Off Cycle Internship Investment Banking Difficulty

Cold emailing is the key to finding an off-cycle internship. Our users all shared that the only road to success is to put out feelers at every bank that you can and then to also reach out to private equity shops, hedge funds, as well as venture capital firms.

How to Get an Off Cycle Internship?

These off cycle opportunities exist at all different types of firms and at all different "prestige" levels.

CHItizen - Private Equity Associate:
Top firms do offer off cycle internships, as many have said in this thread. Some will offer night shift internships, where you come in and help crank out whatever is needed by tomorrow. I have no idea when you'd sleep during these kinds of internships, especially if you're still taking classes, but I knew a few kids in college who did it.

Also, don't discount non-IB firms, for example, PE/AM or ER shops, especially smaller ones. They operate a lot like boutique banks, hiring on a needs basis.

Not familiar with Off Cycle Internships - learn more here on WSO.

Cold emailing is an essential part of the process in getting an off-cycle internship. Read our guide to cold emailing here.

You can also check out a sample cold email below. The goal is to get them on the phone so that you can approach the topic of off cycle internships after introducing yourself more thoroughly.

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An off-cycle at a top independent definitely exists. I know a couple of kids who did it at Evercore. If I were you, I wouldn't rely on listings. Make phone calls. Create your opportunities.

"There are three ways to make a living in this business: be first, be smarter, or cheat."

I did two off-cycles, one at a no-name boutique and another at a lower-tier mid-market. Both were extremely easy, both from cold-calling/emailing. Not even an interview involved. Also got offers for equity research at no-name and mid-market but turned them down. Really, you just need to be brave enough to pick up the phone and call.

My primary response is to shake my head at the level of "tiers" present in classifying banks. Necessary evil, I suppose.

Currently: future neurologist, current psychotherapist Previously: investor relations (top consulting firm), M&A consulting (Big 4), M&A banking (MM)
I did two off-cycles, one at a no-name boutique and another at a lower-tier mid-market. Both were extremely easy, both from cold-calling/emailing. Not even an interview involved. Also got offers for equity research at no-name and mid-market but turned them down. Really, you just need to be brave enough to pick up the phone and call.

My primary response is to shake my head at the level of "tiers" present in classifying banks. Necessary evil, I suppose.

Thanks chic! Would emailing do just fine? Sent out a couple emails with no responses, but will pick up the phone soon.

Best Response

The amount of time you are wasting thinking about the dichotomy of your perceived status of investment banks could be better spent emailing and calling bankers at those banks. Depending on your background and connections, you already know if you have a shot a places like goldman, but if you really care about the boutique or lower/upper MM (whatever that means) status of a particular firm, you are at least wasting time or worst, letting it show the person interviewing you is at a "lower MM bank". The reality is to get business you will see all sorts of industry groups from banks you've never heard of pitch against some of those you listed above. The industry has become very competitive and plenty of banks will "reach down" market for business and even lose. Its always nice to have a great name on a business card, but you want an internship above all else. You need to start calling and emailing a lot more than a couple. It is extremely difficult to find internships and FT positions now, and you need to broaden your search and the number of contacts you are making if you want to give yourself the best shot.

The amount of time you are wasting thinking about the dichotomy of your perceived status of investment banks could be better spent emailing and calling bankers at those banks. Depending on your background and connections, you already know if you have a shot a places like goldman, but if you really care about the boutique or lower/upper MM (whatever that means) status of a particular firm, you are at least wasting time or worst, letting it show the person interviewing you is at a "lower MM bank". The reality is to get business you will see all sorts of industry groups from banks you've never heard of pitch against some of those you listed above. The industry has become very competitive and plenty of banks will "reach down" market for business and even lose. Its always nice to have a great name on a business card, but you want an internship above all else. You need to start calling and emailing a lot more than a couple. It is extremely difficult to find internships and FT positions now, and you need to broaden your search and the number of contacts you are making if you want to give yourself the best shot.

Thank you for this post. I appreciate your input.

I initially started this topic just to find out if i should focus my energy on boutiques more than MM banks since I have a limited amount of time during the school year to continue networking. Thus, i wanted to maximize my chances of getting an off-cycle internship.

I listed the other "tiers" of banks just because I thought it would be informative to other monkeys to confirm this information. Since off-cycle internships are usually not as common as summer internship programs. It would be really enlightening if some monkeys on WSO could share their process in getting an off-cycle at a generally agreed difficult (crapshoot) place to get even a summer internship at such as the regular BBs and elite boutiques.

I just happened to have a couple of MMs and Boutiques in mind and just wanted to know if it was even possible and how rigorous the process is. Again, I appreciated the feedback.

Any other opinions / stories / suggestions?


It comes down to three things - do they need help, can you add value, and are they feeling nice today.

It comes down to three things - do they need help, can you add value, and are they feeling nice today.

Well put.

"There are three ways to make a living in this business: be first, be smarter, or cheat."

