OCR Timeline

Hey everyone,
Out of curiosity, what is the usual timeline for OCR for a place such as Harvard or Stanford? When do resume drops start, when do interviews start and by when do you know if you have an offer or not? Is everything done just in the fall semester?



I don't go to either of those schools but from my experience and others I know OCR for fulltime starts early september. Resume drops and information sessions pick up throughout the month. Resume drops will die down by mid october. Interviews start mid to late september and stay at a steady pace till mid october. They start to die down as you move into november. Offers start coming late october and continue through the start of december. Most people who get IB have offers by mid november.


I don't go to either of those schools but from my experience and others I know OCR for fulltime starts early september. Resume drops and information sessions pick up throughout the month. Resume drops will die down by mid october. Interviews start mid to late september and stay at a steady pace till mid october. They start to die down as you move into november. Offers start coming late october and continue through the start of december. Most people who get IB have offers by mid november.


Thank you very much for the answer. I get a clearer picture now. Anyone who is from an Ivy target wanna chime in as well? What about recruiting for PE/HF/MC?


For full time: Accelerated starts in late summer during SA. Official starts early september. Resume drops for official are from mid september to late october.

Interviews start late september. The first two weeks are critical, thats when you have many interviews a day. For banks and other mid/large companies, second rounds are held that same week or a week later. You find out about offers soon after.

If your first round interview was held later in the ocr phase, everything just takes longer.


The essays usually become available over the summer, ranging from May to August. The actual application systems sometimes take a little longer, but they should all be available by September. You can start preparing now by creating an MBA resume (they are completely different than a job resume) and researching / visiting schools. A lot of times the essays don't change too much so you can start now by writing the essays for this year's questions. You can definitely write out your goal essay now, which is why do you want and MBA and what are you going to do with it.

Most of the schools have round 1 deadlines that are in October, ranging from early to late October depending on the school.

Good luck! I am happy to answer any other questions.

Best Response

Definitely reasonable to get five done for Round 1, especially if you start soon and have taken the GMAT. I did five for R1 with relative ease (as in, submitted most well before the deadline without much of any last minute stress). The biggest time crusher is visiting schools and networkign with current/former students, both of which I would recommend.

As for a resume, you can google it, but I actually don't think resumes for business school are all that different. The two main differences will be limiting/removing the industry jargon from your work experience so that an english major on the AdCom can understand it, and adding the community involvement/interests section at the bottom. The bulk of the content will be the same, or similar, at least in my experience. Would definitely ask for some examples from recent applicants, and maybe get yours reviewed by a professional (if you're not using a consultant otherwise).


When it starts to feel heavy or you start to get tired. Just be sure to wear closed toed shoes in case it bounces and lands on your foot.


Anytime before the deadline works. It doesn't matter. The only time you should ever wait is if you are doing something coming up soon, but before the deadline, that you would like to include on your resume, but can't now, because you haven't done it.


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Professional Growth Opportunities

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  • Intern/Summer Analyst (155) $101
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