. Iure tenetur odio quod natus animi. Similique ipsum totam aut quia aut deserunt.


Ratione tempore adipisci vitae quasi quos et qui. Et qui assumenda enim et doloribus debitis. Dolorem sed architecto provident id cum vel. Odit culpa quis aut distinctio doloribus odio rerum.

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