Just landed an off-cycle myself. Set up an interview right before my "exit interview" from my summer internship, so I'm stoked. Boutiques are your best bet, and finding one really comes down to having some cajones, being likable, and having good prio experience certainly helps. Good luck! And don't be a shy pussy, that's my best advice.


Top firms do offer off cycle internships, as many have said in this thread. Some will offer night shift internships, where you come in and help crank out whatever is needed by tomorrow. I have no idea when you'd sleep during these kinds of internships, especially if you're still taking classes, but I knew a few kids in college who did it.

Also, don't discount non-IB firms, for example, PE/AM or ER shops, especially smaller ones. They operate a lot like boutique banks, hiring on a needs basis.


My firm (no name boutique, if I had to place it in a category) hires PT, unpaid interns that go to local universities. Most kids do it for course credits. If you want to shoot me a PM with your city we can see if it's a match.

"For I am a sinner in the hands of an angry God. Bloody Mary full of vodka, blessed are you among cocktails. Pray for me now and at the hour of my death, which I hope is soon. Amen."

so I have been cold calling banks but all of them transferred me to their HR's voicemail. Was this what you guys encountered as well?


JPM has a number of off-cycle opportunities listed in my schools OCR bank. I imagine you ought to be able to get something similar, but come to think of it if you aren't local to NYC you may have some trouble.

I am permanently behind on PMs, it's not personal.

I'm in NYC. You go to Stern, right? We've inboxed before. And i see those same JPM opps in my career website too. There's nothing that I'm too wild about/desperate enough for yet though.


Go for it. Brand-name from a semi/non-target will help you get places quicker than doing nothing and sitting on your hands holding out for GS/MS IBD as a junior. You can parlay the skills into a better internship elsewhere, or you can network within JPM (fairly easy, actually) for something you want more.

I am permanently behind on PMs, it's not personal.

If you have already graduated from college. These programs will not take you in. These are programs for pwople mostly in universities, and highly competitvie to get in. They only take a very few in every year. Work Visa sponsorship for off cycle internship such as spring internship is near impossbile to get. Not sure about language requirements.


Thanks for the reply, anyone else with experience? When you say these programs won't take me in, do you mean in both US and Europe and other places? Are you sure off cycle internships also work like this? I know summer internships are very competitive and regimented, but I assumed off cycle ones would not be as competitive because the vast majority of American students are in school during the year unlike in Europe (with the exception of a few schools like Dartmouth which has a unique system for instance). So are the off cycle internships also only for students currently enrolled in school (at least from the website it did not seem like this was the case).


Qui autem in iusto quaerat in velit. Suscipit tenetur quo recusandae provident aut. Fugiat dignissimos ullam nihil ipsam perspiciatis nemo in repellendus. Sunt in distinctio deleniti alias. Vero mollitia molestiae veniam autem sit qui enim.

Eum quia distinctio fuga qui id beatae molestiae. Quo animi nulla et quod enim voluptatem. Est eum minima nihil dolor reprehenderit aperiam nobis. Laboriosam nulla error quae non id molestias. Explicabo saepe molestias est corrupti. Id dolores deleniti magnam. Ipsam ipsa quae molestias est voluptatibus.

Esse est maiores at accusantium velit aperiam dolores consequatur. Perspiciatis totam hic nulla odio eaque dolore omnis. Repellat cumque harum eum ullam id.

Velit nisi nihil et temporibus tempora qui. Esse voluptates error aut rerum aliquid. Sit pariatur tenetur commodi voluptas et cumque animi.


Dicta commodi rerum dolore et et. Recusandae quo veritatis molestiae velit aliquid eius. Occaecati cupiditate veritatis qui provident nulla et perferendis nobis. Exercitationem architecto est eligendi qui. Magnam et eos quidem porro quidem et.

Qui quisquam molestias nemo reiciendis. Quis ut consequuntur sed distinctio quasi. Illo exercitationem aut similique id. Id ducimus laudantium omnis et temporibus ut.

Ut possimus sed enim autem magnam illo perferendis. Consectetur fugit nesciunt ipsam minus odit. Perferendis et architecto nemo ea debitis vero expedita. Explicabo illo ad nemo labore.

Career Advancement Opportunities

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Jefferies & Company 02 99.4%
  • Lazard Freres No 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners New 98.3%
  • Harris Williams & Co. 24 97.7%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.2%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Harris Williams & Co. 18 99.4%
  • JPMorgan Chase 10 98.9%
  • Morgan Stanley 05 98.3%
  • William Blair 03 97.7%
  • Lazard Freres 06 97.2%

Professional Growth Opportunities

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Lazard Freres 01 99.4%
  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners 18 98.3%
  • JPMorgan Chase 06 97.7%
  • Moelis & Company 06 97.2%

Total Avg Compensation

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (23) $378
  • Associates (95) $261
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • 2nd Year Analyst (69) $168
  • Intern/Summer Associate (34) $167
  • 1st Year Analyst (213) $160
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (155) $101
16 IB Interviews Notes

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